VOLUME 45 April/May 2012 Number 6 Reality and Relationship – Learning about the Natural World How does one “teach” a beginning birder? The approach may vary for different ages and mo- GENERAL MEETINGS tivation. Madrone’s Junior Audubon Chair Madrone Audubon’s monthly meetings are held at the First United Methodist Church, Scott Campbell gives one answer taken from 1551 Montgomery Drive, Santa Rosa. his own experience. When I was in 4th grade and saw for the April Meeting May Meeting first time a Great Blue Heron in the salt “Raptors on the Wing” “Extreme California: the White marshes of the South Bay, I was introduced Monday, April 16, 7:30 pm Mountains and Anza Borrego State Park” into a whole new reality. Monday, May 21, 6:30 pm Raptor natural history is the specialty of Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner Larry Broderick, who runs the West Coun- ty Hawk Watch. Madrone’s Ken Wilson–tour guide, pho- He will share some recent sightings and tographer and birder extraordinaire–will photos of interest, and he’ll talk about some show us the White Mountains, home to the of the projects he’s involved in. To help Ancient Bristlecone Pines, the oldest trees people learn about birds of prey he covers in the world. The program will consist of aspects of identification, migration, and photos taken by Ken and Becky Olsen dur- the past and present threats facing these ing a short visit in 2011 to this remarkable birds. Larry has been cultivating relation- destination in eastern California. Separated ships with west Sonoma and Marin County from the Sierra Nevada by the Owens Val- ranchers and farmers over the last two de- ley, the White Mountains are the western- Great Blue Heron Photo courtesy of Harlan Price cades, forging a relationship that yields pos- most range in the Great Basin. itive results for all. He puts a strong empha- In addition Ken will discuss and show pho- Here was this large–everything is bigger in sis on importance of habitat conservation, tos of the peninsular subspecies of Desert the 4th grade–colorful creature that explod- land acquisition and restoration. Bighorn Sheep that he and Becky have ed into flight right before my eyes. This re- Larry describes himself as a “business guy helped census over the past 15 years at Anza ality also brought me into a new awareness in the transportation industry who is pas- Borrego State Park. of the relationship I have with the natural sionate about nature and hawks.” He has Ken has been a member of Madrone Audu- environment. My teachers were wise enough been studying raptors for 30 years, and bon Society since the early 90s, participat- to know that if I did not see this reality for he’s known for his real time narration of ing in the Beginner Bird Walks, Christmas hawks as they appear in their natural set- myself I could never fully imagine it. It was Bird Counts and other conservation-ori- tings during peak migration and seasonal ented activities. He is the owner of Talon this creature that was standing still one mo- over-wintering. Larry has given many rap- ment and then majestically flying away a safe Tours, a birding and nature tour company, tor tours and he is experienced in field res- leading groups to many different countries distance to resume its daily activities. cue, transport and care for local wildlife. as well as to parts of the USA. In addition, Continued on page 2 You can contact him at northcoastraptor@ Ken is the owner of a landscape company gmail.com. specializing in the design and installation of To receive Leaves via email in pdf format wildlife friendly habitats. just email your request to: Go GREEN! Please bring your own mug NOTE: Please turn to page 2 for details [email protected] or cup for tea or coffee about the potluck dinner and the annual You will save paper and your copy at the meetings. meeting elections. will be in color. MADRONE LEAVES REALITY AND RELATIONSHIP We gratefully acknowledge those officers True Confession Number 2: I didn’t miss Continued from page 1 and committee chairs that have agreed to being part of Audubon for over 30 years. I Next I learned the name of the bird, its size serve for the coming year. We are talking was happy watching the birds in my back and weight, where it roosts and why it likes to some who might be interested in that yard. I studied bird songs. I visited the the salt marshes for food sources. Then my VP position, and we continue to need birding hotspots. I joined lots of Christ- teachers explored the effects that human help with committee posts in Outreach mas Bird Counts. I slowly developed a set activity has on these salt marshes and the and Publicity. Occasional assistance with of skills and a modest life list. Birding was impact on all life in this ecosystem. How big tasks such as Membership and Audu- a personal pleasure for me, devoid of poli- diverting water for household uses affected bon Adventures are always welcomed. If tics and conflict. Meanwhile, grasslands the salinity of the marshes and how the pol- you are interested in volunteering for the were converted to housing tracts, marshes lution from runoff threatened the heron’s Lincoln School Bird Festival on May 2, turned to shopping malls, and the birds home even more. I was in relationship with contact Janeann Erickson at 795-2498. became scarcer and scarcer. Still, I enjoyed birds and simply wanted to be the best this beautiful creature whether I knew it or NOTE: For the potluck dinner, please birder I could be. not. What I did daily affected not only my bring a dish to share (entree, salad or des- next door neighbor but also the creatures I sert), and remember to bring your own True Confession Number 3: I may have enjoyed looking at in my free time. plate, cup and utensils. We will provide learned how to identify many birds with This is what Junior Audubon is all about– drinks–sorry, no alcoholic beverages al- only the slightest glimpse of feather, beat the wonder and mystery of the natural lowed at the church. Help is much appre- of wing or phrase of song, but I have not world. This reality is what will give the fu- ciated to set up before the dinner starting been a very good birder. Good birders ture generations something to balance the at about 5:00 PM (or to clean up after- truly care about the future of the species pull of “virtual reality.” wards). If you can lend a hand, please they enjoy and act to ensure that all birds contact Linda Hammer at 823-4389 or are protected. Good birders speak out and Letting students ask questions (which [email protected]. support efforts to preserve habitats that are tells us more than answers, anyway) is the necessary for avian survival. Good birders most important thing to do when expos- • • • • • • not only enjoy the beauty of wild birds, ing youth to the natural world. I don’t even but also repay them with time, talent and need to know the answers either. I must treasure. A selfish birder will never be the David Jensen is president of the Mendocino have enthusiasm and a willingness to dig best birder possible. into books to search for those answers; that Coast Audubon Society. This article is in turn will lead to more questions. reprinted with his permission from their So please join with me and all the best birders around. Help save what we have This is where the real fun begins. Some of June 2011 newsletter, “The Whistling Swan.” left so that there is something to leave the students will become birdwatchers, list- for future generations. You don’t need to ers, or they may even lose interest in birds A BIRDER’S LAMENT write a big check. You don’t need to quit but see insects in a new light for the first your day job. You don’t even need to put a By David Jensen time. I want the next generation to see the bumper sticker on your car. Simply show reality of the natural world and the rela- I have a couple of confessions to make. your support and concern in any way pos- tionship that creates responsibility to be sible. If you have Internet access, check careful stewards of this amazing planet and True Confession Number 1: I’ve never the Issues and Actions page of the Califor- our neighbors. really cared for the National Audubon nia Audubon website at audubon-ca.org. Society. I’m sorry, but it is true. You see, Write or call your elected officials–city, • • • • • • I have always had a love for birds, even as county, state, federal–any and all of them. a boy. When I began to get serious about Let them know that you care about birds MAS Annual Dinner and studying birds over 30 years ago, I joined and that you vote. Write letters to the lo- Potluck, plus Election the National Audubon Society to learn cal newspaper. Conservation doesn’t just all I could. I faithfully read each copy happen in the Arctic Refuge, it happens at of Officers of their magazine but soon realized they home as well. wanted to talk about habitat and con- The following slate of officers for 2012-2013 servation, not feather patterns and field Each of us has different talents and inter- will be installed at the May 19th meeting: notes.
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