NEWS PUBLI SHED BY THE NATI ONAL SP IRITUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE BA HA'I S OF THE UNITED STATES FOR CIRC ULA TION AMONG BAHA'IS ONLY No. 387 BAHA'I YEAR 120 JUNE 1963 First Historic House of Justice Is Elected (On the) occasion (of) worldwide celebration (of the) 1ost Great Jubilee commemorating (the) centenary (of the) ascension (of ) Baha'u'llah (to the) throne (of) His sovereignty, with hearts overflowing (with) gratitude (for ) Hi unfailing protection (and) overflowing bounties, (we) joy­ ou ly announce (to the) friends (of the) East (and) West (the) election (of the) supreme legis­ lative body ordained by Him in His Most Holy Book (and ) promised by Him (to ) receive Hi s infallible guidance. Members (of the) first historic House (of) Ju ti ce, duly elected by delegates comprising members (of) fifty-six national a emblies, are Charle Wolcott Ian Semple Hugh Chance 'Ali Nak_bjavani Lotfullah Hakim Amen Gibson H. Borrah Kavelin David Hofman Hooshmand Fatheazam To (the) jubilation (of the) entire Baha'i world (for the) victoriou completion (of the) be­ loved Guardian's unique Crusade (is) now added (the) humble gratitude (and ) profound thanks­ giving (of the) followers (of ) Baha'u'llah for (th e) erection (of the) Universal House (of) Justice, (that) august body to whom all believers must turn, whose destiny is to guide (the) un­ foldment (of) His embryonic world order through (the) administrative institutions prescribed by Ba ha 'u'llah, elaborated by 'Abdu'l-Baha (and) laboriously erected by Shoghi Effendi, and (to ) insure (the) early dawn (of th e) Golden Age (of the ) Faith when the Word of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Haifa, Israel, April 22, 1963 (signed ) HA NDSFAITH Members of the Univ ersal H ouse of Justice in the Shrine Gar dens on Mt. Carmel. F rom left: Charles Wolcott, Amoz Gibson, H ooshm and Fathecizam, H u gh Chance, H . Borrah Kavelin, Ian Semple, L otfullah Hakim, David Hofman, 'Ali Na!Qtjavcini. 2 Hands and delegates leaving the Shrine of the Bab where prayers were offered just prior to the election of the Univ er­ sal House of Justice. The election took place in the house of 'Abdu' l-Bahci. First International Convention Richly Rewards Participants The date of April 21 , 1963 - the first day of Ri<;l.van, their respective annual conventions in Ri<;l.van 1962, year 120, the hundredth anniversary of the declaration charged with the sacred privilege and duty of voting of Baha'u'llah of His sacred mission, has now been for the nine male members of the Baha'i world recorded in history as the day that witnessed the birth community who would comprise the membership of of the Universal House of Justice, that supreme ad­ the Universal House of Justice. ministrative body of the Baha'i Faith referred to in To enable the delegates to prepare themselves Baha'u 'llah's prophetic Tablet of Carmel and which spiritually for their great responsibility, arrangements Shoghi Effendi stated " is to be the exponent and had been made by the Hands of the Cause with the guardian of the Divine Justice which can alone insure cooperation of the International Baha'i Council for all the security of, and establish the reign of law and to visit the several holy places on God's sacred moun­ order in, a strangely disordered world." tain, Mt. Carmel in H aifa, and in its twin city, 'Akka. As early as ovember 5, 1961 , the Hands of the This was the greatest mass pilgrimage ever to have Cause had called the First International Convention of been made to the World Center of our Faith. the Baha'i Faith at which the election of this crowning administrative institution was to take place. The For the five-day period, April 20 to April 24, the delegates were the 504 members of the fifty-six na­ Shrine of the Bab was closed to the public, thus tional and regional spiritual assemblies elected at making it possible for the delegates to visit this most <".'• 1!<1~·· ,Iii .~r-· 'A matu'l-Bahci Ru}.i.iyyih Khcinum giv es instructions to the tellers who worked straight through the night in order to report the elec­ tion results promptly. J~r 3 Commemorating the hundredth anni­ versary of the Declaration of Baha'u'­ llah, the Rit;lvan Feast took place in the gardens at Bahji on April 21. H ere the believers are seen facing the Shrine of Baha'u'll<ih. sacred spot on Mt. Carmel to pray and meditate at any hour and as many times as they wished. Also, on each of three evenings a designated group of delegates spent more than two hours in the Inter­ national Archives Building viewing the sacred relics and documents, beautifully p reserved and arranged in accordance with the personal instructions of the Bah jf beloved Guardian, and gaining a deeper understand­ April 21 , 1963 ing of the significance of this edifice which he said is the first of the several structures which will eventually (1) Tablet of Ri9van constitute the Ark referred to by Baha'u'llah in His (2) Prayers and Meditations, LXXI Tablet of Carmel and become the World Administra­ tive Center of the World Order of Baha'u'llah whose (3) Readings from T he Dawn-Breakers beginnings trace back to the concluding years of the Heroic Age of the Faith. ( 4) E xcerpts from T he Dispensation of Baha'u'llah The election of the Universal House of Justice, (5) E xcerpts from God P asses B y designated by Shoghi Effendi as "the supreme legis­ lative body of the Administrative Order of the Faith (6) P oem by Andalib of Baha'u'llah," took place on the morning of the first (7) Tablet of Visitation day of Ri9van. The manner in which it was carried out and the results were reported by H and of the Cause Paul E . H aney at the Most G reat Jubilee a few days later, as follows: After casting their ballots for the first Universal H ouse of Justice, the delegates leave the house of the Master. Delegates assemble at the International Archives Building between sessions of the convention. The election was held in the House of the Master "When the balloting was completed," he concluded, and the Guardian in Haifa. "every one felt that Baha'u'llah had indeed been The delegates gathered and entered the main hall present in that gathering and that a unique and silently and all were in their designated places by wonderful pattern had been established for the world 9:30 a.m. to marvel at and in the fullness of time, to follow." 'Amatu'l-Baha Rul:iiyyih Khanum gave a brief ad­ Following the casting of the ballots and the appoint­ dress of welcome and explained the mechanics of the ment of eighteen tellers representing as many coun­ election. There were two prayers only, preceding the tries, all the delegates except the tellers adjourned election itself. for luncheon. In mid-afternoon they gathered a second The 288 members of the fifty-one national and regional time at Bahji where, in the beautiful gardens in front spiritual assemblies present proceeded to fill out their of the Shrine of Bah a'u'llah, they, together with the ballots. believers who reside in and near the Twin Holy Cities Ballots were received from every national and re­ of 'Akka and H aifa, commemorated the Feast of Ric_i­ gional spiritual assembly - fifty-six in all. Represent­ van, followed by another visit to the resting place of atives were present from all but five of these fifty-six Baha'u'llah. assemblies. The three-day convention resumed the following In silence the roll was called, each National As­ morning. Opened by 'Amatu'l-Baha Rul:iiyyih Khanum, sembly in alphabetical order. The members present there were three sessions on each of the remaining placed their ballots in the ballot box and those from two days, with one of the H ands of the Cause presiding absentee delegates were called and deposited by the and the discussion led by a different delegate. chief tellers. The program included the subjects listed elsewhere, As the various assemblies came forward, Mr. Haney none of which, unfortunately, can be summarized be­ commented, one was continuously impressed by the cause of lack of space and time for preparation for widely representative character of the electors and this issue of BAHA'I NEws. Suffice it tn ""'Y that all that we "were privileged to witness one of the great events of history taking place before our eyes." (Continued on page six) BAHA 'I NEWS Except for the first day, an of the convention sessions took place at the Beth H arofe auditorium in Haifa. Program FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION April 21-23 , 1963 'Akka - Haifa World Center of the Baha' i Faith April 21 9 :30 a.m. Election of the Universal House of Justice 4:00 p .m. Ric;lvan Feast Commemorating the lOOth Anniversary of the Declaration of Baha'u'llah April 22 10:00 a.m. The Victories of the World Crusade 3:00 p.m. Teaching the Faith Mass Conversion Home Front Teaching ...- Liberalization of Enrollment of New With great happiness R-­uJ:i,iyyih K hanum offers best Believers wishes to members of the new administrative body. 8:30 p.m. Status of Other Crusade Goals (including the Mother Temple of Europe) April 23 10:00 a.m. Consolidation of the Faith P reservation of Local Assemblies­ The Spiritual P rizes Importance of P ioneers Remaining at their P osts Establishment of Administration and its P roper Use The Nineteen Day Feast 3:00 p.m.
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