
_ ... ce SherwoOd Libr&ry J 0 Box 23 LPO San Franoisco 98ssA-a8130 00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXII, NO 208 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1985 Hussein, Mlbarak In Moscow New Jarvik Patient Meet; Give Peres SHULTZ TO MEET WITH Returns To Surgery Mixed Reviews For Bleeding Problem By JOHN RICE GORBACHEV,SHEVARDNADZE By MARCIA DUNN Assoclated Press Wrlter By BARRY SCHWEID Assoclated Press Wrlter Assoclated Press Wrlter AMMAN, Jordan -- KIng HusseIn PITTSBURGH -- A 47-year-old and PresIdent Hosnl Mubarak of NEW YORK -- Secretary of "an agreement of prIncIples" at factory worker who receIved a Egypt, who met to assess the State George P Shultz, stress­ the summIt Jarvlk-7 artIfIcIal heart whIle falterIng MIddle East peace pro­ Ing "major dIfferences" between Shultz saId such an agree­ awaItIng a human organ under­ cess, gave mIxed reVIews to Is­ the UnIted States and the SOVI­ ment should gIve "a sense of dI­ went a second round of surgery raelI PrIme MInIster ShImon et UnIon, saId today he WIll rectIon" to US-SovIet rela­ today to fIX a "not uncommon" Peres' suggestIons for endIng fly to Moscow for talks Nov 4- tIons and East-West relatIons bleedIng problem, offICIals the Arab-IsraelI conflIct 5 In advance of PresIdent Rea­ 'IS well saId HusseIn also sald In an In­ gan's summIt meetIng WIth MIk­ The Moscow trIp was announc­ Thomas J Galdosh, who was tervIew Thursday he would not haIl S Gorbachev ed after Shultz met over break­ In crItIcal condItIon, receIV­ let the U S Congress coerce hIm Shultz saId he would meet fast for more than two hours ed the mechanIcal pump durIng Into dIrect peace negotIatIons WIth the SOVIet leader as well WIth Shevardnadze at the U S a sIx-hour operatIon Thursday WIth Israel by delaYlng an arms as WIth Forelgn MInIster ~duard MISSIon to the Unlted NatIons at PresbyterIan-UnIversIty Hos­ sale A Shevardnadze "PresIdent Rea­ The SOVIet offICIal, In a pItal because he faced ImmI­ The kIng, who met WIth Muba­ gan felt that It was approprIate statement to reporters, sald, nent death He was the thIrd rak for four hours Thursday, for me to go and I've accepted "Great hopes are pInned to that person to be gIven an artIfI­ told reporters he saw "some pos­ (the SOVIet) Invltatlon," Shultz summIt meetIng by llterally all CIal heart as a stopgap durIng ItIve development" In the Israe­ saId peoples In the world " an authorIzed Implant II prIme mInIster's offer, and He vlrtually ruled out reach­ The foreIgn mInIster saId MeanwhIle, In Hershey, An­ cIted the reference to a POSSI­ Ing an agreement to curb nuclear that, whIle there were "certaIn thony Mandla, 44, was In crIt­ ble InternatIonal conference, weapons before the Ceneva sum­ pOSItIve moments" In hIS meet­ Ical but stable condllIon, and possIbly under U N auspIces, mIt meetIng Nov 19-20 Whatever Ing WIth Shultz, there also showIng Improvement a week af­ and the IsraelI leader's mentIon Reagan and Gorbachev accomplIsh, were dIfferences And yet, he ter becomIng the fIrst reCIp­ of negotIatIons based on U N Shultz saId, there WIll stIll saId, both SIdes were dedIcated Ient of the artIfIcIal Penn SecurIty CouncIl ResolutIons 242 "be a great deal of work to do to contrIbutIng to a successful State heart, offlclals saId and 338 by the arms negotIators In outcome In Geneva Galdosh, near death from Those resolutIons embody the the future " Shultz saId he had a "worth­ heart dIsease, approved the heart of HusseIn's own plan, At the same tIme, he welcom­ whIle exchange" WIth Shevard­ Implant before surgery began WhICh offers peace to Israel In ed a proposal by Shevardnadze nadze, and the pre-summIt talk" at 4 p m Thursday, sald hos­ exchange for Arab terrltorles that the two superpowers aIm for are "IntensIve and searchlng " pltal spokeswoman Mary Lou MI­ It has occupIed SInce the 1967 chel He was In crltlcal condI­ MIddle East war and Involves an Dozens Of Leaders Arrested tIon today, offICIals saId InternatIonal forum to oversee "The deCISIon was based on a settlement the fact that the man's l.fe He added, "Yet even then, we Anti-Apartheid Violence Continues, was beIng threatened," saId fInd many contradIctIons MIchel "Death was ImmInent throughout the statement" by Gangs Rampage Outside Cape Town He would have been dead " Peres By TOM BALDWIN The InItIal Implant proce­ Peres made the proposal In Assoclated Press Wrlter dure ended at about 10 p m New York Monday In an address Thursday About eIght hours to the U N General Assembly JOHANNESBURG, South AfrIca department rules later, he was returned to sur­ and referred both to d compre­ PolIce arrested dozens of SectIon 50 authorIzes polIce gery for an hour-long proce­ hensIve MIddle East settlement, antl-apartheld leaders In pre­ to arrest people suspected of dure to stop "an unacceptable WhlCh the kIng seeks, and to dawn ralds In Cape Town and ItS threatenIng publIC order accumulatl0n of blood In the dIrect negotIatIons WIth Jordan townshIps, where stone-throwIng FrIends and colleagues of chest," accordIng to hIS sur­ HusseIn IndIcated both were rIoters s~ashed shops, banks the detaInees saId at least 30 geon, Dr Bartley GrIffIth of possIble, but only under the and cars overnIght WItnesses and possIbly as many as 60 peo­ the Unlverslty of PIttsburgh aegls of an InternatIonal con­ saId up to 60 people were de­ ple were arrested "The bleedlng eplsodes are ference taIned All appeared to be support­ not uncommon In artIfIcIal Im­ Israel has consIstently re­ A polIce spokesman In Pre­ ers of the UnIted DemocratIc plants," saId hospItal spokes­ Jected a conference InvolvIng torIa saId the arrests were Front, the natIon's largest man Tom Chakurda "That prob­ the fIve permanent SecurIty made because of the "IntensIty multIraCIal antI-apartheId lem has been allevIated " Councll members, WhlCh would In­ of the lawlebsrtess" In the Cape group PolIce can arrest people Before the second surgery, clude the SOVIet UnIon But Per­ Town area On Thur"day, the un­ In South AfrIca WIthout fIlIng Galdosh was "awake at tImes es IndIcated Monday that Mos­ rest reached to the CIty'S charges (and) respondIng to verbal cow's partlclpatlon could be whIte downtown area Hundreds The UDF Issued a statement commands," Chakurda saId consldered If the Sovlet UnIon of rIoters smashed WIndows and sayIng the arrests "proved the "That's a very encouragIng restored dIplomatIc relatIons overturned cars on fashIonable government was no longer capa­ sIgn," Chakurda saId "Accord­ WIth hIS country Adderley Street and battled po­ ble of rulIng the country " Ing to the surgeons, the Jar­ HusseIn rebuffed Peres on an lIce for nearly three hours Cape Town's segregated town­ Vlk-7 IS performIng qUIte ImmedIate end to the state of "Steps were taken agaInst ShIPS w~re the scene of the beautIfully The famlly IS war WIth Jordan "It's easy for certaIn lndlvlduals In terms of worst overnIght unrest, as gangs naturally concerned, but they hlhl to say he IS WIllIng to end SectIon 50 of the Internal Se­ of rloters attacked banks, oth­ are qUIte optlmlstlc The the state of war when he's In curIty Act," saId the offIcer, er bUSInesses, government of­ search IS on for a donor possessIon of the West Bank " who cannot be IdentIfIed under flces and cars heart " In French Test Mururoa Blast Was Five Kilotons, New Zealand Scientists Say WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) Government seIsmologIst France detonated a "small" Murray Lowry saId the blast underground nuclear deVIce at was not much above the ItS Mururoa Atoll test sIte In threshold for detectIon In the South PacIfIc Thursday WIth Rorotonga, about 930 mIles an explosIve force equIvalent west of the test sIte to 5,000 tons of TNT, New Zea­ It was the smallest of land SCIentIsts saId the fIve carrIed out so far The blast was the fIfth thIS thIS year A blast May 9 year and the 72nd SInce tests was estImated at 150,000 began at the French Polyneslan tons, the maXImum permltted MURUROA, French Polynesla -- The French frlgate E V Henry sIte In 1975 under a SovIet-AmerIcan trea­ Juts ln front of the Greenpeace ShlP 24 nautlcal mlles west of It was monItored In Roroton­ ty that France has not sIgn­ the French nuclear testlng slte of Mururoa Atoll Oct 7 The ga, Cook Islands, but was too ed but has so far observed Greenpeace ShlP Vega was selzed by the French Thursday when It small to be detected In New New Zealand WIll lodge a entered the terrltorlal llmlt of Mururoa (AP Laserphoto) Zealand formal protest LOCAL NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1985 I(WAJALEIN MSSlLE RANGE - LOGISnC SlPPORT CONTRACTOR FACILITIES ENGINEERING SERVICES - ACTIVITY COSTS FY1984 FACILITIES \:,NGINEERING TNt LUDES OPERATIar-. Of L fILITI't.S - FUEL AND ENERGY FOR POWER PLANTS HO I LER P LA..~T Tom Holmberg, rlght, expresses dellght WATER PLANT at the Speclal Achlevement Award presented SEWER PLANT to hlm by PRC Kentron's slte manager, MAINTENANCE & qEPAIR Of RE'L T'RO?I:.RIY Herschell Atklnson, at Holmberg's farewell - UTILITY SY:::.TEMS - BUILDINGS r. GROUNDS dlnner Frlday, Oct 18, at the Yokwe Yuk - SuRFACE AREAS Club - WATERFRONT FACILlTH.') Holmberg and hlS wlfe, Betty, say upon _ MISCELLMEOLS STRlh TUR]:," 1eaVl ng, "We wlll never forget any of you, MI"JOR CONSTRUCTlO N and wlll always have the fondest memorles _ COr-.STRU('TION £:. ALTFRATIOt\ LY of our days and years on KwaJaleln " LSC U~DER $100 OGO PER JOB (Photo by BETH SHOLAR, Kentron Photo Lab) ENGINEtRI\G A.,.lIm SUPPO~.I _ FIRf PREVENlION & PROTfCnO"1 _ REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAl - CLSI0DIA.L SER\.
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