SUNDIAL Vol^2,Jlo, 78 San Fernondo Volley State College Friday, March 22, 1968 Major policy talk forseen By Ron Hale 1 • EDITOR • . T ^, -• .• ' '. United States Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.) will bring his drive fpr the presidency to the Southland when he delivers a major policy statement at 10 a.m. Monday in the open forum. An audience of more than 5,000 persons Is expected to turn put for the senator's only^ college appearance during his two-Ttey visit to Los Angeles. Plans for Kennedy's visit to Valley State were announced late Wednesday night with final confirmation coming from the senator's spokesmen who appeared on campus Thursday morning to discuss the visit with nearly evfety key student leader and adniinlstratar on campus. Valley State was chosen-as the site of the;talk over UCLA, Cal State KOs Angeles anS Cal State Long Beach, according to Bob Vanderet, chairman of Citizens for Kennedy. UCL.A Is on quarter t>reak, Cal State L.A. has registration, and Long Beach has an unhealthy political climate, Vanderet said. No announcement was made as to what Kennedy would talk about. Spokesmen said only that the talk would be his major policy state­ ment dealing with tKls state. * • The speech is being jointly sponsored by the Associated Stu­ dents, Associated Mens and Women Students and coordinated by The"newly formed Ypung |;itlzeas for Kennedy organization oa campus, - I Nell Snyder, Associated Students President, will Introduce Ken­ nedy. A special platform will be erected ln|ront of the forum due to the fact that the present structure is too low for such a large audience. Kennedy's visit will mark the first time that a nationally prom­ inent politican has come to campus since Sept., 1966 when Vipe R^Bsldent Hubert Humphrey addressed some 6,000 persons In the open forum. » Ten o'clock classes wiU not be cancelled as they were with Hum- „phrey, according to Dr. Delmar T. Oviatt, acting College President. Such a move would necessitate cancelling all classes whenever candidates come to campus. Rumors from the camp for U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn.) say that McCartfiy will also be at VaUey State--probably the fol­ lowing week. No official statement has been released, however. i- Immediately following Thursday's announcement, Snyder sent out telegrams to all high schools and colleges in the area inviting them to campus Monday. State College Chancellor Glenn S. Dumke was also invited and Is expected to attend If his schedule permits. Kennedy wiU fly to Northern California sometime today and will Sen. Robert Kennedy will deliver p tna|or come to Los Angeles early Sunday morning wh^te he-is^entatively Cblifornio policy talk to on expected 5,000 scheduled to make speeches in Watts and at the Greek Theatre. persons Monday in ithe open forum. Surprise His Valley State visit will be tlie first scheduled event on his Candidote announcement was received by campus offi­ Monday agenda. Current plans call for him to come from his cials We'dnesday night With official decision hotel, which will remain unknown to the public, to campus in a coming Thursday. For more photos, see page specially'designed motorcaile i'Oute. '' four. No organized trouble or opposition is expected, atcording to Vaqderet. rg!gj^»^;2^^gP'gi^fig2.-;'"j^ ymmmi&r/^. Page 2 Valley State Daily Sundial /March 22, 1968 ponders ^pill[ This is the first of a two- pill are various. < part story concerning the "Some parents write to' the healUi center requesting that Student Health Center's Director Klotz tells position «i.their daughter be given birth dispensing of birth control control pills,* Dr. Klotz said. pills. The second part will Yet the Health Center hasnev- appear on Tuesday. e^ been swamped with requests By Ralph Sanders VSC office on birth control for the pill, she said, STAFF WRITER The college Health Center IS The birth control pill: the key where would she turn? Usually quire about the pill, the informa- ' said; hot the only possible source for to woman's sexual independence, the parents have been fully util- _tion will be passed on to the Dean A college woman who first goes obtaining birth control pills. , an easy method of family plan­ ize(i as a source for sex infor­ of students and to their parents, to the HeaUh Center to request The Los Angeles County Fam­ ning or a ticket to sexual prom­ mation at an 'earlier age, and Dr. Klotz feels. a prescription for birth control ily Planning Centers will make iscuity is the question which the cost of a private physician "There Is no reason for con­ pills is first given a complete the pill available to unmarried must be faced by parents, teach­ may be prohibltiye. The source cern," she said. The Student physical and a cancer test. "Then women over the age of 18. ers, health officials and college may too often still tie the Im­ Health Center keeps the confi­ we follow the case with periodi­ One reason students. mediate group of peers. dence of a doctor patient rela­ cal checkups,* she explained. One reason for seeking med­ — The male's long-standing sta- But the Valley State Health tionship. * Too many students health cen­ ical information about the pill ,tus as the independent partner Center serves- as more ttian a , - , 'Who takes pill ters are glad to help When the is to find out about the possible' in a sexual relationship has been dispensory of medicines for ill­ "The medical profession student has a nice, clean disease, harmful side effects of taking It. • greatly altered by the widespread nesses and injuries. It can also should'determine who takes the Dr. Klotz observed, but when the •The biyth control pill is still acceptance of the birth control serve as a source for sex In­ pill," she said. student has a sticky problem like young in terms of what the long pill. By greatly reducing the formation, according to Dr. Ad- "1 realize we must follow the venerlal disease or a pregnancy, range physical effects will be,* chances of pregnancy, the pill die L. Klotz, director of the laws, but college regulations they shy away. Dr. Klotz warns. Health Center. should not interfere with treat­ has allowed the woman also to "A shame" But the birth control pill is not ments," she added. assume a position of Indepen­ Private physician •I think it is a shame,» she alone In possible harmful side • But tlie main interest voiced by dence. "Often a young person gets said. 'We should become more effects. 'There are enough med­ students has been directed at'the >- The emotional changes brought caught in the middle without en­ involved.* ical findings to warrant concern Health Center's policy on pre­ about in sexual relations, as well ough money to afford a private Dr. Klotz, however, would not about any pill given to anyone scribing the birth control pill, as the range of possible uses for physician and with nowhere else state an age or marltial status at anytime, * she said. —the pill in regulating the size of to turn,^ Dr. K16tz said.- ^.^ not on the availability of sex restriction as a qualification for __a family, have added additional "By and large, I would rather education. ' : "^ woman receiving a prescrip­ (Tuesday, writer Sanders,CDV- demands on pur approach to sex^ colHRTl "young, WrtarrlwJ'girl': ' "We, woul* no more give any tion for birth control pills.. _5rs Dr. Klotz' views on possible '- education.' pni_' student birth control pills who Each case in handled indlv- harm of indiscriminate dispehs-" How much knowledge? she said, "than to~eounsfel her asked for them'^than we would "tdually, according to l-piUo, and , How much does the college man alKiut what to do after she is give penniclUen "to any student^ The reasons for and conditions compares the population increase tuid woman know about the pos­ prisginant. • who asked for it,' Dr. Klotz under which women request the of the state and country.) sible emotional and physical ef­ the student Health Center fects of using the pill or other doesn't have a set policy regu­ contraceptive devices, and where lating prescription of the pill to ®DAILY SUNDIAL did he or she get their informa­ students. "It is a doctOr-student tion? Most likely, from the store relationship," she explained. of knowledge held in their im­ TTiere are no restrictions, mediate peer group. however, on providing sex infor­ If a college woman desires mation. either sex information or a pre­ Many students fear that if they come to the Health Center to in­ AIMALYSKS scription for birth control pills, EDITORIAL Sexual saiiity How does a woman know whether the Student Health Center at' Valley State will dispense birth control pills to her? She doesn't. Presently the Student Health Center has no _^efinite policy as t^^who can obtain b|rth con- tfol pills and who caiihot. -------r~^:'\\i:C'-^'-^ While it would be expected that a college center of this type might pass some exact measure, such as only those married (or enr gaged) women could purchase the pill, the ^Student Health Center here dispenses the pill to both non-married and married women. To complicate matters, the Health Center has no policy about dispensing the pill to a particular age-level, such as all women over 18 or 21 years of age, regardless of maritial status. ,i,. £^ But the Health Center refuses to s^y that it dispenses the pill to all those who ask for it.
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