PITT STREET SOUTH OVER STATION DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT STATE SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION VOLUME ONE Sydney Metro | Pitt Street South Over Station Development EIS i GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS Glossary and Abbreviations Glossary and Abbreviations Term Definition Concept SSD A concept development application as defined in section 4.22 of the EP&A Act – a Application development application that sets out concept proposals for the development of a site, and for which detailed proposals for the site or for separate parts of the site are to be the subject of a subsequent development application or applications Council Council of the City of Sydney CSSI Critical State Significant Infrastructure CSSI Approval The approval under the EP&A Act for the construction of the Sydney Metro City & Southwest Chatswood to Sydenham project, as amended by subsequent modification applications. The CSSI project (application number SSI 15_7400) was approved by the Minister for Planning on 9 January 2017 and has been amended on 18 October 2017 (Modification 1), 21 December 2017 (Modification 2), 22 March 2018 (Modification 3) and 13 December 2017 (Modification 4) Any reference to the CSSI Approval is a reference to the most current version of that approval as amended by any subsequent modification application. Detailed SSD The SSD Application(s) made after the concept SSD Application that seeks consent for Application the design and to physically construct the development DPE Department of Planning and Environment EP&A Act Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) EP&A Regulation Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (NSW) EIS Environmental Impact Statement Heritage item An item of environmental heritage listed in Schedule 5 of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 or on the State Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1977 Interchange Access The Interchange Access Plan is a requirement of Condition E92 of the CSSI Approval. The Plan station and its integration into the surrounding public domain will be resolved through further design development through the preparation of this plan and a SDPP, under the terms of the CSSI Approval Integrated station Combined station, OSD and public domain works development Over Station Over station development as defined in the CSSI Approval – includes non-rail related Development (OSD) development that may occupy land or airspace above, within or in the immediate vicinity of the Sydney Metro CSSI but excluding spaces and interface works such as structural elements that may be constructed as part of the CSSI Approval to make provision for future developments Preferred The Submissions and Preferred Infrastructure Report submitted as part of Sydney Metro Infrastructure Report City & Southwest Chatswood to Sydenham project, application no. SSI 15_7400 (PIR) SDCP 2012 Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Station Design The Station Design Precinct Plan is a requirement of Condition E101 of the CSSI Approval. Precinct Plan (SDPP) The station and its integration into the surrounding public domain will be resolved through further design development through the preparation of this plan and an IAP, under the terms of the CSSI Approval Secretary Secretary of the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, or their delegate SLEP 2012 Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 SLR Sydney Light Rail SSD State significant development as defined by section 4.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Station box The volumetric area of the Pitt Street Station development approved under the CSSI Approval – includes below and above ground elements up to the ‘transfer slab’ level, above which would sit each OSD Sydney Metro | Pitt Street South Over Station Development EIS v Glossary and Abbreviations Term Definition Sydney Metro The Chatswood to Sydenham component of Sydney Metro City & Southwest involves the City & Southwest construction and operation of a 16.5 kilometre metro line from Chatswood, under Sydney – Chatswood to Harbour and through Sydney’s CBD out to Sydenham. Sydenham project This section of Sydney Metro City & Southwest will deliver new underground platforms at Central station and seven new metro stations at: ° Crows Nest ° Victoria Cross ° Barangaroo ° Martin Place ° Pitt Street ° Waterloo ° Sydenham This part of the project will operate between Chatswood and Sydenham Stations. Sydney Metro Upgrading of the T3 Bankstown Line to Sydney Metro standards between Sydenham and City & Southwest Bankstown, including the upgrade of all 10 stations. –Sydenham to These works are the subject of a separate Critical State Significant Infrastructure Bankstown Upgrade project (reference SSI 17_8256) which was lodged with the DPE in September 2017. This application has yet to be determined. Sydney Metro The applicant for the concept SSD Application Sydney Metro CSSI Sydney Metro City & Southwest – Chatswood to Sydenham project vi Sydney Metro | Pitt Street South Over Station Development EIS Glossary and Abbreviations STATEMENT OF VALIDITY Glossary and Abbreviations Statement of Validity Statement of Validity Item Details Development application details (SSD 17_8876) Applicant name Sydney Metro Responsible person Fil Cerone, Director Sustainability Environment & Planning, Sydney Metro City & Southwest, Transport for New South Wales Level 43, 680 George Street, Sydney Applicant address PO Box K659 Haymarket NSW 1240 Land to be developed Street address Lot reference 125-129 Bathurst Street, Sydney Lot 1, DP60293 131-135 Bathurst Street, Sydney Lot 1, DP59101 296-300 Pitt Street, Sydney Lot 1, DP436359 302 Pitt Street, Sydney Lot 1, DP62668 Proposed development Sydney Metro Pitt Street South over station development. A concept State significant development Application for over station development at the approved southern portal of Pitt Street Station, Sydney. The application seeks consent to the broad development concept for the future development including the maximum building envelope, conceptual land uses including residential or commercial, pedestrian and vehicle access, car parking, signage zones, future subdivision of part of the OSD footprint (if required) and structural, servicing and space provisioning integration with Pitt Street Station which was approved as Critical State Significant Infrastructure (SSI 15_7400) by the Minister for Planning on 9 January 2017 (as modified). The application also seeks approval for strategies for stormwater management, ecological sustainable development, public art and design excellence. Environmental Impact Statement prepared by: Name Michael Rowe Director, Planning Ethos Urban Qualifications BPlan(Hons), MPIA Address 173 Sussex Street, Sydney Declaration I declare that I have prepared the contents of this Environmental Impact Statement and to the best of my knowledge: ° it is in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 ° it includes all available information that is relevant to the environmental assessment of the development to which the Statement relates ° the information contained in the Statement is neither false nor misleading. Signature Date 8th August 2018 Sydney Metro | Pitt Street South Over Station Development EIS ix Statement of Validity This page has intentionally been left blank x Sydney Metro | Pitt Street South Over Station Development EIS Statement of Validity EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Statement of Validity Executive Summary Executive Summary Introduction Sydney Metro is Australia’s biggest public transport project. Services start in 2019 in the city’s north west with a train every four minutes in the peak. Metro rail will be extended into the CBD and beyond to Bankstown in 2024. Sydney Metro includes new CBD railway stations underground at Martin Place, Pitt Street and Barangaroo and new metro platforms at Central. In 2024, Sydney Metro will have 31 stations on a new 66-kilometre rail system – the biggest urban rail project in Australian history. Sydney Metro will have ultimate capacity for a train every two minutes in each direction under the CBD. Sydney Metro will revitalise communities, transform places and make the nation’s only global city more livable and connected. Not only will this new mass transit system move more people safely and reliably than ever before, it will unlock the potential of Sydney as a growing global city, creating new and diverse opportunities to support changing communities. Joining other great global mass transit development initiatives, the NSW Government has identified Sydney Metro stations which can be better integrated with the areas around them, creating world- class places that will shape our city’s future. In building new metro stations for Sydney, an exciting opportunity exists to integrate global best practice and innovative thinking to create a sense of place. Vibrant neighbourhoods help strengthen communities, attract investment and enhance liveability. A dynamic place integrates restaurants, parks, footpaths, buildings and other public spaces to invite greater interaction between people and foster healthier, more social and economically viable communities. Sydney Metro consists of Sydney Metro Northwest, which is due for completion in 2019 and Sydney Metro City & Southwest, which is due for completion in 2024. Sydney Metro City & Southwest includes the construction and operation of a new metro rail line from Chatswood, under Sydney Harbour through Sydney’s CBD to Sydenham and on to Bankstown through the conversion of the existing line to metro standards.
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