JoURNAL oF TRoprcAL BroLoGy AND CoNSERvArroN, 2 (1) : 1-8, 2006 Research article A survey and study on food habits of migratory waterbirds along Naujan Lake, Oriental Mindoro Province, Philtppines Grace B. \TILLAMOR* ASEAN Regional Cente for Biodiversity Conservation (ARCBC) Its Baios, Inguna 403 I Philippines. Current address: World Agroforestl Centre (ICRAF), Philippines ABSTMCT. This survey showed that Naujan INTRODUCTTON Lake is an important stop-over for migratory birds. A total of 9,225 counts of waterbirds For many centuries people have observed the belonging to 14 species and six families were regular seasonal arrivals and departures of recorded and identified along Naujan Lake. birds. Asia and the western Pacific are Yast The counts were obtained using a combination route-maps of waterbird migration paths, of survey techniques. namell: imaginary covering tens of thousands of kilometers, As transect counts, actual headcounts, autumn approaches, the many millions of ethnobiological interviews, and general waterbirds in the northem area depart on long obse ation. For food-habit analysis, three journeys southwards. They pass through waterbirds, Aythya fullgula (Tufted duck), many Asian countries between August and Egretta alba (Gteat egret), arld Stema hirundo November to spend the cold northem \ inter (Common tern) were selected to undergo in milder climates on the tropical and warm stomach analysis and actual observation. In temperate wetlands of eastem and southern this way, their food preferences were Asia (Sonabe, 1993). determined. Through local interview and actual observation, the movement of the tufted The Philippines with about 7,100 islands and ducks around the lake as well as their time of 186,000 kn'?of land scattered ovff 800,000 kr'] arrival and departure were described. The lake of the westem Pacific Ocean is the southem still possesses diverse amphibious and terminal for most of the migrants moving south aquatic plants which are beliered to sustain east along the eastAsian flyway. It is perhaps the seasonal visitation ofthese bird migrants. the multiplicity of small islands, reefs and However, the vigorous fishing activities in the shoals and the immense length of the coastline area pose a setious threat for them. and wetlands that make it so spectacular. Of the 556 species that are on the Philippine list, 171, (30.8Vo) are migrants (Dickinson er a/., 1991). There are three major known sites in Key words: Migratory waterbirds, Naujan Lake, Food the Philippines harbouring bird migrants, habits namely: Na-awan, Misamis Oriental, *:gracev4o30@ lycos.com; agila [email protected] FOOD HABIIS OF IIIGR{IORY WAIERB]RDS ALONG NAUJAN LAKE, OrurNrer- MrNoono PRovtNCE. PHrLrpprNEs Figure 1. Map ofNaujan Lake, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines (Scale: I :100,000) Minadano; at Dalton pass, Nueva Viscaya, this leason. there must be wetlands at either Luzon: and lu ahig. Palawan. Anorhcr pror in,. e end of the flight, which can provide in the Philippines that possesses porertial sustenance for waterbirds on the move. But habitats for these migratory waterbirds the wetlands i1r Naujan Lake, although it is is Mindoro. saiC to be a protected area, is endangered, due t{r tlle conrcrsion of forest lands into Why birds migrate is stil1 one of the most agricu.Ltural lands and hampered by modern challenging questions. Very little has been technolog), (such as application of fefiilizers published about migration in the Philippines, and herbicides that flow into the lake). The excepl u hat has been leamed through ring ing. birds inhabiting the area are not fully recorded. nhich uas dercribed by McClure rn an Thus. bcfore conversion of the study area unpublished repott, Migrdtion ancl Sul'vival proceeds, there is an immediate need fcr a of the Birtls ofAsia. Because we do not fully sur\ ey. Arother problern in the alea concerns understand the evolutionary oligins of netti[g (done by fishermen as source of migation and have not been able to document Iivelihood) and unregulated hunting during the behaviour of long-distance migrants emoute, visiring season. Therefore, before tltese lhere is a big need to \tud) these bird'. lou'land habitats and waterbirds completely disappeai, records must be securcd.Moreover, Migration flights of any distance require the the data and information fron this study will use of much energy in a very short time. For serve as baseline information for the Grace B. VILLAMOR preparation of a master plan and/or Survey techniques management plan for the protection of the lake as well as for understanding the behavior and A combination of survey techniques was pattem ofmigration in the lake. employed in the study site to assess the presence of the migratory birds and their The objectives ofthis study are (l) to identify frequency. These were imagilary transect the migratory waterbirds in the study site: (2) counts, actual headcount, general observation to record the food habits of the selected using field binoculars (8 x 211-'l x 50) and migratory waterbirds; (3) to determine the time ethnobiological interviews with the residents, oftheir arrival and departure in the study site; fishermen and other stakeholders along the (4) to assess the effect of conversion of study site. Actual headcounts and forested areas; (5) to know the extent of observation were done at daylight hours hunting; and (6) to make recommendations for between 6:00 am and 9:00 am, counting all the thet management. adults and juveniles. Identification was done based on the monographs of DuPont (1971) MATERIAISANDMEIIIODS and Sonabe (1993) while taxonomy and nomenclaturs were based on Dickinson Study Site et al. (1991) . Naujan Lake is the largest freshwater lake in The food habits of selected waterbirds were Odental Mindoro Province with an area of determined through stomach analysis and about 8,000 ha and is the 5'h largest lake in the direct obseNation while selection of birds was Philippines. It is located in the northeastem based on population size and frequency. section of the province and is bordered by Movement and time of arival and departure the municipalities of Naujan, Pola, Mctoria and was observed during the study period with Socorro (Fig. 1). The lake is categorized by the guidance of local fishermen in the area. the Irtegrated Protected Areas System (IPAS) Vegetation was determined by ground survey, as wildlife sanctuary and tesource reserve and community map sketching, and map overlays is designated as "Wetland of Intemational tiom the Department of Environment and Importance" (see http://www.worldlakes.org). Natural Resources (DENR) Municipal Office. It is a pdmary lake habitat where famous freshwater fish such as "bangles", "simbad", RESI]LTAND DISCUSSION and "langaray" can be found that serve as a possible food source of visiting waterbirds. Survey The types of wetland ecosystem found in Naujan Lake are swamp forest, marshland, A total of9,225 counts of waterbirds belonging and estuaries. to 14 species and six lamilies was recorded and idenrified in the study site (Tab1e i). Five Time of the Study species were winter visitors; one as passage visitor and the rest were non-endemic resident The study was conducted between October birds which are present all year round. Based 2b. lgg? and February 28. I 9q8. Observatjon on interviews, two species (Anas luzonica was done every Saturday and Sunday from6:00 IPhilippine Mallard] and Thre skioruis a.m. to 10:00a.m. and4:00p.m. to6:00p.m. melanocephalus [Black-headed Ibis]) were present in the area, but were not encountered during the survey period. FOOD HABITS OF MIGRATORY WATERBIRDS ALONG NAUJAN LAKE, ORTENTAL MrNDoRo PRovINcE. PHrLrpprNEs Irgend: lT? r a,-I 9 * - Marshland lv ' I Fgia - Forcsted Area M - Orchards / Coconut Plantation - Flock Of Ducks Figure 2. Movemenl of the Aythya fuh gala by flocks in Nauj an Lake Grace B. MLLAMOR Table 1. List of birds observed and recorded from Naujan Lake, Oriental Mindoro Province, during the period of October 1997 - February i998 Family/Scientific Common Name Counts Mode Status Name Alcenidae Halcyon chlorosts White collared kingfi sher 11 Sightings resident Anaaidae Aythyafuligula Tufted duck 8944 Sightings/ wintervisitor caught Dendroqtgne arcuata Wandering whisding duck l5 Sightings resident Ardeidae Ardea sumatrana Giant-billed heron 11 Sightings resident A. purpurea Purple heron 5 Sightings rcsident Egrelta alba Great egret 38 Sightings winter visitor Ixobrynchus sinensis Yellow bittem t2 Sightings resident ,1 I. cinnamomeus cinnamon bittem Sightings rcsident Pycnonotidae Pycnonotus goiavier Yellow-vented bulbul JA Sightings resident Rallidae Gallinula chloropus Common moorhen 24 Sightings resident Gallicrex cinerea Watercock 3 Sightings resident Rostratulidae Ras t r atula b e n I ale n s i s Great Painted-Snipe 2 Sightings resident Scolopacidae Gallinago megala Swinhoe's snipe 6 Sightings wintervisitor G gallinago Common snipe 9 Sightirys wintervisitor Sternidae Chlidonias hybidus Whiskered tem 32 Sightings wintervisitor Stema hirundo Common tem g8 Sightings wint€rvisitor Species sighted by ffshermen Anatidae Anas luzonica Philippine mallard endemic Threskiornithidae Thre s kio rni s me lanocephalus Black-headed Ibis winter visitor FOOD HABITS OF MIGR,{TORY WATERBTRDS ALONC NAUJAN LAKE, OnreNrer Mnoor'o Pnovmce, PHrnenres Table 2. Food-habits of sample specimen from Naujan Lake, Or. Mindoro Species Foods FoodGuilds Aythya fuligula Venas sp. Camivore Stema hinnda Ctenogobius criniger Piscivore Egrettq albq C. cringer Piscivore Thble 3. List of important amphibious and aquatic plants still found in the Naujan Lake (Davis, 1991). Position/mode of growth Species Ladw:ad Amphibious Ludwigia octovalis Emergent creeping Echinochloa stagnina Ludwigia adscendens Emergent S accharutn spofi,taneum Scirpus grossus Nelumbo nucifera Free floating Eichhomia crassipes Azolla pinnata Floating leaved Nynphaeae nuochali Submerged, rooted Najas indica Uallisneria gigantea Hydrilla verticillata Pota Logeton sp. Lakeward Submerged, unrooted C e rat op lry llum de m e r s urn t l, Grace B. VILLAMOR '7 The most abundant bird species observed in Among the three, the food habit of Aythya the lake was A)rry.r/uligrla (Tufted duck).
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