BLM U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Battle Mountain District Office Gold Bar Exploration Project Resource Report 4 Water DOI-BLM-NV-B010-2018-0038-EA Preparing Office Battle Mountain District Office 50 Bastian Road Battle Mountain, NV 89820 March 2019 Resource Report 4 – Water Resources Table of Contents 4.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................ 1 4.1.1 AREA OF ANALYSIS FOR DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS ......................................... 1 4.1.2 DATA SOURCES AND METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ 3 4.1.3 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................. 3 4.1.4 EXISTING CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................... 4 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES ............................................................................................... 20 4.2.1 PROPOSED ACTION ........................................................................................................... 21 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 22 4.2.2 NO ACTION .......................................................................................................................... 22 4.2.3 CUMULATIVE EFFECTS ..................................................................................................... 23 4.3 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 24 List of Tables Table 4.1-1 Mean Annual Precipitation at Weather Stations within 60 Miles of the EPO Area .................... 7 Table 4.1-2 Water Level Data ..................................................................................................................... 14 Table 4.1-3 Kobeh Valley Water Quality Data ............................................................................................ 16 Table 4.1-4 Average Project Groundwater Quality Results ........................................................................ 18 List of Figures Figure 4.1-1 Proposed Action Location and Hydrologic Study Area ........................................................... 2 Figure 4.1-2 Generalized Hydrogeologic Map of the HAS ............................................................................ 6 Figure 4.1-3 Hydrologic Study Area Groundwater Elevations – 2014 Data .............................................. 12 List of Acronyms & Abbreviations ARMPA Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment BLM Bureau of Land Management BMP Best Management Practices BMRR Bureau of Mining Regulation and Reclamation CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CESA Cumulative Effects Study Area DOI Department of the Interior EA Environmental Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPM Environmental Protection Measures EPO Exploration Plan of Operations ER Environmental Report ET Evapo-transpiration FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement FLPMA Federal land Policy Management Act of 1976 FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact HSA Hydrologic Study Area HUC Hydrologic Unit Code MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act MLFO Mount Lewis Field Office MMI McEwen Mining Inc. MMPA Mining and Mineral Policy Act of 1970 MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration NAC Nevada Administrative Code NDEP Nevada Department of Environmental Protection NDOW Nevada Department of Wildlife NDWR Nevada Department of Water Resources NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NOI Notice of Intent NRHP National Register of Historic Places NRS Nevada Revised Statutes NWIS National Water Information System QAP Quality Assurance Plan RC Reverse Circulation RDPC Reclaimed Desired Plant Communities RFFA Reasonably Foreseeable Future Actions RMP Resource Management Plan ROD Record of Decision SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer SPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention TD Total Depth TDS Total Dissolved Solids UNR University of Nevada Reno USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USDA United States Department of Agriculture USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS United States Geological UUD Unnecessary or Undue Degradation WOUS Waters of the United States WRCC Western Regional Climate Center RESOURCE REPORT 4 – WATER RESOURCES 4.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT This section describes surface water (streams), springs, and groundwater resources of the areas that may be affected by the Proposed Action, as well as the geochemistry. Wetlands are discussed separately in Resource Report 6 – Vegetation. The Kobeh Valley Hydrographic Basin (Nevada Hydrographic Basin 139) is considered the hydrologic study area (HSA) for water resources with a minor amount of extreme southern Pine Valley HSA on the NW portion of the EPO boundary. This hydrographic basin includes Kobeh Valley and the southern Roberts Mountains up to the ridge line separating Kobeh Valley hydrologically from adjacent Pine valley to the north. 4.1.1 Area of Analysis for Direct and Indirect Effects The Proposed Action hydrologic study area for water resources is the Kobeh Valley Hydrographic Basin (Nevada Hydrographic Basin 139 and the northwestern portion of HUC 8 [16060005]) and encompasses Kobeh Valley and the southern part of the Roberts Mountains (Figure 4.1-1). The Proposed Action is located within the northern part of Proposed Action HSA and potentially impacts surface and groundwater resources in the alluvial basin of Kobeh Valley and the bedrock highland areas of the Roberts Mountain at the north end of Kobeh Valley. Two major watersheds located in the northern Kobeh Valley section of the HSA, Coils Creek (HUC 10 [1606000507]) and Roberts Creek (HUC 10 [1606000508]), are pertinent to the Proposed Action. In Kobeh Valley, surface drainage is directed generally from the mountains to the central valley floor and then eastward toward Devil’s Gate, where flow occasionally passes into Diamond Valley via Slough Creek. During dry years, Slough Creek infiltrates into the alluvium of Kobeh Valley. Coils Creek is an intermittent drainage with headwaters in the Simpson Park Mountains, thirteen miles north of the EPO Area. Roberts Creek is a perennial stream that drains the east side of the EPO Area and flows south into Kobeh Valley, where perennial flow ceases as the stream infiltrates into the alluvium of Kobeh Valley (Figure 4.1-1). Gold Bar Exploration Project 1 Resource Report 4 – Water Project^_ Area EE EE E E!. E E EEE EE E E EEEE EEE E E EEE EEEEEE E EEE EEE E ! EE EE E EEEEE EEE E E E EE EE EE ! EE E E E EE!. E !.!. E EE E E !. EE !.!. ! !. UV278 E E !. !. E E E !.!.!. !. E !. !! !. EEE E !! !. EEE E !. !. !. !. EEE E! !.!. Atlas Haul Road !. !. EEE !. !. ! E E !. Roberts Creek Road !. E E !. !. EEE !. E ! !. EE !. ! !. E EE !. !. E E !. !. !. E !. !. EE !. E !. E !. !. EEE E 3 Bars Road! !. E E E !. !.E!.! E EEE!. E ! EEE E E EEE E E E !. E !. 50 EE !. ¤£ EEE !. !. E E !. !.!. E !. !.!. E!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. E E !. E !. Proposed Use !. E EE !. Monitoring Well ! EEEE !. Test Well EE E EEEE ! Industrial EEE EEE ! Domestic E E EE EE EE ! Public Supply E EE EEEE !. Irrigation !. Stock E 0 2.5 5 10 Seeps and Springs Km Perennial Stream Gold Bar Project Miles or Perennial Proposed Action Location and 0 2 4 8 Intermittent Stream Hydrologic Study Area Gold Bar Exploration Plan Area Figure 4.1-1 Date: 10/22/2018 Scale: 1:380,000 / Hydrologic Study Area Drawn by: M.S. Datum: NAD 1983, UTM Zone 11 Gold Bar EPO Figure 4.1-1 Hydrologic Study Area 4.1.2 Data Sources and Methodology Data sources used for the surface water and groundwater analysis are listed below for the Proposed Action. The Mount Hope Project FEIS includes recent analysis and current and complete data on the hydrology of the southern part of the Roberts Mountains and the valley adjacent to Mount Hope, including Kobeh Valley. For this reason, data and figures from the Mount Hope Project FEIS are used throughout the analysis of surface water and groundwater. Surface Water Resources Hydrologic data for surface water resources of Kobeh Valley and the southern Roberts Mountains were taken mainly from the MGold Bar Project FEIS (BLM, 2017) and the USGS National Water Information System (USGS, 2013). Groundwater Resources Information, studies, and data related to groundwater in Kobeh Valley, the southern Roberts Mountains, and the EPO Area included the Gold Bar Project FEIS (BLM, 2017). 4.1.3 Regulatory Framework The regulation, appropriation, and preservation of water in Nevada falls under both state and federal jurisdiction. Surface water and groundwater use are regulated in Nevada by the NDWR. The NDEP and BMRR are responsible for surface water quality and groundwater protection. Approval of the Proposed Action may require authorizing actions from state agencies and federal agencies with jurisdiction over water resources within the EPO Area. WOUS are defined by 33 CFR 328.3 as: all waters which are currently used, or were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide; all interstate waters including interstate wetlands; all other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa
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