St. Xenia Parish News 170 North Lowell Street, Methuen, MA 01844 July-August 2014 Orthodox Pilgrimage ilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place. A pil- or - if you are blessed - maybe even an Elder for some grimage is a term primarily used in religion and spiritual directors. Visiting a web site is only a very Pspirituality of a long journey or search of great small fraction of what you can receive compared to vis- moral significance. Sometimes, it is a journey to a sa- iting in person. cred place or shrine of importance to a person's beliefs Also, pilgrims could bring important items like food- and faith. Members of most every religion participate stuffs and/or make monetary donations. For many re- in pilgrimages. A person who makes such a journey is viving monasteries, this support is essential, especially called a pilgrim. when it is given on a regular basis for the support of all Nothing will ever substitute for a personal visit to a pilgrims. Most monasteries accept programs, and some Holy Monastery, but sometimes it is impossible to go to great lengths to make sure your pilgrimage is suc- make such a long pilgrimage, especially many miles cessful for you and you family. Besides, a portion of from home. Many times a busy life will not allow you the pilgrimage offerings have been used to restore to make such a long pilgrimages from America. Also churches under which some pilgrimage services work. money can be an obstacle for making long overseas pil- Pilgrimage to the Holy Places of Russia grimages, and a pilgrimage is expensive for most. How- ever, you can visit some of the places where famous Father Michael and Matushka Nancy are joining H.E. Orthodox shrines are found through the internet Metropolitan HILARION and about twenty other pil- nowadays, and then select the places that most interest grims for a pilgrimage to the holy places of Russia. The you for your best personal pilgrimage. pilgrimage begins on July 30th and ends on August 13th. We will visit churches, monasteries and holy sites in Christian Pilgrimages were first made to sites con- Moscow, Kaluga, Maloyaroslavez, Optina Pustyn, nected with the life, birth and crucifixion of Jesus. De- Shamardino, Elec, Zadonsk, Voronezh, Ryazan, scriptions of Christian pilgrimages to the Holy Land Murom, Diveevo, Pskov and Saint Petersburg—as Vla- date from the 4th century, when pilgrimage was en- dyka described it, “All the places you have read about couraged by church fathers like Saint Jerome. Pilgrim- over the years.” We feel that this is a fortuitous time ages also began to be made to Rome and other sites as- for us to go on pilgrimage to pray for our souls, our sociated with the Apostles, Saints and Christian mar- family and our entire parish. tyrs, as well as to places where there have been alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary. We will face many challenges over the next few months as we break ground and begin our new expan- Pilgrimage to holy places is an important event in the sion construction. Whenever we do something good life of a Russian Orthodox Christian, and it provides there are many challenges and temptations that come for an excellent opportunity for pilgrims to get ac- to test our faith. quainted with Russian history, architecture, iconogra- phy and handicrafts. The true heart of a pilgrimage is We will pray in these holy places, before the relics of certainly the spiritual experience and your effort in some of the pre-eminent saints of the Russian land, prayer that is acquired when visiting a holy monastery. joined with fellow pilgrims and our beloved Vladyka, The most important part of a pilgrimage is its spiritual that we will have the strength to endure and to go for- education that you receive. As you visit holy places, ward with our ministry to the Body of Christ. you learn the history and spiritual traditions of each monastery and church that you will be visiting. When you are on a pilgrimage, you will also learn about the saints and be able to talk to some of the hieromonks, St. Xenia of St. Petersburg Orthodox Church is a Parish Council parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, under the omophorion of Met. HILAR- President: Rev. Michael Crowley (978) 204-0428 ION of Eastern America & New York. The Fr. Constantine Desrosiers (603) 775-0320 parish newsletter is published bi-monthly under Dcn. Alexander Doohovskoy (978) the direction of the Rev. Michael Crowley. In or- 369-4486 der to ensure timely delivery to our far-flung th Starosta: John Kekis (978) 456-9865 parish, please submit all notices by the 15 of the Secretary: Katia Fredette (603) 458-1370 month prior to publication to Margaret Lark at Treasurer: Dimitri Nikshych (603) (603) 948-1619, e-mail: woolfolk3@gmail .com, or 659-0015 to Father Michael at [email protected] Sisterhood: Pamela Ann Reed (978) Thank you. 254-5043 Rector: Building Expansion: Aquila Choi (603) 560-4425 V. Rev. Michael Crowley Cemetery: Natalie Pishenin (978) 658-5564 34 Elm Street Choir Director: Laryssa Doohovskoy (978) North Andover, MA 01845 841-5960 (978) 204-0428 Church School: Matushka Nancy (978) 204-0428 Peter Danas (978) 459-9541 Confessions on Saturday during Vigil, on Sunday Roberto Gonzalez (978) 692-1229 during the Hours, and by appointment Peter Reed (781) 643-0070 Anthony Sarantakis (978) 263-2016 Trapeza Schedule * = strict fast Trapeza can be whatever you would like to prepare. Some parishioners prefer to make a big lunch, but this isn’t necessary, especially during the summer. As long as there is enough food for about 150 people, any- thing is appreciated. Donuts, fruit and pastries are as acceptable as soup and sandwiches. Note: If you are preparing anything containing nuts or other allergens, please put a small label to that effect in front of your dish. Nut allergies are especially fatal to small children. Trapeza during the summer months is always pot-luck. Fruit salads, pasta salads, and cold cuts are especially welcome. Please remember that the Dormition Fast takes place from August 1/14-August 14/27, and plan accordingly. Many thanks to all who provide for us during this time of the year. Dress Code for Church: Please keep in mind that a certain standard of dress is expected in church. Women and girls should wear skirts or dresses (no pants!) at least knee length, blouses with a modest neck- line and at least short sleeves – nothing sleeveless – and a scarf or hat on their heads. Men and boys should wear clothing best described as businesslike or “business casual,” collared shirts and long trousers, no t-shirts (especially with writing on them) or shorts. No one should wear tank tops (sometimes an issue in the sum- mer). Remember, we should always show respect in church, both for God and for our fellow parishioners. Congratulations: in San Francisco, CA. The rite was led by Metropoli- tan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York, co- …to Katia Reilly, on her graduation from Assumption served by the Hierarchal members of the Council of College in Worcester MA Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad and bishops …to Liza Mukhanova, on her graduation from Worces- who had come to participate in the celebrations dedi- ter Polytechnic Institute. cated to the 20th anniversary of the glorification of the Holy Hierarch John, Wonderworker of Shanghai & …to to Alex and Lena Rodzianko on the birth of their San Francisco. The hierarchs in their mantles and Met- daughter Alexandra. ropolitan Hilarion in lesser Hierarchal vestments occu- …to John and Colleen Sarantakis (and grandparents pied the cathedra in the middle of the cathedral. After Tony and Vera!) on the birth of their son Anthony. the appointed short moleben, Archimandrite Nicholas delivered his consecration address: Your Eminence, Very Most Reverend Master! St. John of Damascus Church School News: The Sunday School is on break now until September. Your Eminences, Your Graces, Honorable Father-Pas- We thank all our Sunday School teachers for all their tors, and God-loving People of God! dedication and hard work throughout the year: Thank During these days of joy, as we celebrate the 20th an- you Tanya Nikshych, Dan Hakim, Dave Nettleton, niversary of the glorification of the Holy Hierarch Pam Reed, Carolyn Savage, Alexei Doohovskoy Judy John of Shanghai & San Francisco, you, divinely-wise Engalichev, Abby Legaspi, Amy Elizabeth McLellen, and holy hierarchs, are calling me to the highest form Diane Mendez, John Danas and Danny McLellen. of service in the vineyard of Christ. It is with fear, Please remember, the church website has a page dedi- trembling, trepidation, and piety that I approach the cated to the church school: Mystery of episcopal Consecration. http://www.stxenia.org/churchschool.html In opening the annual Council of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville in 1959, its abbot, Arch- There you can find information about dates for our bishop Averky (Taushev) of blessed memory, in his special events, pictures from past events, and curricu- keynote address, said to the brethren that "our main lum guidelines broken down by age group. goal is the salvation of the soul." These words apply not only to the ascetic labors of monastics, but to the The remainder of this issue is given over to the celebration service of Archpastors and pastors. "Follow Me, and I of the consecration of our new Bishop, which took place on will make you fishers of men" (Matt. 4:19), said the June 29, 2014 during the All-Diaspora Youth Conference Lord, calling the first Apostles.
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