SPECIAL FEATURE SPECIAL FEATURE SECTION SECTION Bet» ïtotïc .riiron* PART V. EIGHT PAGES. PART V. EIGHT PAGES. XKVV YORK, SUNDAY, MAV 81, 1014. WHICH WILL DEFEND THE AMERICA'S CUP? American for the New Shamrock, an Ugly Duckling Three Aspirants Consid¬ Honor of Defending the Cup in Lines, Is Generally Against Challenging Craft ered a Formidable Con¬ Are Being Tuned Up for tender for Historic Trial Races Yachting Trophy with the Laverock an are a sculptor nn,i changed th« in th"ir rare far ns most her before the eyes < .a-s " IT H the new Shamrook afloí d'.e «if the three, gg pf f his boot when she .»¦»¦ her final triumph inore proportions Victoria gave a \\ and the three candidatos í« dimensions go, although closely roi ess of cop.-tr ¡,'ti'in. A the young Queen ¦till in the i and caused I)-.«- hüMOf Of defending th ¦pprnachtng the Defiance than tue Ree- world's fair wog t" b.lehrated Impetus tc shipbuilding she «aeaeures slavish imitation In various countrie ^m, r itC :¡i about t«i match speed I tiiute. in length over all in London end .-.'.tuples of vartoug la« the lines of the winning vessel. Be ind Sound, !he marir.r dOf 11!) f««-t. the greatest of them all Hot dustrles wer« wanted for eahlhtta Th, Of In r that the <«ld cod head an ..am unrolled and yachtSBM sail area s about !».<i«ni feet, while "ft in Düot boats had Uevlng fame at fault, a ¦!'. tl> happy. Tlie coming ra« draft and displacement are the sauv¬ the Atlantic, and ¡t vas %u» mackerel tail were wholly carries five tons ha<l won so easll to be as laterestinf as an as h> r two rivals. She representative of th« the present VOSOS! coateol with tin excellez extra on her k« 11 over the amo-.:nt Commodore Stevens of the New fiom yacht/ Of the older design, num previoui stnn«1s be- type. hers of craft were constructed wlthou chance for the Britishers. ,.The reduce borne by the other two anil ITorfc VachI Club, then In Its infancy, in the of her mast any t«i proportion or symmetr; ¦-.:.. ««:' the now rRfeera lias a iwtt-ri them height over the rcQueet. and thought She is save In these two parti«-u!ar?. Ani builders to arqrk t from deck to trin k. considered it w forthwith to build the Bngliah .vlien they did not come up to th kge in rnan> way-, win] to be one of the best looking models .*.merles end nd li<r over. Hir standard their builders wondere« ¦ Oi « heir designing ;s ,-¦«..! that «'.ardn'T ever designed linca cisv GEORGE STEERS WAS BUILDER whore the trouble lay. They did no i that CSUSt th throughout an» sweeping, and llltlea may Steers ha« their Like the R<seolute, her un'-er OF THE AMERICA. realise that when (icorg« ¦kippen to open ayei graceful. steri » the almost turned out lus model in with the Tanks body is of maganeae bronse, burnished Georg« Steers w decided on ns mpsiiaon he attention t« abroad who has see until it shines like g sohlen mirror. No builder. He was a designer "f grestt iitst hail giv«>n cn.i:al modele an expert other detail, it waa Btem wh« now Bhararo« expenee has been spared la building exp« lei and had planned every the practical f««r the statement, ac a her, ami whether she is the fastest if the ft Mi Li hi early mod- was reepOOalble king. When canted on goo that "for i or not sin* is the th« cod head and ording to Mr. Stephens, | «fie we aro tnl«l tlial the trio considered els he had followed read bul liter on com¬ vessel to sa.l easily, steadily an«l straight Unea f««i" tho greater pai best looking. Her owner, Alexander mackerel tall" shape, must b< upon has the full if. and in -*eaeral ily the displacement of water -i ngth. She is ugly en Smith Cochran, paid pletely revolutionised Num s tlv oi nearly unit'..un along the lines.' onal in tho modelling of ben amount from his own pocket, while the did mu« h to advan« ¦elenco 1 en nt racked their brains and l«roador c other two yachts have been built by noval an bite« shipbuilders and .»-ti in. more stuhhy what was meant by thiB two different "While he was skilled in the ordi¬ to burn Just iiian any «>f tho American «on syndicates, had it down to * nary drafting and moulding prac- bul Oeorgs Bteers :,is, ami baa many minor feature ship at rate COMPARATIVE DIMENSIONS OF \v. :n his in,« In bis own mind, any it direct variance with th writes P, Stephens, point DEFENDERS AND CHALLENGER. "»i from TYPE mai y uses Of yacht designer.» work "American fachting," ALL OF STRAIGHT KEEL some of the material has - ii¡ wood. Hei «lock is three fee The comparative dimensions of all which présent UNTIL 1831. th i.icii taken, "the basta of his work wa¿ rarer than tho hull just above four rechts are in a general way m America, up tc the h In miniature from Sin.e the time Of the : line, hor keel la l«>ng and cutí follows: the eonstructioa of th« formed, her rig Is largo, and ho ¦Olid block of lino. From this and Including RESOLUTE. tits the that are to race this coining ai construction seems to prophes; 107 feet 7 inches: of keel, yachts Length over all. and sections were taken September, the builders have sought that lar sail area, which Is not ye water line. 75 feet: beam. 21 feet 6 stem, counter small¬ and the lines were told down toi a form tiui*. will present th«- generally known, will he COfiatderabl; inches: fixed draft. 13.9 displacement. :¦ him the K-aat 106 tons; mast, deck to truck, 124 feet: th« Boor of the mould loft, est wetted aurfaeo and | of square f«eet« Th lae on 8,000 soil area, 7.800. for the timbers being made amount "f wave-making and the great« ih have worked hard to turn ou the moulds with VANITIE. linea i1 was his custom, set freedom from eddy formattoa odel that will return to Englan from these the time over all. 119 feet: water line, the sail power, pron th« Am. i Length *..>.' are told, no) merely to alter the grastest this autumn with tho «nip of beam, 21 feet 6 inches; fixed to th«- and 75 feet: ... em by hlmoetf of the America up Mischief -, her cabin, and think that thoi draft, I3.9: displacement, 106 tons; raced the cup in or ins filling Atalanta, that for a champion will crowd the Yanke mast, deck to truck, 130 feet; sail area. under personal direction, ;the P.000 square feet. lv-,1, all the boats were of the stiaight pretty ClOO« with hollow water lines for¬ The whole effeel of tho British ked type, yacht acal a d«'-'p forefoot Steel had B. Nicholson fe ward I ned by Charles not been thought of in the process of i and not for beauty, la not onl The various bulld- " free yacht construction. i rs were designing modela ave ah« will be elthei a con constantly of the skimming dish type and models an 11« utter faltara, that w«.uld cut th-- water like a knife aail area will i>«- no diaad ample an.I allow it t.« slip away from the un- it abe is fist the Vanltie «i stsrtood* with as little friction SS pos¬ the Defiance, hut in «-ase she i matched the Herreehoff boal sible. against After .'.cars of study ami im- ho will hiVé ft) 'Hii' thirty pr vcraeni there sppeared the si,.op r- a winner by two <>r thi 111 ¦.¦ it h Us;» forefoot and to gain the \ k< tOt*y. straighter waterllnea forward and a NEW LENGTH A BIG HELP T< long overhang aft she showed a CHALLENGER. marked Utterance from the old models, ami tvai i.« head «>t t!'."tii. llfi draft Su- Thomaa Lipton was s feet I inches, as opp««sed to the s I/O Of 'I «j feet T Inches of the old Pocáhoataa», i-onteetanta, pra t;. all; the nisi boat planned for sn actual cup .m departure from tin tiefender, snd »h« i> f< el .; Im bee of the ¡Mi-f... i ne oí pr« » Mischief ta thai puta the challenge; The Mayflower was a (tightly en- ¦ de 1 ttan, a hile the «¡« neeta and a. thai ..« mpeted a Ith th« -.. two« many ot:,. .1 the irrow, ;, plank on -, ::. type tba. had been the logical di \« |< pment 01 th« Knglish m< 1 in am) that there n III the period. of it in th« futur«. The ii'xt Bngflsb challenger, the Tinstle, was more of an American, than th« IT !. while the Volunteer, that raced with m.uked experimenta aa the Bhararo?'« her. was an improved Mayflower, with are totall) B Clipper Item and a draft of twelve «liffertnt, however, from the last d«- feel Without board. The next Ameri¬ r, the Relian« e, in many other d< can boat, th«; Vigilant, alUio Igb «arry- than that of actual aise. The», uig a centreboard, was virtually a keet rounder floors and sharper water mode!, with a draft of fourteen feet. forward thai .my «if the defend Her bow was the embryonic "tpoon «is or challent the daj s oi bOW*1 that became so popular later.
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