PPPaaarrrllliiiaaammmeeennntttaaarrryyy DDDooocccuuummmeeennntttaaatttiiiooonnn VVVooolll XXXXXXXXXIIIIIIIII (((111666 tttooo 333000 NNNooovvveeemmmbbbeeerrr,,, 222000000777))) NNNooo... 222222 AGRICULTURE -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-COFFEE 1 KAMOLA, Isaac A Global coffee economy and the production of genocide in Rwanda. THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, V.28(No.3), 2007: P.571-592 ** Agriculture-Agricultural commodities-Coffee. -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-JATROPHA 2 SAMUDRA GUPTA KASHYAP Goodbye tea, welcome jatropha. INDIAN EXPRESS, 2007(23.11.2007) Highlights that farmers of Northeast India now prefer jatropha in place of tea cultivation. ** Agriculture-Agricultural commodities-Jatropha. -AGRICULTURAL CREDIT-(INDIA) 3 JAIN, Gopal and JAIN, L.C. Govt. helping money lenders. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2007(21.11.2007) Highlights the problems related with agricultural finance. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Credit-(India). 4 VERMA, Nivedita Contribution of micro-finance in economic development of India: Rashtriya Mahila Kosh, P.273-293, in. LAL, RAMJI AND PUROHIT, H.C(ED): RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND NGO, 2007 New Delhi, Shree Publishers. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Credit-(India). -AGRICULTURAL CREDIT-NABARD 5 BHARDWAJ, Gurendra Nath NABARD's role in rural development through non-farm sector, P.294-301, in. LAL, RAMJI AND PUROHIT, H.C(ED): RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND NGO, 2007 New Delhi, Shree Publishers. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Credit-NABARD. -AGRICULTURAL TRADE 6 BADRINATH, K Don't throw them to harriers. STEP, V.2(No.16), 2007(September): P.29 ** - Keywords 1 -AGRICULTURAL TRADE Points out towards the malpractices in commodity exchange market that led to suicide of farmers, small investors and petty traders. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Trade. -AGRICULTURAL TRADE-(INDIA) 7 PUROHIT, H.C Marketing of agricultural produce and economic development, P.328-346, in. LAL, RAMJI AND PUROHIT, H.C(ED): RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND NGO, 2007 New Delhi, Shree Publishers. ** Agriculture-Agricultural trade-(India). -CROPS 8 KABRA, Kamal Nayan Wheat imports lack rationals. MAINSTREAM, V.45(No.40), 2006(22.9.2007): P.3-4 ** Agriculture-Crops; Imports. -FARMS AND FARMERS 9 SHAH, Tushaar Crop per drop of diesel? Energy squeeze on India's small holder Irrigation. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, V.42(No.39), 2007(5.10.2007): P4002-4009 Throws light on the plight of poor farmers due to the rise in diesel prices. ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers. 10 SHARMA, Devinder Farmers still pay the lagan. DECCAN HERALD, 2007(3.12.2007) Deals with defaulting bank loans. ** Agriculture-Farms and farmers. -FARMS AND FARMERS-FARMER'S SUICIDE 11 SAINATH, P Maharashtra's head in the sand syndrome: Farmers suicide. HINDU, 2007(27.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Farms and farmers-Farmer's suicide. ** - Keywords 2 -FERTILIZERS AND MANURES 12 NARENDRANATH, K.G. Tackling the externality of fertilizer subsidy. ECONOMIC TIMES, 2007(26.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Fertilizers and manures. -FORESTS AND FORESTRY 13 KABRA, Asmita Preservation via dislocation. SEMINAR, No.577, 2007(September): P.58-62 Examines the repercussions of exclusionist policies in regard to forest conservation. ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry. -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-BIRD SANCTURY 14 BINDRA, Prerna Singh Visitors from the skies. PIONEER, 2007(2.12.2007) Focuses on India's best birds sights. ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Bird sanctury. -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-DEFORESTATION 15 BUNYARD, Peter Trees of life. ECOLOGIST, V.37(No.8), 2007(October): P.53-57 Correlates the destruction of Amazon rainforest with the recent floods in Tewkeshury in Britain. ** Agriculture-Forests and forestry-Deforestation. -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD LIFE 16 ATHREYA, Vidya Living with dangerous animals. SEMINAR, No.577, 2007(September): P.28-33 Suggests the ways to deal with the wild animals living in human dominated landscapes. ** Agriculture-Forests and forestry-Wild life. 17 KARANTH, K. Ullas Tigers forever. SEMINAR, No.577, 2007(September): P.15-20 ** - Keywords 3 -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD LIFE Explains the features of wild life conservation society's project titled `Tigers Forever' initiated for tiger recovery in Asia. ** Agriculture-Forests and forestry-Wild life. -HORTICULTURE 18 Horticulture prospects. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2007(2.12.2007) Focuses on Horticulture prospects in Assam. ** Agriculture-Horticulture. -LAND AND LAND REFORMS 19 DOGRA, Bharat UPA Government should fulfill its promise on land reforms. MAINSTREAM, V.45(No.41), 2007(29.9.2007): P.12-13 ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms; UPA. -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA) 20 SEN, Suhit Paying for its sins. TIMES OF INDIA, 2007(29.11.2007) Deals with Nandigram crisis and its impact on CPI(M). ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India). -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA-WEST BENGAL) 21 ARUN, T.K. In the shadow of Nandigram. ECONOMIC TIMES, 2007(22.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 22 BANERJEE, Nantoo CPI(M)'s new face: Nandigram. NATIONAL HERALD, 2007(20.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal); CPI(M). 23 BASU, Nilotpal Quick re-look. DECCAN HERALD, 2007(16.11.2007) Studies the causes of Nandigram crisis. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). ** - Keywords 4 -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA-WEST BENGAL) 24 BHATTACHARYA, Kajari and SUNDRIA, Saket Fire from hell. STATESMAN, 2007(25.11.2007) Focuses on Nandigram violence by CPI(M) on land acquisition issue. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 25 BIDWAI, Praful Moment of truth for the Left: Rape of Nandigram. NATIONAL HERALD, 2007(23.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal); CPI(M). 26 CHAKRABARTI, Ashis Anger and after. TELEGRAPH, 2007(19.11.2007) Deals with protest on Nandigram violence in West Bengal. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 27 CHAKRAVORTY, Bhaswati Notes on Nandigram: The end of the day. TELEGRAPH, 2007(29.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 28 CHAUDHURI, Ishan City of ploy. HINDUSTAN TIMES, 2007(22.11.2007) Focuses on Nandigram violence. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 29 CHOWDHURY, Ujjwal K. Nandigram: Protest by civil society. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2007(19.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 30 DASGUPTA, Punyapriya Nandigram needs healing touch: CPM lumpen politics must end. TRIBUNE, 2007(23.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal); CPI(M). 31 DASGUPTA, Swapan CPM and the making of monster. PIONEER, 2007(25.11.2007) Deals with role of CPI(M) in Nandigram violence. ** - Keywords 5 -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA-WEST BENGAL) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 32 DASGUPTA, Swapan Lighting the fire. TELEGRAPH, 2007(16.11.2007) Focuses on protest by intellectuals on Nandigram issue in West Bengal. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 33 DESAI, Ashok .V Communists' triumph. TELEGRAPH, 2007(21.11.2007) Discusses the impact of Nandigram crisis on West Bengal's economy in future. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 34 DUTT, Barkha Hammered and sickled. HINDUSTAN TIMES, 2007(17.11.2007) Deals with Nandigram violence in West Bengal on land acquisition issue. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 35 GANGULI, Amulya Secular surrender. TRIBUNE, 2007(1.12.2007) Focuses on role of CPI(M) in Nandigram violence and Taslima Nasreen issue. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 36 HARI VASUDEVAN Recall with horror. PIONEER, 2007(17.11.2007) Co-relates Nandigram's crisis with Russia's Bolshevik revolution. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 37 KAMAL MITRA CHENOY Nandigram is not Gujarat. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2007(26.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). ** - Keywords 6 -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA-WEST BENGAL) 38 KHASNABOSIS, Ratan Will Left Parties lose stranglehold over Bengal? DECCAN HERALD, 2007(25.11.2007) Discusses the impact of Nandigram violence on politics of Left parties ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 39 MITRA, Ashok Party's over. HINDUSTAN TIMES, 2007(19.11.2007) Criticises CPI(M) for its stand on Nandigram. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal); CPI(M). 40 MUKHERJEE, Rudrangshu Reflections on a rally. TELEGRAPH, 2007(25.11.2007) Focuses on protest by intellectuals in Kolkata on Nandigram issue. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 41 MUKUL KESAVAN Tammany hall. TELEGRAPH, 2007(29.11.2007) Focuses on recent violent protests in West Bengal and its effect on CPI(M) politics. ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 42 Nandigram situation. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2007(16.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 43 NANPORIA, N.J. Nandigram: The war within. DECCAN HERALD, 2007(18.11.2007) ** Agriculture-Land and land reforms-Land acquisition-(India-West Bengal). 44 NAYAR, Kuldip When the Left disappoints. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2007(26.11.2007) Criticises CPI(M) for violence in Nandigram village in West
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