CONCERT REVIEW Production Power Chapin Narrates His Own Success LOS ANGELES-"What you're In performance, Chapin was at seeing tonight," explained Tom his most effective when his narra- Chapin, "is an exercise in nepo- tives were compact and the melo- tism." What he was referring to, dies were simple-as in "Cat's In of course, was the evening's The Cradle" or "Song for Myself." line-up of talent: three Chapins- Occasionally, Chapin's material Harry,- Tom and Steve-for the sounds contrived-the characters price of one. And the legions of seem manipulated to prove a fans who filled the Santa Monica particular dramatic point ("Bum- Civic Auditorium were quick to mer," "Sniper")-but this is the revel in the bargain. exception, rather than the rule. Harry Chapin (Elektra), master Harry's singing voice conveyed of the narrative song, is the best a gritty warmth, and his back-up known of the Chapin brothers. band was perfectly suited to his His storytelling abilities, as intro - repertoire. Michael Masters, on ducted on "Taxi" and reaffirmed the cello, was inspired throughout last year with "Cat's In The the set, especially so on "They Cradle," proved-in this Co -producers of Gail Eason's A&M single "Love's Gonna Find You," Madeline Kahn outing- Call Her Easy," and on pianist (center) and Carole Sager, were guest disc-jockeys on WPIX-FM radio. Pictured above to be wide ranging. The protago- Steve Chapin's only solo turn, the with the duo is WPIX-FM program director Neil McIntyre. nists in his mini -dramas are often tender "Let Time Go Lightly." the anguished, lonely victims of Bassist John Wallace sang the low (Continued from page 8) day-to-day life. Whether it's a part on "30,000 Pounds Of Marvin Cane heartbroken night watchman in Bananas," and Dougie Walker on The president of Famous does also believes that writers should "A Better Place To Be" or a electric guitar and Howie Fields however, see a solution to this be made aware to think about frustrated wife of a "concrete on drums were fine in their instru- problem. He feels that the pub- making a publishing deal before castle king" in "I Want To Hear mental duties. lisher should make more of a fi- entering into a recording con- A Love Song," Chapin is adept Harry's new single, "Tangled nancial commitment to the writer. tract; that the publishing royalty at pointing out human dignity Up Puppet" (from "Portrait Gal- And, now too, he sees a change will hang on while the recording in even the most commonplace of coming away from the self-con- career might falter. lery"), received a strong response situations. from the well-mannered crowd, tained act and going towards the Cane concluded, "Famous Mu- and the show ended with what singer who will need material to sic has been in business for 46 Weber Visits U. S. Harry Chapin called "an audience record. He feels that the publisher years and there has never once now has to induce the writer to been a case of litigation between NEW YORK - Dr. Gerhard precipitation number," "All My find out that "there can be a beau- Famous and a songwriter. Our Weber, managing director of Life's A Circle." tiful relationship between the motto is to revere the song- Metronome Records GMBH of Brother Tom Chapin started the publisher and the writer." Cane writer." Germany, will be visiting the evening's festivities, and the star United States from December 1 of ABC -TV's "Make A Wish" through December 12. He can be demonstrated that he is a capable reached in New York 1-5 c/o singer/songwriter in his own right. Overseas Music Services, Inc.; Like his brother, he plays acous- phone: (212) 541-8862; and De- tic guitar, but he specializes in cember 8-12 at the Beverly Hills lilting love songs, rather than Hotel in Los Angeles; phone: stories (e.g. "Just Another Story," (213) 276-2251. "You And Me"). His voice is Dr. Weber will be accom- smooth and controlled, resembl- panied on his trip by John E. ing at times both Jesse Colin ___,..._)_COV-i Nathan, president of Overseas Young and Jonathan Edwards. _ Music Services, the American When he switched over to representative for Metronome. electric guitar, Tom showed that Weber will be meeting with -in addition to its other musical present Metronome licensors and virtues-the Chapin family can I - UU OL_D other record companies to discuss also rock 'n' roll. distribution in Germany. Mike Harris Counter Attack 1iimmilammih ICOUilli.m.mme........* 1 YEAR (52 NEWS PACKED ISSUES) FOR $50.00 1 2 YEARS (104 ISSUES) FOR $90.00 III 1 AIR MAIL: $85.00-FOREIGN AIR MAIL: $90.00 1 CIRCULATION DEPT./595 BROADWAY, N.Y., N.Y. 10012 3 ENCLOSED IS CHECK FOR: CHECK ONE ; I 1 YEAR/$50.00 2 YEARS/$90.00E Il 11 AIR MAIL/$85.00 FOREIGN AIR MAIL/$90.00 1 I DEALER ONE STOP DISTRIB RACK JOBBER D COIN FIRM OTHER D I o NAME II Il COMPANY 1 in I ADDRESS , Warner Bros. recording artists Rod Stewart and Faces recently met the faithful across the counter at the Harvard Coop, Boston. Stewart (left) autographed copies of his CITY STATE ZIP CODE II latest Warners set "Atlantic Crossing," while Faces guitarist non Wood (foreground) signed his "Now Look" following the group's recent concert at Boston Gardens. .ta.-----elim-ummismamm.mmusi..te RECORD WORLD DECEMBER 6, 1975 53 www.americanradiohistory.com.
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