r wf^^p» ammtifimi^iim^^^a^mt •***&«• * '• POWER AT THE DRAWBAR! THE HANNA HERALD •Am.l?,aA*&l£. "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA*J% J^EW S VOLUME 50 —No. 12 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, JAN\,V 1S.3.00 Per Year—-7c Iter Copy D RECFV^ HIGH SCOUT A!WAt$' BETTER RELATIONS BETWEEN STOCK KINSMEN CLUB •4 CARNIVAL MARCH 3 GROWERS' ASSOCIATION AND LOCAL The ever popular Kinsmen Ice Carnival will be held this year on Saturday, March 3. The Hanna club who make this one CATTLEMEN RESULT FROM MEETING of their major public enter­ tainments, made the announce­ M.P. For Acadia Informs Sunnynook ment this week, in hopes that Meeting That Lease Lands Now Good organizations wishing to spon­ sor candidates in the queen As Security For Government Loans contest would make their ar­ rangements early. The contest Better delations between local stockmen and the Western this year will be limited to six Canada Stockgrowers Association were believed to have evol­ candidates, and particulars of ved from a meeting held at Sunnynook on January 15. Spon­ the event can be obtained from sored by the Rose Lynn and Square Deal Locals of the FUA, Bob Finnerty, John Kaster or the meeting was under the chairmanship of Mr. Kermit Solberg Dick Mohl. Entries are now also open for the chuck wagon with Harry Gordon of Rose Lynn acting as secretary. races and these can be submit­ ^ ted to Ken Blocksom, Calton to Firsaddrest ofs ath enumbe meetinr gof waspeakers Jacks PROMOTED IN RANK Viste or Claire Grover. Florner, M.P. for Acadia. He men­ tioned that the livestock industr had faired better than expected during 1961, mainly because of th<j high prices that were maintained Directors Of on the market. The drouth condi tions, therefore, did not have the effect on the economy of the in­ dustry as they would have if pri­ Oyen Credit ces had been at a low level. Wsm msmsmmmAW- An interesting point brought out Union Meet These two determined looking and capable curlers, are by Mr. Horner was the informa­ tion that the PFRA had been en Annual Meeting To not curlers at all, but better known as Massey Ferguson agents larged to cover most of the prov­ Be In Oyen In the above photo is Troop Lea­ The bushman's thong marks a Queen's Scout Badge along with in Hanna. They are Bruce Hutchison and Ken Gullekson own­ hightlight in the Scouting career numerous other special badges for ince, and that farm loans are now Theatre Jan. 22 der Bob O'Neil of the First Hanna ers of K and B Motors, who last Thursday and Friday hosted available with lease land as secu­ Boy Scout Troop (left) being pre of Scout O'Neil. It is the top in­ training. a record of twenty-seven rinks in the annual Massey Ferguson rity. The regular meeting of the sented with the bushman's thong signia of Scouting woodcraft. The Bob O'Neil has been working ia Curl-O-Rama playdowns. They showed plenty of "power at the Lyall Curry, secretary of the Board of Director^ of the Oyen by Scout Master Stan Curry. The thong itself is a braided leather the Scout movement for the past drawbar" as far as hosts were concerned, and all entries were Square Deal Local presented a Savings and Credit Union was held reception of the thong is one of thing which is worn over the right five years to attain this goal aad the highest honors in the Scout shoulder on the uniform. loud in their praise of the reception afforded them by K andB. brief outlining the case for the January 9th. Plans were laid for at last has made it He will now movement, and is the dream of al­ To the Scout, this thong is the go on to more advanced training More details of the affair appear on page five. local stockmen. Some 65 farmers the annual meeting to be held in and ranchers were in attendance. the Oyen Theatre on January 22 most every Scout. In attendance at ultimate in training. To attain this in leadership and in Scout wen: —Hanna Herald Photoe The meeting was opened to ques­ at 8 p.m. Mr. Barney Martin, Field the ceremony were several mem­ a Scout must be a master at wood­ to enable him to pass on bis know­ tions which were replied to by Representative will be the speak­ bers of tiie Hanna Scout Commit­ craft, camping, hiking and all eth­ ledge ti Scouting to the younger Allie Streeter, president of the er. All members and interested tee, Mr. Bob Bellis, Mr. Bill Smith er phases of Scouting. He must boys in hie troop. Western Stockgrowers Association parties are urged to attend. and Mr. Jack Beeston. have earned his First Class and Herald ONE-TIME PROMINENT HANNA Mr. Ian Chisholm, secretary of the Pit. Lt. Donald Wright The membership was 118 at the same organization; Frank Gattey, RCAF Headquarters have an­ end of December 1961, after nine Consort, director; Elwood Tolton, nounced the promotion of F/O months operation. They hold a • Donald Wright to the Rank of 3 RESIDENT, W. P. "BILL" ROBERTS Hanna, director; and Walter Peake share capital of $4,817.71. There CORRESPONDENT BACK, NEW SEED CLEANING PLANT m of Finnegan, also a director. Flight Lieutenant. were nine active loans at Decem­ WORK COMMENCES! The election of directors to the F/L Wright joined the RCAF in ber 30th. The present loan limit is PASSES IN LONDON, ONTARIO Western Stockgrowers Association 1953 as a pilot and has been em­ set at $500.00. Residents of the Sibbald dis­ ASSURED AT DELIA; WORK ON was explained, as was also the zone ployed with 425 CF 100 squadron trict, who are readers of the Well Known Here As Man of Many system. St. Hubert Quebec. F/L Wright Herald are reminded of the There was considerable discus­ was born in Toronto, Ontario and return to "action" ot corres­ Interests; Was In Car Department pondent Mrs. Carol Schaeffer. STRUCTURE STARTS IN SPRING sion on a new grazing lease regul­ educated at Hanna High School Library Directors With C.N.; Later Squadron Leader ation whereby no lease rental is' and the University of Toronto. Mrs. Scvhaeffer and her hus­ Starland Seed Cleaning Plant Limited payable for one year if no stock' >While in Hanna F/L Wright was band returned to their home are allowed on it for that period. a member of the Hanna Air Cadet Monday night after a week in Will Serve Large Area; Services Word was received by the Herald on Wednesday of the Squadron and as a member of this See Need For Edmonton and other northern death in a London, Ontario hospital Jan. 9 of a former welt Mr. Gattey congratulated the* sponsoring bodies for the meeting. organization he received his Air Alberta points. One of the Also Open to Non-Member Farmers known Hanna resident, W. P. "Bill" Roberts. Few details of his Cadet Wings in 1951 and was selec- Sibbald district's biggest boos- passing are available, but it is known that he was in hospital He was of tbe opinion that more .• More Volunteers some time before f"*s death. An early resident bf Hanna, where zone meetings would definitely im­ ^f^rv!M^MowtfH"emf.nft T prove public relations and enable ^Meeting ri£lJ Lai? mat questionnaires *e imsld ation in Delia will become a rmality tm trie Sfoarfand Seed Oeusi he was employed with the Canadian National Railways car 1953 he entered tbe University of Thursdoy Make* Hans department, the late "Bill" Roberts, as He wo* widely known, the Western Stockgrowers Associa­ Toronto and graduated ia 1958 ents of the area la which they ing Plant Limited. The organization was set up savmmul years tion to better represent all its with a BSC degree in Aeronautical Fer Annual Assembly seek replies pertaining te such took prominent port in civic affairs. members. ago, and conditions were that they must raise $17,000 to­ He was for many years a staunch^. Engineering. A meeting of the Board of Di­ questions as apply te assist­ wards the construction by way of shares. The municipality af supporter of the Board of Trade NEW LIBERAL LEADER F/L Wright is married to the rectors of the Hanna Public Libra­ ance in gathering tho Sibbald Starland would contribute an equal amout and the provincial and for a time served as Magist­ Earltown FUA former Ruth Marshall of Moose ry was held at the library on news. To date about sixteen of Jaw and is the son of the Rev. and the letters have been answer­ government would also furnish the same. Last year the mem­ rate. Civic affairs always drew his Meets Jan. 19 Thursday evening Jan. 11. The bers of the oganization went to work in earnest, and by the active interest and participation, Mrs. R. N. Wright of Moose Jaw. president Mrs. W. O. Turner was ed. There is a possibility that in the chair and a full slate of Hie letters might have been end of 1961 had more man the required amount in shares. and during his lengthy residence The first meeting in the new put to one side during the directors present. Thus the $51,000 plant wffl hel Tug prant te tofled M one of «he at Seaforth, Ont. he still maintain­ year of the Earltown Local FUA Christmas rush, so Carol re­ ed through friends a steady inte­ Craigmyle Union built this year with work sched •mi will be hel din Earltown school, on The replacement of a broken minds those who received them uled to commence early in the foremost steps taken in recent rest in the welfare of Hanna which Friday, January 19 at 8 p.m.
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