Y • - • I P 1 --- 5--- ^ P '1'- - ■ V t t — pv » IMMMRml Ju. T. Ill* Cliy Will Receive AF Jet Stratotanker Mafional Publicity Crashes In Everglades MIAMI (UP)— A M f Air Force rain squalls w en so Jted It eould From Boat Regatta KC-V7 Jet Stratotankar, unable to not go down, The KC»T then tried land because of severe raintqualla, to get landing clearance at Miami What shapes up aa on# of tha trashed In the Everglades west of International Airport. But before most cotorful races In tha Grapa hero early today. At least four of It could land, the pilot radioed he fruit League Winter Tour will be Ita its crewmen parachuted to wea running too low on fuel to In Sanford Jan. II, whan th* San­ aafety. stay safely over the Miami arts ford Boat and Ski Club aponsora The Florida highway patrol laid and that he was heading west. tha Second Annual Sanford Out­ Uw last report from the plane The four crewmen were picked board Regatta. It will bring to eame about 5 a. m. when the pilot up unhurt about two mllei west Sanford national publicity through radioed that he wai running out of Sweetwater, a small town just tha leading boating magailnai. of fuel and heading over the Ever­ outside of Miami. According to officials and gpokea- glade* to avoid eraahlng la • con­ The last of the four fliers who men of tha American Power Boat gested area. balled out to safety told highway Association, which la sanctioning The highway patrol said the patrolman that a fifth crewman tha race# of th# world’# fastest plane had originally tried to land wai getting act to jump when ha Outboard hydroplane* on the wat­ at Homestead Air Forca Base, left the plane. He said the pilot ers ol t-ako Monroe, two of tha south of here, but that wind and remained at tha eontroli and ap­ most colorful taame tn outboard parently was waiting until he got racing will com# to Sanford for well out of the residential area be­ the event. fore jumping himself. Bud Wlget, whose famous "Mon Egypt Undertakes A Coast Guard helicopter lo­ key on a Stick” carried him lo cated the plane In a field about fame and a world record will pit two mile* weit of a big concrete odds against tha millionaire play­ plant in western Dade County. THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE la admired by Hurry Weir, Semlnol* Memorial Hos­ boy BUI Tenney from Crystal Bay, Giant Collective pital AdmlnUlrutor. The book wan prcaentel to the hospital by Mr. and Mm. J. Edward The helicopter pilot said tha big Minn., also a world record holder tanker was in an upright position ' t Nlchnld*. (Left to right) Nlcholdn, Weir, and Mra. Nlehoid.i. (Photo by Bergstrom) » In the Class'B Hydroplane racing. on the ground, Indicating It might Dr. A. W. Woodall, commodore of Farm Experiment have. been crash landed there. the Sanford Boat and Ski Club, 9 However, there was no word on Florida State Bank Reports All-Time High Of Deposits •aid that this year th* elub would CAIRO—4R— On* of tha big­ the two milling crewmen. «tJw Florida State nank of Sian-(Naval Air Station Facility which W. A. Patrick, and T. E. Tucker. be able ot accomodate tha antic! gest and moat ambition# experi­ About the same time the plane lord hai experienced a record o|tencd It * door offlrlally on April Officers elected to *erv# for the paled turnout of 10,000 spectators ment# In collective farming this Is believed to have gone down, a volume of activity during the year 2d, 1957. This record level of ac ensuing year are Fred II. McNulty, •The State Road Department Is aide of the Iron Curtain Is slowly severe ralnsquall with winds up to THE FIRST IIAI1Y of 1958 In Seminole County la held by 1MT, Over a million and one half tlvlly ai*o brought ahout an all- Chairman of the Board; T. E. already cutting the grasa and pro shaping desert wasteland Into 42 miles per hour raked the 311ami Items war* handled and procened. time high of depo*lta-over 10 Tucker, President; C. Howard Mc­ paring the ilte for the racea," productive fields on th* adga of area. his mother. Mrs. Henry Longwell. 550 Flumosn Drive. Much of this Increaied activity la million during tha peak of Ih* sea­ Nulty, Vic# Preatdent; D. E. Loop, Woodall aald. th# Nila della near hare. Tiny James David Longwell and his parents will receive dua to the Florida State Rank son,’* said T. E. Tucker, praaldent Vice Prealdent and Personal Loan It’e catted Tahrir (Liberation) the project ■■ for an uniponsored a bumper crop of gift# from Sanford merchants. He was Officer; Mary B. Douglass, Cash­ today. Province, and In many ways it youth to enter the U. S. Naval born nt 12:22 p.m. New Year’s Day at the Seminole Me­ i - l> tree I or * elected at the annual ier; R. A. We non, it. Edward lymbollxe* th* gamtd* with tha Arademy. II* has to be literate- morial Hospital. (Photo by Bergstrom) i , atockholdor meeting held January Davis, and Patricia II. Gatchcl, City Planning • (Continued from Page 1) future taken by Egypt'* “libera­ which eliminate* a hefty percent- J, are Fred II. McNulty, chairman Assistant Cashiers; M. P. Crandall, tor*" under tha leadership of n of the Board, Andrew Carraway, Intimately acquainted with tA* age by itaelf—and bindlesi. He Assistant Cashier and Manager of President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Draft Board Head Is On Hot-Spot C. R. Clout i, C. Howard McNulty, Ihe NAS Facility Office; and R, W. planning program. has to com# from th# terribly The Board of Trustee* of the Th* scheme Is a major Instrument Ceroid, Assistant Personal Inin This possibility faded somewhat over erowled Nile Delta, be mar­ MEMPHIS. Tenn. (U P )- Milton day called us * bunch of southern tomlnola Memorial Hospital have In the regime’s desperate race to ried to but * single wife and have ■ f t Officer. when Commissioner Marie Warner Rowers, chairman of the board goons," he said. "Well, she's th« announced the establishment of a increase food production which lass than four children. that drafted Elvis Presley, Is on F« Ed's Deacon Jones "The officers and directors of the asked Foldet “How many dollar* one who's a goon.” m mortal fund. The fund wilt utt- are we talking about?" today laga behind tha country's Tha volunteer has to have com­ a hot spot that has him "led up ■ p ilm monetary gill* made In the hank look for 1034 to he even more "I talk about EM* more than To Head Lineup active and the bank wilt ennltnua Foldea told Ih* com ml if loner soaring population. puted his military service. This to the teeth." I sleep," he added. hospital In memory of loved one* But Tahrir Province Is much ia not only a sign of hia physical to endeavor to stimulate economic that *T would not haiard a guess. "A crackpot called me liter my The draft board chairman said who have pasted on. Tha city does not have fundi more than that Ita creator* art fitn#*s but his ability to take dis­ bedtime lis t night." Bower* a* In Ninth Race Improvement In tbe area," «aH he f i g u r e s that a draft board A large red leather hook bear­ Tucker. appropriated for city planning ex­ equally concerned with accom­ cipline and fit Into a radically at ing an Inscription "The Book of Ed'« Dearon Jones, track rham- plishing a aoclal revolution, new way of life. Ths age group is plained f h ' a t t f ' d £ p u t t X H plon last year, heads a speed pack­ cept as a note in the contingency who resigned rather than draft Remembrance" has been gtven to funds of tha present flscat budget starting from scratch, they want 22-32, still young enough to ven In the Army.’ U Uta hQipItal by Mr. amt Mra. J. ed lineup In the featured ninth race to build a now model society for *‘Nt considering the lact that mountain hoys after hearing ot Memheri of th* Zoning and change and st tha peak of physi­ Presley'* deferment, la “a fool". Kdward Nlchnlds. In memory ol tonight at the Sanford Orlando Ken­ Egypt’# farmer*. cal and mental power*. Beethovan was not an American nel Club. Rotarians Planning Commlsilon expressed 2 their parents. The Inscription la In approval of th# move to aeeura By scientific, sociological, and NEW CLOTHING and has been dead for some time, "With all due respect to Elvis, While Deacon Jones, who racked (Continued (votn Page 1) who's a nice boy," Bowers said, gold leaf. The book will contain In much neoded planning for the city. psychotoglcst means, they hop* to But this Isn’t all. If a man 1 auppose be felt we were dis­ the namea of lho*e who have given up lit wins last season, has looked foI,*P’« disarmament talk* „ "we've drafted people who are far, something less than Impressive so I-ondon. And whn Is In say whether Clifford McKIhbln, chairman of break the log-jam of centuries of passes all the** tests, h* is sub­ criminating against rock *n' roll XJ gift! to tha hoipltal and thoia in tradition which today makes the jected to physchological and so­ music. far more important than he ia. fer this year, he may still paraila the fait of Zhukov ami tbe meteoric the city’* board laid "It sounds ■> mamorlam.
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