Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 12-5-1984 University News, December 5 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. ....;, . Musical buildings Voids to be filled when communication department moves by Stephen J. Grant The University News The way 'departments are moving around on campus is "sort of like musical chairs:' according to one BSU official. Dr. Kenneth M. Hollenbaugh, Associate Executive Vice President, said last week, "When one moves up, so does everyone else" Changes began when the theater arts and music departments moved to the Morrison Center last fall, according to Hollenbaugh .. The communication department will move into the remodeled Subal this spring. ~ Tho other departments also may be mov- ing, he said. i Space in the Administration building j vacated by the communication department J may be occupied by the political science department, according to Hollenbaugh. No final decision has been made though, because I the university's administrative offices need 1 more space too. If the political science department moves, the BSU Mail Services will probablymove in- - to the political science building located next to Campus Elementary School, Hollenbaugh said. The BSU Mail Services is currently located in a building thatthe university leases at 2021 University Drive.. Deciding what department goes where has been done on an informal basis for the last five years, according to Dr. David Taylor, Vice President for Student Affairs, and it has USU Mall Services, eurrentlyoccupYIng a leasedbuildlngaeross lJrtiversltyDrivefto~Cam~ , . ,,:'w.9rJs~g.fairly. ."!~W:.-.,.,...,_""'~;"', .: ,.pUsf,EI~IW;I*IrY.,.S~~ocol~may.gett!) !l'o~~:!~tou~Y.ersltYsPIl,~e:Pb~t.9by Rll!il!.P,., M~rkllS: .. ,)3e~fit to the education program.cpst;,. ..'2.;"", ..;""/""",- /,< -';",,':;,,:,;""'"' "oC'.'''' ," ,"<': ..';" ,,'.' ";'" . and utilization by students, staff and facul- , deparim~nts}' he,sjtiq,,"\"; . ': -. ':'-C:',:,:";' .>-;ThYlol"sa:id:;'!We've got crowded quarters ir,i: 'ty are some of the criteria by which space is . "If we could have hadailthe things.in the: -Financlal Aid and Off-Campus Employ. allocated. Hollenbaugh said. initial Morrison.Center plans, we would have .' rnent" Thylor also said that.administrative of- However, "There really isn'tall that much been better ofr.'Boren said, adding that the. fices need more workshop space and meeting room for discussion because facilities are ' new facility is significantly less than ~e Irooms. designed for a specific activity or use" he need, but significantly more than we have" ' Hollenbaugh said that with the "hi-tech" said. ' In addition to the Subal, other space open- . building, other moves may take place. "But The process of moving the communication ed up with departmental moves to the Mor- frankly, we don't know who right now;' he ' department began ten years ago, according , rison ,Center. said. to Dr,. Robert R. Boren, the department's All of the editorial and professional ac- Consolidating faculty and departmental chairman. tivities of the English department are now operations in one area is a primary objective During the early planning stages of the located in the old music building; according in. all moves, Hollenbaugh said. Morrison Center, the building was to house to Or. Charles Davis, the department's chair- Advisory committees on space allocation the communication department in addition man. These include the Western Writers and capital improvements operate as needed. to music and theater arts. Series, Ahsahta Press, cold-drill and the to help solve existing problems and anticipate Not enough money was available, accor- Rocky Mountain Modern Language future problems. according to Hollenbaugh. ding to Boren. "There was no way to build Association. '. "The majority of the time, moves that take a building to meet the needs of all three "We all need more space than is available;' place are recognized well in advance:' he said. B[oadcast company buys KBBK by Stephen King advertise with you anymore. So, you didn't The University News have a large amount of advertisers helping After a drastic change in format and you. This made it very difficult to pay the 'personnel in mid-July. KBBK's new buyer, enormous fees that a lot of D.J·s get paid," Marylake Broadcasting, is "coming in to Morin said. stay and in to win," according to the Morin stated that the station's second station's program director, Tom Bvans, problem was finding talented on-air Marylake Broadcasting. a division of, announcers that didn't require a large Broadcast Properties Inc. will own nine salary. radio stations with the purchase of KBBK. "We paid our people, at the time, less The company is expected. to be approved than normally would be required, but with for ownership, by the Federal Communica- the promise that things would get better if tion Commission at any time, according to they came aboard. They agreed to do so;') the station's general sales manager, Paul Morin said. Morin. Morin said that since the most recent for- "I feel that they are very professional matchange, KBBle's popularity has increas- - people. They know radio. They have many BSU gymnasts winfi..st comp,etitloy of the ed. "I'd say the six months that they other radio stations in other markets. They season. See page-tO (Southwood Broadcasting) were in control, have done very. well in those markets. They I had between five to 10 letters from people know what to do and play the game. If, who came into the radio station and said, anything, they can show the people in this ; 'Ooodjob.' When we changed back to Top market how to play radio," Morin said. Contents Forty, I've had 55-plus letters come in," KBBK went. through' major' changes .in . FC.C·approvalof.KBBK buyer, Marylake ,Broadcasting, Is expected tbls month. File Morin said. - /Campus New~ ~.. ; Pages'S &4 format and personnel in July when Photo .. Although neither Morin nor Evans , FeatureS.: Pages 5 & 6 license-holder, Burt. Oliphant, regained wouldrevealthe'new changes planned for Senate News ; Page 7. control of the station. Oliphant said that' the station, which are projected for Dec. Out &.About. Pages 8 & 9 Southwood Broadcasting, the buyer at the "We .were caught In .the dilemma of 10,both said that thestation's call numbers Sports ., ;: -... ; ;.Pages 10& ·time,"d~faultedonJheircontract." u. .having a rlltliosta~ion wjtbvirtlJallynp wl)uldbech ged toKIYS. ... ••....... Opinion Pages & '.The'transistionfrom rock/jazztoa Top lU1 12 13. ' .'income.Jnother words, as .$oOo.as you <:'TWewa'nt to·suiPrisesome peoplc>But; ou •• Page.14 COmlcs ;;.· Forty' ••format'. was ..extremely time con~ . changed your· (ol'Dlat,and~pleclidn't . most people are.going to love what they Classlfied ; , ·.. PsSe,I:2" surning, .~cqrding, to Morin. hear," MotiMBid.· '. ,. " . " {., ., like' what you were doing; theydldn!~ "-.' '." ' ', "". °THEoUNIVERSITYoNEWSo' Editor , Paradise Valerie Mead Managing Editor Floral Jeff Morris Ken &: Eva 1737 Broadway Copy Editor Edith Decker Across from Smith's Photo Chief Get A 'Great Feeling With, Russ Markus and after 5:00, A Great N'ew Look Layout Chief 338-9663 Jesse Reynard Business Manager Just Jim Spangler Dozen Roses ••....••••••..•••••..•. $14.9S Features Editor 1/2 Dozen Roses S7.9S Dozen Carnations S8.9S a Cut Karen Kammann 1/2 Dozen Carnations S4.9S Mixed Bouquets ...... S5;95 to SI2.95 Sports Editor Exotic Arrangements S20.00 Only Chris Walton 3-4 week life $6.50 Reporters Edith Decker We cater to Boise State Students Stephen Grant Karen Kammann Stephen King' We specialize in exotic Steve Lyon plants and fresh cut Valerie Mead flowers from Hawaii, Lisa Monaci • ranlt.lin \1tM-rlJ-,m .. including Antheriums. ..ini ..",&. karl·h~r\l.1I . "'huflPi~" c Ir. \t.r&..r' .tl.,_ .. .i \til., Jeff Morris Birds of Paradise, Red ", .. 1_ 01 "ui,... Hui_ ''' 11.11 Dana Strong Ginger and a variety'of :111-0111> :II:I,':IHI :1;1>.; I;; 1t.t>~IIU:.! Orchids. We also stock a Peter Takeda variety of high quality \1. T, \\ . 'J::IO·H. Th. 9::10.9 Greg White fresh Roses and Fri. & Sal. 9·;)::W. Sun. 12.;) Carnations. Proofreaders Lisa Monaci Edith Decker Ad Sales .ChereenMeyers PEACE~ Special Work June Porr Pasteup Artists For Special People Scott Schmaljohn .CORPS Maggie Waller Ad Artists Kit Jackson Debbie Rommel Photographers Zane Darner Karl Enochs Cartoonlsts Rick Uhlenkott John Walradt Typesetters Debbie Junes Tia Short Distributor Steve Lafon Research Librarian Peace Corps volunteers are grams; introducing better agricul- Lisa Monaci people pretty much like you. Peo- tural techniques; advising small ple with commitment and skills who businessesand establishing coopera- have assessed their livesand.decided tives; or teaching math and science they want to be of service to others at the secondary level. TOOL MART in a troubled world. The number of jobs to do is Joh? Drumpton Money Drumpton The problems our volunteers nearly as great as the number of vol- 37010nrlond DolM.ldoho8370S deal with overseas aren't new. Such unteers who have served since 1961: (208) 343·1914 as the cycleof poverty that.traps one Nearly 90,000. More volunteers are generation after another because being chosen now for two-year they're too busy holding on to get assignments beginning in the next Buy 'a small policy now ahead. The debilitating effects of 3-12 months in Africa, Asia, Latin malnutrition, disease, and inade- America, and the Pacific.
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