AROUND ‘ERE 210 FREE! PLEASE TAKE ONE PETERBOROUGH & DISTRICT BRANCH OF THE CAMPAIGN FOR REAL ALE DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 See Page 25 2 BEER AROUND ‘ERE DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY INDEPENDENTTBET BEERBEERR AWARDS 20188 GOLDLD WINNER REGIONAL KEG PILSNERS PREMIUM LAGER & Visit ourwebsite forup-to-date news: www.peterborough.camra.org.uk Visit Editor’s Ramblings I must start with some WVM0MVZa5IZ\QVI\?M[\OI\M8M\MZJWZW]OP);I^MZ[ desperately sad news. The adorns the site these days….. Branch announces the passing of former BAE Editor Jane )[_M_MV\\WXZM[[_M_MZM[\QTTVWVMIZMZSVW_QVO_PI\ Brown, who died on Wednesday _I[ OWQVO WV _Q\P *ZM`Q\ \PIV _M PI^M JMMV [QVKM \PM 30th October, and our thoughts referendum – but at least we could laugh at the sign outside WZL[PQZMIVVW]VKQVO"¹*ZM`Q\*MMZٺand prayers are with her IX]JQV4QKPÅMTL;\I [PI\aW]_IV\IVL\PMa_QTT[MZ^MaW_ٺfamily at this sad time. Jane is ,MIT·\MTT\PM[\I remembered on page 17. something else”. KQIT M^MZaWVM" 1¼U 1\ LWM[V¼\ [MMU Å^M UQV]\M[ [QVKM TI[\ +PZQ[\UI[¼[ Q[[]MٻW ]¼\1 IXXMITQVO *]\JMNWZM\PMR][\QÅIJTMZWIZWN LMVQIT1_QTT when I expressed surprise that I’d been Editor for a whole ZMXPZI[M )[ W]Z NZWV\ KW^MZ []OOM[\[ 1 IU UISQVO IV aMIZ)[1¼^M[\ZM[[MLJMNWZM\PW]OP*)-Q[^MZaU]KPI ]_WZ\[WXTMI[MSMMX[MVLQVOQVaW]ZIZ\QKTM[ZM^QMٺIXXMITWVJMPITN WN \PM*ZIVKPNWZXMWXTM\WÅTTKMZ\IQV \MIUM positions on our Committee. Please see “Sits Vac” on XPW\W[ TM\\MZ[ LI\M[ IVL M^MV\[ <PMa IZM IT_Ia[ WN XIOMOQ^M\PMXW[\[[WUM\PW]OP\IVLIXXTaQN aW]IZM interest! And – I’m not, by nature, a “ranter”, but so far interested. You won’t just be hurled in at the deep end; 1IU\PMWVTaXMZ[WV\W\ISMIL^IV\IOMWN W]Z¹:IV\MZ¼[ _M¼ZMIVIUQKIJTMJ]VKPIVLPMTXIVLIL^QKMIZMIT_Ia[ Corner”. Please feel free to rant. just a phone call, text or email away. 1¼TT ÅVQ[P Ja _Q[PQVO ITT W]Z ZMILMZ[ KWV\ZQJ]\WZ[ IVL You’ll recall that last month’s BAE featured an appeal from IL^MZ\Q[MZ[ I TW^MTa +PZQ[\UI[ IVL 6M_ AMIZ )VL · QN ·TQKMVKM XW[[QJTa JMTWVOQVO aW]¼ZMLZQ^QVOW^MZ\PMPWTQLIaXMZQWLXTMI[M\ISMKIZMٺZML 5IZ\QV ZMOIZLQVO IV W. \WIZMTI\Q^MWN PQ[[W\PIVS[IZML]M\W\PMIXXIZMV\Ta »KW[1¼TTJM_ITSQVO unnamed) reader who contacted Fred to inform him of /WWLT]KS IZMNMZMVKMQVI3MTTa¼[,QZMK\WZa\W\PM[PWXW_VMLJa Al IN THIS ISSUE Welcome From The Editor 3 Roving Row’s Review 16 Situations Vacant 25 Chairman’s Corner 5 R.I.P Jane Brown 17 Quarts and Thoughts 26 - 28 Pub News 6 - 9 Titchmarch Treasure Diary Dates 29 & Ranters’ Corner 19 Brewery News 11 - 14 Posh Pints 30 Divvy and Dad’s Army 21 Pig Dyke Molly Dancers 15 Branch Contacts 31 Anchor Acclaim 23 Editor: Alun Thomas Printed By: Views or comments expressed in this bae-editor@ 8ZQV\MLJa+368ZQV\4QUQ\ML publication may not necessarily be those of peterborough.camra.org.uk 6WZ\P 8WZ\_Ia +TW[M :W]VL ;XQVVMa \PM-LQ\WZWZWN +)5:) 6WZ\PIUX\WV66 :9 Published by: Peterborough & District <PM -LQ\WZ ZM[MZ^M[ \PM ZQOP\ \W IT\MZ WZ MV[Q^M WZٺ KWXQM[ LQ[\ZQJ]\ML \W LMTM\M IVa KWV\MV\ LMMUML W ZIVKPWN \PM+IUXIQOVNWZ:MIT)TM Circulation:* Produced on behalf of CAMRA by: pubs, clubs and members throughout the inappropriate. 5I\MTW\5IZSM\QVO4\L 8M\MZJWZW]OPIVL,Q[\ZQK\+)5:)*ZIVKP IZMI ) LQOQ\IT ^MZ[QWV WN \PQ[ UIOIbQVM Q[ The next issue of Beer Around ‘Ere will be 6MQT:QKPIZL[5*- th I^IQTIJTM\W^QM_IVLLW_VTWILI\" I^IQTIJTMWV\PM 2IV]IZa?MU][\PI^M [email protected] rd issuu.com aW]Z[\WZQM[VM_[IVLIL^MZ\Q[MUMV\[Ja January. Magazine Design & Production: Beer Around ‘Ere is published by the 5I\\:QKPIZL[ 8M\MZJWZW]OP,Q[\ZQK\*ZIVKPWN +)5:) Please send your stories and other copy to [email protected] +WXaZQOP\!<PM+IUXIQOVNWZ:MIT the editor, Alun Thomas. Distribution: Ale Ltd. For all your advertising needs please ,I^QL5]ZZIa contact Neil Richards MBE on 01536 vice-chair@ 358670 or [email protected] peterborough.camra.org.uk Visit our website for up-to-date news: www.peterborough.camra.org.uk DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 BEER AROUND ‘ERE 3 4 BEER AROUND ‘ERE DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 Visit our website for up-to-date news: www.peterborough.camra.org.uk Chairman’s Corner Welcome to the Christmas Z]VVQVOKT]J\ZaQVO°XZWJIJTa^MZaJILTa\WUQ` edition of Beer Around ‘Ere and ITQ\\TMRWO_Q\P^Q[Q\QVOUIVaÅVMX]J[1N aW]IZM 1 PWXM aW] IZM ITT M`\MV[Q^MTa interested in either, please email me at chairman@ using the wide range of great peterborough.camra.org.uk or call me on pubs, clubs and bars in and !! around the Branch area. One such establishment is the 5MZZa+PZQ[\UI[IVLI0IXXa6M_AMIZ Wheatsheaf at Titchmarsh _PQKP ZMKMQ^ML Q\[ /WTL )_IZL JIKS QV 7K\WJMZ Matt Mace To celebrate this, landlord Stuart Wright is now Chair MZQVO+)5:)LQ[KW]V\[WVJMMZ\WKIZLKIZZaQVOٺW members. Are you missing out? /M\*MMZ)ZW]VL»-ZMLMTQ^MZML\WaW]ZLWWZ .WZIaMIZ *MNWZM\PM6M_AMIZ1]ZOMITTUMUJMZ[\W^W\MNWZ Q[[]M[[MVL NWZ[MKWVLKTI[[WZNWZ[\ the Branch Pub of the Year and to nominate entries Class or multiples thereof for multiple years. NWZ\PM/WWL*MMZ/]QLM<PQ[aMIZ_MPI^M Please send a cheque/PO payable to presented Gold Awards to three pubs and we also 8M\MZJWZW]OP+)5:)IVLaW]ZILLZM[[\W" PI^MTI[\aMIZ¼[_QVVMZ\ZaQVO\WLMNMVL\PMQZ\Q\TM" Daryl Ling, 19 Lidgate Close, Peterborough PE2 7ZA • Frothblowers – Werrington • Drapers Arms – Peterborough • Ship – March • Wheatsheaf – Titchmarsh KMZ Q[ IT[W TWWSQVO NWZٻVLa ;\WVM W]Z +QLMZ 7( nominations for Cider Pub of the Year. If you SVW_WN I_WZ\PaKWV\MVLMZXTMI[MMUIQTUMJMNWZM Christmas. 1V \PM TI[\ NM_ _MMS[ 2IVM *ZW_V NWZUMZ *MMZ Around ‘Ere Editor, committee member, runner IVLNZQMVLTW[\PMZJZI^MJI\\TM_Q\PKIVKMZ1IU PWVW]ZML\WPI^MSVW_VPMZIVL[PM_QTTJMUQ[[ML by all. Up until March this year she was still coming \W*ZIVKPUMM\QVO[IVL+)5:)[WKQIT[IVL_I[ M^MV[\QTTIKKWUXIVaQVOPMZLI]OP\MZWVUIZI\PWV \ZIQVQVO°ITJMQ\WVIJQSM/WWLVQOP\[_MM\2IVM 1N aW] IZM TWWSQVO \W OM\ Å\ QV \PM 6M_ AMIZ 8M\MZJWZW]OP IVL ,Q[\ZQK\ +)5:) _QTT PI^M VW\ one but two sports clubs to try. The long established IVLPQOPTa[]KKM[[N]T+ZQKSM\<MIU_QTTJMTWWSQVO NWZ VM_ UMUJMZ[ \W PMTX \PMU N]TÅT \PMQZ Å`\]ZM[ QV ?M _QTT IT[W JM TI]VKPQVO I Visit our website for up-to-date news: www.peterborough.camra.org.uk DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 BEER AROUND ‘ERE 5 Pub News I’ll open this month’s article with an appeal for ;PW_VJMTW_IZMIKW]XTMWN [PW\[\ISMVJaX]J someone to step up and replace me in this post of regular Fred Ayles, of the 50 cyclists who rode 53 KMZ5a_QNM;IZIPIVL1_QTTJMI_IaW^MZ miles around the Fens, and the presentation, whenٻJ[7[8 the winter so I won’t be able to carry on. The post !_I[OQ^MV\W\PMKPIZQ\aWN \PM! LWM[V¼\\ISM]X\WWU]KP\QUMIVL1¼UKWVÅLMV\ _I[ LWVI\ML Ja ?PQ\\TM[Ma 4QWV[ *Z]KM \PQVS[ \PI\_PWM^MZXQKS[Q\_QTTÅVLI[1PI^MLWVM\PI\Q\ \PMZMUIaJMM^MVUWZMUWVMa\WKWUM<PW[MQV Q[I^MZaZM_IZLQVORWJ1\WWSWV\PMXW[\I[1PIL \PM[MKWVLXPW\WIZM*Z]KM:WIVIVL:WOMZ*WWV JMMVI+)5:)UMUJMZ[QVKM\PMUQL! [IVL _PWPMTXMLWZOIVQ[MQ\ITWVO_Q\P4MQOP5MQSTMIVL NMT\\PI\1[PW]TLX]\ITQ\\TMJIKS[QVKMQ\PI[JMMV 6QKSa*ISMZNZWUA8+; \PM_WZSWN ITT+)5:)^WT]V\MMZ[\PI\PI^MUMIV\ 1PI^MJMMVIJTM\WMVRWa:MIT)TMW^MZ\PMaMIZ[?M More Great Fundraising! PI^MIOZMI\KWUUQ\\MMIVL\PMZMIZMUIVaW\PMZ <PMAW]VO8MWXTM[+W]V[MTTQVO;MZ^QKMKPIZQ\aPI[ WZ\[ WN +PIZ\MZ[ QV \PMٺstalwarts who are happy to help out new people and IT[W JMVMÅ\ML NZWU \PM M WZ\[\PZW]OPW]\\PM[]UUMZٺUISM \PMU NMMT _MTKWUM )VaPW_ WV\W \PM X]J +Q\a+MV\ZM_PW[MM news… collected enough to present the charity with a cheque NWZ ! <PQ[ UWVMa UMIV[ \PI\ IZW]VL Some Great Fundraising! PW]Z[ WN KW]V[MTTQVO KIV JM XZW^QLML \W []XXWZ\ TWKITKPQTLZMV;PW_VIZM/ZIKM,]OIV+TMUMV\[ Michelle Lay, Warren Allett and Tom Murphy. WZ\ \WٺW\P \PM[M X]J[ PI^M ZMITTa UILM IV M* support the local communities, and in a much more social way than schemes such as “Stoptober” and Dry January”. If you want to help charities, go \W\PMX]JIVLLZQVS[WUM*MMZ 1\IT[W[PW]TLJM UMV\QWVML\PI\\PM[M\_WX]J[[MZ^MIOWWLZIVOM *Z]KM :WIV \PM TIVLTWZL WN The Letter B, of ales, and always in great condition. WhittleseyKWV\IK\MLUM\WTM\][SVW_IJW]\\PM \P)VV]IT+PIZQ\aJQSMZQLM\PI\\WWSXTIKMWV2]Ta Another Loss in New England 13th \PQ[ aMIZIVL \PM XZM[MV\I\QWV WN \PM ! ;WUMUIaPI^M[MMVQV\PMTWKITXZM[[IVLWV[WKQIT proceeds cheque presented to the Young Peoples media that the old Brotherhood’s Sports & Social +W]V[MTTQVO;MZ^QKM\PI\\WWSXTIKM th September. +T]J PI[ ÅVITTa KTW[ML Q\[ LWWZ[ NWZ \PM TI[\ \QUM 6 BEER AROUND ‘ERE DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 Visit our website for up-to-date news: www.peterborough.camra.org.uk Pub News MZQVOOWWLY]ITQ\a\I[\aITM[6W\WVTa_I[\PMٺIN\MZW^MZ aMIZ[7ZQOQVITTaWXMVMLQV\PMPITKaWV ITTW Ja\PM [MTMK\QWV\PMJM[\_MPILMVKW]V\MZMLWVW]ZLIaٺaMIZ[WN KWUXIVa[WKQITKT]J[Q\_I[[WTLW NW]VLMZ[8M\MZ*ZW\PMZPWWL4\LQV\PMMIZTa! [ \ZQX\W+WZV_ITTIVL,M^WVJ]\\PMJMMZKWVLQ\QWV :MVIUML 8M\MZJWZW]OP ;XWZ\[ 4MQ[]ZM \PM also topped the charts.
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