CHAPTER III M. QURAISH SHIHAB AND HIS TAFSI<R AL-LUBA<B A. Biography of M.Quraish Shihab Muhammad Quraish Shihab was born in Rappang (approximately 180 km north of Makassar city-South Sulawesi) on February 16, 1944. Though Arab descent, his grandfather and great-grandfather was born in Madura. His father, Abdurrahman Shihab, is a professor of exegesis at the same a merchant.1 His mother, Asma, grandson of Bugis king. No wonder that Muhammad Quraish Shihab and his brothers are called Puang (host) or Andi by the local community. They also receive special treatment in traditional ceremonies. Since childhood, Muhammad Quraish Shihab educated with harsh discipline. Although his family was not poor, they have no helper. It is nothing for them to be independent. Not infrequently, Muhammad Quraish Shihab got a "gift" from his mother when not blow by. Although only primary school, the mother very concerned about their children's education. In the hours to learn he always kept a strict watch. In the Shihab family only boys are high school, while the girls attend school only female skills. Muhammad Quraish Shihab has been pleased to interpretation of al- Qur’a>n since young. His father Abdurrahman Shihab (1905-1986) a Professor in the field of interpretation at IAIN Alauddin Makassar, often invited Muhammad Quraish Shihab with other siblings and occasionally chatting with giving religious advices. From this apparently began to sprout the seeds of 1 Abdurrahman Shihab is seen as one of the scholars, businessmen, and politicians who have a good reputation among the people of South Sulawesi. Contribution in the field of education as evidenced by his efforts to foster two colleges in Ujung Pandang, Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI), a largest private university in eastern Indonesia, and IAIN Alauddin Ujung Pandang. He is also listed as the second rector of the college: UMI 1959-1965 and IAIN 1972-1977. Read http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Quraish_Shihab 44 P a g e | 45 love in Muhammad Quraish Shihab to study al-Qur’a>n.2 Assessment to study al-Qur’a>n and then he understood better Tafsi>r Al-Azha>r in Cairo University, after going through basic education (elementary until junior high school) in Ujung Pandang. In 1956, while still in the eighth grade, Muhammad Quraish Shihab went to Malang, East Java. His father put SMP Muhammadiyah, while enrolled in boarding school Ma'had Da>rul H}adi>th Al-Faqi>hiyyah leader Kiai H}abi>b ‘Abdul Qa>dir bin Faqi>h. But in junior high, he was not long, because she is more attracted towards religious education in boarding schools. At boarding Muhammad Quraish Shihab to be Kiai favorite students. Wherever Kiai giving lectures, he always invited as well. Not just part of it but also speak before Kiai speech. When the Egyptian government offers scholarship programs, with Alwie Shihab, his brother Muhammad Quraish Shihab take the test, and became the youngest member among 20 Indonesian students or students who went to Cairo. In 1958, he went to Cairo, Egypt and received in class II Tha>nawiyyah Al-Azha>r. In 1967, he won the Lc (S-1) at the Faculty of Islamic Theology Department of Tafsi>r and H}adi>th Al-Azha>r University, holds an MA in 1969 for specialized fields of Tafsi>r Al-Quran with thesis Al-I’ja>z Al-Tashri>’iy li Al-Qur’a>n Al-Kari>m.3 Muhammad Quraish Shihab almost becomes a footman. By the age of 30 years he is not married. Though his brother was married at the age of 18 years, while his sister was already married. Every time he was on duty outside the city, he once "hunt" potential mates. But unfortunately, every time they met a woman, she feels there are less suitable. Fortunately, he got a recipe from AJ Mokodompit, former Rector of Teacher Training Institute Ujung 2 M. Quraish Shihab, Membumikan al-Qur’a>n: Fungsi dan Peran Wahyu dalam Kehidupan Masyarakat, Mizan, Bandung, Secound Edition, 2013, p. 20. 3 Badiatul Roziqin, Badiatul Muchlisin Asti, Junaidi Abdul Munif, 101 Jejak Tokoh Islam Indonesia, e-Nusantara, Yogyakarta, 2009, p. 270. P a g e | 46 Pandang. Not long after he found a soul mate, a Solo daughter named Fatmawati. He married Fatmawati right in the birthday-31, February 16, 1975. They endowed five children, four girls one boy. The first child was named Najla (Ela) was born on 11 September 1976, the second son was named Najwa was born 16 September 1977, the third Naswa born in 1982, the fourth Sunday was born July 1, 1983 and the last Nahla was born in October 1986.4 In 1980, Muhammad Quraish Shihab returned to Cairo and continued his study at the old almamater, the University of Al-Azha>r. In 1982, with a dissertation entitled Naz}m Al-Durar Li Al-Biqa>’iy, Tah}qi>q wa Dira>sah, he earned a doctorate in the sciences of al-Qur’a>n with graduated Summa Cum Laude with an award level I (mumta>z ma’a martabat al-sharaf al-‘u>la>). He became the first in Southeast Asia which was awarded a PhD in the sciences of al-Qur’a>n at Al-Azha>r University.5 After returning to the country in 1970, after earning an MA, Muhammad Quraish Shihab believed to have served the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at IAIN Alauddin, Ujung Pandang. In addition, he was also entrusted with other positions, both within the campus such as the Coordinator of Private Universities (Eastern Indonesia Region VII), as well as outside the campus as Vice Chairman of Indonesian National Police in the Eastern area of mental construction. As long as at the end of this point of view, he also did all the research, among others, research on the theme "Harmony Application of Religious Life in Eastern Indonesia" (1975) and "South Sulawesi Endowments Problems" (1978). Upon his return to Indonesia after achieving doctoral degrees since 1984, Muhammad Quraish Shihab assigned at the Faculty of Islamic Theology and the Graduate Faculty of IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Hose 9 years later 4 Ibid,. 5 Islah Gusmian, Khasanah Tafsi>r Indonesia, Teraju, Bandung, 2003, p. 18. P a g e | 47 in 1993, he was appointed Rector of IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta replace Ahmad Syadali. In addition, outside of campus he is also believed to occupy various positions. Among others: a Chairman of center ‘Ulama>’ Council Indonesia (MUI) since 1984, member of the Standing Committee of al-Qur’a>n correction Religious Affairs (since 1984), Member National Education Advisory Board (since 1989), and Chairman of the Development Institute. He was also heavily involved in several professional organizations, among others: Management The collection of Islamic Sciences, Consortium Board of Religious Sciences Ministry of Education and Culture, and Assistant Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) when the organization was founded. On the sidelines of the various preoccupations, he was also actively involved in a variety of scientific activities at home and abroad. Various scientific meetings and seminars within and outside the country to follow.6 Other activities are also important to know is that he was also very active in writing. He wrote in the Pelita under the rubric "Pelita Hati", the author remains rubric "Tafsi>r al-Ama>nah” in the magazine Ama>nah, as the Editorial Board of Studia Islamika: Indonesian Journal for Islamic Studies, ‘ulu>m al- Qur’a>n, Mimbar Ulama, Religious Studies and Reflections journal and Philosophy. All of these publications are in Jakarta. M. Quraish Shihab is the scholars who are fluent in speaking and writing fluently. He was very prolific producing scientific works, in addition to giving lectures and presentations at various scientific forums.7 In addition to the activities mentioned above, M.Quraish Shihab also known as a writer and speaker that are reliable. Based on solid scientific 6 Badiatul Roziqin, Ibid. 7 Mahfudz Masduki, Tafsi>r Al-Mishbah M. Quraish Shihab: Kajian atas Amtsal Al-Qur’a>n, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 2012, p. 13. P a g e | 48 background that he traveled through formal education and supported by the ability to express opinions and ideas in simple, but straightforward, rational, and moderate tendencies of thought, he appeared as a speaker and writer who can be accepted by all levels of society. This lecture activities he did in a number of prestigious mosque in Jakarta, such as the Masjid al-Tin, Sunda Kelapa and Fath}ulla>h, in environments such as recitation Istiqla>l government officials as well as in a number of television stations or electronic media, especially in the month of Ramadan. Some television stations, such as RCTI and Metro TV during Ramadan has a special program that nurtured him. M. Quraish Shihab is not the only expert of al-Qur’a>n in Indonesia, but the ability to translate and convey the message of al-Qur’a>n in the context of contemporary and post-modern era make it more known and more superior than the other al-Qur’a>n experts. In terms of interpretation, it tends to emphasize the importance of using methods of maud}u>‘iy interpretation (thematic), the interpretation by way of collecting a number of verses of al- Qur’a>n were scattered in various chapters that discuss the same problem, then explain thorough understanding of these verses and then draw conclusions as to the response of the subject matter. According to him, this method can be expressed with the opinions of al-Qur’a>n on the problems of life, and can be used as evidence that the verses of al-Qur’a>n in line with the development of science and technology and the progress of civilization.
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