15 PROJECT SPACES 25 Trendbeheer Van Speykstraat 129 73 IFFR-Rotterdam 1 Art Station North www.trendbeheer.com 49 Galerie Rianne Groen Film Festival www.artstationnorth.com Blog for art news. (Dutch) www.riannegroen.com www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com In 1950s former railway 26 WdW Review Schietbaanstraat 21 Last week of January = station by Sybolt van www.wdwreview.org best week of the year. FUCKING GOOD ART MAP 50 Garage Rotterdam Ravenstein. Open: 24/7. Online platform with www.garagerotterdam.nl 74 Kunstweekend Charlois ~ in selfless service to our community ~ Station Noord, Bergweg correspondents in cities Goudsewagenstraat 27 www.kunstweekendcharlois.nl 2 A Tale of a Tub around the world. Will 51 Hommes Biennale presenting for Wow-factor, pop-ups, And what about Art? This Rotterdam Art map 4.0 www.a-tub.org Athens correspondent Ya- www.hommes.nl Charlois-based artists. cultural entrepreneurship art map (version 4.0) lists September 2015 Run by four Amsterdam- nis Varoufakis return? Charloisse Kerksingel 14 and festival terror, that’s currently active spaces or 6 PRIZES based curators. Open: 27 WeOwnRotterdam 52 Joey Ramone Rotterdam! 55 festivals zones that support con- FGA #33 Fri– Sun, 1– 6pm. www.weownrotterdam.nl www.joeyramone.nl 75 Dolf Henkes Award: this year and the city is temporary art, including Justus van Effenstraat 44 Alternative guide to Josephstraat 166 12,000 euros (biennial) expecting approximately 50 presentation spaces, 3 De Aanschouw Rotter dam. 53 Mirta Demare Prize for Rotterdam- 1.5 million visitors. This 35 production spaces, www.aanschouw.nl www.mirtademare-art.nl based artists under 40, is today’s interpretation 29 studio buildings, Vitrine parasite on Café 4 ART BOOKSHOPS Bergsingel 176-b awarded by the estate of of ‘mental resilience 6 art prizes and 34 De Schouw. Open: 24/7 28 PrintRoom 54 NL=US Art Rotterdam-born artist through cultural self- 4 bookshops. Witte de Withstraat 80b www.printroom.org www.nl-equals-us.com Dolf Henkes. Since 2003. motivation’, which was 4 De Nieuwe Ruimte Started as a travelling Wijnbrugstraat 138 76 Drempelprijs WdK: the objective of the Prins 1 www.facebook.com collection of art publica- Schilderstaat 5 5000 euros (annual) Bernhard Cultuurfonds: Art, performance, music, tions. Open Thu–Sat Office USA: 15 Summit On behalf of Rotterdam rebuilding the war-torn and spoken word. 1–5pm. Schietbaanstr.17 Street, Glen Ridge, NJ city council WdK cultural life of The Net- Dortselaan 19 29 Walgenbach Art & Books 55 Phoebus Rotterdam Academy nominates herlands. 5 Galerie Gallery www.walgenbach.nl www.phoebus.nl its three most talented www.galeriegallery.nl Artists’ books, art books Since 1990. Eendrachts- graduates. Bergselaan Home gallery in Jan and photography. Open: weg 61 77 FGA Parkeer Prijs: Huijbens’ spare room. Thu–Sat 12–5pm. Gouw- 56 RAM 15,184.80 euros (still Dortselaan 27-E straat 13 www.ram-art.nl fictional) 53 Bergweg 6 Good Friends 30 TENT. bookshop Van Vollehovenstraat 14 This is the potential year- 1ste Pijnacker facebook.com/verygoodfriends Witte de Withstraat 50 57 Wilfried Lentz ly revenue of one parking 6 Space for performances 31 Underbelly www.wilfriedlentz.com place opposite Boijmans’ and food run by Michael www.underbelly.nu Justus van Effenstraat 130 entrance. The first win- & Vincenzo. Online bookshop former- 58 Zerp Galerie ner: Olphaert den Otter Noordsingel 1st Pijnackerstr. 134-A ly known as WORM book- www.zerp.com for his art and successful 7 Het Plafond shop and Dodorama. Van Oldenbarneveltstraat battle for the preserva- Schiekade www.hetplafond.org 120A tion of the collection of 67 29 STudiO buiLD- Street window shows the Wereldmuseum! P- 41 since 1997. Open: 24/7. ingS (351 STudiOS, 13 INSTITUTES Museumpark Gedempte Zalmhaven 761 12 guEST STudiOS, 59 Centrum voor Beel- 78 Hendrik Chabot Prize: Rotterdam CS 8 Hudson Museum 2 RESidENCIES) dende Kunst (CBK) 7500 euros (triennial) 42 www.artrockfoundation.com 32 B.a.d Foundation www.cbk.rotterdam.nl www.cultuurfonds.nl H Weena of Mini museum scale 1:15. www.foundationbad.nl 4 sub organisations: For visual artists in the 72 p l e Recalls Museum van 17 members, 2 residen- TENT., BKOR, SIR, and Rijnmond area. Establis- i Nag sael and Keikdoos. cies and 4 guest studios. Art Office. With approx. hed by Prins Bernhard n Open: 24/7. Hudsonstr. 61 Talingstraat 5 1227 members who can Cultuurfonds in 1965 for: 9 Koffie & Ambacht 33 Het Wilde Weten apply for an R&D grant. ‘the promotion of mental 57 www.koffie-ambacht.nl www.hetwildeweten.com 60 DE PLAYER resilience through cultu- 2 Coffee, art, sound and 20 studios and a guest www.deplayer.nl ral self-motivation.’ Kruiskade Metro poetry. Open: Mon, Tue, studio. Robert Fruin- Polymorphic performance 79 MK Award: Marconi- Thu, Fri 11–5pm straat 35 stage. An absolute must! 5000 euros (annual) plein Ebenhaëzerstraat 47 34 Kaus Australis Hillelaan 49-d www.mkaward.nl 10 Oblique International www.kausaustralis.org 61 Het Nieuwe Instituut In memory of Emmo 35 www.obliqueint.nl 6 studios plus 4 guest www.hetnieuweinstituut.nl Grofsmid and Karmin www.conversas.net studios. Residency ex- Merger of the Netherlands Kartowikromo (MKgale- 8 Best known for Conver- change with IAAB, Basel. Architecture Institute, rie) who were the heart sas, weekly informal Melanchtonweg 137 Premsela and Virtueel and soul of the Rotterdam Van Oldenbarneveltstraat 45 work presentations. By 35 Kunst&Complex Platform. Until May 2016 gallery scene. 54 Bérénice Staiger and www.kunstencomplex.nl it is a Temporary Fashion 80 TENT Academy Award: 48 Constança Saraiva. 17 studios and 3 guest Museum. Museumpark 25 residency (annual) 49 66 11 Performance Art Event studios. Keileweg 26 62 Kunsthal www.tentrotterdam.nl 33 28 52 46 www.performanceartevent.nl 36 Stichting NAC (Nieuwe www.kunsthal.nl Prize for best graduation Nw Binnenweg Oude Binnenweg International platform for Ateliers Charlois) Mixed bag of art, design videos by students from performance art. Approxi- www.stichting-nac.nl and architecture exhibiti- The Netherlands and mately 100 artists are Supports art and studios ons. Westzeedijk 341 a guest country. The 47 Westblaak 50 associated with PAE. in Charlois. 63 MAMA winners are granted a Godschalkstraat 5 www.showroommama.nl residency abroad. 12 Peach Rochussenstr. www.peachopposite.com 37 SKAR Showroom for Media 59 Project space in house/ www.skar-ateliers.nl and Moving Art. Witte de Editorial 61 69 studio of Piet alumni Affordable work spaces Withstraat 29– 31 Which cities support 71 63 Witte de Withstr. 79 Ghislain Amar and since 1987: 291 perma- 64 Museum Boijmans artists best? Is Rotterdam Anna Łuczak. nent studios spread over van Beuningen one of them? Conditions: 3 68 Museumpark 64 Grondherendijk 9b 24 buildings. www.boijmans.nl 1. Affordable housing 70 15 13 Upominki Deep inside the museum and studios 2. Decent www.upominki.nl 7 WORKSHOPS / PRO- sits the Stadscollectie... public transport system Experimenting with a gift duCTION HOUSES Does this still exist? 3. A supportive, interna- and exchange model. 38 All Together Now Museumpark 18 – 20 tional community 4. Art Kapelstraat 32 www.all-together-now.info 65 Off Screen funding and residency 55 14 Vrooom… Label for contemporary no website but fb programmes 5. Access vrooom-rotterdam.blogspot.nl art. Robert Fruinstraat 35 The Off Screen talk show to information and net- Impro electro-acoustic 39 B-cademy is back, now in WORM. works. 1 and 2: yes; 3, performance art. www.esqobar.com 66 Piet Zwart Institute 4 and 5: not so sure? 15 Wallgallery Free post-grad education. http://pzwart.wdka.hro.nl The quantity of art spaces 62 13 www.wallgallery.nl St. Mariastr. 138-A Public programme inclu- or ‘contact zones’ does Westzeedijk Home gallery, Red Apple, 40 Keilewerf des lectures, screenings not define the quality and 37th floor. Extreme expe- www.keilewerf.nl and publications. Karel liveliness of the art scene. 56 riment in living with art. Flex-work places in huge Doormanhof 45 The art does! People do! 7 Wijnbrugstraat 330 warehouse. Next to AVL. 67 Roodkapje Perhaps there are too 41 Mesh Print Club www.roodkapje.org many spaces in relation 12 MAGAZinES / www.meshprintclub.com New cultural hotspot in to the number of people BLOGS / PUBLISHERS Graphic workshop asso- ZOHO, around the corner inhabiting the art scene. 16 Blikvangen ciation for and by artists. from Gare du Nord vegan Often it is mainly artists www.blikvangen.nl Zomerhofstraat 70–74 buffet. Teilingerstraat 128 that make up the audi- Art blog, only in Dutch. 42 Mothership 68 Tent. ence; being members of 17 Dichtkunstkrant www.enterthemothership.com www.tentrotterdam.nl the audience is their www.dichtkunstkrant.nl Production company for Popular local ‘kunsthalle’. second professional un- One edition per year. art projects. Delftsestr. 25 Witte de Withstraat 50 paid job. Unfortunately 18 Extra Extra 43 Publication Studio Rot- 69 V2 zeitgeist-chasing cura- www.extraextramagazine.com terdam www.v2.nl tors, flamboyant scholars Nouveau magazine éro- www.publicationstudio.biz Institute for the Unstable and the beau monde are tique, special editions Publishing and produc- Media. Best known for the hardly ever spotted. and radio. tion of books. One of DEAF festival. Relative isolation is nec- 19 Fucking Good Art thirteen siblings: Port- Eendrachtstraat 10 essary to get some work www.fuckinggoodart.nl land, San Francisco, Van- 70 Witte de With done. Contact with and Travelling magazine. Re- couver, London, Rotter- www.wdw.nl access to networks from cent paperback: It’s Play- dam—now hosted by Het ‘Window on the inter- outside is crucial for the time, 2014 (Fr/Eng) Nieuwe Instituut… national art world’, esta- survival and future of art- Maastunnel 20 L’Intolerant 44 Stadslab blished in 1990 as an ists and a local art scene.
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