destination... CRI awards inaugural revolving loan program 2 Liz’s List: Summer picks of downtown local downtown favorites 4 culpeper A local ballad: Greg Yates 8 Downtown Culpeper local news serving downtown culpeper Summer 2019 • Volume 8 • Issue 3 • Culpeper Renaissance 2 SUMMER 2019 VOL. 8 / ISSUE 3 destination CULPEPER RENAISSANCE INC. downtown culpeper Cleaning Services1DWXUDO 6ROXWLRQV &OHDQLQJCleaning &R LV DQ RUJDQLF À la Carte FOHDQLQJ VHUYLFH SURYLGLQJ DOO QDWXUDO HOUSE DOWHUQDWLYHV IRU KRPH RULAUNDRY/MUD EXVLQHVV ROOM 3URPRWLQJ D¬KHDOWKLHU OLIHVW\OH DQG APARTMENTHQYLURQPHQW IRU \RX DQG \RXUINTERIOR IDPLO\ WINDOWS OFFICE REFRIGERATOR RETAIL/BOUTIQUE CEILING FANS MOVE IN~MOVE OUT BASEBOARD/TRIM SPECIAL EVENT WALL WIPE DOWN NEW CONSTRUCTION&20,1* 6221EXTERIOR CABINETS 635,1* About Natural Solutions Natural Solutions Cleaning Co. is an organic cleaning service providing all natural alternatives for home or business. Promoting a healthier lifestyle and environment for you and your family! Sherri Azais naturalsolutionscleaningco.com Christine Sroka [email protected] 540-340-3676 [email protected] 300 S EAST STREET • CULPEPER VA 22701 CULPEPER RENAISSANCE INC. destination 3 SUMMER 2019 VOL. 8 / ISSUE 3 downtown culpeper Natural Solutions Cleaning Co. receives first Culpeper Downtown revolving loan fund program from CRI Culpeper Renaissance, Inc. (CRI) in partnership with the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture (USDA), De- partment of Rural Development, Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) program, is utilizing grant funding for a microenterprise Re- volving Loan Fund (RLF) intended to stimulate economic development by assisting small or emerging busi- nesses located or locating in the CRI downtown footprint. In addition to the $75,000 USDA grant received, CRI has contributed $15,000 from their fundraising ef- forts, making for a combined total amount of $90,000 for the program. CRI has used this funding this fund- ing to set up a financing mechanism that will allow local businesses to leverage loans that will help develop and expand their businesses. Culpeper Renaissance, Inc. held a check presentation ceremony on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 for the PHOTO BY JEFF SAY programs first recipient, Natural So- Natural Solutions Cleaning Company was the first recipient of the Culpeper Downtown Revolving Loan lutions Cleaning Co. Fund Program. CRI presented the owners, Sherri Azais and Christine Sroka, with a check in the amount of $15,000 to happier home and business envi- Designated in 1988, Culpeper Re- es” that could negatively impact assist with start-up costs of their ronment. Both Sherri and Christine naissance, Inc. (CRI) is a member of your cash flow.” business. have been using organic cleaning the Virginia Main Street program. “As CRI’s goal is promoting our This loan has enabled the creation solutions in their own homes for The Main Street program was orga- main street community, it is a privi- of five jobs in Culpeper’s downtown over 10 years and appreciate the dif- nized by the National Trust for His- lege to be a part of the local down- commercial district. ference it has made for them and toric Preservation to help revitalize town businesses. By offering a finan- “We are so excited to bring Natu- their families. the economic vitality of downtown cial loan to startup businesses, we ral Solutions Cleaning Co. to the They look forward to introducing commercial districts. hope to see even more interesting downtown area and introduce an all their cleaning service customers to The funds provided by CRI will shops in our downtown area.” said organic clean to both local and sur- the benefits of all natural solutions be used for the acquisition and de- CRI Board President, Tish Smyth rounding communities. and “Keeping It Clean ~ Naturally!” velopment of land, easements, and For more information please con- We look forward to partnering “We are pleased that CRI has the rights-of-way, loans for startup op- tact Natural Solutions Cleaning Co. with the downtown business com- ability to benefit our local economy erating costs, and working capital, at (540) 340-3676 or visit www.natu- munity and help in vitalizing the with this program by supporting and other business needs. ralsolutionscleaningco.com. economic growth in downtown Cul- the development and expansion of CRI Economic Vitality Chair, For more information about the peper!” states Azais small businesses, and job creation,” Steve Miller states “These loans are Culpeper Downtown Revolving Natural Solutions Cleaning Co. CRI Executive Director, Jessica Jen- a great opportunity for an entrepre- Loan Fund Program, or to receive was created with one mission in kins said. “We look forward to work- neur that is starting a business, or an application packet please contact mind; replace chemically based ing with Natural Solutions Cleaning expanding a current business to the Culpeper Renaissance, Inc. at (540) cleaning agents with all natural so- Co. in helping their business grow next level. These low interest loans 825-4416 or visit www.culpeper- lutions promoting a healthier and and prosper.” will help with the “Surprise Expens- downtown.com. 4 SUMMER 2019 VOL. 8 / ISSUE 3 destination CULPEPER RENAISSANCE INC. downtown culpeper The Summer Edition of Liz’s List Sun kissed, blue skies, long days, porch sits, beach days, you’re at it! Enjoy my Spend Summer downtown recommendations, as it wouldn’t be grilling nights, pure relaxation- the epitome of Summer has Liz’s List if your local shopping wasn’t $25 or less! arrived & downtown Culpeper has all the Summer Vibes! Enjoying every aspect of what makes this time of year oh Hi, I’m Liz Linski; a Maryland native, until I found myself attending a picturesque so favorited should only be shared with others. I challenge southern Virginia school, and falling in love with a good ole’ Virginia boy. I could not you at your next gathering to share some Summer vibes, be more proud to call Culpeper, my home now; a home I share with my husband and LIZ LINSKI and what better means than to share some local vibes while our similarly outgoing GSP pup! Sun Kissed- un Kissed: speaks the true feeling of Blue Skies- S Summer! When your skin gets its sunny glow, your taste buds begin to crave the sweet flavors of lue Skies: Filled with the bright beaming sun truly the season too. With seasonal candies filling the B makes this time of year! Planters are blossoming, displays, The Frenchman’s Corner delightfully gardens are producing & all the colorful fruits of your temps your taste buds with flavors of key lime, Spring labor are welcomed into your home! Capture the meyer lemon & peach- quite the sun-kissed beauty of summer with the vivid poster prints of Cavallini mentality to pay it forward with friends, right? at your downtown home destination, Homeconomics. Candies starting @ $4.95. A striking seasonal design element for your home for only $5.95. Long Days- ong Days: Always equal long Summer Nights right!? Elongate the pleasure of cooling evening temps & vivid L sunsets with Fido, man’s best friend! Pet lovers rejoice as Regining Cats & Dogs supplies the most colorful leashed & collars, ready to snap on pup for that Summer nights stroll! orch Sits: Most often seek to Porch Sits- Experience the slip-lead woven designed leash in vivid shades of P be accompanied by a drink in the season, starting at @$20.00. hand, am I right?! As the rocking chars come out, & the company comes over, stock your fridge with a nice seasonal Beach Days- selection of drinks from Vinosity. A each Days: Lake days, sunny days or even go-to destination for the original & B the unpredictable summer thunderstorm specialty, treat your next porch guests day- you’re going to need this tote bag! New to the to the seasonal sour flavors in their downtown scene, Le Monkey House, serves up pop Blueberry Thrill Sour. Canned pints culture references & sarcasm via ingenious graphics start @ $4.95. on prints, apparel, mugs & more. Don’t just lug any ole’ tote bag this Summer, tote your daily goodies in something that stands for more; or better yet share Summer with the best caption that suites! Canvas Is always ure Relaxation: totes starting @ $13.50 P a delightful Summer treat! Finding yourself engulfed in the Grilling Nights- business of vacation planning, transporting kids to camps or inventive outdoor projects? rilling Nights: Call for smokey flavors & sticky fingers! Don’t forget what Summer is all G Summer always grants an invitation to a BBQ, so about- pure relaxation! Whether stock up on the best unique eco-friendly hostess gift for the a gift to a friend or a gift to typically messy occasion. Infused with fragrant essentials oils, you, experience the specialty services of a new downtown addition, the set of Herban Essentials towlettes will cleans & refresh Skin + Touch Therapy Spa, a boutique spa experience. Services as any little fingers this summer! Packaged in a bag ready to gift, waxing start at $15.00, with a shop of natural beauty lines as well. visit our very own eco-conscious gift shop, Green Roost to pick up. $ 16.50 for the bag. Pure Relaxation- CULPEPER RENAISSANCE INC. destination 5 SUMMER 2019 VOL. 8 / ISSUE 3 downtown culpeper 3rd Thursday Summer Concert Series continues June 20 Join us in historic downtown Cul- peper directly in front of the Depot for the 3rd Thursday Summer Con- cert Series, brought to you by Culpep- er Renaissance, Inc., a downtown de- velopment organization dedicated to enhancing, celebrating, and enrich- ing Culpeper’s Downtown. David Martin, 2019 3rd Thursday chairman, states “I am thrilled to be Chairman of the 3rd Thursday Concert Series again and working with all the dedi- cated volunteers. This year’s con- certs, I believe, will offer some of the best upbeat music and dance favor- ites ever.
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