FILE NO. 121152 Petitions and Communications received from November 13, 2012, through November 26, 2012, for reference by the President to Committee cons.idering related matters, or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on December 4,2012. Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Actand the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information will not be redacted. From Clerk of the Board, reporting the following individual has submitted a Form 700 Statement: (1) Jess Montejano - Legislative Aide - Assuming From Department of Public Health, submitting the FY2011-2012 Annual Report of Gifts Received. Copy: Each Supervisor. (2) From Office of the Mayor, submitting notice that Mayor Ed Lee will be out of state from November 22,2012, until November 24,2012. Supervisor Mark Farrell will serve as Acting Mayor. (3) From Office of the-Mayor, submitting notice that Mayor Ed Lee will be out of state from November 24, 20~-2, until November 25, 2012. Supervisor Sean Elsbernd will serve as Acting Mayor. (4) *From San Francisco Unified School District, submitting the 2012 Williams Settlement Annual Report. (5) From Office of Economic and Workforce Development, responding to Supervisor John Avalos inquiry. (Reference NO.'Q0121 016-001). (6) From concerned citizens, regarding Sharp Park Golf Course. File No. 120619, 27 letters. (7) *From California Department of Public Health, submitting FY2012-2013 Scope of Work, California Home Visiting Program and Budget. (8) From concerned citizens, regarding public nudity ban. File No. 120984. Copy: Each Supervisor, City Operations & Neighborhood Services Clerk. 22 letters. (9) From Office of the Treasurer &Tax Collector, submitting CCSF Investment Report for October 2012. (10):; *From Office of the Controller, submitting July 1,2010, Postretirement Health Plan Actuarial Valuation Report. Copy: Each Supervisor, Clerk of the Board. (11) I ' From San Francisco Transit Riders Union, supporting Vehicle License Fee restoration measure. Copy: Each Supervisor. (12) From Office of the Controller, submitting report on ten selected organizations compiled with the San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 12G, by not using City funds for political activity. Copy: Each Supervisor. (13) From California Academy of Sciences, submitting 2011 Financial Statements, as of June 30,2012. (14) From Office of the Controller - City Services Auditor, submitting Airport Commission Audits of Harmony Pharmacy and Health Center, Inc., and Nocal Rentals, Inc. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15) From concerned citizens, regarding Shell Energy Plan. Copy: Each Supervisor. 2 letters. (16) From concerned citizens, regarding Charlie, the dog. Copy: Each Supervisor. 3 letters. (17) From Roland Lebrun, supporting Caltrain modernization program. Copy: Each Supervisor. (18) From Michael Sonn, supporting the Transportation Impact Development Fee legislation. File No. 120523. Copy: Each Supervisor. (19) From concerned citizens, opposing proposed lease agreement with Woodhouse Marina Green, LLC. File No. 120987. Copy: Each Supervisor, Government Audit & Oversight Committee Clerk. 4 letters. (20) From concerned citizens, regarding proposed changes to California Environmental Quality Act Procedures. File No. 121019. Copy: Each Supervisor, Land Use & Economic Development Committee Clerk. 2 letters. (21) *(An asterisked item represents the cover sheet to document that exceeds 25 pages. The complete document is available at the Clerk's Office, Room 244, City Hall.) City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244 BOARD of SUPERVISORS San Francisco 94102-4689 Tel. No. 554-5184 Fax No. 554-5163 TDD/TTY No. 544-5227 Date: November 14, 2012 To: Honorable Members, Board of Supervisors From: Angela Calvillo, Clerk of the Board Subject: Form 700 This is to inform you that the following individual has submitted a Form 700 .Statement: Jess Montejano - Legislative Aide - Assuming 0o~-q 4tLj~ San Francisco Department of Public Health Barbara A. Garcia, MPA Director of Health City and County of San Francisco Edwin M. Lee Mayor November 6, 2012 Angela Calvillo, Clerk ofthe Board Board of Supervisors 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244 San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 Ben Rosenfield, Controller 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 316 San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 Dear Ms. Calvillo and Mr. Rosenfield Enclosed is the FY 2011-12 Annual Report of Gifts received by the Department ofPublic Health. As required by Section 10.110 ofthe San Francisco Administrative Code the Department of Public Health annually reports to the Board of Supervisors all gifts received. This report was reviewed and accepted by the Health Commission. Sincerely, 4!PQ~ ChiefFinancial Officer Department ofPublic Health The mission of the San Francisco Department of Public Health is to protect and promote the health of all San Franciscans. We shall - Assess and research the health of the community - Develop and enforce health policy - Prevent disease and injury - - Educate the public and train health care providers - Provide quality, comprehensive, cUlturally-proficient health services - Ensure equal access to all - [email protected] +(415) 554-2526 +101 Grove Street, Room 308, San Francisco, CA 94102 San Francisco Department of Public . Health Barbara A. Garcia, MPA Director of Health City and County of San Francisco Edwin M. Lee Mayor MEMORANDUM DATE: . November 1,2012 TO: Sonia Melara, President and Honorable Members ofthe Health Commission THROUGH: Barbara A. Gar~ectorofHealth FROM: Greg Wagner, ChiefFinancial Officerb10 RE: Annual Report of Gifts Received in FY 2011-12 As required by section 10.100-201 ofthe San Francisco Administrative Code and consistent with the policy and procedure for the acceptance ofgifts adopted by the I1ealth Commission in I October 1995, we are submitting our annual report. While only funds donated directly to the Laguna Honda Gift Fund is subject to this requirement, we have chosen include·support from the SFGHFoundation, PublkHealth Foundation and direct gifts to LHH residents so their support can be recognized by the City. Gifts Received in FY 2011-12 Amount-under "Amount over . $25.000 $25.000 Total - San Francisco General Hospital SFGH Foundation $5,193,576' $3,927,930 $9,121,506 Laguna Honda Hospital (LHIn Patient Gifts Received by LHH Gift Fund Friends ofLaguna Honda Hospital " - 46,294 46,294 Other Donors 27,042 - 27,042 Patient Gifts LHH Gift Fund Subtotal 27,042 46,294 73,336 Direct Patient Gifts Friends ofLaguna Honda Hospital - 109,705 109,705 Other Donors 4,150 - 4,150 Direct Patient Gifts Subtotal 4,150 109,705 113,855 LHHTotal 31,192 155,999 187,191 Population Health & Prevention San Francisco Public Health Foundation 746,210 619,380 1,365,590 Total All DPH Divisions $5,970,978 $4,703,309 $10,674,287 The mission of the San Francisco Department of Public Health is to protect and promote the health of all San Franciscans. We shall - Assess and research the health of the community- Develop and enforce health policy - Prevent disease and injury- - Educate the public and train health care providers - Provide quality, comprehensive, culturally-proficient health services - Ensure equal access toall - [email protected] +(415) 554-2526 + 101 Grove Street, Room 308, San Francisco, CA 94102 r i The Department is grateful to the volunteers and their leaders, and for the generous contributions received from the community. San Francisco General Hospital San Francisco General Hospital Foundation The San Francisco General Hospital Foundation was established in 1994 to support programs a.lld projects at the San Francisco General Hospital. For the above period,_grants and donations totaling $9,121,506 were received by the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation. Grants and gifts of$25,000 and over amounted to $3,927,930. This represents a significant increase from the FY 10-11 total of$3.8 million.' Most ofthis increase is due to the capital campaign efforts by the Foundation to support the rebuild ofthe new SFGH. Amount under Amount over Total $25,000 $25,000 SFGH Foundation $5,193,576 $3,927,930 $9,121,506 Grants and Donations $25,000 and over were received from the following donors: Avon Foundation $ 900,000 San Francisco Health Plan . 541,885 The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation 500,000 Kaiser' 364,950 The Horace Goldsmith Foundation 250,000 Vertex 249,975 Synthes, Inc. 127;465 The San Francisco Foundation 110,325 Chevron Energy Solution 100,000 Center for Orthopedic Trauma Advancement 75,000 . McKess'on Fourtdation 75,000 State of California - Department ofPublic Health 71,470 Friends ofthe Congressional Glaucoma Caucus Foundation 50,000 Richard and Rhoda Goldman Foundation 50,000 George F. Jewett Foundation 50,000 Design Industries Foundation 47,545 Mimi & Peter Haas Fund 40,000 Survivors International 40,000 Genentech 38,470 Metta Fund 37,000 United Nations 31,920 OREF 26,925 Macy's 25,000 Firedoll Foundation 25,000 The Mary Wohlford Foundation 25,000 2 First Republic Bank 25,000 Wells Fargo Bank 25,000 Wells Fargo Bank Foundation 25,000 Total $ . 3,927,930 Programs and services fund~d in the period 7/1/11 to 6/30/12 were as follows: Bay Area Perinatal AIDS Center $ 102,708 Behavioral Health Center 14,659 Cancer Awareness Resource Education 74,996 Cancer Support 20,912 Caredination Planning Grant 23,655 Center for Vulnerable Population 633,218 Chinatown Public Health Education 119,127 Community Consortium CME Program 9,865 Draper Nursing Education
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