E TH THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE DIOCESE OF CAPE TOWN • ANGLICAN CHURCH OF SOUTHERN AFRICA St Peter the Fisherman Hout Bay celebrates its 125th anniversary Page 2 Statement from the Anglican Safe and Inclusive Church Commission Page 3 From the Vicar General’s Desk St Peter’s Anglican Church was built in 1895 and has Should you wish to help in this worthy project, please seen many changes in the Hout Bay valley. Many of you contact the office on 021 790 1029 Rector: the Revd reading this article may remember being married or Gaile Beckett – after hours: 073 634 1593, or email your children being baptised in this attractive church [email protected] [email protected] which is now a national monument. For donations or regular pledges you can make People who have moved away, often request that their the church a beneficiary on your account. funeral services be held here and the Memorial Garden Bank: Standard Bank. Account name: Parish of St Page 4 holds the ashes of many former congregants. It is an in- Peter and St Simon. Account number 271 588 616. DCT Bernard Mizeki tegral part of Hout Bay and its history and we would all Branch code: 051 001 or 025 309. Reference: Wall Fund Men’s Guild virtual like to see it remain. Patronal Festival The Parish is now facing a huge financial challenge: the wall at the front and the driveway up to the Rectory and hall is in danger of collapsing and needs immediate re- pair. The estimated cost of the repairs is approximately R550 000. Our pledges and collections barely cover our routine running costs. We are appealing to the churches and the people of the Diocese of Cape Town, who at some time have been in our church, either to make a once off Page 7 donation or to pledge a regular amount. Sea Sunday celebrated (R100 a month would go a long way to help if enough on the island of people participate) Tristan da Cunha VOL 63 VOLNO. 0570 NO.06 FIRST FIRST PUBLISHED 20 20 DECEMBER DECEMBER 1950 1950 AUGUST MARCH 2020 2013 Page 2 THE GOOD HOPE AUGUST 2020 CLASSIFIEDS Editor: Rebecca Malambo EDITORIAL Address: Archbishop’s Compassion in Latin is ‘compati’ which means to ‘suffer with’. The Good Hope Education It extends beyond empathy. Before we can help others, we PO Box 1932, Endowment Fund for have to recognise our own natural response to a crises (like Cape Town 8000 COVID-19) and process these strong emotions. If we fail to Tel: 021 469 3766 Theological Education do this, we won’t have the capacity to grasp these reactions from others we seek to help. (In office Thursdays only 10h00-14h00) Please support the Archbishop’s Fax: 021 465 1571 Education Fund so that we can continue to train priests for the The month of compassion is observed each year in August E-mail address: future of our church. Thank you for when we highlight the plight of those who are marginalised. [email protected] all donations received. If you would Those who feel a sense of empowerment in their lives may like to contribute please consider a see the marginalized as being someplace else, and not with- donation. in their circle. We all have a marginalised person we know. It is also certain that during our lifespan, we will experience A sum of R1 483 201.67 physical, mental and emotional issues which will make us a has been raised thus far. margalized person too. We are not immune to it. Bank: Standard Bank Now is the time to speak from your heart, to say the things Scan QR code with your mobile and learn more about the Diocese of Cape Town Branch Code: you would never say out loud. Share those unexpressed Thibault Square feelings. People need to know they are loved and cherished. Printed by: Branch Number: 020909 Account Number: 070332428 “Love and Light, Rebecca Statement from the Anglican Safe and Inclusive Church Commission The Anglican Safe and Inclusive Church Com- on these matters, and that will then determine The Safe and Inclusive Church panel which mission has completed its preparations for the next steps. investigates a complaint conducts interviews investigating the allegation by the Revd June and compiles all relevant documentation, Major, a former priest of the Diocese of Cape Historically, over the 150 years of its history the then delivers a report to the Diocese con- Town, that a former colleague raped her in Church as a voluntary organisation has been cerned. The panel does not make findings or 2002. governed under its Canon Law (church law). recommendations, but the Bishop or Vicar- The courts have recognised Canon Law as a General of the Diocese in which the respond- The Commission (also referred to in the Church parallel but separate system of law, governing ent is resident appoints a Board of Preliminary as “Safe and Inclusive Church”) believes the its particular sphere of church affairs. This has Inquiry - or may appoint Safe Church as the Revd Major’s complaint warrants being inves- required that Canon Law embodies the princi- Board of Inquiry - whose task it is to establish tigated further and a Commission representa- ples of natural justice recognised in society at if a prima facie case exists. tive has invited her to nominate a counsellor large and updated from time to time in light of and other persons to support her during the wider developments in jurisprudence. The Bishop or Vicar General is able to take such investigation process. If she feels it necessary, other actions as the Canons permit, including the Commission can also help facilitate her In the past 20 years, the Church has amended the suspension of the respondent minister. obtaining such support. its Canon Law to comply with developments Should a prima facie case be established, a in labour law, establishing strict Pastoral Diocesan Tribunal considers the case against As indicated previously by the Archbishop, in Standards which govern the behaviour and the accused. Either party in the matter has a the matter relating to Revd Major, Safe and action of its ministers, and making provision right of appeal should charges not be brought Inclusive Church received on 8 July 2020 a for- for processes to protect the rights of both before a Tribunal. mal (written) complaint relating to her alleged complainants and respondents. The processes rape in 2002. In terms of our process, we meet laid down by the Canons may be compared Having this matter investigated in any other with the parties involved (as well as any other with a secular organisation’s grievance and way but in terms of our Canon Law, would ren- members that may be identified as pertinent) disciplinary procedures. der our process invalid in terms of our Canons and conduct an interview with them. and hence the Church would be unable to act Safe and Inclusive Church is a newly estab- on findings as well as be subject to court sanc- In our contact with the Revd Major, she ex- lished faculty of the Church, assented to at tion for not following our own process. pressed concern about the impartiality of an the Church’s governing Synod in September internal church process. As a consequence, 2019. This faculty was established to assist Both Revd Major as the complainant as well as Safe and Inclusive Church has included a rep- complainants and the Church to respond to the respondent are free, at their own cost, to utable part-time commissioner of the Gender allegations of abuse or harm (of which there be accompanied by a representative of their Commission on the panel which will investi- are thirteen categories) and then move it into choice and to seek such counsel and advice as gate her complaint. It is hoped that this will the Canonical disciplinary process. (Details of they may need at any stage of the process. provide her with an added level of trust and the Commission, and links to the relevant sec- comfort with the process. tions of Canon Law, can be found here: https:// continues on page 4 anglicanchurchsa.org/safe-church-guide/ ) We are awaiting a response from Revd Major Maya Angelou “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE DIOCESE OF CAPE TOWN Page 3 From the Vicar General’s Desk Dear Sisters and Brothers common ground that unites rather than di- In the Gospels we read that vides. Archbishop Thabo heads the Lambeth Jesus is dragged before the Design Group for the Lambeth Conference, governor by his accusers. In which has been postponed to 2022 because Matthew chapter 27, Pon- of the coronavirus pandemic. At the height tius Pilate is relentlessly be- of State Capture, Archbishop Thabo did not sieged with a barrage of accusations levelled shy away from pointing an accusing finger at against Jesus. To the beleaguered Pilate’s former President Jacob Zuma and implicating great consternation, Jesus chooses to remain him in facilitating the corruption and theft silent (Matt. 27:11-14). To quote the words of that nearly pushed our country over the preci- the 13th century Persian mystic, Rumi, “Silence pice and into abyss. In his Christmas sermon is the language of God. All else is poor transla- the Archbishop said that he hoped we will see tion.” Our church is facing what feels like a war 2020 as “the year of the orange jump-suit, a of attrition. It is being waged through public year of reckoning for those whose greed has protest action, in the mainstream media and driven the country to the brink of disaster.” If on social media with serious accusations lev- anything, this is what will save President Cyril elled against us.
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