154 THE VIRGINIA TEACHER [Volume 17, No, 7 the week-end, decided it wasn't necessary to not only as great motion picture entertain- wait in order to sign an official paper that ment, but as a challenge to the artistry, was being prepared. When he returned, scope and settings of Shakespearean pro- more pressing matters demanded his atten- duction achieved on any stage at any period. tion, so the paper—an order to an English "The Good Earth with Paul Muni and officer—was never sent. Even after it be- Luise Rainer in a dramatization of extra- came apparent to all concerned, including ordinary scope and power, against the back- the officer, that the order should have been ground of walled cities, palaces, the terraced sent, and everyone knew what the order farm lands and the great Wall of China, to was, nothing was done by anyone. This vivify Pearl Buck's great novel. may be the most extraordinary tale of dila- "Lost Horizon, a picture starring Ronald toriness on record, and seems like it in the Colman, which will unfold on the screen perspective of the years; but doubtless the James Hilton's remarkable story with matter is most readily explained by suppos- scenes of mysterious Tibet and the far-off ing that no one thought the paper was of Himalayas. much importance anyhow. The statesman "The Charge of the Light Brigade, a was Lord George Germain; the officer who story and dramatic spectacle of this epic of should have got the order was General British heroism at Balaclava, suggested by Howe; the result of its not being sent was Tennyson's poem of the men who rode the surrender of Burgoyne and the estab- into the jaws of death. lishment of the United States of America. "Garden of Allah, starring Marlene Die- And so it goes. These examples, mind trich and Charles Boyer, a new dramatiza- you, pop up merely from poking around in tion of Robert Hichens' great novel, in the debris of a disorderly mind with the which color photography will reproduce the blunt instrument of an unretentive mem- beauty and mystery of ancient settings, the ory. To contemplate what genuine research desert of Sahara, the passage of caravans, by a competent scholar might produce is and other scenes of the desert. appalling.—The Kalends. "Winterset, a picttirization of Maxwell Anderson's great stage success, in which NEW FILMS OF EDUCATION- Burgess Meredith and Margo will appear AL IMPORTANCE on the screen in the roles they originally created. MANY of the great pictures of the coming season serve a double en- "The Plough and the Stars, based on tertainment purpose," Will H. Sean O'Casey's poignant drama of revolu- Hayes is reported as announcing. "Back- tionary Ireland, directed with the sweep and grounds vastly extended from the limita- power that made 'The Informer' an out- tions imposed by the proscenium arch of the standing achievement. theatre and built upon a world canvas "Anthony Adverse, a picture done with which only the camera makes possible, and majesty and power, which has caught the music and action that appeal to the millions spirit and intense drama of Hervey Allen's are joined in productions of higher dram- spectacular historical novek atic, literary and artistic values." "Craig's Wife, a screen version of the Some of the leading pictures of the new Pulitzer Prize play, produced wth an all- season are listed below : star cast headed by John Boles, Rosalind "Romeo and Juliet, with Leslie Howard Russell, and Billie Burke. and Norma Shearer, a picture which will A number of films deal with the lives and present Shakespeare's immortal love story exploits of great statesmen, great figures in October, 1936] THE VIRGINIA TEACHER 155 history, great scientists, great artists and can Indian, which will present the story of composers. "Such pictures may well be con- the original Americans who have vanished sidered as marking a new cultural advance," from our plains. says Mr. Hays. "For the fact is that his- Ramona, with Loretta Young, a great torical, biographical, and dramatic material color picture of Spanish and Indian life in heretofore associated with the cultural de- the old days of Southern California. mands of the few are being transformed Maid of Salem, with Claudette Colbert, into the entertainment of the many, by the in a story of great scope and sweep, pictur- magic arts of photography, sound, and ing old New England in the mob-swept days color." of witchcraft. Joan of Arc, in which Claudette Colbert The Gorgeous Hussy, a picture starring will essay the part of the immortal Maid of Joan Crawford with scenes laid against the Orleans. background of early America and featuring Marie Antoinette, which will bring Nor- an episode in the life of Andrew Jackson ma Shearer and Charles Laughton together during the post-Revolutionary days. on the screen in the portrayal of the life of Come and Get It, with Edward Arnold the unfortunate French queen. in the leading role, which will dramatize Madame Curie, with Irene Dunne por- historically and geographically the building traying the life and the deep love of the of a great industrial empire among the greatest woman scientist of our time, based lumber camps of Wisconsin, based on Edna on the biographical novel of her daughter, Ferber's striking novel." Eve Curie. Danton, to be directed by Max Reinhardt, - MARK TWAIN'S PRAYER with Paul Muni playing the part of the A Satire on War tragic figure in the French Revolution. "O Lord, our God, help us to tear their Film dramatization of familiar classics of soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; literature continues. Among the leading pic- help us to cover their smiling fields with the tures promised are: pale forms of their patriotic dead; help us Kim, featuring Freddie Bartholomew in to drown the thunder of guns with the a screen play of Kipling's famous saga of shrieks of the wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes India, with scenes taken in India to add to with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the studio production of the story. the hearts of their unoffending widows with The Prince and the Pauper, with Billy unavailing grief; help us to turn them out Mauch and Bobby Mauch, twin brothers, in roofless with their children to wander un- the title roles of Mark Twain's classic. friended through wastes of their desolated Camille, in which Greta Garbo will ap- land—for our sakes, who adore Thee, Lord, pear in a screen version of Alexandre Du- blast their hope, blight their lives, protract mas' Lady of the Camellias, made famous their bitter pilgrimage, making heavy their on the stage by such great actresses as steps, water their way with their tears, Modjeska and Bernhardt. stain the white snow with the blood of their Romance and the colorful episodes in the wounded feet! We ask of one who is the history of our country, and stories of brave Spirit of love and who is the ever-faithful pioneers that have stirred the imagination refuge and friend of all that are sore beset, and pride of Americans are to be found in and seek His aid with humble and contrite the following: hearts. Grant our prayer, O Lord, and Last of the Mohicans, based on James thine shall be the praise and honor and Fenimore Cooper's great saga of the Ameri- glory now and ever. Amen." .
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