Township is in tune for 200th uPiSJS Strike up the band was what it was all about at the kickoff for Union Serving U$®i®n3 Kemlworths Roseile Park and* Hillside Township's Bicentennial. Page 3 WliiliilSil CUU sues the Calling all characters The Union Leader is looking for interesting people of all ages township clerk who live and work in Union, Kenilworth, Roselle Park and Hill- side. Group claims politics Do you know someone who has achieved a notable accomplish- ment, who has an unusualjob or involved in void of petition hobby or who has done a good By Jackeline Leon 2,933 signatures qualified. In the last deed and deserves recognition? Staff Writer petition, 3,353 signatures were submit- Tell the Union Leader about them. UNION — Yet another lawsuit was ted but according to the clerk, 1,722 E-mail tips, information or pho- filed against the township by the local were certified. tos of interesting people you know watchdog group Citizens for a United The petition which calls for a "coun- to the Union Leader at union- Union and this time it is against the cil-manager" form of government fell [email protected]. To township clerk. short of-the required amount by 868 contact the managing editor, call The CUU claims its petition seeking votes. 908-686-7700, ext. 122. a change in government was rejected According to Birch, 818 signatures based on political agendas. were from non-registered voters, 134 The lawsuit which seeks to override were duplicated signatures, 54 were dis- Library talking the township clerk's decision to reject qualified for mismatched addresses and 'Into the Wild' the petition was filed Dec. 27 in the 613 were unverified. The book discussion group of Union County Superior Court. "Those 613 signatures were unveri- the Kenilworth Public Library Allegations were made against the fied because either the signature of the will meet on Jan. 22, at 7:15 p.m. township clerk and sister of 20th Leg- individual was illegible or the address in the library's activity room to islative District Assemblyman Joseph was illegible," Birch said. discuss "Into the Wild." by Jon Cryan, Eileen Birch, according to a In response to allegations, Birch said Krakauer. released issued by the group. Some are that she followed all state laws as she This book tells the true story linking that kinship and an alleged reviewed the petition. of Chris McCandless, a 24-year- political agenda to the rejection of the She said that the petition cannot be Photos By Frank Wood old from the Washington, DC petition. supplemented again as it can only be The images of Union Township's reorganization and the Township's Bicentennial Kick- suburbs who headed into the "Mrs. Cryan-Birch disqualified more done once by law. off are shown. Both events took: place on New Year's Day. The Union Township High Alaska wilderness near Mount than 800 signatures claiming these peo- "As far as the township is concerned, School Jr. ROTC was the honor guard at the reorganization meeting. Top photo, Clifton McKinley with not much more ple were not registered to vote," group the issue is over," Birch said. "The peti^ People, Jr. was sworn in and was also named the township's mayor for .2008. Lower than a ten pound bag of rice and a leader Fran Metta said. "Considering the tion was insufficient." . item in top photo, Brenda Restivo, right, was also sworn in for another term as a com- small caliber rifle, only to be fact that we gave the clerk copies of Metta believes the CUU did what mittee member. Below, Restivo is shown with Union County freeholders, Bette Jane found dead at his camp site four more than 400 new voter signatures, it was required to get the petition validated Kowalski, left, and Angel G. Estrada, right, at Kean University as part of the kickoff for months later. A feature Film based seems as if she was looking for any and therefore it should have been the township's bicentennial. on this story recently played in excuse possible to not certify the peti- approved. local theaters. tions." "What's'fair is fair and we did what Participation in the book dis- Exactly 5,523 valid signatures are we were supposed to," Metta said.'Tt's cussion is free and open to all needed to place a question on the ballot. clear that the township clerk and the members of the general public, In December, a petition with 3,204 sig- township committee doesn't want this to including people who reside in natures was submitted and of those, happen." •;•• communities other than Kenil- worth, and new members are always welcome. However, because space is Kenilworth: First limited, preregistration is recom- mended and can be done at the library or by calling 908-276- 2451. Copies of Into the Wild are woman mayor a available for check-out at the library's circulation desk. The By Jackeline Leon Kenilworth Public Library is Staff Writer located at 548 Boulevard. KENILWORTH — Like neigh- boring township of Union, New Year's Day marked a historic day as Hillside board Kathi Fiamingo, the first female sets meeting dates mayor of Kenilworth, officially Hillside Public Library Board began her four year term. has set its meetings for 2008: Republican Kathi Fiamingo, who Jan. 16, Feb. 20, March 19, served on the borough council for April 16, May 21, June 18, July several years said she was excited to 16—no meeting in August— Sept. be mayor, but even more excited to be 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 19 and Dec. 17. the first female mayor of the borough. Meetings are held in the Zis- "I am very mindful of my place in man Room at the Library and are history as the first woman mayor of open to the public according to the the Borough and will work very hard Open Public Meetings Act of NJ. to see that the confidence placed in me by the people is well deserved," Fiamingo said in her address to the Bicentennial makes history borough Tuesday. Fiamingo By Jackeline Leon People said in regards to fears voiced need honest people in office" said Two new council members, Brian Staff Writer by members of the CUU. Rodney Colson, People's friend. Joho and Toncia Sosnosky were also that time ably and with dedication," UNION — The year is fast becom- He added that he intends to use a Joanne Rajoppi, the first female 1 sworn in Tuesday. Fiamingo said. ing a historic one for Union Township, scale-back plan to keep finances in Union County clerk, called People a B During their campaign, Fiamingo, She also hopes that resident and which not only is celebrating its bicen- check, and he plans to work on com- "pathfinder." Joho and Sosnosky promised to work dedicated volunteer for the Police and tennial, but also swore in its first black munication with and among all groups During her address to the public, B with the Board of Education to pro- Fire Departments, Rescue Squad and mayor on Tuesday. within the township. Rajoppi reflected on the historical sig- vide live broadcasts of meetings as Recreation Department Robert Her- During the reorganization meeting, "I intend to mark this year with a nificance of the celebration of the .well as work toward having a public bert is selected by council to serve as former committeeman Clifton People new sense of discussion with our busi- bicentennial. "Union was a strategic safety building constructed. i o zoning official. Jr. was swom in as mayor and Brenda ness owners, property owners and and critical location during the war, 03 "It is this Administration's respon- "If approved by council, for the Restivo was sworn in as committee- more importantly our citizens," Peo- home of our first governor and loca- sibility to see that the discussions for first time in four years we will have a woman. Committeeman Anthony Ter- ple said tion of the heinous death of Hannah the construction of the new facility zoning official who is, a Borough res- rezza was designated deputy mayor. New fire trucks will be presented to Caldwell," Rajoppi said. and the renovations to Borough Hall ident and who has demonstrated his People, a lifelong Union resident, the fire department and a new dispatch The bicentennial celebration a be conducted in a manner that is open o dedication, caring and concern for said he has witnessed a lot of change system will be implemented in the kicked off in Kean University Tuesday to the public and designed to solicit our town time and time again," in the township, and he is excited to be police department, according to Peo- with entertainment provided by Gram- its participation in the process," Fiamingo said. a part of it. ple. my nominee Allison Brewster Franzett Fiamingo said. Fiamingo also nominated thirty "It's been quite a journey to go "This • new system will assist in and opera singer Katherine Harris. She explained that members of the year resident Jerry Eger for appoint- from a boy from Vauxhall to the providing a more rapid response to' Restivo, chair of the Bicentennial council will work diligently to ment as construction official. mayor of Union," People said. "Here I emergencies," People said. Committee, said that the year-long increase communication with neigh- Joho was appointed chair for the stand, proving change is constant and In terms of improvements to the celebration would include a Special boring municipalities who are against Department of Finance, the Depart- hope, eternal." township, People said that attention Olympics, a "Heritage Day" in May, the proposed reactivation of the Stat- ment of Public Works is being headed People reflected on the turbulence •will be given to the hotel by.
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