Number XL February—June 2015 LET US ALSO GO, THAT WE MAY DIE WITH HIM John 11:16 APOSTLE Newsletter of the Asian District of the Society of Saint Pius X, St. Pius X Priory, 286 Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 574402 Rev. Fr. Tim Pfeiffer simply reeling them in during the Bohol Pilgrimage in the Philippines 16th-19th April 2015 . Editorial: Mary and Revelation . Our Lady of Victories Priory . Consoling Sisters by Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin & School, Manila, Philippines Girls’ Orphanage & Old Age Home, India . Crazy, Inspired or Impossible? . St. Bernard Noviciate . Mass Centres in Asia The Militia Immaculatae Masterplan Iloilo, Philippines Reception of the habit and professions . The Militia Immacualata in Asia . Priory of the Most Holy Trinity . Calling All Generous Souls On the march & Veritas Academy, India Editorial from the District Superior THE IMMACULATA Refracting the Light of Revelation Dear faithful! are the worst of all times. Our Lady con- means are always the same: SHE HER- firms their prophecies in her apparitions. SELF is the signum magnum, the auxilium There are many reasons why we have The best of all mothers wants to rescue Christianorum, the commander-in-chief of to make our apostolate totally dependent us and therefore she makes us under- the Christian armies, who has crushed on the Immaculata. stand the imminent dangers. Satan's head and has already vanquished Mary Mediatrix all heresies. The latter times are the We must be aware of the 'situation' times of the Immaculata! First, because she is the mediatrix of in the latter times so as not to fall into all graces of conversion and sanctifica- illusions and errors and also to warn the Saint Grignion has already given us tion. faithful. But we should never explain the the idea: the latter times have just ONE Mary Help Of Christians last trials just as catastrophes to come— PURPOSE: the final battle is the OCCA- portraying the whole problem like a hor- SION FOR GOD to reveal HER in all Secondly, because of her special role ror film to make the people afraid. This HER GREATNESS AND IMMENSITY! in the end of times, explained for the superficial approach never brings lasting And through her, reveal His own power: first time explicitly by Saint Louis Maria fruits. Therefore in all announcements of if He is capable to create such a MAS- Grignion de Montfort. forthcoming dangers, the best of all TERPIECE, HE MUST BE REALLY We know from the teaching of Our Mothers gives us the necessary means to DEUS IMMENSUS ET OMNIPOTENS! Lord, the Apostles and the Doctors of overcome temptations and to attain the the Church about the latter times which promise of the final victory. Now these Rev. Fr. Stehlin imposes the miraculous medal on new Knights of the Militia Immaculata at the General Santos chapel which is still under construction. - 2 - Editorial from the District Superior Mary’s Role In Unpacking exploit the lack of elaboration and preci- the last, most beautiful flower is saved Revealed Truth sion of the mysteries in favor of their up for this epoch. Thus the golden age false interpretations. These provoke a of divine revelation concerning Mary But there is another, deeper sense more profound explanation of the re- begins with the dogma of the Immaculate why God wants us to focus on the mys- vealed truth, one which presents more Conception in the year 1854. The mys- tery of MARY in these latter times: Di- clearly the object of the revealed doc- tery of her inner being is brought plainly vine Truth in its entirety was revealed to trine in its causes, in its nature, its corol- to light (her Immaculate Conception, us until the time of death of the last laries and consequences. virginity and Assumption into heaven, Apostle, but most of it implicitly, like a body and soul). This deeper understand- wonderful bouquet of magnificent flow- Order of Revelation ing of her person helps us to recognize ers which for the most part have not yet From a historical perspective, God much more clearly her mission also. completely opened. Now the meaning first reveals the truth about Himself (the and purpose of the Church is to unfold In relation to the Person of Christ, nature of the Trinity and of each of the this revelation, to make it explicit. Jesus she is the Mother of God. Three Divine Persons), then about assigns precisely this task to His apostles, Christ (Christological dogmas) and about In relation to His redemptive act, she headed by St. Peter, to the teaching His salvific work (the Church, the Sacra- is the New Eve and Co-Redemptrix. Church, and promises her the special ments, Holy Mass, the doctrine on assistance of the Holy Ghost, which pre- With regard to the application of His grace, the teaching about the Four Last serves her from error. This means, redemptive act, she is the Mediatrix of Things). however, that the Holy Ghost is prom- All Graces, the Queen and Mother of ised only so as to unfold what is already Mary Illuminates Revelation mankind and the prototype of the Church. present, to make explicit what is implic- In the process, the mystery of Mary it, and not to invent something new, shines forth again and again, but most In relation to the Holy Ghost, she is which necessarily would not come from importantly in order to offer assistance the spotless bride, His true faithful in- Christ and therefore would be contrary in recognizing the truth about her Son. strument and most sacred temple. to the divine deposit of faith. It would Thus she illumines the truth about Mary, therefore, is the crown, the resemble a weed added from outside, Christ: that He is true man, a true Son of summit of the revelation of divine truth. which would mar the beauty of the flow- man, born of a human mother. The dog- In Mary God has said everything. The er garden of divine truths. ma of the divine maternity (Dz431) illu- purpose of creation is the proclamation, mines Christ’s essence as a single Divine Over the course of time one flower the radiation, the manifestation of God’s Person with two different natures which after the other opens up under the influ- glory. The purpose of theology as teach- are neither confused with each other nor ence of sunshine and water, i.e. divine ing about Divine Revelation is the proc- separated from each other. Her perpet- grace and the influence of the Holy lamation, the radiation, the manifesta- ual virginity sheds light on the mystery of Ghost. The Holy Ghost, therefore, is tion of the entire truth of God. When the virginal Church, whose prototype the primary cause of this explicitation the whole divine revealed truth has been she is. All these truths about Mary, as and He makes use of the following sec- unfolded and made explicit according to they incidentally become evident over ondary and instrumental causes: the God’s will, when all the flowers in the course of history, have a very dis- meditations of the saints, the works of God’s garden have opened up and are creet character. She wants to remain in the Church Fathers, Doctors of the blooming, then creation (which is out- the background, so as to give honor to Church and theologians, who analyze the side of God) has done its duty and can God, according to her mission. divine mysteries with reason enlightened come back home to the bosom of the by faith, and, by logical conclusions, Mary The Last Flower Most Holy Trinity. present these mysteries ever more clear- The time comes, however, when Mary Making All Revelation New ly and distinctly. God wants to reveal His masterpiece Something special, however, happens There are also external influences, in completely, and this is reserved for the with the opening of this last flower of the particular the attacks of heretics, who end times. In the bouquet of revelation divine mysteries: all the truths that had - 3 - Editorial from the District Superior been revealed previously will shine forth most profound light, as well as the son- ly to the understanding of the person again like new in its light. ship of the Son, along with the mystery who wants to see Him in her, and there- and mission of the Holy Ghost. And in fore devotes himself completely to Upon the mysteries of the faith falls a this relation to God she appears as the Mary, not only so as to belong complete- light that comes from the Heart of the spotless Bride of the Holy Ghost, as the ly to God, but also in order to know Immaculata. When the revealed truths Mother of the Son and the bridal New Him to the most profound depths possi- are placed in her light, are brought into Eve of the New Adam, and also as the ble for a human being. relation to her, of course no new thing singular Daughter of the Father, and about them is expressed (in se); never- Thus God has willed that we really altogether as the most resplendent tem- theless we (quoad nos) will perceive them have all that He could ever give us, ple of the Holy Trinity. in a hitherto-unknown depth, as much as everything whatsoever through Mary! is at all possible for a creature, because Mary And The Person Of Christ “In your light, O Mary, we see divine we observe them in the light and with light; in lumine tuo, O Maria, videbimus We can say the same thing with re- the eyes of her who meditates most lumen Dei.” In Fatima, the Immaculata gard to other dogmas: through her, will deeply and most extensively upon the makes this truth clear in a unique way: shine forth in a special way the mystery mysteries of God and who has received from her hands and heart streamed a of the Person of Christ (her motherhood the words of the Eternal Word utterly light, a flash, in which the children were and bridal character), His redemptive and entirely into her heart.
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