ISSN 0021-9673 VOL. 524 NO.6 DECEMBER 21, 1990 THIS ISSUE COMPLETES VOL. 524 Bibliography Section EDITORS R. W. Giese (Boston, MA) J. K. Haken (Kensington, N.S.W.) K. Macek (Prague) L. R. Snyder (Orinda, CA) EDITOR, SYMPOSIUM VOLUMES, E. Heitmann (Orinda, CAl EDITORIAL BOARD D. W. Armstrong (Rolla. MO) W. A. Aue (Halifax) P. Bocek (Brno) A. A. Boulton (Saskatoon) P. W. Carr (Minneapolis. MN) N. H. C. Cooke (San Ramon. CAl V. A. Davankov (Moscow) Z. Deyl (Prague) S. Dilli (Kensington. N.S.W.) H. Engelhardt (Saarbrucken) F. Erni (Basle) M. B. Evans (Hatfield) J. L. Glajch (N. Billerica. MA) G. A. Guiochon (Knoxville. TN) P. R. Haddad (Kensington. N.S.w.) I. M. Hais (Hradec Kralove) W. S. Hancock (San Francisco, CAl S. Hjerten (Uppsala) Cs. Horvath (New Haven, CT) J. F. K. Huber (Vienna) K.-P. Hupe (Waldbronn) 1. W. Hutchens (Houston. TX) J. Janak (Brno) P. Jandera (Pardubice) B. L. Karger (Boston. MA) E. sz. Kovats (Lausanne) A. J. P. Martin (Cambridge) L. W. McLaughlin (Chestnut Hill, MA) E D. Morgan (Keele) J. D. Pearson (Kalamazoo. MI) H. Poppe (Amsterdam) F. E. Regnier (West Lafayette. IN) P. G. Righetti (Milan) P. Schoenmakers (Eindhoven) G..Schomburg (MulheimjRuhr) R. Schwarzeobach (Dubendorf) R. E. .s~OlJ~ (West Lafayette. IN) -A.JVI. Siouffi'(Marseille) D. J. Strydom' (Boston, MA) K. K. Ugger (Mainz) R. VerP'l0rte (Leideo). Gy. Vigh tColiege Statioo, TX) oJ. T vtiMpo (E~SI ta~sihg. MI) B. D. ~&terlunp ,(UPl1sala) EDITORS, BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION z. Deyl (Prague), J. Janak (Brno). V. Schwarz (Prague), K Ma~ek (Prague) ELSEVIER JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY Scope. The Journal of Chromatography publishes papers on all aspects of chromatographY. electrophoresis and related methods. Contributions consist mainly of research papers dealing with chromatographic theo­ ry. instrumental development and their applications. The section Biomedical Applications, which is under separate editorship, deals with the following aspects: developments in and applications of chromatogra­ phic and electrophoretic techniques related to clinical diagnosis or alterations during medical treatment; screening and profiling of body fluids or tissues with special reference to metabolic disorders; results from basic medical research with direct consequences in clinical practice; drug level monitoring and pharmaco­ kinetic studies; clinical toxicology; analytical studies in occupational medicine. Submission of Papers. Manuscripts (in English; four copies are required) should be submitted to: Editorial Office of Journal of Chromatography, P.O. Box 681, 1000 AR Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Telefax (+ 31-20) 5862304, or to: The Editor of Journal of Chromatography. Biomedical Applications. P.O. Box 681, 1000 AR Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Review articles are invited or proposed by letter to the Editors. 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Although all advertising material is expected to cqnforn:r to eihic'Il I medica,', S.'ar,d:arc:'.',. inc!~sIfYl ir.this puolication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement of t:~(: Ci'u6Tn, ~lu6 of ;;u\;h product lJr or th~ claims ''lade Of it by its_ ~facturer, This issue is printed on acid-free paper. Printed in ThJ.~etherlands VOL. 524, NO.6 JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY DECEMBER 21, 1990 CONTENTS Bibliography Section Liquid Column Chromatography · B781 Gas Chromatography . · B841 Planar Chromatography · B864 Electrophoresis .... · B881 Bibliography Section. Indexes Introduction . · B907 Subject Index · B909 Liquid Column Chromatography · B909 Gas Chromatography .. · B921 Planar Chromatography . · B932 Electrophoresis · B935 Index of Types of Compounds Chromatographed · B940 Journal of Chromatography, 524 (1990) B781-B978 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam Bibliography Section Liquid Column Chromatography 1 . REVIEWS AND BOOKS 5082 Arpino, P.: coupling techniques in LC/MS and SFC/MS. Fresenius' Z. Anal. chem., 337 (1990) 667-685. 5083 Beinert, W.o., Mueller, W., spatz, R. and Schneider, K.: (Advantages of metal-free HPLC systems in biochromatography). GIT Fachz. Lab., 34 (1990) 580-583; C.A., 113 (1990) 37157j - a review without refs. 5084 Chang, J. and Geng, X.: (NeW development of high performance hydrophobic interaction chromatography.) Xibei Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban, 19 (1989) 103-112; C.A., 113 (1990) 2691b.- a review with 32 refs. 5085 Golshan-Shirazi, S. and Guiochon, G.: Band migration, profile and separation in overloaded liquid chromatography. Am. Biotechnol. Lab., 8 (1990) 24-31; C.A., 112 (1990) 186289k - a review with 21 refs. 5086 Ishii, D. and Takuchi, T.: Miniaturization in column liquid chromatography. TrAC, 9 (1990) 152-157 - a review with 39 refs.
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