Department of Public Works and Highways 'lontiact ID No. 19rro025 ./ Contract l{ame Construdion/Maintenance of Flood Mitigation Structures and Drainage Systems, Construction of Palapag River Control, Palapag River Basin, Palapag, Northern Samar .- Cortract Leation Second District, Northern Samar.- -l-: f (, .9 Republic of the Philippines o DEPARTI4ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS b' F NORTHERN SAMAR oz 2ND DISTRICT ENGXNEERING o E REGIONAL OFFICE VIII Lq6.""*".r%\ Brgy. Burabud, Laoang, Northern oQ $'' nrcn1'"'ro E -q CONTRACT AGREEM E KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSI g\ '^:T,:::rj tszJ This CONTMCT AGREEMENT, made ihis -Ijf day of E S.-- 2019, by and between: E l,'H E OE The GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ->ur J] = through the Departsn€nt of Public works and Highways "--.{< sE6< (DPWH) represented herejn by FERDIT{AI{D A. BRIO ES, :E District Engineer duly authorized for this purpose, with office address at Brgy, Burabud, Lnoang, Northern Samar, hereinafter referred to as the "PROCURXNG ENTITY"; and cDU CONSTRUCTION, drganized and existing under and by virtue of laws of the Republic of the Philippinet with office address at Brgy. Magsaysay, Bobon, Northern Samar, represented he.ein by CESAR D. UY/ duly authorized for this purpose, hereinafter o referred to as the "CONTRACTOR'; WfTNESSETHI 3{ WHEREAS, the PROCURING ENIIry is desirous that the CONTMCTOR execute the Works under 19IIOd5 - Construction/Maintenance of Flood -85 Mitigation Structures and Drainage Slstems, Construction of Palapag 5= River Control, Palapag River Basin, Palapag, Northern Samar, Second District, Northern Sama., hereinafter called "the Works" and the E* PROCURING ENTITY has accefied the Calculated Bid of the CONTMCTOR for the execution and completjon of the Works prices &e at the calculated unit bid tabulated below, or a total Contract price of SIXTY TWO MXLLXON THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIXry FIVE Ea PESOS AND 651100 (F62,37Lft65.65) with a Contract Duration of Two Efr EE Hundred Seventy (27O) calendar days, and the remedying of any defects b5 therein. DPWH.!NFR-51-2016 Page 1of 4 . Department of Public Works and Highways Contract ID No, : 19rroo25 Contract Name Construction/Maintenance of Flood N4itigation Structures and Drainage Systems, Construction of Palapag River Control, Palapag River Basin, Palapag, Northern Samar Contract Location Second District, Northern Samar The calculated unit bid prices: I t.9 :!o UNIT F ITEM NO./DESCRIPTION UNIT cosr AMOUNT oz {PESOS) CLEARING AND GRUBBING = 100(1) Clearins and Grubbins ha. 0.s9 fi7.545.27 87,075.31 I EXCAVATION E 9 Surplus Common -q z E, 102(2) au.m. 4,222.00 135.34 571,405,48 E Excavation EMBANKMENT Embankment from 1U(7) cu.m. 1,455.00 239.0S 347,875,95 Structure Excavation AGGREGATE BASE COURSE z 201(1) Aoqreoate Base Course cu,m. 123.00 1,273.45 156,634.35 qt REINFORCING STEEL Reinforcing Steel Bars, E --s 404(1)a kg. 43,920.00 87.80 3,856,176.00 5 es Grade 40 '6-9 :d STRUCTURAL CONCRETE Structural Concrete, 20.68 u 40s(1)a3 cu.m. 7A2.OO 10,081,40 7,883,654.80 Moa. Class A. 28 davs E StructuralConcrete, 40s(5) sq.m. 1,078.00 338.89 365,323.42 Paintino Worlc HAND.I.AID ROCK EMBANI(MENT Hand-Laid Rock 508(1) cu.m. 1,099,00 1,154.05 1,268,300.9s Embankment z o SHEET PILES Sheet Piles (Steel), Slope s09(1)b1 l.m. 9,908.00 4,777.77 47 ,338,145,16 E Protection = E t OTHER GENERAL REOUIREMENTS z Project Billboard/Sign boa rd each 2.00 7.427.18 14.854.36 Occupational Safety and I 8.7(2) l.s. 1.00 185,114.07 185,114.07 , Health Prooram Mobilization/ 8.9 l.s. 1.00 297,105.80 297,105,80 Demobilization TOTAL (P62,371.66s.65) '+E NOW, THEREFORE, for and consideration of the foregojng premises, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. In this CONTMCT AGREEMENT, words and expressions shall have the same b9 meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contrad :i hereinafter referred to. 9" 2. The following documenb shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as part of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, and shall be interprebd in the following order of priority: aft DpwH,tNFR-S1-2016 Department of Public Works and Highways Contract ID No. | 19110025 Contract Name I Construction/l,laintenance of Flood lvlitigation Structures and Drainage Systems, Construction of Palapag River Control, Palapag River Basin, Palapag, Northern Samar Contract Location : Second District, Northern Samar a. This contrad agreement. I t.9 b. Documenb forming part ofthe Contrad Agreement !a : (1) Notice of Award (NOA) with the Contractor's signed "conforme" zt- o (2) Contrador's Bid in the Form of Bid, including its Technical and z Financial Proposalt as calculated by the Procuring Entity and ro conformed to by the Contractor through the NOA. (3) Bidding Documenb with Bulletins z E (4) Specifications (5) Drawings (6) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) (7) General Conditions of Contract (GCC) E z- (8) PerformanceSecurity ,i <e (9) Integrity Pledge under Department Order No, 85, series of 2013. E |,- (10) Other Documenb (a) ConstructionMethods (b) Const.uction Schedule in Form of PERT/CPN1 Diagram ,Esc\:- = ==d s the or r Precedence Diagram and Bar Chart with S-Curve, or other 5: approved tools of project scheduling, and Cash Flow, zE (c) Manpower Schedule (d) Equipment Utjlization Schedule (e) Construdion Safety and Health Program initially approved by the Head ofthe Procuring Entity (f) Contractor's All Risk Insurance (CARI) o2 b3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the PROCURING ENTfry to the e I CONIRACrOR as hereinafter rnentioned, the CONIMCTOR hereby covenanb tg o d, h with the PROCURING ENITY to execute and complete the Works and remedy E z I o any defects therein in conformity with the provisions of this CONTRACT o AGREEME T in all respecb. 4. In consideration of the e(ecution and completion of the Works by the CONIMCrO& the PROCURING ENTITY hereby covenants to pay the CONTRACIOR the unit prices in the CONTMCTOR'S Calculated Bid, as applied to the adual quantities accomplished as certified by the PROCURING ENTITY under q= the provisions of this COIITRACT AGREEMEI{T, at the times and in the manner E! prescribed by this CONTRACT AGREEME T. &e EE DPWH.INFR-51-2016 Paqe 3 of4 ,.. Depaftment of Public Works and Highways Crntract ID o, | 19110025 Crntract Name : Construction/Maintenance of Flood l4itigation Structures and Drainage Systems, Construction of Palapag River Control/ Palapag River Basin, Palapag, Northern Samar Contract Location ! Second District, Northern Samar IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto set their respective hands on the day, month and year first above written. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES CDU CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS PROCURING ENTITY CONTRACTOR Represented by: Represented by: D. I.IY WITNESSED BY: NILO MONTUBIG ,,",,tdd. ru*- Accountant II $ Chief, Section As to availability of Flnds Implementing nd-user IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affxed my signature and seal this day of -^' ^ yqHFO PIATIIONTF rdNtrrNA (gl fqr 9Efhc P.ovlnce ov,nce otoI DOC. NorrhtNo.'rr. S.rn.r5. NO. : ,v"_ i,r.. ;;- / ":l,i;ll,l$.,',1lo"c'u'rc.\' _ Il Page No. : %._ / roong-cJ",,n |r.), rs B;;kN;. /"-,;"!;,:1,n",$\fti;:ifl,,.",.,,,iliJiii;ifii1,",;{fii;#*ff;,":,^i,,.... 3!l,I,J;r;,r+-4 .( McrE con,rii c! N.. r i\oor,6;ill ij,' :^ riii ' -,i'rrr.nce No \J-h.lr11.1 ].e;.'^, --a (Addendum showins the corrections, ir any, made durins the Bld.S,illidi5$;triiiil#-,iirtflrru*o t,o - '' 'w' :' should be attached with this CONTMCT AGREEMENT) iii . ' ':rrtr, DPWH-INFR.51.2016.
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