City of Johannesburg Ward Councillors: Region B

City of Johannesburg Ward Councillors: Region B

CITY OF JOHANNESBURG WARD COUNCILLORS: REGION B No. Councillors Party: Region: Ward Ward Suburbs: Ward Administrator: Name/Surname & No: Contact Details: 1. Cllr. Basil Mark Douglas DA B 68 Industrial West, Riverlea, Daphney Mohlala 076 225 0542 Paarlshoop Ext 1, Crown Ext 011 718-9775 [email protected] 6, Amalgam Ext. 1, Riverlea 083 408 9392 Ext. 10, Longdale Ext. 2, [email protected] Longdale Ext.5, Paarlshoop Ext. 4, Crown, Paarlshoop Ext. 6, Riverlea Ext.9, Crown Ext.8, Amalgam Ext. 3, Homestead Park, Riverlea Ext. 5, Crown Ext. 3, Amalgam , Riverlea Ext. 1 , Riverlea Ext. 2, Coronationville , Langlaagte, Longdale, Crown Ext. 9 , Langlaagte North , Micor Industrial , Amalgam Ext.2, Riverla Ext.3, Riverlea Ext.11 , Industrial Ext.1 , Croesus , Paarlshoop , Industrial Ext.2, Longdale Ext.4 , Paarlshoop Ext.3, Crown Ext.4, Paarlshoop Ext.5 , Crown Ext.5 , Crown Ext.7 , Industrial , Horseshoe, Zamamphilo, Slovo Park, Pennyville, Crosby , Riverlea Ext.3, Langlaagte North , Zamimpilo 2. Cllr. Genevieve Joeline DA B 69 Brixton Vusimuzi Mzobe Sherman Coronationville 011 718 9710 0735439123 Hurst Hill 083 375 2315 [email protected] Melville (West Side Of Main [email protected] Road) Melville Ext.3 Rossmore Westbury Ext.3 Westdene Slovo Informal Settlement 3. Cllr. Susan Stewart DA B 82 Bosmont Thuso Sithole 071 253 3326 ClarEmont 011 718-9626 [email protected] Industria North 083 949 6579 Industria North Ext.1 [email protected] Montclare Montclare Ext.1 Newclare Newlands Westbury Westbury Ext.2 Wibsey Dip KathrAda Informal Settlement 4. Philip Kruger DA B 86 Albertskroon Pinky Tladi 083 225 4223 Albertsfarm 011 718-9778 / 083 375 [email protected] Albertville 2719 Albertville Ext.1 [email protected] Albertville Ext.2 Albertville Ext.4 Albertville Ext.5 Albertville Ext.6 Albertville Ext.7 Albertville Ext.8 Bergbron Bergbron Ext.2 Bergbron Ext.3 Bergbron Ext.4 Bergbron Ext.6 Bergbron Ext.8 Bergbron Ext.9 Bergbron Ext.11 Bergbron Ext.12 Delarey Delarey Ext.1 Delarey Ext.2 Delarey Ext.3 Florida Glen Florida Glen Ext.1 Florida Glen Ext.4 Florida Glen Ext.6 Florida Glen Ext.7 Florida Glen Ext.8 Florida Glen Ext.9 Florida Glen Ext.10 Greymont Maraisburg Maraisburg Ext.3 Martindale Montgomery Park Ext.3 Newlands Northcliff Ext.15 Northcliff Ext.19 Northcliff Ext.21 Northcliff Ext.32 Quellerina Quellerina Ext.1 Quellerina Ext.2 Sophiatown Whiteridge Whiteridge Ext.1 Whiteridge Ext.4 Whiteridge Ext.6 Whiteridge Ext.7 Whiteridge Ext.9 Whiteridge Ext.10 Whiteridge Ext.11 5. Cllr. Bridget Steer DA B 87 Auckland Park Vusumuzi Mzobe 083 604 0404 Auckland Park Ext.2 011 718 9710 / 083 375 [email protected] Auckland Park Ext.3 2315 Brixton [email protected] Forest Town Forest Town Ext.1 Greenside Greenside Ext Greenside Ext.2 Greenside Ext.4 Greenside Ext.5 Greenside Ext.6 Greenside East Greenside East Ext.1 Melville Melville Ext.1 Melville Ext.2 Parktown Parktown West Parktown Ext Parkview Parkview Ext.1 Richmond Richmond Ext.1 Uitsaaisentrum Westcliff Westcliff Ext 6. Cllr. David Hensman DA B 88 Berario Daphney Mohlala 082 806 3446 Blackheath 011 718 9775 / 083 408 [email protected] Blackheath Ext.1 9392 Blackheath Ext.2 [email protected] Blackheath Ext.3 Blackheath Ext.4 Blackheath Ext.6 Blackheath Ext.7 Botanical Gardens East Town Emmarentia Emmarentia Ext.1 Franklin Roosevelt Park Franklin Roosevelt Park Ext.1 Marks Park Montgomery Park Montroux Northcliff Northcliff Ext.1 Northcliff Ext.2 Northcliff Ext.3 Northcliff Ext.6 Northcliff Ext.8 Northcliff Ext.12 Northcliff Ext.13 Northcliff Ext.14 Northcliff Ext.16 Northcliff Ext.18 Northcliff Ext.25 Northcliff Ext.26 Northcliff Ext.30 Risidale Valeriedene Waterval Estate Waterval Estate Ext.5 West Park Cemetery 7. Cllr. Martin Williams DA B 90 Clynton Thuso Sithole 083 459 6152 Craighall 011 718-9626 / 083 949 [email protected] Craighall Ext.2 6579 Craighall Park [email protected] Dunkeld Dunkeld West Dunkeld West Ext.1 Dunkeld West Ext.2 Dunkeld West Ext.3 Dunkeld West Ext.4 Dunkeld West Ext.5 Dunkeld West Ext.6 Dunkeld West Ext.7 Dunkeld West Ext.8 Glenadrienne Hurl Park Hurlingham Hurlingham Ext.1 Hurlingham Ext.2 Hurlingham Ext.5 Hurlingham Ext.6 Hurlingham Ext.7 Hurlingham Gardens Hyde Park Hyde Park A. Settlement Hyde Park Ext.1 Hyde Park Ext.2 Hyde Park Ext.4 Hyde Park Ext.5 Hyde Park Ext.6 Hyde Park Ext.7 Hyde Park Ext.8 Hyde Park Ext.9 Hyde Park Ext.11 Hyde Park Ext.12 Hyde Park Ext.14 Hyde Park Ext.15 Hyde Park Ext.16 Hyde Park Ext.17 Hyde Park Ext.18 Hyde Park Ext.19 Hyde Park Ext.21 Hyde Park Ext.22 Hyde Park Ext.23 Hyde Park Ext.24 Hyde Park Ext.25 Hyde Park Ext.27 Hyde Park Ext.28 Hyde Park Ext.29 Hyde Park Ext.30 Hyde Park Ext.31 Hyde Park Ext.32 Hyde Park Ext.34 Hyde Park Ext.36 Hyde Park Ext.37 Hyde Park Ext.38 Hyde Park Ext.39 Hyde Park Ext.40 Hyde Park Ext.42 Hyde Park Ext.43 Hyde Park Ext.44 Hyde Park Ext.45 Hyde Park Ext.46 Hyde Park Ext.47 Hyde Park Ext.48 Hyde Park Ext.49 Hyde Park Ext.51 Hyde Park Ext.52 Hyde Park Ext.53 Hyde Park Ext.55 Hyde Park Ext.56 Hyde Park Ext.57 Hyde Park Ext.58 Hyde Park Ext.59 Hyde Park Ext.62 Hyde Park Ext.63 Hyde Park Ext.64 Hyde Park Ext.65 Hyde Park Ext.66 Hyde Park Ext.72 Hyde Park Ext.73 Hyde Park Ext.74 Hyde Park Ext.77 Hyde Park Ext.78 Hyde Park Ext.80 Hyde Park Ext.81 Hyde Park Ext.82 Hyde Park Ext.83 Hyde Park Ext.85 Hyde Park Ext.86 Hyde Park Ext.87 Hyde Park Ext.89 Hyde Park Ext.90 Hyde Park Ext.94 Hyde Park Ext.96 Hyde Park Ext.97 Hyde Park Ext.100 Hyde Park Ext.103 Hyde Park Ext.106 Hyde Park Ext.110 Hyde Park Ext.112 Hyde Park Ext.116 Hyde Park Ext.118 Hyde Park Ext.120 Hyde Park Ext.121 Hyde Park Ext.122 Hyde Park Ext.123 Hyde Park Ext.124 Hyde Park Ext.125 Hyde Park Ext.127 Hyde Park Ext.129 Illovo New Brighton Parkmore Parkmore Ext.1 Riepen Park Sandhurst Sandhurst Ext.5 Sandhurst Ext.6 8. Cllr. Beverly Weweje DA B 98 Aldara Park Thuso Sithole 082 336 8066 Berario 011 718-9626 / 083 949 [email protected] Cresta Ext.1 6579 Cresta Ext.4 [email protected] Cresta Ext.6 Cresta Ext.7 Darrenwood Ext.2 Darrenwood Ext.5 Darrenwood Ext.6 Darrenwood Ext.7 Darrenwood Ext.8 DarrenWood Ext.9 Fairland Kelland Kelland Ext.1 Northcliff Ext.2 Northcliff Ext.4 Northcliff Ext.33 Randpark Randpark Ext.2 Randpark Ext.3 Randpark Ext.4 Randpark Ext.5 Randparkrif Randparkrif Ext.3 Randparkrif Ext.16 Randparkrif Ext.41 Robin Hills Windsor Windsor Glen 9. Cllr. Nicole van Dyk DA B 99 Blairgowrie Pinky Tladi 071 382 1992 Cresta 011 718-9778 / 083 375 [email protected] Cresta Ext.2 2719 Cresta Ext.3 [email protected] Cresta Ext.5 Cresta Ext.7 Darrenwood Ferndale Jacanlee Linden Linden Ext Linden Ext.3 Robin Acres Robin Hills Robindale Robindale Ext.1 Robindale Ext.2 Robindale Ext.4 Robindale Ext.5 Robindale Ext.9 Robindale Ext.10 10. Cllr. David Potter DA B 102 Blairgowrie Vusumuzi Mzobe 082 885 9688 Bordeaux 011 718 9710 / 083 375 [email protected] Bordeaux Ext.2 2315 Bryanston [email protected] Bryanston Ext.1 Bryanston Ext.7 Bryanston Ext.20 Bryanston Ext.28 Bryanston Ext.30 Bryanston Ext.31 Bryanston Ext.36 Bryanston Ext.37 Bryanston Ext.38 Bryanston Ext.40 Bryanston Ext.43 Bryanston Ext.44 Bryanston Ext.48 Bryanston Ext.54 Bryanston Ext.58 Bryanston Ext.63 Bryanston Ext.66 Bryanston Ext.69 Bryanston Ext.70 Bryanston Ext.71 Bryanston Ext.75 Bryanston Ext.79 Bryanston Ext.79 Bryanston Ext.80 Bryanston Ext.81 Bryanston Ext.89 Bryanston Ext.90 Bryanston Ext.94 Bryanston West Bryanston West Ext.1 Bryanston West Ext.2 Country-Life Park Cramerview Ferndale Ferndale Ext.3 Ferndale Ext.25 Fontainebleau Ext.1 Gleniffer Hurlingham Manor Hurlingham Ext.5 Hurlingham Ext.9 Lyme Park Lyme Park Ext.2 Lyme Park Ext.3 Lyme Park Ext.4 Mill Hill Ext.2 Moret Moret Ext.1, 2,3,4,5 & 6 Oerder Park President Ridge President Ridge Ext.1 President Ridge Ext.6 & 7 Ruiterhof Ruiterhof Ext.1,2,3,4,4,6,7,8,9,10,11 &12 Solridge Willowild Willowild Ext.1 & 2 11. Cllr. Mike Wood DA B 104 Beverley Gardens Daphney Mohlala 082 853 2174 Bryanbrink 011 718 9775 / 083 408 [email protected] Bryanston 9392 Bryanston Ext.3 [email protected] Bryanston Ext.5 Bryanston Ext.8 Bryanston Ext.18 Bryanston Ext.19 Bryanston Ext.25 Bryanston Ext.27 Bryanston Ext.29 Bryanston Ext.35 Bryanston Ext.39 Bryanston Ext.45 Bryanston Ext.50 Bryanston Ext.52 Bryanston Ext.72 Bryanston Ext.83 Bryanston Ext.84 Bryanston Ext.85 Bryanston Ext.91 Bryanston Ext.92 Bryanston Ext.95 Cowdray Park Ext.1 Daniel Brink Park Douglasdale Ext.9 Ferndale Ferndale Ext.3 Ferndale Ext.4 Ferndale Ext.6 Ferndale Ext.8 Ferndale Ext.9 Ferndale Ext.11 Ferndale Ext.13 Ferndale Ext.15 Ferndale Ext.17 Ferndale Ext.19 Ferndale Ext.20 Ferndale Ext.21 Ferndale Ext.24 Ferndale Ext.26 Ferndale Ext.28 Ferndale Ext.29 Fontainebleau Kensington B Malanshof Malanshof Ext.1 Malanshof Ext.2 Malanshof Ext.3 Malanshof Ext.4 Malanshof Ext.5 Malanshof Ext.6 Malanshof Ext.8 Malanshof Ext.9 Malanshof Ext.16 Malanshof Ext.17 Malanshof Ext.21 Meadowhurst Praegville Randparkrif Randpark Ext.

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