{2(J.(p (2tW 14 wjm 11-10-00 NVA 2000-04-030-0445 ACCEPTED DEC 26 2000 (- For postemergence use on athletic fields, cemeteries, golf course failWays, industrial sites, parks, residential and rionresidentiallawns, and sod farms. Active Ingredients Sodium salt of bentazon" [3-(isopropyl)-1 H-2, 1,3-benzothiadiazin -4(3H)-one,2,2-dioxide] ............................................................................................27 .0% Atrazine" (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) .................................. 25.0% Inert ingredients .................................................................................................. 48.0% Total ....................................................................................................................100.0% "Equivalent to 2.5 pounds each of bentazon and atrazine per gallon. EPA Reg. No. 7969-120 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DANGER/PELIGRO ( Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la explique a usted en detalle. (If you do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detaiL) Statement of Practical Treatment If in eyes: Hold eyelids open and flush with a gentle steady stream of water for 15 min­ utes. Get medical attention. If swallowed: Call a doctor or get medical attention. Do not induce vomiting or give any­ thing by mouth to an unconscious person. Drink promptly a large quantity of milk, egg ·• ....... whites, gelatin solution, or if these are not available, drink large quantities of water. Avoid • alcohol. Note to physician: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate gastric lavage. If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention. • •• .,t • , ·• • ·. See inside booklet for complete Precautionary Statements, Directions For Use, and " ..... • • Conditions of Sale and Warranty. ' · .. ••• t Agricultural Use Requirements • ••, , < '. Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. Refer to supplemental labeling under "Agricultural Use , ,,' Requirements" in the Directions For Use for information about this standard. " , ", . Shake well before using. Invert container 6 or more times before using this product Net contents: 1 gallon BASF Corporation P.O. Box 13528, Research Triangle Pari<, NC, 27700 Precautionary Statements Atrazine has been found in ground­ Agricultural Use Requirements Hazards to Humans (and water. Users are advised not to (continued) Domestic Animals) apply Prompt" 5L herbicide to The requirements in this box only DANGER sand and loamy sand soils where apply to uses of this product that Corrosive. Causes irreversible eye the water table (groundwater) is are covered by the Worker damage. Harmful if swallowed or close to the surface and where Protection Standard. absorbed through skin. Do not get these soils are very permeable, i.e., Do not enter or allow worker entry in eyes or on clothing. Avoid con­ well-drained. into treated areas during the tact with skin. Prolonged or fre­ Bentazon, which is present in this restricted entry interval (REI) of 48 quently repeated skin contact may product is known to leach through hours. cause allergic reactions in some soil into groundwater under certain individuals. conditions as a result of agricultural PPE required for early entry to Personal Protective Equipment use. Use of this chemical in areas treated areas that is permitted (PPE) where soils are permeable, particular­ under the Worker Protection Applicators and other handlers ly where the water table is shallow, Standard and that involves contact must wear: may result in groundwater contami­ with anything that has been treat­ • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants nation. ed, such as plants, soil, or water, • Waterproof gloves Your local agricultural agencies can is: .Chemical-resistant footwear plus provide further information on the • Coveralls socks type of soil in your area and the loca­ • Waterproof gloves • Protective eyewear tion of groundwater. • Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks Discard clothing and other This pesticide is toxic to aquatic • Protective eyewear absorbent materials that have been invertebrates. For terrestrial uses, drenched or heavily contaminated do not apply directly to water or to with this product's concentrate. Do areas where surface water is pre­ Non-agricultural Use ')t re-use. Follow manufacturer's sent or to intertidal areas below the Requirements The requirements in this box apply ( - tructions for cleaning/maintaining mean high water mark. Do not , r'E. If no such instructions for apply where runoff is likely to occur. to uses of this product that are washables, use detergent and hot Do not apply when weather condi­ NOT within the scope of the water. Keep and wash PPE sepa­ tions favor drift from treated areas. Worker Protection Standard for rately from other laundry. Runoff and drift from treated areas agricultural pesticides (40 CFR may be hazardous to aquatic Part 170). The WPS applies when Engineering Controls Statement this product is used to produce When handlers use closed systems, organisms in neighboring areas. Do not contaminate water when dis­ agricultural plants on farms, enclosed cabs, or aircraft in a man­ forests, nurseries, or greenhouses. ner that meets the requirements posing of equipment wash waters listed in the Worker Protection or rinsate. For professional applications to Standard (WPS) for agricultural pes­ Directions For Use residential and non-residential turf ticides [40 CFR 170.240(d)(4-6)], It is a violation of federal law to use not within the scope of the Worker the handler PPE requirements may this product in a manner inconsis­ Protection Standard: be reduced or modified as specified tent with this labeling. Do not apply • Do not enter or allow others in the WPS. this product in a way that will con­ to enter the treated area tact workers or other persons, until sprays have dried. User Safety Recommendations either directly or through drift. Only For homeowner use: Users should: protected handlers may be in the • Do not allow persons or .Wash hands before eating, drink­ area during application. pets to enter the treated ing, chewing gum, using tobacco, For any requirements specific to area until sprays have dried. ( )r using the toilet. your State or Tribe, consult the • Remove clothing immediately if agency responsible for pesticide Storage and DIsposal pesticide gets inside. Then wash regulation. Store above 15° F. thoroughly and put on clean Do not contaminate water, food, or clothing. Agricultural Use Requirements feed by storage or disposal. • Remove PPE immediately after Use this product only in accor­ Pesticide wastes are acutely haz­ handling this product. Wash the dance with its labeling and with the ardous. Improper disposal of outSide of gloves before removing. Worker Protection Standard, 40 excess pesticide, spray mixture"or • As soon as possible, wash thor- CFR part 170. This standard con­ rinsate is a violation of federalla-.v,"·· 0ughy and change into clean tains requirements for the protec­ these wastes cannot be disposed clothing. tion of agricultural workers on of by use according to label inst,",G-. : • farms, forests, nurseries, and tions, contact your State Pestici~e Environmental Hazards greenhouses, and handlers of agri­ or Environmental C<l~~<;>I' ",gency, Atrazine, which is present in this cultural pesticides. It contains or the Hazardous Waste r"'pres~,1-. product, can travel (seep or leach) requirements for training, deconta­ tative at the neares\o£iPhRegionl3l ., through soil and can enter ground­ mination, notification, and emer­ Office for guidance. < < , • •• ~ water which may be used as drink­ gency assistance. It also contains Triple rinse container /.0' p.quivalentl.· •• ing water. specific instructions and excep­ Then offer for recycli'lQ [lr lecondi- , tions pertaining to the statements tioning, or puncture and dispose C'f , , on this label about personal protec­ in a sanitary landfill, or by incinerd, , .. tive equipment (PPE), notification to tion, or, if allowed by state and 10<;ql workers, and restricted-entry inter­ authorities, by burning. If burned\ ' val. stay out of smoke. • ••• 2 T a bl e 1. Aoollcationr Rate T a bl e for Bermuda~rass St. Au~ustinearass Zoysia and Centipede..9rass Weeds Controlled 0.66 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. 0.88 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. (1.8 pints per acre) (2.4 pints per acre) Rate of Oil Maximum Concentrate Leaf Stage Leaf Stage Maximum Height (in) Height (in) Annuals Beggarticks - - Upto 6 6" Cudweed 3 2" 5 4" Dayflower' - - Up to 6 4" Dogfennel - 2" - 3" Doveweed':2 3 2" 4 3" Geranium, Carolina - 3" 7 4" Hopclover, Low/Small 2·4 2" 4 2" Horseweed"-3 3 .::." 5 6" Lambsquarters, Common Up to 8 5" 8-12 8" 2 pints Pea, Partridge' - - 3-4 2" Pigweed, Redroot Up to 10 6" - - per aCre (0.75 fluid ounces , Smooth Up to 10 6" - - Up to 4 .. per 1,000 square Primrose, Culleaf Evening 4-6 2" feet) Purslane, Common Up 10 4 I" 4-6 2" Ragweed, Common Up 10 5 - 4-7 5" , Giant Up 10 4 - 4-6 6" Sedge, Annual - - 3-4 3" Sida, Prickly or Teaweed - - Up to 6 3" Smartweed, Pennsylvania Up to 10 9" 10-14 12" Speedwell, Com 6 3" 9 5" Starbur, Bristly - - Up to 4 2" Sunflower, Wild Up to 5 6" 4-6 8" ( Waterhemp, Tall Up to 8 2" 6-9 4" Perennials Bindweed, Field Clover, Alyce' , WhiteS Dandelion, Carolina False , Krigia See Special Directions for Other Weed Problems on page 4. Dollarweed Mustard, Wild Oxalis3 Thistle, Canada Toadflax, Oldfield Sedges Kyllinga, Annual See Special Directions for Other Weed Problems on page 4. I Green Nutsedge, Yellow Sedge, Globe 1 Suppression only 2 See Special Directions for Other Weed Problems C'l page 4. 3 Florida only In Case of Emergency General Information Early application to weeds pro­ In case of large-scale spillage Prompt" 5L herbicide is intended duces the most beneficial weed regarding this product, avoid con­ for the posts mergence control of a control, allows use of the lower rate tact, isolate area and keep out ani­ broad s:)ec;rum of broadleaf weeds (depending on weed species), and mals and unprotected persons.
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