Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-19-1973 The BG News July 19, 1973 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News July 19, 1973" (1973). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2870. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2870 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An Independent Bowling Gr«en. Ohio Thursday. July 19, 1973 Student Voice me BG news Volume 57/Number 3 Rothe offers posts to two nominees ByJoaaGestl not understand the value ol renaming President Moore and the Black Sufi Reporter the position the memorandum said Caucus He said communication with Presi "I don't remember the President University administrators and Black dent Moore is a matter to be ever promising written communication Caucus members apparently have re- arranged with the President to Black Caucus members. He said he paired broken lines o( communication would gel in touch with them, but did In a statement released yesleroay to BAGWELL SAID Tuesday that not specify that it would be in the form the Black Caucus. University Provost Black Caucus member! met with of a letter." he said Kenneth W Rothe said he is offering President Moore last Friday At that part-time appointments to Dr John time, he said, "he I President Moore EDWARDS ALSO said President Scott, associate professor of speech, assured us that we would receive writ- Moore verified that he had not pro- and Floyd Bagwell, a counselor in the ten communication concerning this mised to send a written response to the Student Development Program, as matter by i> p m. Monday Black Caucus interim co-assistants to the provost lor Bagwell said yesterday he received minoritv affairs through September 15. He s.nd the caucus did not receive | Dr Hothe's statement concerning the 1973. letter or memorandum belore the vacant positions in minority affairs He However, the decision will not be deadline promised by President Moore said the Black Caucus will meet today final until Dr Hothe meets with Dr. Bagwell said he and Dr Scott were to discuss Dr Hothe s position Scott and Bagwell to discuss the then verbally contacted to meet with The two vacant positions in minority acceptance and duties of the positions. Dr Rothe Tuesday .ill.in- resulted from the June 19 They were nominated two weeks ago "We tell it wain I necettarj lomeel reassignment of William F. Pitts, "by the Black Caucus with him." Bagwell s.nd "We were former director of the Student promised written communication by 5 Development Program, to coordinator N.w.phoio by Mkho.10. Orene IN A STATEMENT submitted to Dr p.m. Monday and we didn't get it of academic liaison in Student Affairs, r\i\MQ1VS * smiling face familiar to Umv«r»ity tomirtulm belongs to Hazel Smith, Rothe July 12. the Black Caucus pre- In situations like this, things need and the June 26 resignation of Winifred sented the following demands to be clearly and concisely written and tl Stone as assistant to the provost lor Commuter Center director Above she odvisos new commuter students on -That Dr Rothe announce in writing communicated We asked tor corres minoritv affairs fh £ f"45 survival talks on campus. to the Black Caucus the official pondencc M that we could cany an appointment of Bagwell and Dr Scott accurate report back to the Black Cau- as interim co-assistants to the provost cus. " he uld for minority all airs Dr Rothe said neither Bagwell nor -That Dr Hothe announce in writing Dr Scott contacted him to lei him Center offers personal touch his position on the Black Caucus know they were waiting for written perceived absolute and unequivocal communication from the admimsii.i need lor the establishment of a vice lion By Wendy Click THE CENTER holds Us Coffee people involved., the student executive year It was in November of 1967 that Regarding Dr Hothe s memoran provost, or at the very least, a vice- Break Series al 10 a.m sporadically board has been planning the events and the center in Moseley was opened " president of minority operations dum in response to Black Caucus When a commuter is having trouble during the regular year, leaturing submitting them for approval at the I believe the success ol the Com- demands. Bagwell said the point ot -That the Black Caucus meet with dealing with the bureaucracy or (he stale, local and campus candidates for general meeting, explained Smith muter Center is a result of the close University President Hollis A Moore disagreement is contradiction He said hordes ol people surrounding him. the office, panel discussions on controver- personal contact among the officers Jr no later than 5 p.m Friday. July 13. we didn't follow the guidelines in staff and students at the Commuter sial issues and rap sessions with the TRACING the history ol the Com and the general membership. The if the caucus tails to receive a written selecting the nominees, but we leel we Center will give him the personal administration and faculty. muter Center to its beginnings in 1966. officers have done more than what's response to the first two demands did interest or help he needs The head ol the Commuter Center the director recounted. "About 200 required of them in the constitution After Dr Hothe received the state- "That's one of our functions." stated claimed. "The students make the rules commuters attended a student council Nearly every officer is involved in ment, he Immediately sent the Black "WE SEARCHED the Black Ethnic Director Hazel Smith. here With all the committees in the meeting, demanding representation every project," she said. Caucus a memorandum Minority Caucus and community and Located in the basement of Moseley organization, our motto is If you want When that was achieved, they asked "Much credit goes to Richard Len- could come up with only two persons Hall and open from 7 30 am to 10 tj serve, we've got someplace to put the administration for a center, and it hart. coordinator ol student programs REGARDING THE caucus first who meet the qualifications Dr Hothe p.m.. the Commuter Center houses the you was granted and activities, who gave me a free -demand. Dr Rothe said he did not re- asked tor.'' he said largest organized group on campus- Open elections are held yearly, and hand to build whatever I wanted." ceive lour nominations as requested, in terms of the minority affairs the commuters-7.000 strong as of last there are monthly open meetings Ori- "After writing and ratifying a consti- firmly stated Mrs Smith. "He gave and therefore, was not convinced that area, we feel the position of assistant year. ginally the monthly meetings were to tution in just three weeks. The me good backing and much under- it would be appropriate administrative to the provost for minority altairs sets Its facilities include two study be group discussion and planning ses- Commuter Organization came into standing He knows kids and likes practice to make the appointments up all types of connotations ol legit- rooms, a lounge with color TV and sions But. due to the large number of existence during the 1966-67 school working with them " which the caucus recommended imacy We need to come to grips with magazines, a vending area complete "I will explore the matter further legitimacy, he said with a hoi foods machine and infra-red Receives cruelty complaints before making anv additional Bagwell said the name should have oven, lockers, a refrigerator and two response." the memorandum said the same kind ol University respec- typewriters for free use Regarding the second demand. Dr tability and seriousness .is the position Because we did not receive written SPEAKING to a group of pre-regis Rothe said he has had little opportunity tration commuters. Smith remarked. communication trom the adminis- Society works for animals for serious consideration of the pro- "You'd belter appreciate the space tration, we leel they arc limiting us in posal presented by the caucus around you today because there won't terms of the business we have to do." "I believe that an appointee to the be much when school starts in the fall anti-trap legislation and inhumane that are not usually wild and using Bagwell said Editor's Bole: This is the first of a two- position of assistant to the provost for We accommodate 1.000 to 3.000 stu- part series examining the "pet practices of rodeo cowboys prodding rods on calves." Richard F.dwards. executive assis- minority affairs can be found who will dents a day. using our 200 seats and a problem" in Wood County. Next week: The sleel jaw leg hold trap has Prodding rods are long irons that tant to President Moore, said Tuesday meet the needs ol the University and lew laps with an hourly turnover of the continuing controversy over the caused the Society to support slate send an electrical shock through the he was at the meeting held Friday with legislation to ban such devices They its minoritv (acuity and students. I do students." proposed animal shelter. animal to make it fly out of the chute to would rather see instant kill traps or The center is the only place the give an impressive display administration sends necessary papers By Liz Bobbin live traps used.
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