F I L GOVERNMENT OF GOA; DAMAN 11 GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN Secretariat Administration AND DIU Notification Department of Personnel and Mministratlve Reforms No. 14/3/78-SA&C(Part file) Read: Government Notification No. file) (Vo1. I) dated 1-11-1983 published in Order Gazette (Extraordinary), Series II, No. 2-11-1983 and Government Notification No. No. 3/27/82-PER (Vol. IV) -SA&C (Part file) (VoL I) dated 31+1984 Read: Notification No. 14/3/78-S. A&C (Part file) in the Official Gazette (Extraordinary), Vol. (I) dated 17-4-1984. No. 43 dated l-2-1984. The Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to In exercise of the powers vested in him by th" make the following transfers and postings of lAS Officers to Rules :3 and 5 of the Business of the Government with immediate effect: --. Daman and Diu (Allocation) Rules 1963, the of Goa, Daman and Diu directs tllat in partial of the existing orders in the Schedules attached to . Name of the Posted on SJ. No. Present posting cited notifications, the Business of the Government sha" Officer transfer be allocated between the Secretaries to Government manner specified in the Schedule annexed hereto till 1 2 3 4 orders. 1. Sl1ri' P. M. Nair Secretary Secretary to the 2. Consequent upon this allocation the (Health) Lt. Governor. Secretaries is indicated as shown '.n column schedule. 2. Shri R. K. Bhatia Secretary to the Secretary . (Ur­ Lt. -Governor ban Develop­ 3. This notification shall come into force 'NiUi i rlmediat2 ment and effect. Tourism). By order and in the name of tIte Administrator of GO<l, 8hri V. P. Suri DiT8ctor of In- Secretary (Ind. Daman and Diu. dustries & and Labour). Mines G. H. lJlascarenhas, Under Secretary (SA&C). Panaji, 17th April, 1981. 2. Shri V. P. Suri shall also hold additional charge of the post of Director of Industries & Mines until further orders. SCHEDULE By order ,md in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. Allocation of Departments/Subjech.: among the SeeretUA'ie', to the Government N. P. Gannekar> Under Secretary (Personnel). Panaji, 17th April, 1984. Secl'etarie~ Departments/Subj;cts All(·U(;d ------------_._-_•. _._-_ .•_----_. ·'Order 1. Chief Secretary 1. Personnel and Administrative Reforms excluding Sectt. Admrt. No. 24/1/81-PER & Coor-du. 2. Read: i) Order No. 24/1/81-PER dated 7-2-1981. Home (General) exeluding 'frans· pDrt and Fire Serviees. ii)Order No. 24/1/81-PER dated 10-2-84. 3. Home (Passport). In supersession of the Order No. 24/1/81-PER dated 4. Information. 10-2-1984 and in terms of Rule 24 of the Goa, Daman and 5, Science, Technology & Elnviron·· Diu Police Service Rules, 1973, t11e AdminIstrator of Goa, luent. Daman and Diu is pleased to eonfirm Shri N. Dilip Kumar, 6. Planning - Review Coordina- probationer of Goa, Daman and Diu Police Service in the tion. Grade II post of the service with effect from 20-10-1983, i. Protocol. consequent upon his completion of the probation period 2. Development 1. Public Vvorks Department in. .sa tisfactorily. CommisSioner cluding Vvater 2 Electricity & Power By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, 3. Town and Country Planning. Daman and Diu. 4. Forest. 5. Housing including matters N. P. Gaunekar> Under Secretary (Personnel). taining to the Housing 6. Agriculture, Animal Husbandry Panaji, 17th. April, 1984. and Fisheries. 70 S.ERIES Planner (Group 'A' Gaz~tted) in pay scale oj Secretaries Departments/Subjects Allotted -1300 in the Town and Country Planning Department, naji from the date of his taking oveY.' of charge orders. His appointment is as pel· the terms and 3. Secretary to 1. Health & Medical. mentioned in the memorandum, referred to abov/; Lt. Governor pay will be fixed as per rules. 4. Secretary 1. Revenue. (Revenue) 2. Education. 2. The above appointment will bestow on 3. Transport. a claim for regular appointment a:Ed service Wy,,,",,,,,,,rI adhoc basis in the grade would not count for . 5. Secretary 1. Finance (Revenue and Control) . of seniority in that grade and for eUgibility for (Finance) 2. Financce (Budget). the next higher grade. 3. Finance (Expenditure). 4. Lotteries and Chit Funds. By order and in the name of tlL Aclmi.llistrat II 6. Secretary 1. Industries and Labour. Daman and Diu. (Industries 2. River Navigation. & Labour) 3. Civil Supplies. A. V. Pirnenta, Under Secretary (I;A \YD ! . 4. Social 'Welfare including Prove­ doria. Panaji, 19th April, 1984. 5. \¥eights & Measures. 7. Secretary 1. Municipalities and Urban Deve­ (Urban Deve­ lopment including the functions Notificaiion lopment & of the Director of Municipal Ad­ Tourism) ministration. No. 8-5-83/LAVVDiSWB 2. Tourism. 3. Vigilance. In exercise of the powers conferred 4. Fire Services. Rule 3 of the Rules of the State Board, Goa, Daman and Diu, 1970, the Government of 5. Secretariat Administration & Coordination. Daman and Diu, in consultation with the Central 'Welfare Board, New Delhi, hereby reconstitute the 8. Secretary 1. Law Department (Legal Advice Welfare Advisory Board, Goa, Daman and Diu consisting (Law) and Drafting). the Chairman and members as fonows: 2. Law Department (Establish- ment). 1. Smt. Vimal Ranade - Chairrnan. 9. Special Secre­ 1. Planning (as Special Secretary). State Govermnent N01nir,868: tary (PIg.) 2. Statistics and Evaluation. 3. Rural Development including Ru­ 2. Smt. Vijayadevi Rane - Member. ral Development Agency. 4. Irrigation and Flood Control. 3. Smt. Phyllis Faria - Member. 5. Com.munity Development and 4. Smt. Nirmala Sawant - Mem bel'. Village Panchayats. 6. Co-operation. 5. Smt. Rosy Coutinho - Member, 6. Smt. Cristalina D'Souza, - Memb€:r. ---------.... --------- 7. Smt. Sunanda Kudchadkar-Member. Works, Education and Tourism Oepartment Central Social WelfuTe BO(('Td Nomi';!.eeo: 1. Smt. Sudha. S. Amonkar. Order 2. Smt. Conceicao Fernandes. 3. Smt. Sulakshana Santoba Dessai. No. 14-3-68-WET-Vol. II Read: -- Government Order No. 14-3-68-FCS(Edn) dated Names of three more nominees of Central Social VlTelfaj'e 13-9-1974 confirming Shri S. Y. Kurade against the Board will be notified later. permanent post of Inspector of Schools with effect from 13-9-1974. The tenure of the above Board shall be for pel'ioet)f two years. with effect from the.. date of publication of this ?n recommendation of the Union Public Service Commi­ notification in thel Official Gazette. SSIon (letter No.4/13(1)78-AU-II dated 27-3-i984) the Go­ vernment is pleased to appoint Shri S. V. Kurade on By order .and in the name of the Administl'H tor of Goa, ~fficiating .basis in. the upgraded post of Inspector of Daman and Diu. ~chools/ASSIStant DIrector of Education in the scale of Rs. 1200-5(}~1600 in the Directorate of Education with effect V. P. Suri, Secretary (Social \¥elfare) fronl 13-9-1974. Panaji, 21st April, 1984. By orde,r ,and in the name of the Administrator of Goa Daman and Diu.' , T. 8. Khandeparker, Under Secretary to the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu. No. 1-1·8Z-HB Panaji, 18th April, 1984. Read: 1. Notification No. 1-1-82-HB dated 23-11-1983. ••• 2. Corrigendum No. 1-1-82-HB dated 6-3·1984, In e1xercise of the powers conferred by sub-section local Administration and Welfare Department section 4 read with sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Daman and Diu Housing Board Act, 1968 (12' of Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to HUEllU.<:"'.<;; Order Shri G. R. Vishwanathan, Chief (Projects) .HUDCO Regional Office, Ahmedabad as member of the Goa, Daman Diu . No. 4/1/6/84-LAWD Housing Board vice Sh1'i H. K. Yadav nominated vide Go­ vernment Notification of even number dated 23-11-1983, Read: - Memorandum No. 4/1/6/84-LAWD(ii) dated 2-4-84. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. On the recommendJition of the Local Selection Committee Shri Pradeep V~ Naik, Planning Assistant, pr~t1y w~rk­ A. V. Pimenta, Under Secretary (LAWD), ing in the Town and COuntry PUlnning Department, Panaji is hereby appointed on adhoc basis to the post of Junior Town Panaji, 7th April, 1984, :26TH APRIL, 1984 (VAISAKA 6, 1906) Revenue Department 3. If the Government is satisfied that needed for the aforesaid purpose, declaration under Section 6 of the said Act will be Notification Official Gazette, in due course. If the ~cquisiti() t1 or in part, the fact will be notified. No. 22/F/84-RD 4. The Government is further pleased Whereas it appears to the Appropriate Government (here­ clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the AddL :inafter referred to as "the Government") that the .land speci~ Shri Advalpalkar, Collectorate of Goa to. fied in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referred "to as the tions of a Collector under thE' said Act "said land") is likely to be needed for public purpose viz. Land Acquisition for construction of Road from Sristal to said land. Waizawada in V. P. Sristal Canacona. 5. The Government is also pleased to Therefore the Government is pleased to notify under sub­ sub-section (2) of Section (4) of the said -section (1) of Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act,1894 officers to do the acts, specified therein (hereinafter referred to as the "said Act") that the said said land. "land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. ~ 1. The Collector of Goa, P;1llaji. 2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or other 2.
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