Ernest F. Birmingham, Editor and Publisher. (Mar. 03, 1923). LORD BURNHAM: NEWSPAPERS MUST CREATE PUBLIC OPINION WITHOUT REGARD TO INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES, Yr. XXX No. 1514, pg. 18. THE FOURTH ESTATE, Google Books. (Search words: Sir Harry Levy- Lawson, 1st Viscount Burnham, chaos, anarchy, public opinion, majestic force, newspapers must create public opinion without regard to international boundaries, wireless, radio, English-speaking world). 'EDMUND B URKE SAID Published E VERY SATURDAY 1 that there were Three Estate* IS! West itth St., Columbiu Circle in Parliament, but in the Keporters' Gallery yonder New Y ork City there sat a 'Fourth Estate1 THE more important far than the> all." ERNEST F . BIRMINGHAM — C arlyle't "Htrott and Editor and Publisher Hero Worship." FOURTH E STATE PRICF.0 1 r>ENTTS XXX Y ear. No. 1514 POUR D OLLARS A YEAR A N EWSPAPER FOR THE MAKERS OF NEWSPAPERS March 3, 1923 FOLLOWHE T DEPARTMENT STORES Volume o f business is the life-blood of the and m ost economical avenue of appeal to the department store. It must appeal to the great buying populace of Chicago and greatest possible audience. It must make this suburbs. The table below gives abundant appeal continuously, and with certainty of proof of the leadership of The Daily News results. in this field. For m any years Chicago's leading depart Other a dvertisers should follow these stores. ment stores have found the advertising col Their advertising is scientifically placed and umns of The Daily News the quickest, surest must prove effective. TOTAL L INES DISPLAY ADVERTISING IN CHICAGO NEWSPAPERS USED BY C HICAGO DEPARTMENT STORES D URING THE YEAR 1922 The D aily Tribune Tribune Herald a nd Examiner News D aily S unday Daily Sunday Post American Journal Total Boston S tore 531,546 5,795 287,145 61,730 218,530 24,808 814,573 329,778 1,728,905 Carson, P irie, Scott & Co 403,047 4 35,225 1 84,108 1 29,878 1 77,612 9 0,133 1 ,420,003 The F air 612,426 25,017 ' 3 28',57S 41,679 290,689 58,116 326,030 256,975 1,989,505 Hillman's 3 28,608 10,083 158,563 5,243 1 11,912 67,339 24,776 696,514 Henry. C Lytton & Sons (The Hub) 272,821 3 41,699 26,167 58,668 1,621 27,258 178,221 30,019 930,259 Leiter B ldg. Stores 394,170 10,060 196,970 5,950 126,505 123,790 16,016 873,461 Mandel B ros 626,698 3 08,189 226,084 51,072 103,960 109,255 196,252 234,870 1,856,386 Marshall F ield & Co 528,359 632,678 330,262 3 87,020 405,844 253,848 2,387,511 Rothschild & C o 565,212 53,496 ' 3 24",947 20,803 265,417 42,227 434,280 269,730 1,976,111 M.. L Rothschild 375,168 4 29,825 84,896 32,021 107,318 31,444 1,010,672 .Chas. A Stevens & Bros 140,484 188,775 ' 1 88,482 1,107 13,734 6,498 34,473 523,503 Weber D ept. Store 30,081 22,623 18,663 71,317 VV.. A Wieboldt & Co 430,960 5422 117,627 4,724 86,500 191,827 836,220 Ed. A hlswede 402 402 Becker-Ryan & C o 82,648 2)699 82,354 1 ,710 U.323 152,883 Corydon's 3 9,965 5 ,801 1 5,768 61,534 Goldblatt 2 ,933 597 330 2,228 6,068 E. I verson & Co 151,S<0 1 6,786 168,626 Kahn's F air 1,577 1,577 Klein B ros 103,390 4,233 2 1,808 20,181 149,612 L. K lein 205,020 2,982 7 8,928 220 17,703 119,584 8 6,278 510,721 Loren M iller & Co 12,123 2 ,901 1,311 4 8 = 3 ,047 2,118 21,983 P.. D Madigan 496 496 Struve's 1 8,341 18,341 The T welfth Street Store 152,353 31,003 57,978 111,085 352,421 Union L iberty 929 500 1,678 1 60 8,817 Oppenheimer, J . & Co 3,979 8,979 Phiilipsborn B ros 8,722 3,702 6 ,76» 22,294 40,507 TOTAL: 6 ,022,181 2,354,395 1 ,933,942 808,220 1 ,288,260 767,076 2,813,541 1,755,193 17,787,754 THE D AILY NEWS PRINTED 3,667,786 m ore lines than the next morning paper. 3,208,640 more lines than the next evening paper. 1,733,844 more lines than the next Daily and Sunday paper. 2,864,566 more lines than all the morning papers combined. 2,799,979 more lines than all Sunday papers combined. THE C HICAGO DAILY NEWS FIRST i n Chicago 2 The Fourth Estate March 3, 1923 PERRY AND JONES BALTIMORE HOST IMPORTANT PRECEDENT IN TAKE CHARGE TO INTERSTATE STORE RATE AGREEMENT. IN READING. CIRCULATORS. NEWS-TIMES RESUMES OLD SPRING MEETING TO BE HELD NEW YORK TIMES AND ELEVEN BIG NAME OF "TIMES," POPULAR MONDAY AND TUESDAY — WITH READERS— COMES OUT ROUND TABLE TALKS AND RETAILERS SETTLE CONTROVERSY IN ENTIRELY NEW DRESS VISIT TO SUN PLANT ARE OVER INCREASE — CIRCULATION — HERALD-TELEGRAM WILL FEATURES — GOVERNOR TO USE SAME PLANT. ADDRESS LUNCHEON. GAINS MEAN HIGHER RATES, The Reading News-Times came out The spring meeting of the Inter- WITH REBATE FOR LOSSES. Thursday in a new uniform but un State Circulation Managers Associa der an old name. John H. Perry, tion, composed of circulation man president of Perry-Lloyd Jones News agers from Pennsylvania, New Jer papers, new owners, announcing that sey, Maryland, Delaware, District of Advertising of the eleven New York department stores which on the paper would resume the name of Columbia and West Virginia, will February 18 withdrew their copy from the New York Times because of Reading Times. Mr. Perry was in take place in Baltimore at the an announced increase in that newspaper's department store rate, returned Reading to formally complete the Southern Hotel Monday and Tuesday. to the New York Times on Friday, following the conclusion of an agree transfer of the paper from the Mc- A lengthy program on subjects of ment that will doubtless serve as a powerful precedent for the guidance Cormkk estate to the organization of vital interest to the circulation man of publishers and merchants in other cities. which he is head. has been prepared by Charles O. Reville, circulation manager, and B. The new agreement is in every essential a victory for the Times, "In changing the name we are bow C. Still, country circulator, of the but both the business management of the newspaper and the tepresenta- ing to the wishes of many old and Sunpapers, Baltimore. Md. There tives of the merchants approached the situation with the idea of finding clear subscribers," Mr. Perry declared. will be some interesting speakers, a solution to a vexatious problem, and not at all in the spirit of coercion. "My associate, Richard Lloyd Jones, including a members of the child ■ The Times' announced increase from was in Reading recently and he told labor bureau of Maryland, who will thirty-four to thirty-six cents per me that more than one person asked discuss this law and how it affects PUBLISHER BECOMES SOLE line daily and from thirty-five to him if he wouldn't resume the old boys selling newspapers. thirty-seven cents per line Sunday, name, which meant so much to the President Lynch of the International OWNER OF FORT WAYNE based on the use of 150,000 lines splendid men and women who have Association has been invited. JOURNAL-GAZETTE. annually, was made because increasing been the mainstay of this commu The convention proper will begin circulation of the Times not only nity for more than half a century. at nine o'clock in the morning of L. G. Ellingham has purchased the warranted it. but made it imperative. Mr. Jones was deeply impressed with Tuesday. A special program, how interest of Edward G. Hoffman in Under the arrangement concluded the appeal, and we are glad to make ever, has been arranged for Monday, the Journal-Gazette Company, publish this week, the merchants subscribe the change. The name should never and the majority of members have er of the Fort Wayne. Ind., Journal- to the principle of paying more for have been hyphenated in the first signified their intention of arriving Gazette and the Evening Press, and increased circulation, and have car place." on this date. There will be round is now sole owner of the newspaper ried their point that a circulation The transfer of this newspaper to table discussions on various circula and its property. In the transaction decrease should mean a rebate to the Perry-Lloyd Jones interests is of tion topics and a tour through the the Journal-Gazette Company also the advertiser. Thus the matter nas peculiar interest to eastern Pennsyl Sun plant Monday afternoon. A sold its business site at the corner been placed on a value received basis, vania, because it brings Taylor E. concert by the Evening Sun news of Harrison and Washington streets. and should be an important factor McPherson back into the ranks of boys' band of sixty pieces will be Mr. Ellingham and Mr. Hoffman in bringing merchants all over the Pennsylvania newspaper men. Mr. given between eight and nine o'clock have been owners of the Journal- country to realize that an increase McPherson, who is general manager Monday evening, after which the Gazette since 1916, when they pur- in the value of newspaper space en of the Perry-Lloyd Jones newspapers, round table discussions will be re titles the publisher to a proportion is a Pennsylvanian by birth and by sumed.
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