ADDRESS: Land at No.200-262 Hydethorpe Road and Bound by Thornton Road Application Number: 20/01264/RG3 Case Officer: Rozina Vrlic Ward: Thornton Date Received: 07/04/2020 Proposal: Construction of a part 4 / part 5 storey building comprising 14 residential units, associated cycle parking, landscaping together with associated works. Applicant: Homes for Lambeth Agent: Savills RECOMMENDATION 1. Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) containing the planning obligations listed in this report. 2. Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to: a. Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes; and b. Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). 3. In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development, having regard to the heads of terms set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes, to negotiate and complete a document containing obligations pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in order to meet the requirement of the Planning Inspector. 4. In the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed within (six) months of committee, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to refuse planning permission for failure to enter into a section 106 agreement for the mitigating contributions identified in this report, addendums and/or the PAC minutes. SITE DESIGNATIONS Relevant site designations: Flood Zone Flood Zone 1 CAA Helipad Safeguarding CAA Helipad Safeguarding Zone Smoke Control Area Smoke Control Area LAND USE DETAILS Site area (ha): 0.27 RESIDENTIAL DETAILS Residential No. of bedrooms per unit Total Type Habitable Rooms Studio 1 2 3 4 Total Existing Affordable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private/Market 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed Affordable On-Site Rented Social Rented 0 0 0 2 0 2 10 Intermediate 0 2 2 0 0 4 10 (Shared Ownership) Private/Market 0 2 5 1 0 8 23 Total 4 7 3 0 14 43 Amount (£) Payment in Lieu of £30,345 Affordable Housing Details/Trigger Review Mechanism Early stage review within 24 months if the scheme is not implemented Late Stage Review triggered at 75% of sale of market units ACCESSIBILITY Number of C3 Units M4(2) Units 12 M4(3) Units 2 PARKING DETAILS Car Parking Spaces Car Parking Spaces (Disabled) % Bike Motor- (General) of Spaces cycle EV Spaces CP Resi Commercial Visitor Resi Commercial Visitor Existing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed 0 0 0 1 (on- 0 0 26 0 street) LEGAL SERVICES CLEARANCE AUDIT TRAIL Consultation Name/Position Lambeth Date Sent Date Report Comments in department Received Cleared para: Peter Flockhart Senior Legal Services 07/06/2020 08/06/2020 10/06/2020 N/A Lawyer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed scheme will be delivered by Homes for Lambeth (HfL) who are the Council’s wholly owned group of companies dedicated to delivering more new and affordable homes. HfL are currently bringing forward a number of smaller, Council-owned sites across the borough, of which this site is one. They are seeking to make most efficient use of currently underutilised land and optimise development capacity in order to deliver new homes including affordable homes. The scheme would deliver a number of planning benefits, by way of provision of additional housing that includes a good affordable housing offer, improved useable Estate amenity land. Improved landscaping and biodiversity enhancements. Finacial contributions will be secured with regards to offsite improvements by way of 6 trees to be planted on highway land. In terms of sustainability there would be a carbon reduction of 71.9% and remaining regulated carbon dioxide emissions to zero would be off set with a payment secured by s106. Employment benefits include a financial contribution of £9,750, which would be used towards the employment and training of local residents and during the build period there would be an employment and skills plan to help local people access job opportunities arising from the proposed development (at construction phase). The development would be sited on an area of Estate amenity land that includes a former ball court that has been inaccessible and overgrown for a number of years. In terms of quantum this proposed development would result in a net loss of Estate amenity land of approximately 410 sqm of the 917sqm inaccessible Estate amenity land. The proposal seeks to provide enhancements to the quality, usability, and function of the wider Estate amenity land including landscape and biodiversity improvements. With regards to the ball court that has not been used for a number of years it is considered there is adequate provision of sports pitches, ball courts and other recreational space in close proximity to the site. Officers consider that the applicant has demonstrated that distinct regeneration and community benefits and compensatory measures have been achieved within the site and immediate surroundings. Subject to details being secured through conditions and planning obligations secured via s106. the proposal therefore has met the test and accords with Policy EN1(a)(ii) of the Lambeth Local Plan. The proposal includes 14 residential units and would deliver 6 affordable housing units which equates to 46.5% by habitable room on site. Comprising of two affordable rented units and four intermediate units (Shared Ownership). The tenure split would be 33/66% respectively by unit and 50/50% by habitable room. The application was viability tested and it was considered that the proposed affordable housing offer of 46.5% affordable housing by habitable room and the tenure split 50% affordable rent /50% intermediate (shared ownership) with an offsite contribution to be the reasonable amount deliverable. The bulk, scale and massing of the proposed development is considered acceptable and the height is broadly proportionate with the prevailing building heights in the vicinity of the application site. The proposed development would not result in any harm to nearby heritage assets. The proposed development would provide acceptable standards of residential accommodation. It would meet relevant internal residential space standards and the quantum and quality of private and communal amenity space proposed is considered acceptable. The dwellings would have good levels of daylight/sunlight, privacy and outlook. The proposed development would not result in any undue harm to the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers. In consideration of the daylight analysis for all neighbouring properties for both VSC and NSL it is evident that the majority of reductions meet BRE Guide target criteria and in those few isolated instances that reductions are beyond target criteria, these relate to VSC and to No 200-262 Hydethorpe Road which does have some degree of inherent sensitivity due to recessed balconies limiting daylighting. In consideration of retained levels of actual daylight and also separately, consideration on the theoretical review of ‘without balconies’ analysis, the main adversity relates to 2 No living rooms with impact to the rear balcony windows (although as background for these particular rooms, the likelihood is that they are also served by a smaller window in the front elevation which will not be affected by the proposal) and 3 No bedrooms, albeit daylight can be considered less important to the latter. For sunlight reductions, these effectively meet BRE Guide target criteria, with the isolated exception to some habitable rooms (including some living rooms) within the neighbouring block at 200-262 Hydethorpe Road. With focus upon living rooms, for the small number of isolated living rooms not meeting BRE Guide target criteria under standard analysis review, theoretical analysis can be considered ‘without balconies’ and on that basis, these living rooms would readily meet BRE Guide target criteria so we conclude this isolated adversity is due to the inherent sensitivity of the windows beneath balcony soffits rather than an adverse proposal. Sunlight review to neighbouring amenity (primarily rear gardens) should also be considered. However, it is evident that given the proposed massing, context and orientation of neighbouring gardens to that of the proposal, most neighbouring rear gardens are not applicable for analysis review. However, given the context of the private garden immediately adjacent to the north-west of the proposal (which is demarked on the existing site plan and noted as ‘private garden of No 210 Hydethorpe Road’) we have requested this to be analysed by eb7 as there will be some increased effect from the proposal although we anticipate the garden will not be affected by the proposal from circa mid-afternoon onwards at the 21st March equinox date (although it is noted that this particular amenity area is anticipated to have some shadowing from a number of existing mature trees to the immediate south). Eb7 have now undertaken the standard amenity BRE Guide 2-hour sunlight availability review and the amenity area has the ability to receive 2 hours or more of sunlight at the 21st March (equinox) to 100% of the amenity area as existing which reduces to 76% in the proposed scenario. Whilst the percentage reduction is 24%, given that the retained percentage of the amenity area as having the ability to receive 2 hours or more of sunlight at the 21st March (equinox) in the proposed scenario is still over half the amenity area (at 76%), then this meets the BRE Guide target criteria for this test.
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