io 1- N NILES .10 N N 0' 0' o HEP ALD-SPECTATOR JULY 23, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS ACTION GERBILS The family comedy "G-Force" is featured in this week's Film Clips. SEE PAGE BZ FOOD - STEAKHOUSE SPIRIT Morton's offers cool thEinks, appetizers for Thät summer ñiqhts. SEE PAGE 23 Leo Tsemperis tends to a lamb cooking on a spit Sunday at St. Haralambos Greek Or- ON THE LAMBthodox Church in Nifes. The Iamb takes about three hours to cook. Page 3. (Shauna Bittle/For STNG) 'e:Start career. here with a health Attend a free Health Care Information Session. ir-iafld S311t'I Medical Laboratory Technology & Phlebotomy 537111 jsf a,i,ygi7 ìf7SfldUQ9# Thursday, July 23, at 5:30 p.m., Des Plaines Campus, Room 1608 ØOOÛQL _r.*Q L13L0l For more information, call 847.635.1629. L'.JJ. 1600 East Golf Road, Des Plaineswwoakton.eduVGommunityGoHege z www.pioneerlocal.com THURSDAY,JULY 23, 2009 COWTACTMattSchmitz,Assistant Managing Editor news IE3 P:708.524.4433e: mschmitzlSpioneerlocaLcom IkA_ I VILLAGE GOVERNMENT ¡II ' e s I b4 I Ethics hotline o S.S w e s MLS .. f I lI is next step in et'f da' 9- a 'a big, big job' ¿w --- :' By TONY BERTUCA litter before it goes to the NEOF OUR FIN SIMPLY SENSATIONALt [email protected] Ethics Board." Morton Grove..New Lisflng! Shows Like a Model Home!Nitos. Rest Otter! EoqeiolteGronnan Iteights9 rm brick Morton Grnee.,,New on the Marketl Senoabnoat ontid brick Morton Gruvo,..Pdcu Roducodl StunnIng Split'lcvol rehuta with All cogIto, letters and e- Spec!acajlar to!aiiy upda!od B em BsIovol LarBe Meg em. EnglishIY, story homo w/upoctucu!ar molo tlrfumily roi expanded 8 ram Georgian on huge 72' e 124' lot + 30' o 26'3 bIn B 2 bulbo! Wulls remsvod tu crouto upurr living opaco Ethics reforms appear tomails will be logged and re- fauna! dining em & epdatod eat.in kit w/Skylite, 20 e 18 Banallyw/lireptaco, skylites, charmino window boo Seats B Sliding wraparound deckt Hugo lying roi w/tcay window B WBFP B on main lovel. Chot's dIclIna w/42" cabinots, granito cerisIer, nfl w/lireptaco & many built-Ins. Oak Bloom, recently updateddoor tu yard. Oak tim, recendy remodeled battis B lstcheo. turma! dining nra, Remodeled gourmet kit B main tir tamily coeterisland bsr. Redusignsd lswort000!w/tomilyrm&tulltcuth. be gaining ground in Nilesported to the Ethics Board, rouf, furnace, air coed, kw tank, siding, windows, concrete, Fubulous tirs bsmt/recroakosVmodia rna w/wot bar, halt bath, ram w/tiardwssdtIrs.3 tIrsw/lrardwsodtIrsB lullHardwood tirs. Bonus eoerciso mr ott 2 cur gop. Architoctural as villoage officials ocre poised and all hearings into al- 2 baths & kitchen! 3argo bas, garage. Mint condibon! laundry roi, workshop B loads of closet. 4 bru B 2 ½ baths, remodeled bath + powder roi. l'uIt tin bsmtwfrec mr. 2 cur Ott landscape. Paver patio. Near Horror Park B Park VIew School! Liaact on ou proposed otnrany- leged violations will be pub- Only $340o garage. S300'S gar + i cup dot gar. 6390'S 6370's meausethics bottine, lic. The Nitos Ethics Uoard Annunzioalso told the met Friday to discuss theEthics Board on Friday }nrtljne cind voted tI) bringthat he and the Citizen it beferre the full VillageCompliance Committee Board on Tuesday. Shouldwere crafting a new Niles the heatline be approved, vil- ethics code, which will be NEED MORE SPACE? LOVE A SPECTACULAR VIEW & LOCATION? "SUNSET PARK" EAUTVt PRICE REDUCED TO SELLII do lage officials expect it to bebrought before the board Morton Grove.Then you must seo this i Irna custem buril Skokiu.. .1 Otter!Raro Otter!! Spectocular 3 br-2 both Gtenviow..,Trenrenduusopportunity to own obeoubtut Nitos...lmpoccsblo 7 roses brick Ronchincsnvcnien up and running by Septem-in the near future. Split-level. Onginal Owners Pddo & Joy! Unbelievable Master Barcelona Condo 000dsOkIuB pool B pork like Breen opaco.brick Rauch ou prisse cul-dusoe locution InSunoet Pork!" Incodool 3 bm B 2 toll baths. Hugo updatod out-ia kitchc /i suite wfJacuzii tub, sep walk-iC shower, huge watk4n closet, her. 'Right now, we don't have ConvenIent ta popular Old Orchard shopping, restaurants, Liw pm rn/stove tR 3 bra w/Orardwood lbs & 2 h baths. Hugoopens tu slain ttoor tarrnly roi re/Sliders to pretosoioaall 20x12 Sitting Ars w/stone IP B utticeidsn Oak kit 66/eating 'l'he idea for a hotline was a mechanism to discipline entertainment B mure! Double balcony overlooks tire pout,updated eat-in kit w4argv eating area opens tu tB sunpoorn. lnoaiucaped teamed yard w/yativ, Largo roaster br Suit ureaFormal tiviny/dininp rm. Hardwood ttours, 4 bras B 2 elevators, Laundry un Same floor _doad 1 cur gumBo space - Muster BR w/tul! bolliHugu bomt w/lR Wog bar, bath B w/buth,Recent updotusinctudotoar-attroot,Iberer first put forward by Mayorsomebody for an ethics vi- 3 battesNear Skekie Swstt, tureut preuervWtraliu B hwy.Mint, tnrmacelatv B Muses-tn Condition! tecrediblo Location!! storago. Attachvd 2 car gar. Cluse tu evErything Locution! windows, temuco B gullem. 2 'h car goragv, tAlos Erse Bu .",' Robert Callero during hisolation," Annunzio said. $3700 Just $2285 6400's $288,000 campaign and has been"We (also) have to have GREEK GOODIES Peggy O'Congor and daughter Teagan O'Connor, 3, 01 Des Plaines, least on a selection of Mediteranneag dishes at the fleshed out by Village Attor- something in our ethics Big Greek Food Fest Sunday at St, Haralambos Greek 0rthodu Church in Nies, Organizers said the festival attracts 15,000 people over tho three- THE STAACKMANN-SEELEY. TEAM : ney Joe Annunzio and a cit- code that says ifa supervi- day weekend. (Shauna Bittle/For STIlS) - izen-led ethics committee. sor doesn'b report some- Certified DiStressed Property EpertS- Once the hotline is estab- thing, he goes before the lished it will allow individ- Ethics Board." In HiBou tough ecnaumlc thus, the posalbtllty nl losIng yuor hunau can be oPerwtaotmlag, Bufereyou puy for hotp or luso hopo, know that there uro soveral optIons to toreclosoro, We have thu uoporttuu tu guido GOLF GLEN MART PLAZA uals to anonymously report Siegel, who is assisting JtARELY AVAILABLE - 90' LOTt hOUSE BEAUTIFULt you tbroogh this difficult time. Call us and let's get started todayl anything they believe tobeAnnunzio, said the ethics Morton Greve.. Welt built 7 mi solid bdck Bunch in superb Morbo Gross . Absolutely breuthtakro3 br - 2 butta $p!i anethical violation perpe-reforms would have to af- tocaban! 3 bis Bt ¼ baths. Living cm w/tireploce-r- Level! Gourmet kit w/42 maple cob,neta, geunitu cnuvlertepa, Janet Staackmann or Andrea Seeley, CDPE trated by village personnel. feet the village's profession- separate turma! dining room B Oakloura In bedrooms breuktust bar B cerom,c loor. New t,urdwund ttsrs In living Screoued in porch w/tireplace Ecli walk oat born w/rec ram rm B 2 bra Fabulous 20 o 14 master br suito w/voulled 847-208-9230 773-593-6994 Whistle-blowers will also al culture, a well as em- 2 cur ut!uchsd garage Ongivut Owucrs Eocellent Potential, ceiling,tell bath am/ceramictIr,double vuoity B skylito Supermarket chain to test beable to report ethics vi-ployee behaviors. Value und location' Zoned R-2 Coil fur more rote Reduced Gorgeous redono tower soul tam ran, patio ott kitchen, garage Jaral Sluaclariron, Saving I,?ogìzes olations by mailing com- 'One of the goals is to to sell' ..............................S350s ... onej°ainily at a tnne. bides $409,000 plaint letters to a P.O. boxcreate a culture of honesty isit our website www century2l marinocorn or sending an e-mail to aand integrity so everybody MOHTON GROVE . Born isnuriuc . 5Z90 S - Mes n nr teck Ranch Oak issu- 5 bss 6 abariisrurmbamvenp.rw Cr0,12 car gar scaled-down model in Nuesspecial address. The nurn- knows," he said. 4425 enea - 6360s Cuotam 3 Cr5 bast Auen sr 'eaaasstaie 55cc LIUCOLU $114,900 -'ypayrert 4 room Codo-1,n buio-serre ki Fee Senil-bu e ISO' irr Cri 2250 CR1100 IN - te-thons - CaradaAi5A Cadge" ra ris 92l6 ,lnnisrr-SnnS s lieu csrslracbar' !iaasl quasy 6 racer' Ila'dvonenrs Caster br isbaS 2 e a5çar ber and addresses are ex- Annunzio said the village Fm bay wndow4ow assessment 0554 urnntori - saun,nao - Chuimiro a fr2 bath vurced un Csiaraai 2 sly loye,CrSnSa 4l t,lairir RIt Ri, banal crairsrria-israp Obiiasu Grabar 6l bluster br octe or 55D6UrCOLU - S120,900- EdenPot 4 oom Coo4îesy viP formai on a,Trerch users ra paSs Sas By TONY BERTUCA cording to the company. DeniseMeCreery ing merchandise that would Bbs-r ISASCIIER - $045555 - Roaviy asairbia C war buid 5. peeLed to be announced at is moving into uncharted p1ed-Spa,ale dn rm-Poo ?V ruas cvuecu . 53205 - Jonibe '5,5s,Isruie' T sirs 6i ieaei. rBCoeeLsorl -$ono's-Sruoniirs 4 br-3 taB B ChaS batir larme [email protected] Meijer officials said using spokeswoman for the vil-reflect diverse ethnie pop- rasrer b, u badi S eatS sr Caser-11 ari rai 5214 SAur? . Errores - Rare '6snru rarrarr' cesto lvigr mArs 52bs-lil brurrs Cul is, siero i,lormniuon aa-thrpe hiresllauchea riardvosd lin Oranee Nl the 'ruesday meeting. Theterritory with its ethics re- 8620 WM)XaA' - 514Ds - loly opth,Ó 4 ,Cno Ùl Irl4.15Iditi* oik Qae 1 Ne paol are space 5707 CAPCi - uflo s - roraB sauced u rm SpIC icrei ir env Bared4rrraSsevOoi bloater b, w'vab as closet lOuIWOU kit iiii a smaller store would helplage, said the new Meijer ulation in and around Niles.
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