NOT FOR PUBLICATION EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on 18 July 2013 in the Council Chamber, Penns Place, Petersfield, GU31 4EX. Present: Councillor A Glass (Chairman) Councillors R Ayer, P Burridge, N Drew, *C Graham, M Harvey, T Muldoon, D Newberry, S Schillemore, G Shepherd and A Williams. Councillor *R Harris as reserve for Councillor D Ashcroft. * Minutes 37 to 47 (ii). 37 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D Ashcroft. 38 Confirmation of Minutes The minutes of the last meeting held on 27 June 2013 were confirmed as a correct record and signed. 39 Chairman’s Announcements The Chairman announced: (i) The location of the fire exits and requested that everyone evacuated by one of the fire exits and assembled in the car park, where a roll call would be taken; (ii) To ensure all members of the public could hear the proceedings of the meeting, a portable loop system was available; (iii) Asked that all present switched off their mobile phones to prevent interference with the microphones; (iv) Asked that those making representations used the microphone when speaking; and (v) Section 1, Part 2, Item (iii) – The Cottage, Cockshott Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, GU32 1BB had been withdrawn from the agenda. 1 Planning Committee Minutes – 18.07.2013 40 Declarations of Interest Councillor(s) Item Number Nature of Details of Interest Interest Cllr Anthony Williams Part 1 – Section 1 – Perception Cllr Williams was a item (i) – Heatherley of bias member of Headley Wood Natural Burial Parish Council which Site, Headley Road, had consulted on the Grayshott, Hindhead. application. He was present at the meeting when the application was discussed, but he did not take part in the vote. Cllr Nick Drew Part 2 – Section 1 – Perception Cllr Drew had attended item (i) – Brickyards of bias a number of meetings Industrial Estate, with Steep Marsh Rockpits Lane, Steep Community Group and Marsh, Petersfield, Steep Parish Council Hampshire, GU32 2BN. regarding this application. 41 Acceptance of Supplementary Matters Councillors noted the supplementary papers which included information received since the agenda had been published. These were reported verbally at the meeting and are attached as Annex A to these minutes. 42 Future Items The Committee agreed to visit the following sites, provided that they were to be brought before the Planning Committee: 38294 - 211 Lovedean Lane, Horndean, Waterlooville, PO8 9RT. 20209/007 – Ropley Lime Quarry, Soames Lane, Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0ER. 43 Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 (as amended) – Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010 – Development Applications Report of the Service Manager Planning Development, PS.405/2013 was considered and it was RESOLVED that: 2 Planning Committee Minutes – 18.07.2013 Application No., Site and Description: Resolution: 52600/001/RENU Permission subject to conditions as set out in Appendix A. Heatherley Wood Natural Burial Site, Headley Road, Grayshott, Hindhead RENEWAL OF EXTANT PLANNING PERMISSION 52600 - CHANGE OF USE OF SITE TO NATURAL BURIAL GROUND, INCLUDING NEW VEHICULAR ACCESS ONTO HIGHWAY, NEW PARKING AREAS, SINGLE STOREY RECEPTION AREA, STABLES/GARAGE/STORE SHED AND PROVISION OF BURIAL AREAS (PLANS AVAILABLE TO VIEW ON 52600) 50647/012/FUL Permission subject to conditions as set out in Appendix A. land rear of 28 - 32 Queens Crescent, Horndean, Waterlooville, PO8 9ND TWO DETACHED DWELLINGS WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING 31084/008/FUL Permission subject to conditions as set out in Appendix A. 19 Forest Road, Whitehill, Bordon, GU35 0BJ SIX BED RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (AS AMENDED BY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECEIVED 11/6/2013, 13/06/2013) 54778/001/FUL Permission subject to conditions as set out in Appendix A. 35 The Spinney, Horndean, Waterlooville, PO8 9PN ATTACHED DWELLING SDNP/13/01966/FUL Permission subject to conditions as set out in Appendix A. Brickyards Industrial Estate, Rockpits Lane, Steep Marsh, Petersfield, GU32 3 Planning Committee Minutes – 18.07.2013 2BN Three Industrial units - amendment to previously approved scheme (SDNP/12/00513/FUL) SDNP/13/01583/FUL Permission subject to conditions as set out in Appendix A. 6 Herne Road, Petersfield, GU31 4DP Detached dwelling with associated parking - Site is to the West of 6 Herne Road. SDNP/13/02191/FUL Delegated The Cottage, Cockshott Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, GU32 1BB Change of use of land to residential with retention of outbuilding and solar panels (amended block and location plans received 1/7/2013) SDNP/13/01805/FUL Permission subject to conditions as set out in Appendix A. Quarry Farm, Empshott Green, Empshott, Liss, Hampshire, GU336HU Creation of hardstanding SDNP/13/02195/FUL Refused for the reasons as set out in Appendix B. Church Farm, Goleigh Farm Lane, Selborne, Alton, GU32 1BS Change of use of cottage and barn, erection of one yurt to be used as a residential training facility. Retention of single storey addition to rear of cottage 4 Planning Committee Minutes – 18.07.2013 44 PART 1 – East Hampshire District Council – Applications and related planning matters to be determined or considered by the Council as the local planning authority. 45 SECTION 1 – APPLICATIONS REPORTED IN DETAIL (i) 52600/001 – Heatherley Wood Natural Burial Site, Headley Road, Grayshott, Hindhead – Renewal of extant planning permission 52600/001 – change of use of site to natural burial ground, including new vehicular access onto highway, new parking areas, single storey reception area, stables/garage/store shed and provision of burial areas (plans available to view on 52600) The Service Manager Planning Development introduced the report and displayed an aerial photograph of the site along with photographs from within the site. It was for renewal of the permission granted back in 2010. The site was fairly well screened and proposed two buildings towards the front of the site and a parking area. There was no material change to the application, it was in the local gap and would not cause any harm to the gap as the built form was limited. The determining issues for consideration were: Policy considerations; Impact upon the Local Gap; Contamination; and Highway implications. The officer’s recommendation was for permission. The committee felt that the proposal was an exceptionally good use of the site and supported the officer’s recommendation. The committee voted on the proposal subject to the supplementary matters sheet. Following the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED, 11 Councillors voting FOR permission, no Councillors voting AGAINST permission and 1 Councillor ABSTAINING from voting. It was therefore RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED, as set out in Part 1, Appendix A of these minutes. (ii) 50647/012 – Land rear of 28–32 Queens Crescent, Horndean, Waterlooville, PO8 9ND – Two detached dwellings with associated parking. The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report and displayed an aerial photograph of the site along with the proposed site layout, elevations and streetscene. 5 Planning Committee Minutes – 18.07.2013 She drew the committee’s attention to the supplementary matters sheet. There was a correction to the report, comments had been received from the County Ecologist with no objection and there was a change to the recommendation. The character of St Ann’s Road was predominantly bungalows, whereas Queens Crescent consisted more of two storey dwellings. The eaves height for the proposed two new dwellings had been brought down to single storey. There was concern that the site was cramped in relation to the neighbours, however, additional land had been acquired through part of the rear garden of 32 Queens Crescent. The Highway Authority were satisfied that there was adequate parking. The determining issues for consideration were: Principle of development; Appeal decisions; Impact on character of the area; Impact on the amenities of adjoining occupiers; Highway considerations; Public open space, transportation and environmental improvement contributions; and Other issues. The officer’s recommendation was for permission. Mr Trevor Cousins addressed the committee on behalf of objectors. The dwellings were located in St Ann’s Road and not Queen’s Crescent. Therefore how the houses looked in Queen’s Crescent, had no relevance on this application. With regard to the eaves, the new build should follow the same as those in St Ann’s Road to achieve continuity of the other dwellings in that road. The proposed dwelling plans put them out of alignment to the other dwellings on the left hand side of St Ann’s Road. This would have a significant affect on St Ann’s Road, irrespective of the proposed off road parking. It could not cope now and it would only get worse. Objectors’ greatest concern was the emergency services. How would they cope? The answer to that question was that they would not be able to cope and lives and property would be at risk. There would be no hedgerows left. In the plans, objectors believed that the hedgerows had been taken away to facilitate the two double car spaces and two gateways. Also, the plans showed no hedgerow running down the side of 1 St 6 Planning Committee Minutes – 18.07.2013 Ann’s Road and the left hand side of the proposed dwellings. There was a big mistake made on the new build on the corner of Queens Crescent & St Ann’s Road. The hedgerow there was replaced by fence panels, which was originally passed, with the hedgerow to remain and was omitted from the plans. These hedgerows had been there for at least 60 years. They played a big part in providing habitat for all forms of wildlife. No wonder wildlife was dwindling; we keep taking away their habitat. On that note objectors wanted the remaining hedgerow that was left to remain as it stood, to provide a habitat for the wildlife.
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