Minutes of Ordinary Meeting Held Wednesday 25 September 2019 Held in the Simeon Lord Room Library / Museum Building Redbank Street, Esk Present Cr G D Lehmann (Mayor) Cr D Hall (Deputy Mayor) Cr H Brieschke (Councillor) Cr C Gaedtke (Councillor) Cr M Ogg (Councillor) Cr B Whalley (Councillor) Mr R Holmes (Acting Chief Executive Officer) Mr M McGoldrick (Director Corporate and Community Services) Mr A Johnson (Director Operations) Mr P Tabulo (Director Planning and Development) Mr G Smith (Director Finance) Mrs K Jones (Director HR and Customer Service) Mrs S Pitkin (Minute Secretary / Executive Assistant) Mr B Weier (Communications and Marketing Manager/) Apology Cr S Choat (Councillor) Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 25 September 2019 C O N T E N T S Adjournment of Meeting ............................ 87 Kabi Kabi Claim - Indigenous Land Use Application for rebate of rates - Atkinsons Agreement .............................................. 77 Dam Road .............................................. 65 Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre and Application for rebate of rates - Atkinsons Toogoolawah Community Gym – Dam Road - second property ................ 69 Admission Fees...................................... 82 Application for rebate of rates – England Creek Road – extractive ........................ 68 Leave of Absence ........................................ 3 Application for renewal of term lease over Lot 126 on C311615, Apple Tree Creek Matters of Public Interest ............................. 3 Road, Harlin ........................................... 84 Mayor and Councillor Reports ................... 92 Mayor Lehmann – Matters of public interest Business arising out of minutes of previous ................................................................. 5 meeting .................................................... 3 Mayor's Report - Cr Lehmann ................... 93 Medical Assistance Wheelie Bin Service .. 85 Closure of Meeting .................................... 95 Meetings authorised by Council ................ 91 Community Assistance Grants – Somerset Excellence Bursary 2019 – 2020 – Taylah Opening of Meeting ..................................... 3 Carey – Doc Id 1141094, Ethan Versace – Organisational structure ............................ 67 Doc Id 1139629, Jessica Versace – Doc Id 1139630, Isiah Armstrong - Ravula – Prescribed Activity – Kilcoy Christmas Doc Id 1138923 ..................................... 87 Carnival 2019 ........................................... 5 Community Assistance Grants 2019 - 20 - Summary of Applications - Funding Round Quotation 1153 – standing offer One Closed 30 August 2019 ................. 88 arrangement for the supply, cartage, Confirmation of Minutes .............................. 3 heating and spraying of bituminous Conflict of Interest ....................................... 5 products and hire of plant and operators Consideration of notified motions ............. 95 for bitumen sealing works for a 24-month Cr Brieschke - Councillor report ................ 92 period ..................................................... 64 Cr Brieschke - Matters of public interest ..... 4 Cr Gaedtke - Councillor report .................. 92 Receipt of Petition ..................................... 94 Cr Gaedtke - Matters of public interest ....... 3 Reception of notices of motion for next Cr Hall - Councillor report ......................... 93 meeting................................................... 95 Regional Road and Transport Group Status DA8214 – Application to Approve a Plan of Report..................................................... 83 Subdivision - Banks Creek Road, Report of the Audit Committee .................. 63 Fernvale ................................................. 60 Declaration of Conflict of Interest by Cr Solar power installation tender evaluation 63 Brieschke - Toogoolawah Christmas Tree Somerset Libraries Officer’s Report - August ............................................................... 88 2019 ....................................................... 70 Development Application No 18610 - 196 Somerset Region Support Service Report Banks Creek Rd, Fernvale .................... 16 for the period 1 August – 31 August 2019 Development Application No 8957 - Fox ............................................................... 75 Street, Fernvale ..................................... 34 Sport and Recreation report – September 2019 ....................................................... 78 Endorsement sought for contract exceeding Staff Service Presentations ....................... 87 $15,000 .................................................. 66 Superannuation on annual leave loading .. 62 Indicative future rate issue and due dates 61 The Joint Standing Committee on Migration Items for reports for future meetings ......... 95 - Submission - Somerset Regional Council and Kilcoy Pastoral Company ................ 14 2 Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 25 September 2019 Opening of Meeting The Mayor, Cr Graeme Lehmann, opened the meeting at 9 am. Leave of Absence Cr Sean Choat sought leave of absence from today's Council meeting. Resolution Moved – Cr Whalley Seconded – Cr Hall “THAT Cr Choat be granted leave of absence from today's Council meeting." Carried Vote - Unanimous Confirmation of Minutes Resolution Moved – Cr Ogg Seconded – Cr Brieschke “THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 11 September 2019 as circulated to all Members of Council be confirmed”. Carried Vote - Unanimous Business arising out of minutes of previous meeting Nil Matters of Public Interest Cr Gaedtke - Matters of public interest 29/30 September Charlotte’s Web – Somerset Civic Centre 02 October Teddy Bears' Picnic – Fernvale 05 October Back to Jimna and Spring Dance 05 October Lowood Utes and Chutes Rodeo 12 October St George’s Anglican Church Guild Linville “A"ffair (Fete) Busy at Work Busy at Work – BUSY is applying for funding to deliver a project under the State Government’s Skilling Queenslander’s for Work Initiative. The project would be based at the Kilcoy Motorcross Track and would employ 15 disadvantaged job seekers plus a local supervisor plus a project mentor for 26 weeks. Tasks include erecting some shade structures, building seating, erecting fencing, refurbishing the toilet block etc. The participants will receive a weekly wage and undertake Certificate 1 in Construction, and will be supported into ongoing employment at the end of the project. They will also attract a Work Start Incentive ($10,000 for 25yo+ and $20,000 for 24yo and under) and commencement is anticipated for March 2020. BUSY is requesting letters of support from local businesses for the program to be successful. 3 Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 25 September 2019 Withdrawal of funding for Headspace outreach services in Kilcoy Cr Gaedtke made the following statement to Council – Headspace have been outreaching to Kilcoy for just over two years. The outreach has been funded by the federal government through the Brisbane North PHN which covers the Kilcoy area. Funding was for 12 months initially and last year it was extended for a further twelve months due to strong support from the school community, service providers and others. This year the funding has been extended until the end of the calendar year. This funding has been pieced together from residual funding from other programs and there is no other funding available. The organisation has been told to make the outreach self-sustaining, which means getting a registered psychologist or social worker to attend and bulk bill young people through Medicare for mental health care plans. The organisation has been trying constantly for over twelve months to do this, but no allied health professional want to travel to Kilcoy for this amount of funding. Even if they did they would still have to supplement this with top-up funds. The hospital has been supplying the space free of charge and would continue to do this for another year or so, but more has to be done to maintain this service. The high school guidance officer, support teacher and Chappy are all supportive of Headspace’s presence and do not want to see it withdrawn as young people will not be able to access the Caboolture based service. Even if they do have parents who are willing to take them, this means missing a full day of school for each appointment which severely impacts on their capacity to achieve. Kilcoy have no other outreach services which support young people with mild / moderate mental health issues. Withdrawing the service may allow this to escalate to crisis point. The mental health outreach clinician provides support in Kilcoy approximately 6 days a month. The following numbers identify how many young people have accessed support in Kilcoy - June - 17, July - 21, August – 25. These clients reside in Woolmar, Kilcoy, Royston, Toogoolawah, Mt Kilcoy and Neurum. Resolution Moved – Cr Gaedtke Seconded – Cr Whalley “THAT Council write to the Federal Minister for Health the Honourable Greg Hunt MP and the State Minister for Health the Honourable Steven Miles MP, expressing Council’s disappointment with the withdrawal of funding of Headspace outreach services for youth in Kilcoy, and advising that Council strongly supports the continued provision of this important service.” Carried Vote – Unanimous Cr Brieschke - Matters of public interest September Somerset Regional Council’s Holiday Program is in full swing with plenty of activities to attend across the region. Wed 25 Toogoolawah Christmas Tree meeting. 4 Minutes
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