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NCBI; “ ACC1 [Saccharomyces cerevisiae )” ; GenBank accession No. CAA96294.1 ; Jul. 14 , 2016 . * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Jul. 7 , 2020 Sheet 1 of 3 US 10,704,064 B2 [ Fig . 1 ] 12 Glucose NAO : ADP NADA . AIP Pyruvate NAOP POC (Pyruvale decarboxylase ) Acetate U Acetaldehyde MADE COM NA ! .. ( CASHE AADH (Acetylating acetaldehyde de MADHE NADH hydrogenase ) * ... Acetyl -CoA + AT . MCO ACC (Acetyl - CoA carboxylase ) ADPA Mitochondrial PDH route PDH by pass route Natural in yeast Malonyl -COA NAOPIM MCR (Malonyl - CoA reductase ) NAX.p.CA Malonate semialdehyde NAOXOJHO HPDH ( 3.HP dehydrogeanse ) NADP ) COA 3 -Hydroxypropionate [ Fig . 2 ] ACCich < ACCmc < ACCsC5659A < ACCSC < ACCsc51157A ACCSCS659A / $ 1157A ACCke < ACCy ! [ Fig . 3 ] Marker Empty MCRms MCRsa1 MCRst MCRCC MCRca 30 Relativeactivity(%) MCRms MCRms MCRsa1 MCRsa1 MCRst MCRst MCRCC MCRCC MCRca MCRca I (NADPH )wl (NADH ) (NADPH ) (NADH ) (NADPH ) ( NADH ) (NADPH ) (NADH ) (NADPH ) (NADH ) U.S. Patent Jul. 7 , 2020 Sheet 2 of 3 US 10,704,064 B2 [ Fig . 4 ] Sad PRS423(HIS)_FBA1-ENO2TP11PSK085 Gene3 8,767bp SydNot TPUIP 085PSK- Spo Bumit Gene2 22ENO CH ECOR GoneSe Xhol PAMP Sod PT3 Sua Gene3 Nod TEF1-TDH3PDC1(pSK084]PRS426URA) LEP 8,762bp 084-PSK Spol DURAS Bumi Geno Xmas EcoR ???» Gene Xhols U.S. Patent Jul. 7 , 2020 Sheet 3 of 3 US 10,704,064 B2 [ Fig . 5 ) 900 -1( Batch ) 800 2 ( Anaerobic , batch ) 3 (Glucose spiking ) 700 4 (Fed -batch , many tablets ) 5 (Fed -batch , tablet spiking) 600 6 (Galactose spiking ) 500 3-HP(mg/L) 400 300 200 100 0 1 Day 2 3 [ Fig . 6 ] 1400 1200 1000 800 3-HP(mg/L) 600 400 200 0 1 2 Day 3 4 5 US 10,704,064 B2 1 2 RECOMBINANT YEAST PRODUCING base such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH ) and ammonium 3 - HYDROXYPROPIONIC ACID AND hydroxide (NH4OH ) for maintaining a neutral pH . This METHOD FOR PRODUCING causes an increase in the cost of the fermentation process 3 - HYDROXYPROPIONIC ACID USING THE depending on an injected base , makes an extraction and SAME 5 separation process difficult , or significantly increases the cost . CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED In a recent case of application of producing organic acid to chemical industry , an organic acid is produced from APPLICATIONS glucose using yeast. Yeast has high resistance against an This application is the United States national phase of 10 organic acid as compared to bacteria , thus the activity of the International Application No. PCT/ KR2015 /009061 filed yeast is not significantly inhibited even at a high acidity (low Aug. 28 , 2015 , and claims priority to Korean Patent Appli pH ) making yeast as more suitable host for producing the cation No. 10-2014-0114505 filed Aug. 29 , 2014 , the dis organic acid . Particularly , yeast has been conventionally closures of which are hereby incorporated in their entirety widely used as an industrial biocatalyst for producing spirits , by reference . 15 industrial ethanol, or the like, and may be mass -cultured and The Sequence Listing associated with this application is may not be contaminated with bacteriophages , such that filed in electronic format via EFS - Web and is hereby incor applicability of the yeast in the chemical industry is more porated by reference into the specification in its entirety . The excellent as compared to bacteria . Yeast has advantages for name of the text file containing the Sequence Listing is producing an organic acid , but there are several disadvan 1701700-2_ST25.txt .
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