.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 16 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM New provost introduces himself to faculty provostship over presidency. Burish - Burish emphasizes ND's also a former Vanderbilt provost and Notre Dame graduate - gave morP Sl'ri­ quest to be even greater ous reasons for coming back to South Bend. By MADDIE HANNA "In addition to my family. two of thl' Associ are News Ediror most important things in my lifn an· my prol'!~ssion.... and my Catholi1: faith." Thomas Burish didn't have a hard timP said Burish. who f'XplainPd how th!'Sf' explaining why he lel't his job as presi­ personal prioritiPs Pach l'artorPd into his dent of Washington and LPe Univ1~rsity dncision. to brcornP tlw next provost of NotrP "What's most important to mf' profPs­ Dame in his address to faculty membPrs sionally is to lw at a gn•at arad!'mir Monday. institution that aspirns to lw gr!'atnr," ll!l rocalled a conversation with a Burish said. "Notre Danw now is a gn•at female freshman student about her institution of higher education ... but dorm shelves. cluttered with pictures of this University seeks to progress PV!'n male celebrities. farther. as all great universities do. It is "Then she said to me, unnecessarily I perhaps a feature of greatness, to aspire• thought, 'President Burish, I'd be happy to be even more." . to put your photograph up there too,"' Given the University's "wonderful. TIM SULLIVAN/The Observer Burish said, provoking hearty laughter. strong, academic institution" and New Notre Dame provost Thomas Burlsh addresses the faculty Monday after­ "I knew then it was time to go." noon. He spoke of his background and goals for his time at Notre Dame. Although he joked about choosing see PROVOST/page 6 CHILE NO students witness conflict, protests in Chile Clzilenns gather in renzembrnnce of their Sept. 11, riots ensue elected Marxist president. is were very violent and vnry mas­ By ERIC RETTER buried. sive protests against the dicta­ Nt-ws Wnr<r But soon violence broke out. torship," said Esteban Montes, When tlw procession reached professor of history and political Si\NTii\(;0 - Notrn Damn stu­ the east gate of the cemetery, science at Universidad Andres dents abroad in tho Chile protesters began to riot. forming Bello and Pontificia Universidad Program have studied conflict barricades and throwing sticks, Catolica in Santiago. and policP protests in Latin rocks and even Molotov I Iowever, with the reintroduc­ Anwrka. Now they've witnossed Cocktails at police, who respond­ tion of a democratically elected a violl'nl dPmonstration first­ ed with water cannons and tear president in 1990, the size and hand. gas in an attempt to quell the nature of the demonstrations Tlwusands of Clrileans gath­ disturbances. began to change. ered Sunday in Santiago in "My main reaction was shock, "Much fewer people started rnmnmbranc:n of the Sept. 11, and everything happened too going out to protest Sept. 1 I. as 1973 military coup that plaeed quickly to rnally think about it. there was no need to light and (;!'rwral Augusto l'inor.het at the My heart was pounding pretty demonstrate against a govern­ lwad of a military junta that con­ insanely," said Brian Carlisle, a ment that no longer existnd," trollPd th!' country until 1!J81J. Notre Damn junior who was in Montes said. "The exception was Tlw day began re Ia lively the cemetery when rioting a small group ol' people connect­ peacPfully with Socialist demon­ bngan. ed with Allende who used the strator·s gatlwring at La Moneda. Large-scaln Sept. 11 commem­ date to remember Allende's the prnsidnntial palace where oration protests began in death. as well as groups ol' much of tlw fighting during Parnest in tlw early 1980s, aftPr extn~mist youth who probably l'inorhet's coup took placP. and tlw military rPginw had begun to wnr!'n't ~~ven born in 197:1 who AP marrhing to 1~1 CPmentario soften its hard-litH'. anti-dis­ V\anl!~d to demonstratP thPir Demonstrators make a fire barricade In Santiago, Chile Sunday (;!'nPral, when· Salvador sention policies. during a clash on the 32nd anniversary of the military coup i\llendP, Chilc~·s democratically "Throughout the '80s, thes!~ sec CHILE/page 9 that brought former Gen. Augusto Plnochet to power. Reality hits early for som_e at SMC Alleged rape occurs workout and getting herself not very much time to form Older students have and her two children ready new friendships. I try to use around St. Joe Lake to balance school for school. all my time to study, cat, or At 29. rugate is one of a pick up the kids from between 3 and 4 a.m. Sept. 8 with responsibilities handful of women on cam­ school." By HEATHER when it was allnged that non-con­ pus who docs not fit into the Eight such students attend VAN HOEGARDEN sensual sex took place near the traditional student body Sain.t Mary's, and contribute News Writer boathouse, Hakow said. By LISA GALLAGHER demographic of 18 to 22- to the unique atmosphere of "Two people [known to each NowsWritor year-olds. The elementary the College, Saint Mary's An alleged rape W11S reported on other) from town came in and education student who plans registrar Lorraine Kitchner Notre Dame's campus early walked around the lake ... and to graduate in 2008 faces said. Thursday morning, but did not forceful sex occurred," Hakow It's 6 a.m., and most of multiple challenges - rais­ i<ugate, along with Angela involve individuals who are mem­ said. Saint Mary's l'irst-ynar stu­ ing a family and completing Sturni. Marie-Hose bers of the Notre Dame/Saint Ra~ws~dilie~m~e~~~d dnnt Kimberly Fugate's her courses. all while trying Semuhungu and Sister Stella Mary's community, NDSP director victim W11S fimnd in a car on Grapn classmates are still sound to make ends meet. Maris Kunihira, are among Rex Hakow said. Road by the ML-;hawaka Police and asleep in their dorm rooms. "My lifestyle is very differ­ the select group of' women Two people from the community taken to the hospital. When the But Fugate is wide awake, ent from those on campus," surrounding the University were squeezing in a morning Fugate said. "I senm to have see SMC/pagc 9 walking around St. Joseph's Lakn sec INCIDENT/page II page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Tuesday, September 13, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do YOU HAVE A BLOG? WHY OR WHY NOT? Promised land? It's no secret that there are millions of Latin American undocumented immi­ grants residing and working in the Jameson Loubsky Clare Heintz Mike Bogdon Madeleine Ryland Serene Bethune Christian Hoeffel United States. To many law-abiding U.S. citizens this freshman freshman junior sophomore junior junior is an outrage, and the LeMans LeMans Sarin Cavanaugh McGlinn St. Ed's mere thought of the Marcella undocumented immi- Berrios grants stealing away "No, I do not "No, because "Yes, but I "Yes- a cool "Yes, it's a nice "No, because jobs from lower-class have a web rm not very haven't posted people blog. .. quick way to rm a private ,, Americans is revolt- Wzre Editor blog. familiar with in years. vent or say person- in ing. For me, a sum- mer in Houston dis- web blogs." random more ways persed many of the common misconcep­ things!" than one. .. tions surrounding the immigrants' situa­ tion. While living on site at a Catholic Worker house of hospitality open to Latin American campesinos, I encountered the most desperate mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. I had previously heard the horror stories of coyotes smuggling people across the border in the back of a truck, running the IN BRIEF risk of asphyxiation, or of immigrant<; walking under the boiling Texan sun over The fifth annual Saturday the desert. I was even aware of the immi­ Scholar Series will begin at 11 grants' dangerous practice of boarding a.m. this Saturday in the moving trains, a'lsuming their arms will Hesburgh Center. History pro­ resist the body's weight for the day-long fessor Linda Przybyszewski ride. will give a lecture entitled Surprisingly though, the hardest part "Catholics, Concubines and the of the immigrants' odyssey is not the Constitution." arrival. Surely the gang members, rapists, and the corrupt policemen pose a A panel discussion titled threat, but the greater difficulty awaits "Why do we need the UN?" within the promised land. The prejudice will be held today from 4:15 and the exploitation the immigrants p.m. to 5:30 in the Hesburgh encounter immediately shatter the Center for International dream that America is paved in streets of Studies Auditorium. The event gold and that work is abundant. Though is sponsored by the Joan B. their intentions may be to earn an honest Kroe Institute for International living to feed a family of starving chil­ Peace Studies. dren, the immigrants are greeted as immoral criminals, with suspicion. The Saint Mary's Student There are civilian border patrols, Governance Association is known as the Minutemen, armed and hosting the State of the School vigilant, denouncing the immigrants' Address on Thursday at 7 p.m. unwanted presence to the authorities. in Stapleton Lounge. There are opportunistic employers who - conscious of the fact that there TIM SULLIVAN/The Observer The 2005 National are no laws to protect undocumented Alicia Alexander and Drew Beatty, members of student government's Academic Conference on Organ immigrants - exploit them with beast­ Affairs committee, collect donations for Hurricane Katrina relief Monday.
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