Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report May 2014 Derbyshire Dales Local Plan –Submission May 2014 1 Sustainability Appraisal CONTENTS Glossary 6 Main Report 1 Introduction 8 A new Derbyshire Dales Local Plan 8 Sustainability Appraisal Background 8 Objectives and Structure of the SA Report 12 2 The Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Submission 18 3 Sustainability Appraisal Methodology and Framework 23 Tasks and Stages in Sustainability Appraisal 24 Appraisal Timetable 25 4 Baseline Characterisation, Plan and Programme Review and Sustainability Issues 44 Overview of Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Stage 44 Review of Relevant Plans, Programmes and Policy Objectives 45 Baseline Data and Indicators 67 Difficulties and Limitations 67 The Local Plan area and sustainability issues 70 The Sustainability Appraisal Framework 85 Consultation requirements for the Sustainability Appraisal 96 5 Appraisal of Derbyshire Dales Local Plan, Reasonable Alternatives Considered and Choice of Preferred Options 98 Identification and Assessment of Alternatives 98 Initial Options Appraisal 99 Appraisal of the do nothing alternative 100 Alternative Options for the Strategic Housing Target 101 Development Approaches and Sub Area Strategies 109 Housing Allocations 116 The Sustainability Effects of the Submission Local Plan 176 - Testing the Local Plan Objectives 176 - Strategic and Development Management 181 Policies 6 Sustainability Appraisal of Submission Plan 183 Predicting and evaluating the effects of the Submission Local Plan 183 Cumulative effects 185 7 Monitoring Proposals 189 Monitoring Proposals and Monitoring Table 191 8 Conclusions and Next steps 195 Derbyshire Dales Local Plan –Submission May 2014 2 Sustainability Appraisal List of Tables Table 1 – European sites for which potential likely significant effects were identified as a result of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Table 2 – Summary of requirements of the SEA Directive and where these have been addressed in the SA Report Table 3 – Appraisal Timetable – Stages of plan preparation and relationship to the SA process Table 4 – SA Scoring Key Table 5 – Comments received from SEA Bodies to Draft SA Report June 2010 Table 6 – European sites for which likely significant effects were identified as a result of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Table 7 – Neighbouring Authorities Plans and Programmes Objectives and relationship to Derbyshire Dales SA Framework Table 8 – Key Environmental Issues Table 9 – Key Economic Issues Table 10 – Key Social Issues Table 11 – SA Objectives, SA Theme and relationship to SEA Directive Table 12 – Revised Sustainability Appraisal Framework Table 13 – Housing Target Options Considered Table 14 – Housing Scenarios 2014 Table 15 – Comparison of implications of Derbyshire Dales Alternative Sub Area Scenarios Table 16 – Sub Area Distribution Options Rejected Table 17 – Housing Issues and Options 2012 – Reasonable alternative sites considered, summary of SA outcomes, site prioritisation and reasons for site selection/rejection Table 18 – Testing the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Objectives Table 19 – Inter-plan cumulative effects Table 20 – Proposals for monitoring the sustainability effects of implementing the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan. List of Figures Map 1 – Relationship between Derbyshire Dales and surrounding area. Derbyshire Dales Local Plan –Submission May 2014 3 Sustainability Appraisal Appendices A Consultation Responses to Joint Core Strategy Draft Plan – Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2010 B Consultation Responses to Derbyshire Dales Local Plan – Pre Submission Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2013 C Updated Review of Relevant Plans, Programmes and Policy Objectives D Updated Summary of Baseline Data and Indicators E Scoping Report Addendum Consultation Responses F Appraisal of Housing Target Options (including SA and HRA) 2012 G Appraisal of Development Approaches and Sub Area Strategies (including SA and HRA) 2012 H Appraisal of Housing Allocations Issues and Options 2012 I HRA Screening of Housing Allocations Issues and Options 2012 J Site Prioritisation Assessment Methodology and Outcomes K Appraisal of Objectively Assessed Housing Needs Scenarios (including SA and HRA) February 2014 L Appraisal of Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Submission Policies M Results and Contribution of SA Recommendations Derbyshire Dales Local Plan –Submission May 2014 4 Sustainability Appraisal Derbyshire Dales Local Plan –Submission May 2014 5 Sustainability Appraisal Glossary AMR (Authority Monitoring Report) A document which monitors progress in implementing the Local Development Scheme and the effectiveness of the Council’s adopted policies. Baseline Data Data (commonly collected as part of a scoping report) that is used to provide context to the SA Report and to guide the assessment and impacts of a Plan. Development Plan The documents, which together provide the main point of reference when considering planning proposals. Development Plan Documents A document containing local planning policies or proposals which form part of the Development Plan which has been subject to independent examination. European Sites Consist of Special Protection Areas (SPAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), RAMSAR sites and sites on draft lists for protection as outlined in Regulation 10 of the Habitats Regulations 1994. Local Development Scheme Sets out the Council’s programme for preparing and reviewing Local Development Plan Documents. Local Plan A Development Plan Document that sets out the key elements of the planning framework, including strategic objectives and also strategic and development management policies. Mitigation Measures These are measures requested/carried out in order to limit the damage by a particular development/activity. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This document, published in March 2012 sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The NPPF replaces previous Planning Policy Statements (PPS) and Planning Policy Guidance (PPG). National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) A web based resource published in March 2014 which sets out national planning practice guidance and complements the NPPF. Sustainability Appraisal (SA) A systematic process, required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) and incorporating the requirements of the SEA Directive, aimed at appraising the social, environmental and economic effects of plans strategies Derbyshire Dales Local Plan –Submission May 2014 6 Sustainability Appraisal and policies and ensuring that they accord with the objectives of sustainable development Sustainable Development In broad terms this means development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The National Planning Policy Framework defines sustainable development in terms of its economic, social and environmental role. SA Framework A set of locally specific objectives which are used to define what is important for a local area. As part of the SA/SEA the plan is then assessed against the framework in order to gauge its contribution to local objectives and its positive and negative effects. SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) A process required by EU Directive 2001/42/EC (known as the SEA Directive) for the formal strategic assessment of certain plans and programmes which are likely to have significant effects on the environment. Derbyshire Dales Local Plan –Submission May 2014 7 Sustainability Appraisal 1. Introduction A new Derbyshire Dales Local Plan 1.1 Derbyshire Dales District Council is preparing a new Local Plan, which will set out the overall vision, objectives and policies for the future development of the parts of the Derbyshire Dales that lie outside the Peak District National Park. The plan seeks to address local needs, especially for housing and economic development, while ensuring that the very special qualities of the District’s environment – both natural and built – are conserved and where possible enhanced. The Derbyshire Dales Local Plan includes a series of strategic policies which are intended to address the strategic priorities for the area, and a number of development management policies, which together are intended to be used in the day to day determination of planning applications. Once adopted the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan will guide future development across the plan area up to the year 2028. 1.2 The Derbyshire Dales Local Plan has now reached the Submission Stage. This report provides an account of the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) undertaken during the preparation of the Local Plan up to and including the Local Plan Submission Stage. Sustainability Appraisal – Background 1.3 As part of the preparation of the Local Plan Councils are required to assess how they are addressing the key aims of sustainable development by undertaking a Sustainability Appraisal (SA). The purpose of the SA is to ensure that plans achieve sustainable development through the simultaneous integration of social, economic and environmental objectives in plan preparation and adoption. The preparation of the Local Plan needs to be subjected to SA under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The SA conducted must also meet the requirements for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in accordance with European Directive 2001/42/EC (also known as the SEA Directive) which requires the preparation of an environmental report that considers the significant environmental
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