Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 34 (1984) 193-240 193 North-Holland INTERSECTION THEORY ON ALGEBRAIC STACKS AND Q-VARIETIES Henri GILLET Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA Communicated by E.M. Friedlander Received 5 February 1984 Revised 18 May 1984 Contents Introduction ................................................................ 193 1. Preliminaries ................................................................ 196 2. Algebraic groupoids .......................................................... 198 3. Algebraic stacks ............................................................. 207 4. Chow groups of stacks ....................................................... 211 5. Descent theorems for rational K-theory. ........................................ 2 16 6. Intersection theory on stacks .................................................. 219 7. K-theory of stacks ........................................................... 229 8. Chcrn classes and the Riemann-Roth theorem for algebraic spaces ................ 233 9. comparison with Mumford’s product .......................................... 235 References .................................................................. 239 0. Introduction In his article 1161, Mumford constructed an intersection product on the Chow groups (with rational coefficients) of the moduli space . fg of stable curves of genus g over a field k of characteristic zero. Having such a product is important in study- ing the enumerative geometry of curves, and it is reasonable to conjecture its existence even though . h$ is singular, because . /< is locally (in the &ale topology) the quotient of a smooth variety by a finite group (a ‘Q-variety’ in the terminologv of op. cit.; see Section 9 for the full definition, which includes compatibility between local charts). Mumford’s construction does not apply to general Q-varieties however; for it uses both the assumption that char(k) =0 and the fact that . & is globally the quotient of a Cohen-Macauley variety by a finite group. In this article we shall see, how, using higher algebraic K-theory, one can remove these restrictions and construct intersection products for general Q-varieties and stacks. There are really two moduli spaces of curves of genus g; the fine moduli stack J@gin the sense of Deligne and Mumford [2] which keeps track of automorphisms of curves and is smooth over k, and the coarse moduli scheme /ce which para- 0022-4049/84/$3.00 d 1984, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) meterizes isomorphism classes of curves and is singular. We start by studying in- tersection theory on mg and on algebraic stack: in general, starting with the Fulton style (cf’. 131) Chow homology groups: 0.1. Definition. Let F be an algebraic stack of finite type over a field k (the existence of k is not strictly necessary.) The codimension i Chow group CH’(F) of F is the quotient of the free abelian group Z’(F) generated by the integral substacks of F of codimension i (the ‘codimension i cycles on F’) by the subgroup generated by divisors of rational functions on integral substacks of codimension i - 1. (If we rade the cycles by dimension instead of codimension, we get groups CHi(F).) For the definition of a rational function on an integral stack, and its associated divisor, see Section 2. These Chow groups behave just like the Chow homology groups ot‘ schemes, at Ieast for rerlresentable morphisms: 0.2. Proposition. LSPf : S -+ T be a morphism of algebraic stacks of finite type over k. (i) /f f is J/at, there is a natural map f * : CH*(T)-+CH*(S). (ii) If f is proper and representable, there is a natural direct image map f* : CH,(S)-+CH,( T). If X is a regular scheme over k recall that we can use the isomorphism to define the intersection product on the Chow groups using the ring structure on the higher K-theory sheaves @ pro Kp( fi,) (see [S), [ 111, [ 171 for details). We would like to exploit this result to do intersection theory on stacks; however the Zariski topology is too coarse an invariant of a stack; while K-theory is in general not well behaved in the &ale topology. However if we are willing to neglect torsion, this dif- ficulty disappears. 0.3. Theorem. Let F be a regular aP6 braic stack of finrte type over a field. Then ff;(F, Kp(/‘xM3~ Q = C~P(F)OiL”Q; hence CH P(F)& (I$ has a natural ring structwe. In order to link the Chow groups of stacks and Q-varieties we need: The Chow homology functor (0.2) F-+CH,(F)@+Q extends variant functor on the category of all proper morphisms between Intersection theory or1 algebraic stacks ami Q- varieries 195 0.5. Theorem. Let F be an aigebraic stack with coarse moduli space X (see Section 3 for the de finitior,). Then the map p : F + X is proper, and induces an isomorphism CH*(F)@&?=CH*(X)@,Q If X is a Q-variety, then we shall see (Section 9) that X is the coarse moduli space of a regular algebraic stack, so that the existence of a product on CH*(X)&UJ follows from: 0.6. Corollary. If X is the coarse moduli space of a regular algebraic stack F, there is a natural isomorphism We define the intersection product on CH*(X)@ (IJ via this isomorphism. While it might seem that the product depends on the stack F, this is not in fact the case. The proofs of the integral versions of most of these theorems for schemes use the Quillen spectral sequence (see Section 1): Erq(X)= @ K_,_,k(x)~K$,_,(X), (0.7) .t-E*VP Ep-P=CHP(X). (0.8) For general stacks this spectral sequence is not as well behaved; in particular Er -P will be a direct sum of representation rings of inertia groups and (0.8) will be false. However for algebraic spaces the spectral sequence (0.7) still exists and the isomor- phism (0.8) holds. Furthermore the Riemann-Roth theorem for proper morphisms between schemes [4] extends to algebraic spaces: 0.9. Riemann-Roth Theorem. There is a natural isomorphism of covariantfirnctors on the category of proper morphisms between algebraic spaces of finite type over k: = : K,‘( IQ =‘CW JQ. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 is a review of the K-theory and inter- section theory needed in the rest of the paper and need only be referred to in order to keep track of notation. Section 2 is a dissussih,n of the basic properties of algebraic groupoids, including proofs of the analogues of the main results in the theory of groups acting on fields. In Sections 3 and 4 we recall the main properties of algebraic stslcks and then introduce their Chow groups. Section 5 contains the main technical result on the rational K-theory of groupoids which makes (everything else work: other versions of these results are well known to the experts (see [18] in particular). The main results of the paper are proved in Section 6, while Sections 7, 8 and 9 com- pare the intersection theory of this paper with that of [ 161. H. Gillet I would like to thank David Mumford for several helpful conversations, and the referee for his constructive criticisms of my treatment of products. I l Preliminaries 1.1. We will assume throughout the paper, unless stated otherwise, that all schemes are of finite type over a field, even though many of the results do apply more generally, since Bloch’s formula (1.3) is known only for such schemes. 11,2.K-theory. Recall that if X is a scheme there are categories: P(X) = category of locally free (finite rank) &-modules, M(X) = category of coherent +-modules. Both categories are exact, and we can take their K-theory [17, 471: K+ is a covariant ring valued functor on the category of all schemes [ 171, [7] while K; is covariant with respect to projective [ 171or even proper 181,[9] morphisms and contravariant with respxt to flat morphisms. If (1.2.1) is a Cartesian diagram with f projective and g flat, then [ 17, $71: g*fe=p*q*:K;(X)-+K;(Y). 1.3. If X is a scheme, let Z(X) be the free abelian group on the :;et of integral subschemes of X ( = group of cycles) which can be graded by dimension (Z.(X)) or codimension (Z’(X)). Let #j(X) = @ zcxk(Z)* where the direct sum runs over in- tegral subschemes. ~1(X) can also be graded by dimen.sion ( S.(X)) or codimension ( I! l(X)) by setting I# 4(X) = @ zcxk(Z)* where the direct sum runs over Z of codimension q - 1 and where the sum runs over 2 of dimension q+ 1 for $1,(X). Define the Chow groups of cycles modulo rational equivalence by CH4(X) = coker W q(X) -C Zq(X) , ( > ,(X) = coker Y,(X) ---%ZJk) ( J Intersection fheory or1 algebraic stacks and Q~ varieties 197 where a( szf) = C div(f) E Z(X). See [3] for details. The Chow groups CH* are contravariant for flat maps while the CH, are covariant for proper maps. If X is biequidimensional, then CH*(X) = CH dimX_ JX). If diagram (1.2.1) is Cartesian and X, Y, 2, W are biequidimensional, then p*q*=g*fy,: CH*(X)-+CH&Z) where q* and g* are defined via CH*(S) = CHdim(*s)._,(S) for S = Y, Z or I+‘. 1.4. For X a scheme there is a spectral sequence [ 17, $71: EP.4 (x)= @ K_,_,~(x)~KK’,_,(X) (1.4.1) .Y E 2” where XfP) is the set of points of codimension p in X, and EFep- CW’(X). If X is regular, EFq= Hp(X, K-,(Q)) where K&I,) is the sheaf in the Zariski topology associated to the presheaf V-+&(V), and so CH p(X) = Hp(X, Kp( fix)). Since K, has a ring structure, this defines a product on CH*(X) which can be seen to coincide with the classical product [ 1I], [8].
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