PROPANE (LP) CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONS CONVERTING THE PRESSURE REGULATOR NOTICE: CHECK SURFACE BURNERS 6DYHWKHVHRUL¿FHVIRUIXWXUHFRQYHUVLRQEDFNWRQDWXUDOJDV WARNING Push and turn a knob to the LITE position. A clicking sound Explosion Hazard Remove the warming drawer and panel behind drawer. The indicates proper operation of the ignition system. When lighting Death or serious injury can result from failure to follow pressure regulator is located in the lower, left hand rear corner &5HPRYHWKHSURSDQH /3 RUL¿FHVIURPWKHER[SURYLGHG these instructions. of the range as viewed from the front. 7KHSURSDQH /3 RUL¿FHVKDYHWKHOHWWHU³/´RQWKHWRS DQ\EXUQHUVSDUNVZLOODSSHDUDWDOOEXUQHUVEXWJDVÀRZV from only the one selected. Once air is purged from the supply • Service by a qualified service technician only. To aid in identifying the proper location for the propane (LP) line, burner should light within 4 seconds. After burner lights, • Shut off gas supply and disconnect power before servicing. RUL¿FHVGXULQJFRQYHUVLRQIURP1DWXUDO*DVWR3URSDQH (LP) Gas, color codes have been added to the side or top of rotate the knob out of the LITE position. Try each burner in • Reconnect all grounding devices after service. succession until all burners have been checked. • Replace all parts and panels before operating. WKHRUL¿FH6HHWKHFKDUWEHORZ(DFKRUL¿FHPD\DOVRVKRZ a series of engraved marks (I, II, III . .) located on the top. Quality of Flames 'HWHUPLQHWKHTXDOLW\RIÀDPHVYLVXDOO\1RUPDOEXUQHUÀDPHV 7KHSUHVVXUHUHJXODWRUDQGWKHEXUQHURUL¿FHVDUHVHWIRU 95 Denotes 0.95mm Orifice size opening should look like (A) or (B). natural gas. To use propane (LP) gas, the regulator and burner Pressure Regulator Gas Valve Denotes LP (Propane) RUL¿FHVPXVWEHFRQYHUWHG III 1. Use an adjustable wrench to unscrew the hex-nut cap from (A) Soft blue flames— the pressure regulator. Normal for natural gas WARNING BURNER OUTPUT RATINGS: BTU/HR Do not operate the cooktop or oven &RPSOHWHO\UHPRYHWKHSURWHFWLYHSODVWLFFDSRႇWKH Propane (LP) Gas 10” W.C.P. burners of this range when using propane (LP) (bottled) gas threaded metal cap. (B) Yellow tips on BTU ORIFICE outer cones— EHIRUHFRQYHUWLQJWKHSUHVVXUHUHJXODWRUDQGEXUQHURUL¿FHV BURNER RATE SIZE (mm) COLOR MARKING Normal for propane (LP) gas for propane (LP) gas use. Failure to do so could cause high Rotate cap counter- NAT LF 18,000 0.049 None 125L ÀDPHVDQGWR[LFIXPHVZKLFKFDQUHVXOWLQVHULRXVLQMXU\ clockwise to loosen LR 5,000 0.026 Red/Yellow 66L /RQJEULJKW\HOORZÀDPHVDUHQRWQRUPDO1RUPDOÀDPHVPD\ RF 15,000 0.045 Orange/Silver 114L show signs of an orange tint when well heated or signs of 7KHSURSDQH /3 RUL¿FHVIRUWKHFRRNWRSEXUQHUVDUHVKLSSHG RR 9,500 0.0365 Orange/Light Blue 92L ÀLFNHULQJRUDQJHGXHWRSDUWLFOHVLQWKHJDVRUDLU on the back of the range in the location shown. PROPANE C 8,000 0.034 Orange/Green 86L Propane (LP) Conversion Kit Cap assembly Broil 13,500 0.042 Grey 042L Bake 16,000 0.047 Orange 0.047 Regulator ',QVWDOOWKHSURSDQH /3 RUL¿FHVLQWKHLUSUHFLVHORFDWLRQV 3. Turn the metal cap so the type of gas being converted to is displayed and replace the protective plastic cover. Propane Propane Propane Red/Yellow Orange/Green Orange/Light Blue 4. Screw the hex-nut cap back into the regulator. (Do not over tighten) TOOLS REQUIRED: • Adjustable wrench • Flat bladed screwdriver • Socket wrench with (blade approximately LR RR 1/2” socket and extension 3/32” across) CONVERTING THE COOKTOP BURNERS • Phillips head screwdriver • Nut drivers: 1/4”, 9/32” Center or 7mm A. Remove the top grates, burner caps and burner heads. LF RF To adjust your range for use with propane (LP) gas, follow Burner cap these instructions: 1. Disconnect all electrical power, at the main circuit breaker or fuse box. 2UL¿FHORFDWHG Burner head through this Propane Propane None Orange/Silver 6KXWRႇWKHJDVVXSSO\WRWKHUDQJHE\FORVLQJWKHPDQXDO opening VKXWRႇYDOYH Base 7RSUHYHQWOHDNDJHPDNHVXUHWKHRUL¿FHVSXGVDUHVHFXUHO\ screwed into the gas supply tubes. Round burner (,QVWDOOWKHROGRUL¿FHVSXGVLQWRWKHPHWDOER[RUEUDFNHW B. Using a 7 mm or 9/32” nut driver, remove the top burner along with these instructions, and replace onto the back of the RUL¿FHV7KHVHPD\EHDFFHVVHGWKURXJKWKHEXUQHU range for possible future conversion. opening in the base. PROPANE (LP) CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONS 31-11083-1 05-18 GEA JGS760 and CGB500P CONVERTING THE OVEN BURNERS ADJUSTING AIR SHUTTER SETTINGS ADJUSTING LOW FLAME SETTING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR OVEN BURNERS ON COOKTOP BURNERS BURNER OUTPUT RATINGS: BTU/HR The air shutters should be turned to the marked settings NG or Low setting adjustments must be made with other burners in NOTICE: NG (Natural) Gas 5” W.C.P. This product cannot be converted to propane (LP) by propane (LP) or set according to the following table. operation on a medium setting. This procedure prevents the BTU ORIFICE DGMXVWLQJWKHRYHQRUL¿FHV7KHRUL¿FHVPXVWEHUHSODFHG ORZÀDPHIURPEHLQJVHWWRRORZUHVXOWLQJLQWKHÀDPHEHLQJ AIR SHUTTER AIR SHUTTER BURNER RATE SIZE (mm) COLOR MARKING for propane (LP). BURNER SETTING FOR PROPANE (LP) SETTING FOR NG extinguished when other burners are turned on. LF 18,000 0.078 Purple 198N Bake Full open Full open A. Turn on all surface burners to medium setting. LR 5,000 0.040 White/Purple 101N Broil 0.690” 0.690” BAKE BURNER ORIFICE % 7XUQWKHNQRERQWKHEXUQHUEHLQJDGMXVWHGWR³/2´ RF 15,000 0.070 Brown 178N 1. With a Phillips head screwdriver, loosen the screws &5HPRYHWKHNQREDQGLQVHUWDVPDOOÀDWEODGHVFUHZGULYHU RR 9,500 0.0555 Yellow 141N securing the air shutter on the bake burner. Adjust the air Lift into the valve shaft and/or side adjustment screw(s) as C 10,000 0.055 Yellow 140N shutter to fully open. Burner shown and turn clockwise to fully tighten down the bypass Broil 16,500 0.071 Black/Blue 071N 2. Turn on the gas. screw(s). Repeat for all valves. Bake 16,000 0.070 none 50 %DNH%XUQHU2UL¿FH 3. Turn on the electricity. Screw ',IÀDPHDSSHDUVWRRORZRUXQVWDEOHVORZO\WXUQE\SDVV 4. Reinstall the oven door. Air shutter VFUHZFRXQWHUFORFNZLVHXQWLODVWDEOHÀDPHH[LVWVIRUHDFK 5. Turn on the bake burner. 198 Denotes 1.98mm Orifice size opening burner. Remember, other burners must be turned on to N Denotes Natural Gas 2YHQEXUQHUÀDPHPXVWEHREVHUYHGZLWKWKHGRRUFORVHG medium. WRSURSHUO\FKHFNÀDPHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV III E. Additionally, for each burner being adjusted, quickly open 1. Remove oven racks, door and oven bottom. Remove the $V\RXZDWFKWKHÀDPHZLWKWKHRYHQGRRUFORVHGFKHFN the following through the oven door window. DQGFORVHWKHRYHQGRRUZKLOHREVHUYLQJÀDPH,IÀDPHLV 1/4” hex screws securing the bake burner. extinguished, continue adjusting bypass screw for a larger D,IWKHÀDPHVDUH\HOORZRSHQWKHDLUVKXWWHUPRUH 7KHEDNHEXUQHURUL¿FHLVRQWKHJDVYDOYHORFDWHGEHKLQG ÀDPH5HSHDWGRRURSHQLQJVXQWLOÀDPHLVVWDEOH E,IWKHÀDPHVEORZDZD\RUÀXWWHUIURPWKHEXUQHUFORVH WKHZDUPLQJGUDZHU/LIWWKHEXUQHURႇWKHRUL¿FHDQGDSSO\ the air shutter slightly. F. Replace the knob. D´VRFNHWRQDQH[WHQVLRQWRWKHKH[EDVHRIWKHRUL¿FH RQWKHJDVYDOYH/RRVHQWKHRUL¿FHE\WXUQLQJFRXQWHU 7XUQEDNHEXUQHURႇDQGUHSHDWZLWKEURLOEXUQHU clockwise and remove. WARNING If you attempt to measure the inner cone NOTICE: RIWKHÀDPHSOHDVHXVHFDXWLRQEXUQVFRXOGUHVXOW 6DYHWKHVHRUL¿FHVIRUIXWXUHFRQYHUVLRQEDFNWRQDWXUDOJDV &KHFNLQJWKHÀDPHVL]H It should be approximately 1/2” 6HOHFWWKHSURSDQH /3 EDNHRUL¿FHIURPWKHNLWDQGLQVWDOO to 3/4” long for the bake and broil it on the gas valve. Tighten until snug. burners. Center adjustment screw The combustion quality of the BROIL BURNER ORIFICE EXUQHUÀDPHVQHHGVWREH determined visually. SPECIAL NOTE: Broil 127(,IEXUQHUÀDPHVORRNOLNH $ IXUWKHUDLUVKXWWHU To convert the oven back to natural gas, reverse the 2UL¿FH Oven adjustment to the bake buner is required. Normal instructions given in making propane (LP) adjustments. Light EXUQHUÀDPHVVKRXOGORRNOLNH % RU & GHSHQGLQJRQ the type of gas you use. With propane (LP) gas, some yellow tipping on the outer cones is normal. NOTICE: (A) Yellow flames: 2QFHWKHFRQYHUVLRQLVFRPSOHWHDQGFRQ¿UPHG¿OO Further Adjustment Required out the propane (LP) sticker and include your name, organization and date conversion was made. Apply the 1. Remove the 1/4” hex screw securing the broil burner and (B) Yellow tips on sticker to the range near the regulator to alert others in the outer cones: DOORZLWWRKDQJGRZQIUHHRIWKHEURLORUL¿FH Normal for Propane Gas future that this appliance has been converted to propane (LP). If converting back to natural gas from propane (LP), $SSO\D´ZUHQFKWRWKHKH[EDVHRIWKHRUL¿FH/RRVHQ (C) Soft blue flames: please remove the sticker so others know the appliance is WKHRUL¿FHE\WXUQLQJFRXQWHUFORFNZLVHDQGUHPRYH Normal for Natural Gas set to use natural gas. 6HOHFWWKHSURSDQH /3 EURLORUL¿FHIURPWKHNLWDQGLQVWDOOLW )RUHLJQSDUWLFOHVLQWKHJDVOLQHPD\FDXVHDQRUDQJHÀDPHDW on the broil elbow. Tighten until snug. ¿UVWEXWWKLVZLOOVRRQGLVDSSHDU 5HSODFHWKHEURLOEXUQHURYHUWKHRUL¿FHDQGUHSODFHWKH 9. When all adjustments are made and the results are screw securing the burner. satisfactory: a. Retighten the air shutter screws. PROPANE (LP) CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONS b. Replace the oven bottom. 31-11083-1 05-18 GEA c. Replace the storage drawer. JGS760 and CGB500P.
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