June 10, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 12089 number of occasions by being able to partici- CELEBRATING THE 10TH ANNIVER- gansett, Rhode Island, in 1966 and will retire pate in forums that the temple has run, which SARY OF NORTEX MODULAR at Station Point Judith in Narragansett on the have helped me and others fulfill our duties to SPACE IN LEWISVILLE, TX 20th of this month, having served continuously relate to our constituents. in the Coast Guard in reserve and active duty Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to be HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS status for almost 42 years. Master Chief Dow- able to salute the members of the Mishkan OF TEXAS ney is retiring as Command Master Chief of Coast Guard District One (Boston, Massachu- Tefila Congregation on this 150th Anniversary, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and congratulate them on their opportunity setts)—one of the nine Command Master both to look back on a very proud history, and Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Chiefs in the Coast Guard. He has served in to look forward to the promise of continued Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise this position since September of 2006. great service in the years ahead. today to congratulate the outstanding accom- Seaman Recruit Jack Downey reported to plishments of Nortex Modular Space of the Coast Guard Training Center, Cape May, f Lewisville, Texas, an exemplary organization New Jersey, on November 11, 1966, and in North Texas that is celebrating its 10th An- completed basic training in February 1967. HONORING THE LEGACY OF niversary. Seaman Apprentice Downey reported to Coast CONSTANTINO BRUMIDI Nortex Modular Space is a small business Guard Cutter Casco (WHEC 370) on March 8, manufacturer with 95 employees based in 1967, and was promoted to Seaman on No- Lewisville, and it is the leading manufacturer vember 1, 1967. HON. JOHN L. MICA On December 15, 1967, Seaman Downey OF FLORIDA of durable and energy efficient mobile and modular office and classroom buildings. Jim reported to Coast Guard Air Station Salem, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Sherry Stewart started Nortex Modular Massachusetts where he was a rescue boat Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Space in Highland Village in 1998 and have a crewman for water take-offs and landings—in lease fleet of over 700 mobile office and mo- the days of amphibious fix-wing aircraft. Mr. MICA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Seaman Downey transferred to Station bile classroom units honor the life and legacy of Constantino Point Judith, Rhode Island, in March 1968, The company specializes in the sale, lease, Brumidi, who has been referred to as the Mi- where he served on active duty until 1970, rental, repair and renovation of modular and chelangelo of the United States Capitol Build- then 81⁄2 years in reserve status, returning to portable buildings, mobile office trailers, port- ing. It is appropriate that Congress honor his active duty in 1979 and continuing his service able classroom buildings, re-locatable build- incredible contributions to our Nation by at Pt. Judith until 1982. While stationed at Pt. ings, modular church buildings, GSA modular awarding him the Congressional Gold Medal. Judith, Downey was promoted to Boatswain’s buildings, temporary offices, classrooms, as On July 26, 1805, Constantino Brumidi was Mate Third Class on January 16, 1969, to born in Rome, Italy of an Italian mother and a well as medical and special use buildings to Boatswain’s Mate Second Class on December Greek father who inspired him with a love of government and private industry. 16, 1969, to Boatswain’s Mate First Class on liberty. While Constantino Brumidi’s Greek an- Nortex Modular Space has clients all around April 1, 1972, to Chief Boatswain’s Mate on cestry stirred his passion for liberty and citi- the country and even overseas. Customers in- September 1, 1975 and to Senior Chief Boat- zenship, his Italian heritage provided the art clude the U.S. Department of the Interior, the swain’s Mate April 1, 1980. styles of the Renaissance and the Baroque U.S. Secret Service, the City of Dallas, the Senior Chief Downey returned to sea duty which influenced the artwork of the U.S. Cap- U.S. Army, the Texas Department of Trans- on the Coast Guard Cutter Chase (WHEC itol. portation, the University of Texas at Arlington 718) on January 10, 1982. and the University of North Texas. Constantino Brumidi became a citizen of the In addition to service on the CGC Casco In 2005, Nortex Modular Space was recog- United States as soon as he was able, em- and CGC Chase, Boatswain’s Mate Downey nized by DiversityBusiness.com, the nation’s bracing its history, values and ideals. Begin- had many temporary assignments afloat on leading multicultural internet site, as one of the ning in 1855, Constantino Brumidi designed CGC Seneca (WMEC 906), CGC Reliance Top 100 Small Businesses in Texas. Small and decorated one House and five Senate (WMEC 615), CGC Neah Bay (WTGB 105), businesses form the backbone of the Amer- committee rooms in the Capitol, as well as the CGC Cape George (WPB 95306) and CGC ican economy, which is the strongest in the Senate Reception Room, the Office of the Point Hannon (WPB 82355). Many of these world. They account for half of gross domestic Vice President and most notably, the Presi- Temporary Assigned Duty assignments were product, more than half of American jobs, and dent’s Room, which represents Brumidi’s su- necessitated by the Coast Guard’s need to three-fourths of new jobs created each year. preme effort ‘‘to make beautiful the Capitol’’ of ‘‘fix’’ a leadership issue—a position Jack Dow- Madam Speaker, it is with great honor that the United States. ney found himself in on more than one occa- I rise today to recognize Nortex Modular sion. In 1865, Constantino Brumidi completed, in Space and celebrate its 10-year anniversary. On February 21, 1984, Senior Chief Dow- just 11 months, his masterpiece, ‘‘The Apothe- This excellent company has served North Tex- ney returned to shore duty at Group/Station osis of Washington,’’ in the eye of the Capitol ans for 10 good years, and I am certain they Woods Hole, Massachusetts where he was dome. In 1871, Constantino Brumidi created will continue their good work for many more Officer-In-Charge of the Station. the first tribute to an African American in the years to come. Senior Chief Downey took command, as Of- Capitol when he placed the figure of Crispus f ficer-In-Charge, of Coast Guard Cutter Towline Attucks at the center of his fresco of the Bos- (WYTL 65605), a 65-foot harbor tug/ice- ton Massacre. In 1878, Constantino Brumidi, HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF breaker, on June 15, 1987. at the age of 72, and in poor health, began MASTER CHIEF JOHN E. DOW- On November 1, 1988, Senior Chief Dow- work on the Rotunda frieze, which chronicles NEY, UNITED STATES COAST ney transferred to Coast Guard Station Chat- the history of America. On February 19, 1880, GUARD ham at the elbow of Cape Cod, Massachu- Constantino Brumidi died at the age of 74, setts, where he faced one of his most chal- four and a half months after slipping and near- HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR lenging assignments—dealing with an unfor- ly falling from a scaffold while working on the OF MINNESOTA giving and ever changing environment, and a Rotunda frieze. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community whose faith in the Coast Guard Constantino Brumidi, proud of his artistic ac- was at a low-ebb because of a failure of lead- Tuesday, June 10, 2008 complishments and devoted to his adopted ership. Senior Chief Downey, whose skills as country, said: ‘‘My one ambition and my daily Mr. OBERSTAR. Madam Speaker, it gives a Boatswain’s Mate are only exceeded by his prayer is that I may live long enough to make me great pleasure to rise today to honor a skills in dealing with people, not only mastered beautiful the Capitol of the one country on truly great member of the U.S. Coast Guard— the treacherous Chatham Bar, he won the lov- earth in which there is liberty.’’ Master Chief John E. ‘‘Jack’’ Downey—who ing respect of the community. Madam Speaker, Constantino Brumidi’s life was throughout his 41 years of service ‘‘al- Senior Chief Downey’s time in Chatham had and work exemplifies the lives of millions of ways ready for the call.’’ both harrowing and amusing moments. In immigrants who came to pursue the American Master Chief Downey enlisted in the Coast 1991 Station Chatham acquired a much-need- dream. Guard at age 19 from his hometown of Narra- ed new surf capable rescue boat—the 28-foot VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:46 Jan 21, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E10JN8.000 E10JN8 WReier-Aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD 12090 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 June 10, 2008 LeCompte (CG 280502). In October—shortly 87-foot Patrol Boat operating out of Group most of his career in Coast Guard District after the boat arrived, Cape Cod and New Woods Hole with responsibility for law en- One, and much of that in Group Woods Hole England were slammed by the ‘‘No Name’’ or forcement, fisheries patrols, search and res- (now Sector Southeast New England). His tre- ‘‘Halloween’’ Storm—later known as the ‘‘Per- cue, environmental protection and port, water- mendous local knowledge of the treacherous fect Storm.’’ Downey and his crew secured the ways and coastal security.
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