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A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Divinity University of St. Andrews Advent 1978 ýR ý; ý i >y: ýy`ýkl ý\ .. ý I DECLARATION I hereby declare that the following thesis is based on the results of research carried out by myself, that it is my own composition, and that it has riot previously been presented for a Higher Degree, The research was carried out at the University of St. Andrews under the Rev. Matthew Black, D. D. F. D. A. Professor supervision of the , , of Biblical Criticism and Principal of St. Mary's College, and the Rev. A. S. M. Wedderburn, M. A. B. D. Ph. D. Lecturer in New Testament , , , Language and Literature. 41 CERTIFICATE Douglas Judisch, B. A. M. Div. has We certify that the Rev. , , fulfilled the conditions of the resolution of the University Court, 1967 Number 1, and that he is qualified to submit this thesis in application for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. PREFACE In his preface to the Sacrorum Parallelorum Libri Tres, Junius expresses the confidence that, if he has not attained the goal in writing the book which he yearned to achieve, he has at'least pointed out to 1 others the way of proving more successful. As the first monograph on the use of the Old Testament in the New, the Sacri Paralleli opened up new exegetical territory into which hosts of explorers and, indeed, settlers have since moved. The earlier scouts in this region often remind us that they are travelling in the pioneering footsteps of Franciscus Junius. Thus, Andreas Kesler in the seventeenth century makes use of the Sacri 2 Paralleli, as does the great Surenhusius of Amsterdam in the eighteenth 3 century. Even as recently as a hundred years ago Eduard Bdhl, in the historical introduction to his own dissertation on the Old Testament cita- tions in the New Testament, wrote: "Dass ein Mann wie Franciscus Junius, welcher mit Tremellius das berühmte lateinische Bibelwerk herausgab, viel Gutes bietet, lasst sich erwarten. 114 Yet, more recent surveys of past literature on the bi-testamental passages omit any mention of the original spade-work in the field. Ellis, for example, begins his summary of "the more direct study of NT quotations" with the notes which Drusius wrote around 1594.5 No account of auch research, however, can justly pass over the thorough work of Franciscus Junius. Some have con- iv V side red it, with good reason, the most important book6 of one of the 7 most influential exegetes in the Age of Orthodoxy. As Cuno observes, the Sacri Paralleli were truly epoch-making in the history of exegesis. The present 'study of the Sacrorum Parallelorum Liber Primus begins with a rather full account of the life of Junius for two reasons. First, there is no delineation of his life available in English longer than the brief article in the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of. Religious 8 Knowledge. Secondly, the life of Junius not only is very interesting, but also sheds much light on the rationale of the Sacri Paralleli. There follow discussions of this rationale, the history of the Sacri Paralleli and the various editions, and the hermeneutical principles employed by Junius in the Liber Primus. In the course of his investigation of the several editions of the Sacri Paralleli, the author has examined all copies of the book which he could locate in the public repositories of Scotland and so hopes that his treatment may prove useful to the rare book librarians of the collections concerned. The translation of the Liber Primus was executed on the basis of the first folio edition (1607) of the works of Junius, this printing being a reliable, specimen of the text and the earliest copy available in the Library of the University of St., Andrews. Some minor textual corruptions, how- ever, in the 1607 edition have been corrected on the basis of the original edition of 1588. Likewise, the Biblical and patristic citations which ap- peared in the margins of the original edition have been noted as marginal { vi, v 0 references here, * rather than being incorporated into the text in the man- ner of the folio editions (which sometimes match these citations to the wrong, sentences in the text). The translation here, nevertheless, follows the paragraph divisions of the folio printings, since such divisions are so few in the original edition. The third volume of this dissertation contains several pertinent appendices: The first is a photographic copy of the specimen of the origi= nal edition of the Sacrorum Parallelorum Liber Primus in the'possession of the Library of New College, Edinburgh. Mention has been made in the course of this. appendix if a note relating to a given page occurs in the "Errata', listed at the end of the copy of the Sacri Paralleli used here. (It was not thought necessary, however, to point out other obvious mis- prints appearing in this or other copies of the Liber Primus, since, for one thing, the same misprints do not necessarily occur in every copy of any given edition. ) Copies of the 1607 printing of the Sacri Paralleli are available in so many British libraries that to provide a copy of the Liber Primus of that edition here would be superfluous. The second appendix is a photographic copy of the "Praefatio" to the Sacri Paralleli (New Col- lege specimen again). The Roman numeral at the bottom of each page has been supplied here to facilitate reference to this "Praefatio" in the course of this study. There follows an annotated translation of the "Praefatio. 11 FOOTNOTES 1. Sacrorum Parallelorum Libri Tres (Heidelberg, 1588), p. x (number , supp ie . vii 2. Andreas Kesler, "Disputatio Inauguralis, Anno 1627 Jenae Habita, sub Praesidio Viri Plur.. Rev. & Excell. DN. Johannis Maioris, B. M. de Dictorum Veteris Test. in Novo Allegatione, 11in Theo- dorus Hackspanius, Theod. Hackspanii, SS. Theol. ed. , et Linguae Hebr. Prof. Disputationum Theologicarum & P. , Philologicarum Sylloge. Gui praemissa est eiusdem, auspicalis oratio de necessitate philologiae in theologia: sub finem addita D. Andreae Kesleri dis- putatio inauguralis, de allegatione dictorum Vet. Test, in Novo. Cum triplici indice (Noribergae, 1663), pp. 571,603. 3. Guilielmus Surenhusius, i11tUni1 'fob sive BLOXog Kct aUayfl in Quo Secundum Veterum Theologorum Hebraeorum Formulas Al- legandi, & Modos Interpretandi Conciliantur Loca ex V. in N. T. Al- legata (Amsterdam, 1713), p. 185. 4. Eduard Böhl, Die alttestamentlichen Citate im Neuen Testament (Vienna, 1878), p. xxi. 5. E. Earle Ellis, Paul's Use of the Old Testament (Edinburgh, 1957), P. 2. 6. Johannes Reitsma, Franciscus Junius, Een Levensbeeld uit den Eersten Tijd der Kerkhervorming (Groningen, 1864), p. 102. 7. Fr. W. Cuno, "Junius, ' Franciscus (Frangbis du Jon), '? in Samuel Macaule y Jackson et al., eds., The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, VI (London, 1910), p. 266. Cuno likewise states, "Die Parallela sacra sind sogar bahnbrechend auf diesem Gebiete gewesen, 11 in his article, "Junius,. Franz, 11 in Albert Hauck, für Theologie Kirche, ed. , RealencyklopUtdie protestantische und third edition, IX (Leipzig, 1901), p. 637. In Franciscus Junius der Ältere (Amsterdam, 1891), p. 97, Cuno puts it this way: "Junius hat mit den Parallela sacra auf einem bisher innerhalb der protestan- tischen Theologie unbebautem Gebiete die Bahn gebrochen. "" (We may note, however, that Cuno should have used the form Sacri Paralleli for the title of the book, rather than Parallela sacra. ) 8. Op. cit. , pp. 266-267. 0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I must acknowledge, first of all, the contributions of my supervisors to this project. I refer to the continued interest, encouragement, and the Rev. Prof. Matthew Black, D. D. F. scrutiny of , B. A. , Principal of St. Mary's College, and to the painstaking 'and time-consuming exam- ination of my work (especially the translation) by "the Rev. A. J. M. Wedderburn, Ph. D. I am likewise indebted to ' the Rev. J. K. Cameron, Ph. D. Professor of Ecclesiastical History, for assistance in numerous -, ways, especially in reading through my introduction and suggesting im- provements to it. Again, I wish to acknowledge the assistance in my studies of the librarians of the following collections: the. University Li- braries of St., Andrews, Glasgow; Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cam- bridge, Heidelberg, Göttingen, Leiden, and Kampen; the Library of New College, Edinburgh; 'the British Museum; the National Library of Scot- land; the Bibliotheque Nationale; the Koninklijke Bibliotheek of the Nether- lands; the Hessisches Staatsarchiv; and the Herzog-August Bibliothek of Wolfenbttttel. I am also grateful to the International Scholarship and Exchange Commission of the Lutheran World Federation for the generous scholar- ship which enabled me to prosecute the research necessary to the produc- tion of this thesis. The Aid Association for Lutherans and the Lutheran Brotherhood have also been of considerable financial assistance to me. viii i CONTENTS VOLUME I Page Preface iv .................
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