C O NT E N T S • • •••••••••••••••• FOCUS: MERRIE MONARCH PERPETUATES LEGACY OF ANCIENT HAWAI'I ••. PG 18 Ra inbow Fa lls in Hilo. H awai 'i. APRIL - 'APE LI LA COU rlesy of the MAY - MEl HaH'a i 'i \!isitors & Conve ntio n Bureau. RED ROCK CANYON: A PLEASANT FAMILY ACTIVITY o E PA R T ME N T S FOR THE FAMILY 9 ALOHA FROM BoYS' DAY & SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MEMORIAL DAY 10 Join Hawaii's television $29.95 each (includes shipping & handling) by Alo h a J oe .. .. .. .. ...1 3 personality, Emme Tomi mbang, send chec k or money order to: 'OHANA MAGAZINE EMME INC. IS EVERYWHERE IN HAWAI'I 12 CALENDAR . ... .. .. •. .. • . ... 6 as she brings you the music, e/ o Christine Biaggi the people and the culture that makes P.O. Box 90024 • Henderson, Nevada 89009 14 ISLANDERS GRADUATE CLASSIFIED . .. " .. .. ... .39 email: emmeine@(ava.net • 1·702·565·4388 FROM UNLV 15 Hawai'i unique and special. *payable to EMM E INC. FROM THE EDITOR .... .. ... .. .4 ALOHA MARCH 20 1999 SOCIETY PRINCESS 22 EMME'S ISLAND MOMENTS b y Emili e T o m im b ol1 g . ... ...25 HAWAIIAN SOVEREIGNTY 23 IT'S A SMALL WORLD GASA-GASA GOSSI P ....,(\\~\ RRTS & ('1I.a IN HAWAI'I 24 by Steven Lum . .. .. ... 8 TAKAHASHI MARKET HAWAIIAN MUS IC REVI EW SERVING ISLANDERS b y A lo h a J oe .. .. 16 .'" & ..¥~~ FOR 100 YEARS 26 ISLAND HOPP I NG ...11 KAMA'AINA LIVING ON MAINLAND LAS VEGAS: W H A T'S NEW & HOT ~ FOOD FESTIVAL .,. CAN'T RETURN HOME 27 b y Deke C astfell/ elll . •.. .. .. ..•. 31 During Merrie Monarch Week! EASTER CELEBRATED 28 LETT E RS TO THE EDITOR . .. .. .. 7 HI STORY OF HAWAIIAN A Celebration of the Artistic STATE SEAL 2 7 NI NTH ISLAND BUSINESSES . ....35 and CllltlirallIerita~e of l iawai'i, MOTHER'S DAY 36 S UMO: THE BATTL E OF TH E BOUT its people and its environment. e Ol 'er "ho to of Pearl /-1 {/;/i. Po '1/ hy A1illo /-1 0/1 • • •. .33 Prill cf'SS (~ l !vl olli - A1e r r i e M O//{/rch F es t;" o ! '97. p llO los ( ~r Do reen B(/Irlado IN T H E N EXT I SSUE : & alld Killg K(/IIIl'hol1l l'ha O i l 1 J(/ ~e s 18- /9. April 8, 9 10, 1999 Kailw'o Mall, J1jJo • AN EXC LU SIV E INTE RV IE W W ITH A L EADING C E O {fill/ H all'aiian (" 1I/ flIre sTll d en!s fi ll page 23. CO/I ,.{t'SY (~ r Chrisly Lassiler ON T H E LAS V EGAS STR IP PhOlog raphy. , FA Mi l Y A CTIVIT I ES ON TH E LAS V EGAS STRIP P UIII 'C S~"V I~ ' """<J" " lOl "'l" , N IH' '>.'1> /I ii' , " "~I''' , 2 ' O H A N A ' APEL I LA / M E I 1999 3 A Note from the Editor ___________.OHANA <family)® V OLUME 3 ISS U E 5 MEL O ZEKI , PH . D . Publisher I Editor Mel Ozeki, Ph.D. • Dottie Thompson, director o f the Associate Publi sher & Editor I Accounts Em il y Ozeki world-famo us Me rri e Mo narc h Ass:. to Publisher Christine Biaggi Festival in Hilo since it began in Art Director / Design Diana Barclay-Crane 1964, honored 'OHANA (jalllily)® GraphicArti sl l Design Kathy Miya-Revuelto Magazine as her guests in April. A Marketing. Sales & PR Chri stine Bi aggi Tip of the 'OHANA Coconut Papale a lso goes to Bill Smith Account Executi ve Sano Wright and Duke Duclayan at Vacations- Hawai'i fo r w ing ing LI S Accountalll Stephanie GOlD there and coordinating deli very of 'OHANA's magazines fo r Cont ributi ng Writers Aloha Joe Seiler island di stribution. All of th ese wonderful people and their Deke Cast leman Ri ta De S il va staffs truly epitomize the meaning of Aloha Spirit for every­ Mitch Fox one in the Aloha State. Kimberl y Fu Mina Hall • Have you heard th e phrase, "The best laid plans of mice and Bert Kekauoha men?" Fi guratively, means that even the bes t laid plans, be ing Hal Kap Steven Lurn contri ved by man, can and wi ll go awry (ala. Murphy's Law, P'H Morita what can go wrong, w ill go wrong.) T o 'OHANA's c hagrin , Michael Perry some subscribers in Hawai' j received the ir magazines after Emlllc Tomimbang Leilchu <l Yuen mid-February, and some not at a ll ! The Las Vega s pos tmaster Pholography Brian Jani sl PholOtcchnik deemed 'OHANA's mailing in Jan uary was " in good order. " Roy Ogata [n Hawai' i, if you don' t receive your 'OHA NA by the 15th, Computer Consultant Jason Aqui. Aloha Joe Seiter please contact Jan Lee Mau at the Ho no lulu o ffi ce, 808-423- I • ':;X.W'i(W' ~ • se~ ~Q/f.I'Wt/ • "?;~ C1?J~ • stllaJu.,'b Film Output Printer Southwest Color Graphics 3761 , an d also, please notify 'OHANA. Web page: www.ohanamagazine.com E I1l ~li l: oha na III ag @ vegas.(luik.com Craft Fair, Food, Live Entertainfl),ent, Demonstrations, 'Of/A NA (fomily)® (ISSN 1090-5 189) for April I Even with the fo regone snafu, e ffecti ve June I . the pri ce of an Cultural Workshops and Las vegas' first Lei Day Court. May 1999. Published b i ~ lll on thl y (six ti mes per year) annual subscripti on remain s th e same ($20). but th e total cost by 'Ol-/ANA M agazine. 4573 Po rt adown Lane. Las wi ll be $23 . The added $3 is fo r the cost of pape r a nd the Vegas. NV 89121 -5756. Ph 702-434-0544; Fax 702- --l35 ~K5 6 1 . Effective J une I. annual subscriptions are postage rate in cre ase on Jan. 10. A ll renewal s postmarked by $23.()(). w hic h inc ludes $3 postage/handling. May 29 will still cost o nl y $20. You may a lso renew your sub­ Pe ri o(\iGtis postage paid at Las Vegas. NV. POST­ scription with expiration dates including 12/99. Yo ur ex pira­ MASTE I ~ : Pl e a~e send add ress c hanges 10 'OI-lA NA. 4573 Po rt adowil Lane. Las Vegas. NV 89 12 1-5756. ti on date foll ows your na me. WIUTE-INS: Material s sent for co ns id eratio n of pub­ lic ation must include SASE. A ll materials subject to • All c lubs and organi zations a re welcome to s ubmit in writing 'oPt fo 1.1.~ ~OI('U editing . SUBSC IHPTION: Personal c heck or money Sat! Sun May 1 & 2, 1999 th e ir event s for th e Calendar at le ast 90 days be fore it occurs. S econd Annual orde r only . Advert ising Rate s and other informati on_ Saturday lOam - 5 pm( Concert 7pm ) Hula Workshop p l c a ~c c a ll Bli s i n cs~ o rri cc. C hange of addresses must Our one request is th at if th e c lub is not a s ubscribe r. that you he received by the 10th of the month. Subscri pt io ns Sunday lOam - 5 pm KA'IMI'IKE'ELUA received a ft cr c ut-o rr date wi ll receive first magazine do so. A $23 subscription tou ches reade rs in 2X s tates. Also. *Concert Ticket Information* featuring in the fo ll owing 6() days. unless un additional $2 is contact 'Of-lANA if you aspire to become a regional corre­ 00 Hokulani Hol-Padllla inc luded for first-class handling. VIP - $40. (Limited) Charles Ka -upu spondent. Bert Keku oha fro m Baltimore is ollr !l ewes!. includes VIP pupu party with the Divas and Frank H ewitt Kuualohanui Kaulia • We attended a lovely fami ly gath e ring of th e D uhaylong an autographed poster, no host drinks, after For Info Call Kanani And he said unto them. 702/837-8593 Fami ly in Fe bruary. We e nj oyed making a multitude o f new concert in pavillion lounge. TItus it is written, that the fri ends and have the ir slory in the Junc/Jul y i,," c. 'OHANA Premium - $30.()() ( Limited) Messiah is to sllff er and to Magazine will be happy to feature your fami Iy. C ontac t li S! G eneral - $20.()() T'CKeYai~.srE~ rise from the dead on the It 's a great way to pe rpetu ate a fa mil y legacy. TOWER RECORDS I ROBINSONS • MAY third day. SMITH'S fTHE WHEREHOUSEIODYSSEY Information Call: (702) 392-0026 CALL·FOR·TlX: (702) 474-4000 M e K en /o/Ill P/lllle/W/llI Luke 24:46 11d Oa...h ONLINE: I:lttp:llwww.ticketmaster.com 4 O HANA ' APELILA/MEI 1999 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ----------------------- . MAY 28~30 Wild in Las Vegas. 4-10 p .m ., APRll 3 APRil 3D - MAY 5 ALOHA, Mel! Gay le is my halau sister. We danced onl y is a first class loo king mag. but the 702~434 ~ 05 4 4. Cherry Blossom Princess Hwn. Steel Guitar Convention, 'Iosepa Memorial. Skull Valley. with Kumu Bernard Ceballos of Keali'i 0 contents are we ll thought out, we ll Honolulu, HI. Alan Akaka, 808- UT.
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