m s m m Archbishop Establishes 3 Parishes Two Expanding Areas in Denver Provided for; Minturn Elevated Copyrighted, 1962. Relesse Fridiy noon 14 Men, 4 Women in Missions \ % The establishment of threH ney parishes, two in Denver and the other at Mintnrn in Eagle county, is announced this week by Archbishop Urban J, Vehr. At the same time the Archbishop named pastors for these jiarishes and 18 of Archdiocese for two additional parishes, one in Western and one in Eastern Colorado. „ Additional appointments include the naming of a new chaplain for the El Pomar Retreat House at Broad- Seek Souls Abroad moor in Colorado Springs and the S.S.C., who is'being recalled by the 'Vehr. After his first period it placing o f five assistants, including Columban Fathers. The popular Blessed Sacrament parish he became The Archdiocese oi Denver has Khrist Raja high school, Bettiah the four new priests who were or­ young Father Quinn has been N a p ­ chaplain and professor at Loretto 18 missioners in foreign lands 14 P. 0., Camparan Dist., India; dained June 7. k in at the retreat house for four Heights college, to which he sub­ from communities of men and four The Rev. Raymond H. Mullen, years. sequently added the post of civilian from communities of women. This S.J., St. Xavier’s high school, Jai­ The new Denver parishes are the is found in the new booklet U. S. pur City, Rajputana, India. Most Precious Blood parish, for T o replace Father Flynn, the Rev. chaplain o f the army post at Fort Catholic Missionary Personnel The Rev. Augustine Forster, which' the archdiocese owns a block Kenneth Funk is being transferred Logan and pastor o f St. Patrick’s, Overseas in 1951, just published by S.J., St. Michael’s school, Digha of land at South Colorado boule­ from Christ the King parish, Den­ Fort Logan. the Mission Secretariat, the officer Ghat P. p., E. I. Ry., India; ver. The four young newly or­ In 1942, Father Mulcahy was ac­ of which are in the NCWC build­ The Rev. Kenneth Knopke, vard and Iliff avenue, anU the Cur6 ing, Washington, D. C. O.F.M., Catalao, Goiaz, Brazil; o f Ars parish, with property located dained priests have b ^ n assigned cepted as an army chaplain with the A list of Denver archdiocesan The ' Rev. Dunstan Dooling, at E. 32nd avenue and Dahlia street as follow s in Denver parishes: 'The air force and, aker service at vari­ mission personnel follows: O.F.M,,'Anapolis, Goiaz, Brazil; in the Park H ill district. As yet, Rev. Edward Madden to Holy Fam­ ous posts in this country, took part Orders ef Men The Rev. Daniel B. McLellan, ily parish, the Rev. John Anderson in the invasion o f Western Eu­ Leo Weber, SJ., Catholic pres­ M.M., Peru, S. A.; boundaries have not been estab­ bytery, Belize, British Honduras; The Rev. Brendan Forsyth, lished for these new parishes. to St. Catherine’s, the Rev. Jdin rope going through France anJ The Rev. Eugene 0. L a ^ , SJ., O.S.B., the Priory, Box 187, Nas­ M cGinn to St. James’, and the Rev. most o f the Low Countries. Catholic church. Orange Walk, sau, Bahama Islands, B.W.I.; James Rasby to Christ the King par­ British Honduras; Orders of Women ish. The Rev. John Newell, SJ., Sister Joaquin, School Sisters of Casa Cural, Minas de Oro, De- Rev. William Mulcahy St. Francis, Honduras, C. A.; partamento de Comaygua, Repub­ Mother Mary Arnulpha, Fran­ The first pastor p f the Cure of lic of Honduras, C. A.; ciscan Missidnaries of Mary, Moh- * The Rev. Joseph Herbert, S.J., Ars pafisli is the I^v. William J. rovia, Liberia, Africa; Casa Cural, Progreso, Departa- Mulcahy, now assistant at Blessed Sister M. Bonaventure Hanson, mento de Yoro, Republic of Hon­ Sisters of the Third Franciscan Sacrament parish. He will be famil­ duras, C.A.; “■ Order, Minor Conventuals, St. iar with the territory of his parish, Brother Augustine Richard, Francis’ convent, 2207 Pamoa F.S.C. (Richard Burwitz), Blue- much o f which has been included in road, Honolulu, T. H.; fields, Nicaragua; Blessed Sacrament parish, where he Mother Mary Egan, Society of The Rev. Richard D. Mershon, Ahe Sacred Heart (St. Louis prov­ was assistant for four years after M.M., Wuchow, China (now in the ince), Lima, Peru, S. A. his ordination in 1936 and for the Philippines); The booklet lists 53 religious in­ The Rev. Felix Eckerman, past five years. stitutes of men which supply 2,474 S.V.D., Catholic church, Indore, The new parish site at 32nd and American missioners overseas, and C. I., India; 77 communities of women with 1,- Dahlia lies directly north o f Blessed The Rev. Felix F. Farrell, S.J., 901 members in foreign lands Sacrament church, which is located Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, director on Montview boulevard. It is titled of tbe Mission Secretariat, anal in honor o f St. John Baptist Vian- yzes these figuVes in a foreword Faithful Asked to the booklet and points out: ney, the patron o f parish priests, THE REV. JOHN B. EBEL, city editor Daughters of the Sacred Heart. This scene was taken “ Five out of the 53 institutes of but will be called the Cure of Ars of the Denver Catholic Register, was among in St. Peter’s after the unveiling of the official men supply 57 per cent of all the male personnel. The eight prov­ Rev. Robert Syrianey Rev. Paul D. Slattery the crowd shown above in St. Peter’s Basilica at picture of Blessed Maria Bertilla. The nun died only lo Help Pope in From West to East inces of the Society of Jesus in Promoted 'to Pastorate the beatification ceremony of Si|ler Maria Bertilla 30 years ago, after many years of heroic devotion the United States supply 23 per Boscardin, of the Teaching Sistws of St. Dorothy, to the sick. cent of all our American mission­ The Most Precious Blood parish Upon his return from military Work of Charity aries, the Maryknoll Fathers sup­ in Southeast Denver will be under service,- he was assigned as chap­ Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ply 15 per cent. Three others, the the care o f the Vincentian Fathers, lain o f the Glockner-Penrose hos­ Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1952 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on “ We who have been spared Redemptorists, the Franciscans, with the Rev. John Donohoe, C.M , pital ‘in Colorado Springs, where he Articles Otherwise Marked, Given A fter 12 M. Friday Following Issue many of the physical hard and the Divine Word Fathers, sup­ ply jointly an additional 19 per as first pastor. Father Donohoe will femained for a year before being Ships of war and have onjoyed cent. Thus the remaining 43 per reside at St. Thomas’ seminary for returned to Blessed Sacrament par­ many blessings can sustain cent is supplied by 48 institutes. the present. ish. the hands of the Holy Father “ For most of the communities The Rev. William Mulcahy, as­ Rev. Joseph Leberer in relieving misery and dis of women, missionary work up to the present is still marginal. Only sistant at Blessed Sacrament par­ First pastor o f the new Parish o f pensing Christian charity,’ one out of the 77 institutes has ish, Denver, from which the new St. Patrick in Minturn is the Rev. DENVER CATHOLIC says Archbishop Urban Vehr more than ICO U.S. members over­ Cure of Ars omsh will be divided, Joseph J. Leberer, who has been as­ in a letter to the faithful of seas; namely, the Maryknoll Sis­ will be the fim pastor o f that par­ sistant at St. James’ parish since the archdiocese. The letter, ters with 367. Each of eight other communities counts between 40 ish. He will continue to reside at October, 1948. Prior to coming to text of which follows, is the and 100 U. S. members overseas, Blessed Sacrament rectory for the St. James', Father Leberer was an annual appeal for the Peter’s the eight supplying a total of 496 time being. assistant in the Blessed Sacrament Pence collectionillectii for the Holy sisters. Thus the top nine of the The new parish in Minturn is St. parish for a little more than two Father, which will be taken 77 communities .of sisters overseas REGISTER supply 51 per cent of the total of Patrick’s, formerly a mission of years follow ing his ordination, June Sunday,June 29. 1,901 U. S. sisters in the foreign Glcnwood Springs. Nanred first 1, 1946. Reverend dear Father and missions.’’ pastor is the Rev. Joseph Leberer, Father Leljetcr is the son o f Mrs. VOL. X LV Il. No. 44. THURSDAY, JUNE 19,^952 DENVER, COLO. beloved People; at present assistant at St. James’ Jeannette Lebtrter o f St. Francis de May I again appeal to your Rtv. William Mulcahy Sales’ parish and made his complete \Has Second Audience, Visits Tomb of Peter generosity in this annual collec­ Servhes Will Honor parish, Denver. ifew East Denver Pastor tion for the Holy Father? This Transferred from the pastorate o f yearly contribution to the eom- St. Michael’s parish in Craig to St. parish to prevent confusion with mon Father of Christendom is Order's New Beatus St. John the Evangelist's parish. an expression of our loyalty to Catherine’s pa;ish in Burlington is Register’ City Editor Watches the Rev: Paul D . Slattery. 'The Rev. Father Mulcahy is a native' o f the See of Peter and our personal The S e r V i t e community in love for the Vicar of Christ on Welby, under its new prior, the Joseph Lane recently resigned from Boston, where he was born Aug.
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