

This informations is from the internet pages of the Federal of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. Please read the disclaimer at,- 939488/Website-publication.htm. – 151 – State: Thuringia First priority projects Con- Ser- FG inv. struc- Length Re- ial Road Title costs from FTIP no. tion (km) marks no. 2003 (€ m) type Ongoing and definitely planned projects 1 A 4 AS Gera–AS Gera/Leumnitz 46KB 5.0 37.5 VDE 2 A 4 AS Gera/Leumnitz–AS Ronneburg 46KB 7.8 31.8 VDE 3 A 4 AS Ronneburg–AS Schmölln 46KB 8.9 72.7 VDE 4 A 4 AS Magdala–AS Jena/Göschwitz 46KB 11.5 185.7 VDE 5 A 4 AS Jena/Göschwitz–AK Hermsdorf (A 9) 46KB 18.5 101.2 VDE 6 A 4 AK Hermsdorf–AS Rüdersdorf 46KB 8.0 11.1 VDE 7 A 4 AS Arnstadt -AS Erfurt/O 46KB 15.4 75.8 VDE 8 A 4 Herleshausen–Werrabrücke 46KB 1.6 12.5 VDE 9 A 4 Werrabrücke–Eisenach/O 46KB 12.5 72.7 VDE 10 A 4 Eisenach/O–Waltershausen 46KB 12.0 90.4 VDE 11 A 4 AS Waltershausen–AS Gotha 46KB 17.5 8.0 VDE 12 A 9 AS Bad Klosterlausnitz–AK Hermsdorf 46KB 3.2 25.5 VDE 13 A 9 AK Hermsdorf 46KB 2.9 49.1 VDE 14 A 9 AK Hermsdorf–AS Triptis 46KB 16.7 50.8 VDE 15 A 9 AS Triptis–AS Dittersdorf 46KB 10.0 59.0 VDE 16 A 9 AS Dittersdorf–AS Schleiz 46KB 9.0 63.3 VDE 17 A 9 AS Schleiz–AS Hirschberg 46KB 19.3 58.2 VDE 18 A 38 Uder–AS Heiligenstadt 04KB 10.6 121.1 VDE 19 A 38 AS Heiligenstadt–AS Leinefelde 04KB 15.7 86.0 VDE 20 A 38 AS Breitenworbis–AS Bleicherode 04KB 11.9 84.6 VDE 21 A 38 AS Bleicherode–AS Werther 04KB 14.2 40.9 VDE 22 A 38 AS Heringen–Görsbach 04KB 5.9 40.0 VDE 23 A 71 AS Heldrungen–AS Sömmerda 04KB 18.6 116.4 24 A 71 AS Ilmenau/O–AS Gräfenroda 04KB 10.3 11.3 VDE 25 A 71 AS Gräfenroda–AS Oberhof 04KB 11.2 29.3 VDE 26 A 71 AS Suhl/Zella-Mehlis–AD Suhl 04KB 6.7 8.9 VDE 27 A 71 AD Suhl–AS Meiningen/N 04KB 13.8 10.2 VDE 28 A 71 AS Meiningen/N–AS Meiningen/S 04KB 6.9 21.9 VDE 29 A 71 AS Meiningen/S–Berkach 04KB 13.3 93.3 VDE 30 A 71 Lgr. ST/TH–Erfurt/Bindersleben (+ERDF) 04KB 46.7 50.8 31 A 73 AD Suhl–AS Suhl/S 04KB 7.5 91.9 VDE 32 A 73 AS Suhl/S–AS Schleusingen 04KB 7.8 127.3 VDE 33 A 73 AS Schleusingen–AS Eisfeld/N 04KB 11.7 145.4 VDE 34 A 73 AS Eisfeld/N–Eisfeld/S 04KB 6.5 15.9 VDE 35 B 4 N-OU Sondershausen 02KK 4.3 13.3 36 B 4 S-OU Sondershausen 02KK 3.5 5.5 37 B 19 OU Barchfeld, 2. BA 02KK 3.0 4.6 38 B 19 /B 89 Meiningen/N–Untermaßfeld 02KK 4.5 11.1 VDE 39 B 19 Osttangente Meiningen (B 280–A 71) 02KK 3.3 2.7 VDE 40 B 62 OU Bad Salzungen, 3. BA 02KK 2.7 5.9 41 B 85 Südknoten–Ankerwerk 02KK 4.5 10.9 42 B 89 OU Sonneberg 02KK 10.1 14.4 43 B 89 /B 4/B 281 Eisfeld–Sachsenbrunn 02KK 2.0 4.1 44 B 93 Osttangente Altenburg, 1. BA 02KK 4.2 8.5 45 B 93 Osttangente Altenburg, 2. BA 02KK 5.8 9.1 – 152 – State: Thuringia First priority projects Con- Ser- FG inv. struc- Length Re- ial Road Title costs from FTIP no. tion (km) marks no. 2003 (€ m) type 46 B 243 Nordhausen–K 4 04KK 2.8 11.8 47 B 247 OU Leinefelde 02KK 2.8 4.6 48 B 247 OU Worbis 02KK 12.4 38.8 49 B 247 OU Kalmerode 02KK 4.7 6.7 50 B 247 /B 84 OU Bad Langensalza, 1. BA 02KK 5.2 18.2 51 B 247 /B 84 OU Bad Langensalza, 2. BA 02KK 3.0 7.0 52 B 281 OU Triptis 02KK 4.0 9.5 VDE 53 B 281 OU Miesitz 02KK 2.0 4.5 VDE 54 Residual amounts for transport units open to traffic 1.7 55 Residual amounts for VDEs open to traffic 44.3 VDE 56 + Repayment 50 % federal state share 13.0 57 + ERDF 168.0 58 + VDE 2001/02 TOTAL 725.0 59 + PROGRAMME REALIZATION 2001/02 TOTAL 82.0 SUB-TOTAL 3,325.7 New projects 60 B 4 Sundhäuser Berg 02KK 3.7 5.1 TH5015 61 B 4 OU Straußfurt 02KK 5.7 14.5 TH5015 62 B 4 OU Gebesee 02KK 3.5 4.6 TH5015 63 B 4 OU Greußen 02KK 5.2 7.3 TH5015 64 B 7 OU Tüttleben 02KK 2.0 4.6 TH8018 65 B 7 Altenburg–Lgr. TH/SN 02KK 0.7 1.1 TH7606 RWA 66 B 19 OU Wasungen 02KK 3.5 41.5 TH6032 RWA 67 B 19 Talbrücke Zwick 02KK 2.7 15.2 TH6504 RWA 68 B 19 OU Fambach 02KK 1.4 1.6 TH6504 RWA 69 B 19 OU Schwallungen 02KK 2.4 10.9 TH6504 RWA 70 B 19 Wernshausen–Niederschmalkalden 02KK 4.0 1.6 TH6504 RWA 71 B 19 OU Meiningen (B 19–B 280) 02KK 1.9 2.4 TH7035 72 B 19 OU Waldfisch 02KK 1.6 2.5 TH8031 RWA 73 B 19 OU Gumpelstadt 02KK 2.2 3.4 TH8031 74 B 19 OU Witzelroda 02KK 2.4 3.3 TH8031 75 B 62 Hämbacher Kreuz 02KK 4.0 8.6 TH6042 76 B 62 Werraquerung Bad Salzungen 02KK 2.7 13.9 TH6042 77 B 62 OU Dorndorf/Merkers 02KK 3.8 10.8 TH6042 78 B 85 Saalfeld–Schwarza 24KK 2.0 6.5 TH8060 79 B 85 OU Schwarza Süd 02KK 2.4 3.0 TH8512 80 B 85 OU Oldisleben-Heldrungen 02KK 6.3 15.1 TH7049 81 B 88 Bücheloh–Gehren 02KK 5.0 18.2 TH5064 82 B 88 Gehren–Pennewitz 02KK 3.7 9.3 TH5064 83 B 88 OU Kahla 02KK 1.3 12.2 TH7605 84 B 88 OU Großeutersdorf 02KK 1.5 3.9 TH7605 85 B 88 OU Rothenstein 02KK 2.5 12.9 TH7605 86 B 88 OU Zeutsch 02KK 1.3 3.2 TH7605 87 B 88 OU Uhlstädt 02KK 1.7 7.2 TH7605 88 B 88 Spange B 247/B 88 bei Nauendorf 02KK 2.0 5.7 TH8020 89 B 88 Ohrdruf–Spange B 247/B 88 02KK 1.3 2.6 TH8020 – 153 – State: Thuringia First priority projects Con- Ser- FG inv. struc- Length Re- ial Road Title costs from FTIP no. tion (km) marks no. 2003 (€ m) type 90 B 89 OU Hildburghausen 02KK 7.4 10.0 TH7073 91 B 90 A 9–Gefell 02KK 4.9 9.1 TH7076 92 B 93 OU Gößnitz und OU Löhmigen 02KK 5.2 18.7 TH7610 93 B 175 OU Frießnitz 02KK 3.2 3.8 TH7601 94 B 175 OU Burkersdorf 02KK 2.1 2.7 TH7601 95 B 175 OU Großebersdorf 02KK 1.6 2.3 TH7601 96 B 176 OU Sömmerda 02KK 4.4 7.8 TH8086 97 B 176 OU Kölleda, 1. BA 02KK 2.5 4.2 TH8051 98 B 176n OU Gräfentonna 02KK 4.6 9.2 TH8087 99 B 247 Gotha–A 4 24KK 1.9 4.7 TH8018 100 B 247 A 4–OU Schwabhausen 04KK 3.4 7.0 TH8019 101 B 247 OU Teistungen 02KK 5.3 10.9 TH5093 RWA 102 B 247 OU Wintzingerode 02KK 4.0 8.1 TH5093 RWA 103 B 247 OU Ferna 02KK 1.4 6.0 TH5093 RWA 104 B 247 OU Höngeda 02KK 4.5 10.7 TH6502 105 B 247 Ammern–B 249 02KK 6.1 10.9 TH6502 106 B 247 B 249–Höngeda 02KK 3.2 7.9 TH6502 107 B 247 OU Großengottern 02KK 3.4 7.1 TH8099 RWA 108 B 249 OU Mühlhausen (B 247–L 1016) 02KK 3.4 3.5 TH6501 109 B 249 OU Grabe–Körner 02KK 7.4 11.8 TH8101 110 B 281 OU Neuhaus a. R. 02KK 4.0 8.9 TH6107 RWA 111 B 281 OU Pößneck 02KK 5.0 17.4 TH6114 112 B 281 OU Rockendorf 02KK 1.6 3.1 TH6114 113 B 281 OU Krölpa 02KK 2.0 7.7 TH6114 114 B 281 OU Gorndorf 04KK 3.2 10.9 TH6114 115 B 281 OU Könitz 02KK 1.0 3.6 TH6114 116 B 281 W-OU Saalfeld 02KK 4.2 8.0 TH8108 117 B 281 OU Mittelpöllnitz 02KK 1.5 2.7 TH8117 SUB-TOTAL 471.1 New projects with a special nature conservation planning mandate for the first priority category (see Chapter 118 B 2 Nordanbindung Gera 02KK 6.4 9.7 TH7601 119 B 4 OU Ilfeld 02KK 2.9 17.7 TH6608 120 B 4 OU Nordhausen 02KK 5.0 11.3 TH6608 121 B 4 OU Niedersachswerfen 02KK 4.1 9.8 TH6608 122 B 19 OU Stockhausen 02KK 3.7 6.9 TH8030 123 B 19 OU Wutha/Farnroda 02KK 2.3 18.7 TH8030 124 B 19 Wilhelmsthal–OU Wutha/Farnroda 02KK 6.4 41.9 TH8030 125 B 84 OU Behringen 02KK 3.4 4.3 TH7604 126 B 84 OU Reichenbach 02KK 2.1 2.8 TH7604 127 B 87n Fulda–Meiningen, Rhönquerung 02KK 8.6 65.2 HE5001 RWA 128 B 87n Fulda–Meiningen, OU Melkers/Walldorf 02KK 3.3 15.8 HE5001 RWA 129 B 87n Fulda–Meiningen, OU Dörrensolz 02KK 1.7 3.9 HE5001 RWA 130 B 87n Fulda–Meiningen, OU Stepfershausen 02KK 2.2 3.2 HE5001 RWA 131 B 87n Fulda–Meiningen, OU Herpf 02KK 1.2 1.8 HE5001 RWA 132 B 87n Fulda–Meiningen, OU Oberkatz 02KK 1.1 1.6 HE5001 RWA 133 B 90n OU Kleinliebringen 02KK 4.9 6.2 TH5063 – 154 – State: Thuringia First priority projects Con- Ser- FG inv.

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