THURSDAY • APRIL 29 • 199 3 Cars still stuck at 6Mudstock' ASWSU ing to the site. They also stress that only car fans were finally transported by bus to the ByJEFF UPTHEGROVE . owners with identification or friends with writ- county fairgrounds in Moscow where they Daily Evergreen Staff ten permission will be allowed to remove vehi- were provided blankets, soup and the use of At least one Latah County commissioner is cles. telephones. holds last calling last weekend's Greenstock festival a Latah County officials said owners who did Latah County Disaster Services official Gary laughing-stock fiasco. not leave keys for their vehicles will not have O'Keefe said some volunteers even supplied As organizers attempt to remove more than their cars immediately removed. The removal dry socks to the evacuees. meeting 150 cars still stuck in mud and muck at the of these vehicles is the responsibility of event As the cleanup of the Greenstock site con- site of the canceled show, federal officials organizers, who have yet to formulate a plan, tinues, officials of the Agriculture Soil Conser- have begun to assess the damage to topsoil, officials said. vation Service have begun to assess the status ByKJMATP~D and Latah County officials have begun to say "Cars with no keys are probably going to of a federal contract with landowner Dennis Daily Evergreen Staff stay here a very long time," Latah County Chilberg, a Spokane County commissioner. "I told you so." With television cameras Commissioner Mark Solomon said. Chilberg's stepdaughter is a WSU student and Four tractors under hire from local farmers rolling and the final business Solomon also was holding some concert a Greenstock organizer. managed Wednesday to remove fewer than of the year to handle, sena- ticket revenue for payment of towing person- Under the terms of an agreement with half of the penned in vehicles by a tedious and tors of the 22nd ASWSU nel on Tuesday, he said. ASCS, Chilberg is required to maintain most expensive process around a wooded hillside Senate met Wednesday. Festival organizers were unavailable for of the land at the concert site as part of the near the swampy lot. Housing status for WSU comment Wednesday. Conservation Reserve Project. students was a top concern Vehicles pulled from the site are being County commissioners declared a local Included in the federal listing of what desig- for Senator Amy Bernstein. parked along a nearby access road, and the state of emergency Monday as nearly 600 wet nated CRP acreage sheuld not be used for are "Students are a perfect Latah County Sheriff is notifying owners by and hungry concertgoers remained trapped at "parking," "camping" and "other activities example of the powerless in telephone to pick them up. the show site following its Saturday afternoon that could adversely impact the control of ero- a relationship with a land- Sheriff's deputies urge car owners to wait cancellation. lord," Bernstein said. Under the Latah County emergency plan, See Greenstock: page 12 until they are notified by police before return- With a nonscientific poll in hand, Bernstein presented student responses to q ues- tions covering such topics as Officials how their landlord rated in Hoofin' it safety and upkeep to discrim- ination problems. discuss cuts, "Landlords are taking· advantage of students because they can," she said. job security Bernstein said students consider living in apartments ByRACHEAL HA-~I1i. I to be temporary housing, their student status makes Daily Everqreen Staff them feel inferior to their A standing room only crowd of landlords, and the need for WSU staff members, most of housing allows landlords to them worried about their jobs. take advantage of them. gathered in Todd Hall Wednesday In other news, WSU stu- to ask questions of local officials. dents will be able to learn The officials, including Nina about Russian culture, and Casper l.eisi, interim director of Russian students will learn Human Resource Services; Roger about setting up student Gissel, employment supervisor of organizations when two Rus- WSU Human Resource Services sian Club students 'and their (HRC); Roger Gissel. employment adviser travel to Vladivos- supervisor at HRC; Ben Jenness, tock, Russia, in May. director of WSU Benefit Services; Senators gave $250 to the Myrna Haring, of the Pullman Job club to help with travel costs Service; and Lonnie Dunlap. coor- to WSU's sister school, the dinator of career development at Far Eastern State University. WSU Career Services, were avail- "This is going beyond the able to field the staff members' professional level of questions about reconfiguration. exchange we've had with Reconfiguration, a buzzword in professors," ASWSU Presi- recent months at WSU, refers to dent Stuart Morgan said. the process of cutting university Russian Club President programs and employees in times Tom Spear said the group of financial crisis. Severe budget hopes to establish a rapport cuts expected fro m th estate with students there. make layoffs and employee "We want to create con- bumps looming concern'> for Starr photo by Rich Waters tacts and make them avail- members of the classified staff. Officer Gary Nobel, of the WSU police department, blotks traffic near the hospital with the able to you (senators), and Some items of information and department's newest member, John the Horse. Please see story on page 3. make you available to them." advice presented to the employ- ees in attendance involved: • Layoff options: Staff mem- bers are classified into layoff Athlete's status at Chevron causes confusion units, which are (1) departments, Athletic officials confirmed Wolfe's position tion. ByJOEY HAHTEEOCr offices and programs reporting to at the station, saying the arrangement is legal "I do not have Steve Wolfe on the payroll," the university president; (2) areas Daily Evergreen Staff and not a violation of the National Collegiate he said. reporting to the vice president for While WSU athletic officials say one of their Athletic Association's regulations, which pro- Mondragon went on to say Wolfe is not in university affairs; (3) areas report- student-athletes is working at a local business hibit full scholarship recipients such as Wolfe any kind of a training program and does not ing to the vice president of busi- voluntarily and in accor- from working at a paid job during the school have a summer job already in place at the sta- ness affairs; (4) areas reporting to dance with NCAA regula- year. tion. the provost; (5) and colleges and tions, the owner of the The arrangement would be a violation of "If he was down here, he was probably schools. business denies having NCAA regulations if Wolfe were getting paid working on his car or something," Mondra- When a position is targeted for any working arrange- for the work he is doing. gon said. "He's a regular customer and' a elimination, the person filling that mentwith the athlete. Football Coach Mike Price said the 6-foot-3, friend of mine, but he is not in any part of a position will be placed in another 300-pound center has been "in a training pro- training program." position in the same layoff unit Senior football player gram" at the business for the last week. Sources say that they Saw Wolfe working at that pays an equal or lesser sal- Steve Wolfe has said he "I'm getting ready to work there this sum- the cash register at the station on more than ary, if one is available. If no posi- is volunteering his time Wolfe mer," Wolfe said. one occasion, and that he worked for about tion exists in the same layoff unit, at the Campus Chevron Yet Mondragon, a supporter of WSU athlet- four hours one day. positions outside the unit will be at N.E. 400 Stadium ics, said during a Wednesday morning phone When The Daily Evergreen first tried to talk considered for that person. Way, but owner and WSU booster F. Dan call that he has hired student-athletes during to Wolfe, he would not answer questions. Mondragon denies Wolfe has any kind of posi- the summer before, .but he flatly denied later See Jobs: page 12 tion at the station, voluntary or paid. that Wolfe has any connections with the sta- See Athlete: page 9 Page2 The Daily Evergreen Thursday, April 29, 1993 Cougfest '93 • Palouse Empire Science Fiction Association meets at 8 tonight at the Banjara Indian Restaurant in PUllman. For information call gets $5,000 PARTY TRAYS Donna at 332-1271. 8y KIM.Al..•;I"II~ available for graduation! . ··'::;/-.~.:::'~:;;::@;;::~:::;::.;:Ad/t~~ • Rho Epsilon Amateur Radio Club meets at noon in CUB 113. Daily Ev_ergreen Staff ORDER SOON! • WRRC noon program: The Beauty Myth, an audio-taped lecture Next year's senators set a by author Naomi Wolf, will be shown. speedy record at the second pre- Dining Services at the CUB liminary meeting of the ASWSU 23rd Senate. 335--3875 • Alcoholics Anonymous meets at noon Monday through Friday on the third floor of the K-House. During the half-hour meeting, senators passed a bill asking for Meat and Fruit and $5,000 to fund Cougfest. • Need Assistance? If you need assistance with a university- The nonalcoholic event is Cheese Trays Vegetable related problem or want to discuss an issue or complaint confi- scheduled for Aug. 28, and is dentially, contact the Ombudsman's Office in Wilson Hall Room 2 geared as a concert to welcome Trays or call 5-1195. back students to the WSU cam- pus. • ScoHlComan Escort Service is open from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. The programs are to be held on during closed week, but it will be closed next week.
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