Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 NFL: Preseason gets underway amid pandemic /B1 FRIDAY TODAY C I T R U S C O U N T Y & next morning HIGH 90 Showers and LOW thunderstorm s l i k e l y . 74 PAGE A4 w w w.chronicleonline.com AUGUST 6, 2021 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community $1 VOL. 126 ISSUE 303 NEWS BRIEFS Chronicle publisher retires Orange Line bus route to Gerry Mulligan has played a lead role at the paper for more than 40 years resume service MIKE WRIGHT Trina Murphy, Chronicle and as- he said Thursday during a wealth of community T e C t r u s C u n t y Staff writer who has worked sociated Florida an interview in his knowledge — ask him Tr a n s i t ( CCT O r a n g e at the Chronicle weekly newspa- second-floor Meadow- about small town details Line (deviated fixed Gerard “Gerry” Mulli- since 1990, as- pers since 1981. crest office. “The newspa- of Crystal River or Inver- route) w ill resum e service gan, who has led the Citrus sumes the new Mulligan said per is in good hands.” ness and Mulligan knows on M onday, Aug. 9. Bus County Chronicle in some role of publisher. Landmark had Then-Chronicle owner who did what when. routes and scheduled fashion for more than four The decision been for sale for David Arthurs hired Mul- Along the way, he’s made stops w ill be posted on decades, is retiring as pub- comes two months 10 years and, ligan as editor in 1978 and enemies of politicians and citruscountytransit.com lisher effective the end of after Paxton Gerry while he ap- he became publisher in been a hero to hundreds of b y F i d a y , J u l y 2 3 . day Friday, Aug. 6. Media Group pur- Mulligan proached retire- 1990. community organizations CCT w i l l c o n t i n u e t o Mulligan, 67, made the chased Landmark Com- ment age, he waited for a Mulligan led the Chron- that utilize the Chronicle to operate the dem and re- announcement Wednes- munity Newspapers LLC, sale to take place. icle through formidable get out their messages. s p o n s e ( d o o r - o - o o r ) day afternoon to staffers. the Kentucky-based com- “I wanted to see us years even as Citrus service w ith no lim its on Director of Operations pany that had owned the through this transition,” County grew. He’s built up See MULLIGAN/Page A5 bus capacity. D oor-o- door service is available for doctor’s appointm ents, em ploym ent, grocery and supplies and prescription p i c k - p s . Fres w ill continue to Matriarch of Chassahowitzka be suspended until Fi- day, O ct. 1 at w hich tim e all fares w ill be reinstated. A pplications for the trans- portation disadvantaged program are available on t h e CCT w e b s i t e . Fce m asks are still re- quired by the Fderal Transit A dm inistration (FTA ) for all public buses and transfer facilities. Passengers w ithout m asks w ill be prohibited from the buses. B us driv- ers w ill have m asks avail- able should a passenger n e e d o n e . Fr m ore inform ation on federal guidelines, visit tinyurl.com /2kn5dy39. Fr m ore inform ation, visit citruscountytransit.com or call Transit S ervices at 3 5 2 - 2 7 - 6 3 0 Prosperity Citrus to host local event P rosperity Ctrus w ill host a free com m unity e v e n t f r o m 10 a . m . t o 2 p.m . A ug. 7 at Jim Leg- r o n e P a r k , 4 0 S E S e v - enth A ve. in Cystal R iver. MATTHEW BECK/ C r o n i c l e In this photo from August 2019, Lucille Strickland and her son David, who died in December 2019, talked about the family owning and running Tere w ill be a cookout the Chassahowitzka Hotel. The hotel had been in the family for four generations. Lucille Strickland died July 12 at age 95. at the city of Cystal R iver Y M C C m m u n i t y E - gagem ent Cnter, w here Lucille Strickland played central role in community for most of her life they w ill serve hot dogs, ham burgers, snow cones, NANCY KENNEDY Volunteer Fire Department. Lucille cooked on a gas popcorn and m ore. Staff writer The couple ran the hotel, a stove and they used oil lamps Te event w ill feature hunting and fishing lodge, at night. The bed linens and local em ergency re- s a newlywed in 1946, with Dick’s brother Allison towels were laundered with a sponders and basketball Lucille Strickland Chassahowitzka was just a dirt “Baldy” Strickland and wringer washing machine and players featured on S prite left the “big city” — road with very few houses. Baldy’s wife Eloise, and Dick hung out to dry. S lam D unk Cntest, A nd1 Homosassa — and Her husband, the late Dick and Baldy’s parents, mom Gas heaters kept guests A Strickland, worked as a com- Live and the H arlem moved to “Chazzawhisky” to Arlee “Teeney” and dad Alli- warm in the winter, and no- mercial fisherman and fishing G lobetrotters. run the Chassahowitzka Hotel son Strickland. body back then had air down by the river. guide on the river. In later In those days, the hotel had conditioning. G uests w ill be invited She told the Chronicle in years, he was a carpenter and running water but no electric- to w alk through the “H all 2019 that back then, chief of the Chassahowitzka ity and no telephone. See LUCILLE/Page A11 of O pportunity” to learn inform ation from local or- ganizations about oppor- tunities, including health, education, child care, transportation, careers and housing w ith the Rainfall tapers off, but floodwaters remain chance to give anony- m ous feedback. MICHAEL BATES weekend, but folks State Road 200 near Ar- moderate is 9 feet. The the river upstream gets. P rosperity Ctrus’s m is- AND BUSTER who live along the rowhead Estates, which National Weather Service After Hurricane Irma in sion is to break the cycle THOMPSON bloated Withlacoochee floods easily. The river (NWS) predicts the river 2017, the water level of generational poverty. Staff writers River will have to deal there rose sharply this to peak there Friday af- reached 9.4 feet. After the Fr m ore inform ation, call with the aftermath a bit week. ternoon at 8.6 feet. 2004 hurricanes it 3 5 2 - 2 6 -1 3 1 e x t e n s i o n The rainfall is finally longer. The river there is cur- That could change de- reached 11.3 feet. 2 2 4 0 forecast to give way to Of particular concern is rently at 8.39 feet. Minor pending on how much — F o m s t a f f r e p o r t s drier conditions this the portion of the river at flood stage is 8 feet and more rain that area and See FLOODS/Page A7 Classifieds . .C4 Crossword . .C7 INDEX Lottery Numbers . .B3 Scene . .C1 Comics . .C3 Editorial. A10 Lottery Payouts . .B3 TV Listings. .C2 Horoscope . A4 Entertainment . A4 Movies . .C3 The Wilderness Is Calling. Answer It. Stop By & Take A Test Drive! CC-0010FTE A2 FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2021 CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE 2022 TOYOTA 2021 TOYOTA 2021 TOYOTA 2021 TOYOTA COROLLA CAMRY LE RAV4 LE HIGHLANDER 0% APR LE 0% APR 0% APR 0% APR LE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE MODEL#1852 MODEL#2532 MODEL#4430 MODEL#6946 LEASE FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FOR $ ZERO $ ZERO $ ZERO ZERO - OR - - OR - $ 189 - OR - DOWN 209 DOWN 228 DOWN - OR - DOWN PER MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS PER MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS 298 PER MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS $309/MO. FOR 36 MOS. $325/MO. FOR 36 MOS. $349/MO. FOR 36 MOS. PER MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS $419/MO. 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