LIBRARY HE am tg RESEARCH INSTITUTE end “3 YR THE STUDY OF MAN __ 162 EAST 78 STREETE NEW YORK] 21, pew SS Oo Ga fe The Bienes: Soil (For the General Welfaic of the People of Dominica, the ae ther cdvancement of the West I adie: id the Cari ibdean Pinba as a whole) ESTABLISHED 1955 eATURDAY, JORG 18, A808 1964 PRICE Io¢? CRIME AND PUNISHMENT iN DOMINICA © POLICE CHIEF SEEKS TRUTH Family he Home 7 | a Successful 2. M.’s Gonference © 2 UD ae em te pt een RN oe 9 ee dp pe oe, The British Prime Minister declared in Parliament ON Sma Shock In Mahaut last Thursday that remarkable progress had we ~made Only four concrete pillars through the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ conference ia eee POLICE APPEAL teats: = so and four cement steps remain _[-ondon, considezing the diversity ot\peoples and viewpoints. 8 PR HE DOMINICA POLICE are inquiring into 8 Hae che threevroom family | Australian P. M, Menzies stated that the Commonwealth Te PE use of Mr. Reville ‘has emetsed stronger from the cenference. Labcur. Leader the circumstances which led to the ae FE D ene was destroyed by Harald Wilson said “the Commonwealth Conference ‘has 6 death of BENOIT MATTHEW of Soufriare at oe wo orkmen led by a bailiff on ben very useful. The proposal for a conference on Southern Bt Ta 6 Roseau on the 29th of June 1964. i Ju uly 15, while Mrs. Desmou- Rhodesia should have been n put forward mucit earlier.”* --s NT PR 8 The Chief of Police wishes to appeal lins and six small children Meanwhile the. “PLM. or Fe were in occupation. Dominica Nurses 6 to any member of the public who has S. Rhodesia. said he had This drastic action, which SR 9a information concerning this. matter to Association intention of adhering to ay BO left the house-structure in a Rte come forward and <ssist the Police in’ _ _ .conferenice decision regarding : oR hetp on the seashore, was the At the last meeting of the Domi- his country an mares a>” Ww vould: their inquiries. ae 9B result of a land dispute be- mica Nurses Ass, on. July 8th. Mrs. 6 tate no Sec in, 1 ce oenstetramtmcstmttane adelante ne ‘tween the Desmoulins and Mary Sralsbury gave an interesting Sets telk on Life in Sweden, where she Rhodesia‘ 8 affairs as indic ne “Riviere families. The. has béen concerned in Adult Educa- by the P.*'M, s HE inquest en Benoit Trafalgar Read ‘was foutid children involved are now tion for nearly 40 years. -She illus- Only _ disagteea le incident” ; Wlattzew continued yes- guilty and sentenced to four being . shelrezed by their trated hee talk with . some. colourful in Londo was when “some. terdav. months’ aura maternal "grandmother at shdes. s eee _ Bho nF reat chermain wae sey af pA eurtindl® 2OURT-- --y- eee vent PM. of Kenya '—. and the” B a.cow-theft chareey ‘was und The. housevowner was and she was specially glad to. see for herself the good use to which the British P.M. persdually In. the Supreme Court guilty: sentence, 18 months first. notified’ b y telephone Projector, which was a gift from ker apologised for thisincident.In ‘(Ciiaanal Jurisdiction), this hard labour Henry David, on July rt that the three years ago, was put in the Nurs their joirt. communitye, “the week, Simon ‘Williams cf 16, was put on probation ae house would be broken ing School. This was Mrs. Spiis- Prime Ministers agreed thet Salybia, charged with four three years after he pleaded down; he was teaching at bury’s third visit to Dominica; she the Commor.wealth served a offences concerring uttering guil:y to entering a shop and Selistury when the demoii- has now returned to the U.K, before going back to Sweden.i;: useful rele in solving, inter- fal one e instruments and collect taking goods value $2. ion took place, racial problems and applying eh forger —— A Le democratic principles. eet cul ada Other News Cuts irae Queen To Visit tenced to two years on each W.I. Poet count — to run concurrently. U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater Thirteen hundred peaple Sudan Pre viously a nolle prosequi had won the Republican nomination C Honoured been entered in the case of overwhelmingly : and has chosen a have > been charged h — with H.M. ‘The Queen and Foster. Claudius. Phillip Catholic (Miller) as his rst aide, Oftences concerning t e recent Prince P hilip will pay a Derek Walcott, St, Lucia born -t The Party is nov closing its ranks* disturbances in B. G. Two State visit to Khartoum in writer and poet, is one of 15 Jones, also charged with mfr, Mikoyan is now President of little children were burned tae Sudan next year from English-speaking poets from all forgery, pleaded guilty, and the U.S.S.R.*'St. Vincent the world who have been Civil .° death on July 4 when February parts of Addie Bianc (forgery of $48) Service Assoc, A,G.M. coilapsed thet h 1 ab 8 —12, Bucking. commissioned by the Arts Council likewise vleaded guilty. Their for lack of a quorum’ Rev. Garzet | cit homte was destroyed by ham Palace anncunced on of Great Britain tu write poems as sanneiices “were deferred. C. Spinger hes been banned from a fire-bomb. Police had to July 13. The announcement part of this year’s celebrations of the : peg entering Jamaica* Dominican Civil control excited crowds when said that they hed accepted 4oc anniversary of Shakespeare’s Benoit Pees eo 2 Servants attended ateade union (he children’s father, Mc. “with much pleasure” an birth. appear in Court, atid. a DENCN seminar was announced by the at C.S.A. centre this week* 4 : : invitatlon from President This Warrant was issued for him, Recent UNICEF gifts to Dominica 2 oe med Khan, saw the Arts Council in London recently, All prosecutions were conv ‘tal $40,000. — part of their con- °° Pe . Abboud, but it gave ao Sharing this honour with Mr. duced by Mr. V.C. Josse, Sibutiow to the Integrated Health Three people were killed further details. The Royal Walcott are such famous names in ee 7 : . + fed f : programmee. Latest items to arrive and nine. others seriously couple will travel to the the werld of poetry as India’s Dom Weld Na cen bricte OF are two land rovers and one aes injured on July 10, when. a Sudan from. Ethiopie, where Moraes, Rritain’s Stephen Spender, the purpose, for conveying skimmed milk and tereaniee Hams ‘exploded Ti Hugh MacDiarmid, Thom Gunn v Roere ; transport of personnel” A gift crane 7 ae te : they are already scheduled to and Laurie Lee. si ee ee £ from Canada is being landed in Sc the ne sd tect in r a pay a state visit starting from ‘The poems — not less in length iss vette oeverin Of Lucia today, by Saguenay Line populated section o corgey February... ; than a sonnet and containing as Queen Mury Street, Roseau, MV Silvia “for transshipment to (own South. Three of the epigraph a Shakespearean quotation charged with ae a oe ~ Third aoe pee injured were critically hurt. —— were read at the opening of the sistor record-changer from the Four’ Summit meeting takes pe en ol Aa ee ~. Stratford-on-Avon Festival of Peot- home of het fiend Elaine #2 Bbados nexe week LANDSLIDE DEATH Andrew Rose-- “ay on July. Mr. Wvalcott has alsc been invite Barre, was - cleared of the pi ens Charlie. Bruno of: Salis- Operation Ned by the Congress for Cultural charge after lengthy delibera- OTTO BAY DISCOVERY ‘bury was found on July rs Freedom to attend the Berlin Azts tions by the jury, one jurye A report from Vieille Case by’: ‘gearchers who heard feebie Mr. Andrew Rose, High Com- Festival in September. man disagreeting. that a small decomposed cries, buried up to his head missioner for Trinidad. is in a satis ‘ body (perhaps an infants) ina local landslide. Help- factory condition in Ottawa’s Civic Postal Strike In Britain: Girl attacked At Trafalgar was found by a Convent ers dug him out, but he died Hospital following an operation for British postal services are recovez- bursitis in the shoulder. He was ingfrom a strike of post-office Vernon ‘St. Jean, 18, schoolgirl on the beach at on the way to hospital of operated upon on Friday las week workers-which faralysed all mail charged with indecent assault Otto Bay has not yet beet injuries sustained in the mis- and remained in hospital for a, few deliveries for over 24 hours. Mil- on Ramona Rolle (20) on the authenticated by, the Police. adventure, days. lions of letters piled op... | ®AGE TWO DOMINICA HERALD SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1964 | —_—_—_— —_—- eer ES — (eer SMe, — ee es -People’s 3 Post |Impressions a Of Fortunatly -bowever the. sections who righdy wait to friendliness of the people see Dominica develop. rrespondents are asked to submit their full names and addresses as @ gugrautee of faith, but not necessarily for pubiication. Letters should iDominica tends to overshadow the There can be ro progress it be as short as , en possible Conirovessiai politicai /2tte: will not oe pub- unfortunate picture the town people are not willing to lished “anonymously. Views expressed in People’s P.j:- do not necessarily ‘By Colin Doherty ,oflect the policy of the Ed.tor or the .roprietor. presents. Whereever I have contribute towards ‘it. After a nine month sojourn been on zhe island, and I Watching cricket in Dom- G.C.E.
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