Fantasy Club Errata (2014-02-23) (based on the 7/29/2006 version of the manual. That is the version officially adopted by the Fantasy Club) Chapter 1 1.2 – Adventurer Statistics Each adventurer has several measurable attributes. The most important (from a gaming perspective) are the nine Adventurer Statistics or, as they are commonly known, stats. These stats are listed on the adventurer's card. Initially they will range from 3-18 and generating these stats is the first step in creating an adventurer. Each stat has an abbreviation which is used throughout the manual. Strength STR Overall Physical Prowess Intelligence INT Reasoning and Problem Solving Ability Perception PER Situational awareness and ability to spot details Common Sense CSE Sound practical judgment Health HEA Physical wellbeing, resistance to disease, healing ability Agility AGI Physical coordination, body awareness and kinesthesis Power PWR Magical Potential Comeliness COM Physical Beauty Willpower WIL Mental Strength There are several method of generating the initial stats, each with its own advantages. The method you should choose is based entirely on personal preference and the type of adventurer you wish to play. 1.2.1 – Random Stat Generation This method allows you to have statistics that are random giving you a unique playing challenge as your stats may not lend themselves to your initial vision for your adventurer. A lot of fun can be had overcoming these adversities. Roll 3d6 and write the result next to STR. Roll again and write that result for INT. Continue until you have generated a result for each stat. After all stats are generated make an additional roll of 4d6 and throw away the lowest roll. Total the three remaining dice. You may substitute this result for one previous stat roll. If this new roll isn't to your liking you don't have to use it. 1.2.2 – Randomly Generated Placed Rolls This method uses random rolls like the previous method but lets you choose which stat to place the rolls on. This allows you to tailor stats around your adventurer vision. Roll 3d6 a total of nine times and record the individual totals. When you have generated nine results place each result next to your choice of stat. After all stats are generated make an additional roll of 4d6 and throw away the lowest roll. Total the three remaining dice. You may substitute this result for one previous stat roll. If this new roll isn't to your liking you don't have to use it. 1.2.3 – Point Buying This is a point buy system and avoids all randomness in stat generation. It ensures an average distribution of the stats, but gives the player maximum flexibility. All of the characters stats begin at 8 and they are given a pool of 42 points to purchase them up with. Buying a stat point up one costs the following: 9 -12 1 point 13-16 2 points 17-18 3 points 19+ 5 points 1.3 – Placed Roll The Placed roll is described in the appropriate stat generation sections. 1.4 – Adventurer Race Your adventurer may start as one of the five recognized races of intelligent creatures on Jaern. Each races has differing appearances and abilities. There are two methods of deciding your adventurer race. You may simply choose whatever fits your vision or use the random race section below. Racial appearance and tradition are described later in the manual, however their main abilities and disadvantages are listed here to help you decide on race at this point. Elf Orc 1. Exceptional PER 1. Exceptional WIL 2. +4 to Missile Modifier 2. +4 to Grapple Modifier 3. Distance Judgment and Enhanced 3. Mental Stubbornness, Enhanced Smell Vision/Hearing 4. Slight Claustrophobia 4. Must eat 1 pound fresh meat/day Dwarves Lizard 1. Exceptional HEA 1. Exceptional AGI 2. +4 to Combat Modifier 2. Quickness 3. Resistant to Poison, Material Sense 3. Water Breathing and Homing 4. Don't like being off solid ground 4. Require immersion once/day Humans Halves/Quarters/etc... 1. Above Average Stats 1. Choose a #1 item from list of racial ancestors 2. [NOTHING] 2. Choose a #2 item from list of racial ancestors 3. Above Average Stats 3. Choose a #3 item from list of racial ancestors 4. [NOTHING] 4. Choose a #4 item from list of racial ancestors Most of these are explained in the section of the manual about that race. Two items bear explanation here: Humans are known for their adaptability and this is reflected in their above average stats. If you generated your adventurer using a random roll method then you may make two additional placed rolls (roll 4d6, total the three highest dice and use that result to replace an existing stat). If you used the point system you may take an additional 7 points to buy your stats higher. Lastly, full elves do not possess souls. A soul is required to touch the divine and hence elves without souls cannot be magically endowed priests. If you wish to play an elven priest than you may wish to posit that you had some other race in your ancestry and ended up with a soul. 1.4.1 – Randomly Choosing Race Roll 1d20 and check on the following table: Roll Race 01 – 14 Human 15 Elf 16 Dwarf 17 Lizard 18 Orc 19 – 20 Half-breed If you roll half-breed this means the parents were of different races. Roll again to find the race of each parent. Each must be a different race so if you roll the same, ignore the roll and roll again. The parents may also be half breed so follow this process until your adventurer's racial makeup is fully determined. Once the racial makeup is determined roll randomly among these races to determine which abilities your adventurer has inherited. For example if you are half human, quarter orc and quarter dwarf you would roll 1d4. On 1-2 you'd take the human attributed, on 3 you'd take the orc attribute and on a 4 you'd take the dwarf attribute. Repeat 4 times until you've done all 4 attribute categories. Then use the chart below to calculate any extra racial starting experience points. 1.4.2 – Racial Experience Points Experience points are covered in more detail in section 1.21. If you choose to use one of the models (pre- created adventurer prototypes) then you start with 2500 extra experience points to buy skills with. If you don't use a model then you start with 7500. Some races start with additional experience points. The chart below gives the amount and the breakdown so that starting experience points (XP) for partial races can be calculated. All races are targeted at having 15,000 XP in advantages. If they have less than that then the difference is given to the player in XP to buy skills, spells, etc... If the race exceeds 15,000 (which is doable with some half-race combinations) then the amount in excess of 15,000 is subtracted from your starting points. Dwarf Elf Human Lizard Orc #1 (STAT) 5000 5000 7500 5000 5000 Exc HEA Exc PER Placed Roll Exc AGI Exc WIL #2 (Combat) 5000 5000 NONE 5000 5000 +4 Combat Mod +4 Missile Mod Quickness +5 Grapple Mod #3 (Racial) 4000 8000 7500 7500 6000 Resist Poison 1 Distance Jdgmnt Placed Roll Water Breathing Mental Material Sense Enh Vision Homing Stubbornness Enh Hearing Enh Smell #4 (Quirk) -500 -3000 NONE -3000 -2000 Like Solid Ground Claustrophobia Req. Immersion Req Fresh Meat TOTAL 13,500 15,000 15,0000 14,500 14,000 + Racial XP 1,500 0 0 500 1,000 1.5 (Sex) – 1.10 (Hair color) You may just choose these attributes if you don't want to leave it to chance. 1.12 – Patron Gods 10 – Rudri – Dweller of the Dark – M/F 11 – Scrogg – Master of Fornication – M 12 – Zepheryn 13 – Vormaxia 14 – Almar 1.14 – Languages INT based restrictions on the number of languages an adventurer can have are removed. An adventurer can know as many languages as they are willing to spend experience points on. Initial starting numbers remain unchanged; however adventurers are not required to have either Paroli or a race language as their first language. They should choose whatever language(s) are appropriate to their background story. 1.15.1 – Effective Rating Often times the amount of experience you receive in an adventure is significantly above or below average. It is often useful to calculate all of your experience points gained so far (as well as any free skills or abilities bestowed upon your adventurer) and divide that amount by the average adventure experience (recommended is around 2500) to determine your Effective Rating. 1.23.1 – Exceptional and Inferior Stats By and large exceptional and inferior stats for adventurers are treated the same as the 'Exceptional STAT' and 'Inferior STAT' creature skills. 1.25- Melee Modifiers An additional modifier was added, Linear or LM. It has the same base cost as the missile modifier. It is used for high speed non- or low- arching ranged weapons, such as firearms. 1.26.2 – Stat Limitation A spell caster cannot overload or finesse a spell to use more units than their PWR stat. This means that the post spell units that can be used on a spell is limited by PWR. An exceptional PWR has no effect on this limit. 1.29.2 – Skill List Modification to all Ranged Weapon Skills Melee & Missile Skills: Some weapons may be employed in either melee or missile combat, to use them skillfully in both you must purchase both skills independently.
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