cOmmuNITy SPARKS Bike sharing program comes to Reno-Sparks YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Page 3 Volume 110, Number 22 Wednesday, May 30, 2018 $1.00 SPORTS REMEMBERING OUR HEROES Nevada’s Caroline to return for senior season Page 6 John Byrne photos/Tribune Sharon Buckley of Carson City wipes away a tear near her fathers grave site at the Northern Nevada Veterans Cemetery in Fernley on Monday. Sparks Mayor Geno Martini was one of many on hand at the annual event that saw more than 2,500 people join together to honor veterans and loved one’s on Memorial Day. Wolf Pack eliminated early at MWC tourney Page 7 INSIDE Weather...............................2 State Briefs..........................2 Nevada History..................4 Opinion..............................8 Puzzles..............................11 Advice...............................12 Classified Ads..................13 Legals................................14 Follow us on Twitter: @SparksTribune SPARKS Get the digital edition. SEE MORE sparkstrib.com Tribune News | Sports | Trending Now Your Community Newspaper Since 1910 ONLINE! 2 May 30, 2018 yOuR SEvEN-Day fOREcast WEDNESDAY THuRSDAY fRIDAY SaTuRDAY SuNDAY mONDAY Tuesday 80/52 69/44 77/53 83/51 83/51 79/48 83/47 Partial sunshine Periods of sun; Mostly sunny; Mostly sunny Plenty of Times of clouds Abundant cooler beautiful sunshine and sun sunshine NEvaDa news bRIEfS Associated Press crew and friends. on the case. way northwest of Las Vegas. “The individuals who noted inter- Police say the couple didn’t call 911 The Nevada Highway Patrol said actions with Mr. Salazar shared that when Cali Anderson was dying in- Thursday that 78-year-old Arturo AmtrAk: No evideNce iNjured he had expressed to them a number of side their filthy Reno apartment. Otero and 77-year-old Juana Esparza pAsseNger wAs iN fight life concerns and challenges. We are Tyler Anderson is the child’s bi- Otero of Chula Vista, California, RENO — The family of a 22-year- unable to comment on Mr. Salazar’s ological parent but his wife is not. died in a car that slammed head-on old train passenger found severely medical condition, but note that a fall They have two other children who into another car that was passing a injured next to railroad tracks in from a moving train would cause sig- also lived in the apartment, according northbound pickup truck Sunday af- Truckee, California, suspects he may nificant injury,” the statement said. to court documents. ternoon U.S. Highway 95 near Amar- have been the victim of a hate crime, “There is no evidence of a physical al- gosa Valley. but Amtrak said Saturday that in- tercation occurring while Mr. Salazar vegAs stAdium Authority The passing car burst into flames vestigators have found no evidence was travelling on Amtrak.” Approves $546m fiscAl yeAr and two people inside were killed. budget of foul play. Their names were not immediately Aaron Salazar’s family believes the Father Accused of moviNg LAS VEGAS — The board oversee- determined, pending DNA results. Portland State University student, deAd child seNt bAck to ing the $1.8 billion Las Vegas stadium The pickup flipped, killing the NevAdA who is gay, was attacked and didn’t project has approved a $546 million driver, 53-year-old Dwight Ardell jump from the westbound train, the RENO — A man arrested in Cali- budget for the fiscal year beginning Sproul of Pahrump. Reno Gazette Journal report ed. fornia was being transported Thurs- July 1. The NHP says a 52-year-old female Cousin Sonia Trujillo said basic day to Nevada, where he and his The Las Vegas Review-Journal re- passenger in the pickup was flown by questions, such as when the com- wife are accused of renting a truck ports that board votes on Wednes- helicopter to a Las Vegas hospital in pany realized he was missing and and taking the body of his 5-year-old day included agreements to better critical condition. who spotted him injured trackside, daughter to a Sacramento storage account for funding the 65,000-seat have gone unanswered. unit after she died. domed stadium being built near the New moNthly high for Salazar remains hospitalized in Tyler Anderson, 23, of Reno was Las Vegas Strip. NevAdA pot sAles; top projectioNs AgAiN Reno after being found unconscious moved after waiving extradition in Stadium Authority Chairman May 15 while traveling from Denver Sacramento on Monday. Steve Hill says about $2 million is RENO — Nevada marijuana sales to Portland, Oregon. Court officials said he was expected budgeted for authority operations, continue to outpace projections, Members of Oregon’s congressio- to arrive late Thursday at Washoe and any end-of-year surplus will be reaching the highest monthly total nal delegation on Friday wrote to County Jail in Reno, where he’s used to pay down debt. in March since recreational sales be- Amtrak President Richard Ander- charged with being a fugitive fleeing As of March, a less-than-1 percent- came legal last July. son, citing the family’s belief that Sal- justice and child neglect resulting in age-point increase in Clark County’s The Nevada Department of Taxa- azar was a victim of a hate crime and substantial injury. hotel room tax generated $53 million tion said Wednesday taxable sales of calling for an investigation using all Authorities say more charges are in revenue. That’s about 4 percent adult-use marijuana topped $41 mil- available resources. possible. An autopsy is pending to ahead of projections for the 13 months lion in March, a 16 percent increase “We expect a full report on the in- determine the girl’s cause of death. it has been in place. from February and 14.5 percent more vestigation of this crime, to our fed- Investigators say the body found May The NFL Oakland Raiders plan to than the previous monthly record of eral delegation and to Aaron’s family,” 15 in the storage unit was emaciated. move to Las Vegas to play at the sta- $35.8 million in December. said the letter signed by Sens. Ron It’s unclear if Anderson has a law- dium beginning in 2020. Taxes on medicinal and recre- Wyden and Jeff Merkley and Reps. yer. ational pot brought in nearly $7.1 mil- Earl Blumenauer, Peter DeFazio, Kurt Averyauna Anderson, 23, of Reno CaliforNiA couple, NevAdA lion in state revenue in March, bring- Schrader and Suzanne Bonamici. has been held on $50,000 bail since mAN AmoNg 5 killed iN fiery ing the nine-month total to $48.97 crAsh Amtrak said in a statement that it her arrest last week on suspicion of million. That amounts to 97 percent was “deeply saddened by the signifi- child abuse and destroying or con- LAS VEGAS — Authorities say a of the $50.3 million that was projected cant injuries to one of our customers” cealing evidence. couple from California and a man for the fiscal year, with three months and that the Amtrak Police Depart- Her bail hearing is set for June from southern Nevada man were still remaining. ment’s investigation included reach- 7. Her public defender, Kendra among five people killed in a fiery Sales have surpassed projections ing out to more than 300 customers, Bertschy, said she couldn’t comment three-vehicle crash on a remote high- every month. CONTACT US: Publisher: Sherman Frederick - [email protected] (702) 525-2440 Managing Editor: Eric Dahlberg - [email protected] (775) 316-2265 Advertising: [email protected] Legals: Tammy Creedon - [email protected] Circulation: Kristy Stralla - [email protected] Classifieds: [email protected] Contact Us By Phone: 775-358-8062 Sparks Tribune (ISSN 0899-9583) USPS (000461) is published Wednesdays by Battle Born Media, LLC, 155 Glendale Ave. - Suite 10, Sparks, NV 89431. Periodicals postage paid in Reno, News - ext. 4 Advertising - ext. 1 NV POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sparks Tribune, 155 Glendale Classified - ext. 2 Subscriptions - ext. 7 Ave. - Suite 10, Sparks, NV 89431. Home delivery by carrier is available in Sparks. Sparks Tribune is a newspaper of general circulation and a member of Legals, Public Notices - ext. 3 the Nevada Press Association. Single copy price is 95 cents. For subscription prices, please call 358-8062, ext. 7. May 30, 2018 3 Bicycle sharing program uPcOmINg Events IN SPaRkS 39 North mArketplAce Thursdays, June 7 – Augusts 16 (Off 8/9) 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Victorian Square, 39northdowntown.com comes to Reno-Sparks 39 North Marketplace unites local artisans and farmers alike showcasing the best in art, crafts, live music and highlights By Kayla Anderson produce and specialty food from local farmers. Plus enjoy Sparks Tribune hands-on kids’ activities. If you’ve been seeing a lot kids free fishiNg Day June 9, 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. of brightly-colored bikes Sparks Marina Park, sparksrotary.org rolling around town, then This is your one chance during the year to get hooked for you are most likely witness- free! No license or trout stamp required. Free fishing poles and ing people using LimeBike, lunch are given out to each child that registers. Sponsored a new bike sharing program by Rotary Club of Sparks. On June 7, there will be a Special Needs Day for all ages from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. that recently launched in Reno-Sparks during Na- mArk wellmAN’s AdveNture Day tional Bike to Work Week. June 10, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Around a thousand Lime- Sparks Marina Park, cityofsparks.us Bikes were placed around Join Mark Wellman, a two-time Paralympian, nationally the area in early May, al- acclaimed author, filmmaker and motivational speaker, and experience hands on adaptive rock climbing, hand cycling and lowing people to use their kayaking.
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