US 20100314248A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0314248 A1 Worden et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 16, 2010 (54) RENEWABLE BOELECTRONIC INTERFACE Publication Classification FOR ELECTROBOCATALYTC REACTOR (51) Int. Cl. (76) Inventors: Robert M. Worden, Holt, MI (US); C25B II/06 (2006.01) Brian L. Hassler, Lake Orion, MI C25B II/2 (2006.01) (US); Lawrence T. Drzal, Okemos, GOIN 27/327 (2006.01) MI (US); Ilsoon Lee, Okemo s, MI BSD L/04 (2006.01) (US) C25B 9/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ............... 204/403.14; 204/290.11; 204/400; Correspondence Address: 204/290.07; 427/458; 204/252: 977/734; PRICE HENEVELD COOPER DEWITT & LIT 977/742 TON, LLP 695 KENMOOR, S.E., PO BOX 2567 (57) ABSTRACT GRAND RAPIDS, MI 495.01 (US) An inexpensive, easily renewable bioelectronic device useful for bioreactors, biosensors, and biofuel cells includes an elec (21) Appl. No.: 12/766,169 trically conductive carbon electrode and a bioelectronic inter face bonded to a surface of the electrically conductive carbon (22) Filed: Apr. 23, 2010 electrode, wherein the bioelectronic interface includes cata lytically active material that is electrostatically bound directly Related U.S. Application Data or indirectly to the electrically conductive carbon electrode to (60) Provisional application No. 61/172,337, filed on Apr. facilitate easy removal upon a change in pH, thereby allowing 24, 2009. easy regeneration of the bioelectronic interface. 7\ POWER 1 - SUPPY|- LIGLUCOSEXLMtDH?till pi 6.0 - esses&aaaas-exx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxixax-e- Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 1 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Potential (nV) Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 2 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 3 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Figure 2. M f x (3)son - - - - al s: xw gy i Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 4 of 18 US 2010/0314248A1 Figure 3 ( 20 30 30 Z(S2 cm) co-o-o-o-o-o-o-ooooooorcro-o-o-o-o-o-o- 1000, 2000, 3000 40 ZS2 cm) Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 5 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Figure 4 A 300 8 - o-O--~~~~ 100 200 30 Time (min.) Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 6 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 6000 $ 4000 - s & to 2000 s tes o s: e 100 200 30 { 8 -2000 .3: Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 7 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 8 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 3. 4. 3. Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 9 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 - g. s:g: is is a six is is a 3& scies g g is | t rarer rearrera-e-ex-xx-x------------- r O C. 2 3 OC O.O.S Time (s) Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 10 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Figure 9 & : : O 2 30 4:0 Concentration (mV.) Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 11 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Figure 10 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 12 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 r s A A 3,883 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 13 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 00+3007 10-3009 10-300’S- 90+300]dA/] 00+300'0 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 14 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Figure 12A Overpotential mV) Figure 12B Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 15 of 18 US 2010/0314248A1 i r is * . 8.8 s : ...F -- x s A 09 | c-8 s 8 - s . Mw-Mwaw-a-s :-- 0-8- - 3 .2 : -oxox-xx-cc---------------- E-2 E-- E--02 d Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 16 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 of Moro........ sor C-4 - E--O2 E--5 E-8-08 CDM Figure 14 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 17 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 Figure 15A . $8 3: Overpotentia (nW) Overpotential (mv) Figure 15B Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2010 Sheet 18 of 18 US 2010/0314248 A1 2. 3. & &x Overpotential (mV) Figure 6 US 2010/0314248 A1 Dec. 16, 2010 RENEWABLE BOELECTRONIC INTERFACE 0006. However, because this method uses a thiol linkage FOR ELECTROBOCATALYTC REACTOR to anchor the interface to the gold electrode, it may not be suitable for other electrode materials. In addition, thiol bonds CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED may have disadvantages for certain applications. Alkanethi APPLICATION ols tend to desorb at potentials outside the potential window defined by 800 to -1400 mV (vs Ag/AgCl) (Walczak et al., 0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional 1991, Widrig et al., 1991) and at temperatures over 100° C. Patent Application No. 61/172,337 filed Apr. 24, 2009, (Bhatia and Garrison, 1997). Also, the gold/thiol junction entitled BIOELECTRONIC INTERFACE DEVICE, the generates a significant tunneling barrier (-2 eV) (Ranga specification of which is hereby incorporated in its entirety. nathan et al., 2001). Alkoxy-terminated silanes can react with Surface hydroxyl groups on metal-oxide electrodes to form a FIELD OF THE INVENTION polysiloxane linkage (Curranet al., 2005, Quan et al., 2004). However, Kraft has reported that metal oxide substrates are 0002 The present invention relates to bioelectronic inter not stable during anodic potential cycling, due to the anodic faces that promote electrical communication between a cata lytically active material and an electrode to facilitate chemi dissolution of the metal-oxide coating (Kraft et al., 1994). cal reactions in an electrobiocatalytic reactor, to produce SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION electricity in a biofuel cell, or to detect an analyte with a biosensor. 0007. In accordance with certain aspects of the invention, there is provided a bioelectronic device comprising an elec BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION trically conductive carbon electrode and a bioelectronic inter face that is bonded to a surface of the electrically conductive 0003 Bioelectronic interfaces that achieve electrical com carbon electrode, wherein the interface includes a catalyti munication between redox enzymes and an electrode have cally active material that facilitates electron transfer, and applications as biosensors (Armstrong et al., 1997, Halbhu wherein the catalytically active material is electrostatically ber et al., 2003, Zayats et al., 2002), biocatalysts (Park et al., bound directly or indirectly to the electrically conductive 1999, Parket al., 2003, Park and Zeikus, 1999, Tsujimura et carbon electrode, thereby facilitating easy removal and al., 2001), and biofuel cells (Chen et al., 2001, Park and replacement of components of the interface that may become Zeikus, 2003). Development of bioelectronic interfaces is degraded during use. especially challenging for dehydrogenase enzymes, whose 0008. In accordance with other aspects of the invention, a activity requires the presence of an electron carrying cofactor process for reconstituting a bioelectronic interface of a bio e.g., B-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) electronic device is provided. The process includes providing (NAD(P)) in the Rossmann fold of the enzyme. The cofac a bioelectronic device having an electrically conductive car tor facilitates the transfer of electrons between the redox bon electrode and a bioelectronic interface that includes cata center of the enzyme and the electrode. However, direct elec lytically active material, and which is electrostatically bound trochemical oxidation of NADH requires the use of high directly or indirectly to a surface of the electrically conduc overpotentials, which may lead to cofactor degradation tive carbon electrode, and thereafter exposing the bioelec (Blaedel and Jenkins, 1975, Schmakelet al., 1975). Cofactor tronic interface to an aqueous medium having a pH that degradation can be circumvented using an electron mediator, releases the catalytically active material from the surface of such as toluidine blue O (TBO), Nile blue A, or neutral red to the electrically conductive carbon electrode, then exposing shuttle electrons between the electrode and cofactor at mod the electrically conductive carbon electrode to an aqueous erate potentials (Molina et al., 1999, Pasco et al., 1999). medium that has a second pH that facilitates electrostatic 0004 Several approaches have been used to achieve medi bonding of a catalytically active material to the surface of the ated electron exchange, including the development of linear electrically conductive carbon electrode; and introducing (Zayats et al., 2002, Hassler et al., 2007) and branched (Has fresh catalytically active material to the aqueous medium, and sler et al., 2007, Hassler and Worden, 2006) molecular archi electrostatically bonding the fresh catalytically active mate tectures that simultaneously hold the electrode, mediator, rial to the surface of the electrically conductive carbon elec cofactor, and enzyme in close proximity, allow unimpeded trode, thereby renewing the interface. access of the cofactor to its binding site on the enzyme, 0009 Certain aspects of the invention provide a relatively provide efficient, multistep electron transfer, and prevent simple method by which the bioelectronic interface is component loss due to diffusion. However, these fabrication renewed (immersing the electrode sequentially in multiple methods involve covalent linkages and make no provision for Solutions, each of which contains soluble reactants that are removal and replacement of labile components, such as the added to the interface) and may offer a major advantage for enzyme and cofactor, which have limited lifetimes. Long bioreactor operation. Specifically, the carbon electrodes (e.g., term operation requires interface assembly methods that reticulated vitreous carbon) could have the old interface allow periodic removal and replacement of these compo removed and a new one installed in-situ, without removing nentS. the electrodes from the reactor. The approach would involve 0005. A method to fabricate renewable bioelectronic inter flowing appropriate solutions through the reactor.
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